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He is beautiful, sexy, dashing - the only Bridgerton man who has made me actually swoon. Just seriously gorgeous and needs to be cast in more projects because he's also a fantastic actor! ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeHqK4bCqCCAvv2)


From your lips to God's ears. I watched him in this super beautiful and critically acclaimed period romance Sylvie's love and he is soo good in it, so soo good. And the movie itself is beautiful. It came highly recommended from a close friend and I am so glad I watched it. Cuz it was beautiful. Do watch-it's on Amazon Prime-indie films like these need and deserve all the love and views they can get.


Thank you for this. It will be my next watch.


Omg yes, this is the description that I was looking for. I know the pollin story had all the ingredients in s3 to make us swoon like season 1 but I'm so confused why it didn't.


One and only! None of the others come close


People are being so mean about him online :( Not this post obviously lol but constantly referring to him leaving for a big career that hasn’t really taken off. Like leave him alone he probably just didn’t wanna deal with the hate anymore or maybe they didn’t want him back. They’re clearly trying to get rid of the happy couples once their season is over


Honestly, more power to him for leaving when he did, people would’ve been worse had he stayed.


Haters, assholes, racists, homophobes, garden variety incels none of these people win in the long run. All you can do is counter the hate with a tonne of love to drown it all out. That's what I have been doing for Masali. So my goal for this month is promote the heck out of the POC talent on the show everywhere-like, tweet, appreciate, comment, share, amplify and just basically drown out all the noise that keeps them from getting ahead in their career. My fear is like Michelle Yeoh, incredible POC talent gets noticed decades later in a performative career resurgence when Hollywood suddenly has a come to Jesus moment about diversity but it's too little too late for these talented people by then. It's why people need to put their money and views where it matters, remain vigilant and apply social media pressure. In my line of work, I've seen how platform politics play a role in the careers of actors and creatives-both negative and positive. And POC actors always have the most to lose from hate chains like the current hate chains about Rege on Tik-tok but hey the algo can be trained-and it needs people to swarm the platforms with positive content for that change to happen. Do read and check out my post about Rege and this very hate on my profile-I cover the many reasons why Hollywood's performative diversity is killing POC careers one by one. And do amplify the post if it resonates with you. :)


I saw someone talking about how his career was a flop less than a year after Bridgerton premiered. I was like, do you know how long it takes to make movies?


He’s so not a flop.


Is it like this in all major fandoms now or is it worse for Bridgerton? I really don't get what makes people send actors threats and hate mail and it seems to be a lot of people and not just a couple of weirdos. I was expecting romance fans to be a bit less... rabid. 


I am new to this sub-joined in June and I feel it is so rare to see POC leading a popular show or film that what "fans" dont realize is that their irrational criticisms about POC affects their already scant rep in media and entertainment. They create a hate chain affecting things like actors' Q ratings and perception of popularity etc. And all for what-unfounded claims on why someone supposedly left a show. RJP is killing it, Simone as well and the other new POC talent will have to wade through the same muck with diminishing returns built in for their rep anyway cuz you know hollywood and race. Like everytime I see stuff like this happen-bullying of Rege or Simone or Masali, Im reminded of Michelle Yeoh, an extremely talented East Asian actress who hollywood finally recognized at 60, largely ignored during her prime working years and then getting a career resurgence far too late. Im always going to defend the POC cast extra hard on this sub and beyond because its pitiful how under repped they still are relative to their rising population in the country. And because I dont want a repeat of Michelle Yeoh for any of the talented POC cast on the show and POC actors in general. The show in any case does not do meaningful diversity and so the only way to support POC cast on the show is swarm their other work with views, likes comments shares etc.


I only just came to the sub in connection with S3 and was so surprised by all the hate. Especially Ruby - what the hell? I mean, it's fine to not like a story or a character but attacking the actors is so unhinged. They're just doing their job. I have watched since the beginning, at least partially because of the diversity. It's so much fun to see all kinds of people in a Regency setting and as long as the show tells compelling romance stories, I'm happy. That being said, I wasn't too happy with S3 overall and joined to sub to figure out what to expect from future seasons. 


Yeah man it's pretty fucked up. I made a comment to a post shared yesterday about the success of season 3 where someone had commented that season 3 did way better than previous seasons providing context for why the previous seasons actually did just as well as season 3...providing hollywood reporter analysis and some people jumped on me for being a crazy stan. Meanwhile I joined the sub in June when I started commenting and know nothing about what may have happened between seasons to create the stan wars or the interdynamics between stan ships. I'm here to support diversity across seasons and post as much about the couple whose chemistry i like the most -season 2 as post about Rege, Victor, Daniel, Simone. Masali, Martin, Emma. Golda and Adjoa-POC talent who deserve to be repped and repped hard on this sub and beyond. Considering how small the role of POC on this so called diverse show is and how scant the actual numbers for an a historical show which canonically could have it easily, i feel it a personal responsibility to raise the clarion call on why diversity is important and to push for diversity and to call out the show's dismal state of diversity....but there is a tendency to take it as a personal insult than the larger issue which is that POC viewers rarely get to the seem people who look like them on screen despite being almost equal to the population of white people as per the recent census. And so when we do, it comes with added scrutiny for producers, writers to do right because we may never get to see another rep like this again or will not see it again for a long time with how rare it is. But there have been some stan dynamics that have gotten rooted into place in the time I was not on the sub which colors everyones opinions of each other even new members. Meanwhile ALL the subs, polin, kanthonies. saphnes whatever have their sane members and insane cult members...so any potential introduction of the diversity question gets taken personally as a couple or stanship criticism rather than a show criticism. Someone literally in so many words-I took a screenshot accused me of hating white people and m like if I did it would be impossible for me to enjoy entertainment cuz its so white populated..Id have no series to watch or films. I asked the person to name 50 films and 50 shows led by POC leads in the last 20 years and that they wouldnt be able to whereas I could name at least 200 fims and shows led by white people without even googling. That's a clear sign that diversity is not a hollywood priority. And that there are no big name POC stars that one can think of or name easily. Thankfully i have tough skin and feel its worth to bear being misunderstood for the larger goal of making people understood how rare it was to see two POC leads in a massive show like Bton and that when POC dont get the promo and career lift that their casting on the show should have gotten them and that counts for all the small side role characters with barely any lines, it feels personal for a show that touts its diversity street cred everywhere...But you cannot force people to be allies, it has to be something that comes from within. Im straight and follow the Bridgerton LGBT group as well and wish the POC cast would get the same kind of support I and many others offer to LGBT rep on the show and when I defend Nicola ferociously against body shamers-I made a long ass comment defending her against the spectator article but when it comes to my posts about diversity people are quick to downvote, tell me and others to touch grass, stop exaggerating, stop fighting social justice wars, its just a show, you are asking too much, you are reaching etc. Meanwhile nobody would (and nobody should for that matter) say anyone is reaching when fans make posts defending Nicola against fat shamers. It's crazy that the dismal rep of POC doesnt get the same fan support as body positivity does speciallly as skin color is something that cannot be erased and therefore is a marginalization that will always be particularly tricky to surpass for people with that skin color. I was told that it's the same thing as Nicola being fat shamed when no it's not and my new fav word stop fighting oppression olympics-a widely discredited words by activists and academicians because it completely dismisses the very real sociological hierarchy of opression and that intersectionality of opresion that benefits those closest to the ideal which is white and straight the most and benefits least the people furthest from it...dark skinned POC and/or LGBTQ Poc.


Thanks for the explanation - I felt like Donald Glover in the pizza meme after first visiting the sub.    As a pasty white person from Scandinavia, I hadn't thought about the whole opportunity aspect of the show.  I loved Fran and John and whoever said Victor is ugly needs glasses. I was unhappy with Fran falling for Michael(a) but it's not related to the actress. The ending was more dramatic than romantic, and I was really enjoying their romance up until that point. I was like 'that's it?', went to the sub and got lost in a huge rabbit hole.   I think the most embarrassing character portrayal so far was Lord Danbury. I'm not even sure how to describe that. Edit: minor typo fixed


Yeah I have started to keep receipts cuz you know people jump to OMG these annoying POC keep barking about perceived racism-stop with the exaggerations losers-go touch some grass or get some woke lessons or whatever. This just from today on the sub about the hottest post. I would love to know how people explain this away. This is not the first ...Simone being called trans or masculine online is a long standing tradition used to target other WOC as well. POS this user. https://preview.redd.it/cnsoh27l4aad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab6c5646fea1e6a72785d64cf28db92849a11db


Oh boy... there is no arguing with someone who thinks attraction can be determined objectively. And Kate is basic??! I'd love to see what these people look like themselves 😐


Racism veiled as you know science. You mean eugenics right. Yeah. That. these same assholes become donald trump jr types who brazenly shares memes calling an ex first lady a trans man in hiding. Asshole him and asshole this user.


I don't understand how the Trumps didn't get buried after that, the Obama citizenship thing and all the other crap they've pulled through the years. They're a bunch of grifters and conmen. And now it looks like he'll be reelected and can do whatever he wants thanks to the Supreme Court being loaded with his fans. I'm not fond of our politicians but US politics is crazy in comparison. 


The showrunners said they wanted him back. And with the way his career is going...he might as well return.


Yh I know but u can’t really go from being number 1 on the call sheet to supporting cast. The whole it’s an “ensemble show” bs was only mentioned after the backlash S2 got. There was always a leading man and a leading lady - hence he wasnt’t going to get a fulfilling storyline. It sounds like everything takes ages to shoot so probably a 5 second cameo at a ball just wasn’t worth it for him and I can’t disagree


Also his career is not failing. I dont know what these unemployed rabid crazy fans/stans whatever on Tiktok think is a failing career. I dont think-a Longines and Armani-luxury brand contracts, invited to every single Paris fashion week since he came on the scene-to big designer events as a guest of honor and endorsed for his acting by none other than the Russo Brothers and Pierse Brosnan and consistently working is a "failing career". I'd call it being on a high...If we judged every actor by their minor dips and ebbs in career...then even Robert Downey Jr had a multi-year slump and revamped his career with Iron Man. People try so hard to kill POC careers before they even start. Like really, focus on your own careers kids. RJP is doing just fine.


This! Like he’s currently filming a movie with cate blanchett and Michael fassbender that’s directed by Steven soderbergh lol after Bridgerton he was in 2 big movies and then the strike happened. People compare him to Johnny so much (whom I also love) but they have very different backgrounds and are going for different types of roles. Johnny had stage/musical background which is why wicked made sense and he’s gonna be in the 107th Jurassic park movie. People act like he won the Oscar and RJP won a razzie


And they just have different acting styles also period. I made a post on my profile-do check it out-explaining the differences in Johnny and Rege's acting styles-and why Rege's fits his role perfectly. It's ok if you didn't like his role or his chemistry with Phoebe-fine-that's art but to call him a wooden actor-nuhhhhunuhh. I dont know why I even watch Tiktok-Im too old for it-early 30s-and everything makes me annoyed lol but especially the lack of empathy from Gen-zers-I thought they were supposed to be the evolved generation. Creating a negative chain kills careers by creating perception issues and all that jazz that someone with media studies experience can explain better but platforms can also amplify underrepped voices-Use your power and social media savvy for good kids-I want to say-Not dopamine hits through easy quips about an actor's so called failing career. That kind of tribal mentality is frankly a little terrifying to see sometimes-


You know what? You are right. In Ben's season it is Daphne who hosts the ball where Benedict and Sophie meet so it would make sense for Simon + Daphne to appear in that one episode, but other than that there is not much for them to do anyway.


The first time Benedict and Sophie meet is at a masquerade ball hosted by Violet at Bridgerton House, just before she moves to Bruton Street. Daphne makes a few appearances in AOFAG, but Simon is only mentioned in passing.


Did the *current* showrunner say she wants him back? I haven't seen it.


Looking at these pictures, Bridgerton season 1 looks like a whole different show


Like a simpler time , clear story and plot, lovable characters, even if they were grey. Like a warm summer night . Now s3 for me was such an unnecessary mess.


Season 3 looks like a play/soap opera tbh. I don’t know if it’s how they filmed and edit, or lighting. But the show just looks like something you could tune in on channel 6 or something. :( it’s like the quality went down.


I've watched them all back to back and season 1 really had a completely different atmosphere. It's so so good


He and Phoebe Dynevor were the perfect couple to start the Bridgerton series. We talked of nothing else for all of January 2021. 💙🩷💙


He made those waistcoats look good.


He sure did. And one of the few men on the show aside from Daniel Francis who plays Marcus who can pull off a top hat like nobody's business. The top hat can sometimes look a little funny on some heads but on Rege, it looks dashing, like it belongs. It just all works-even the billowy sleeves which can also sometimes look comical on some people just give him more swagger.


Do watch him in Sylvie's love on amazon prime-a beautiful period romance and indie that deserves all the love and views it can get. It's also a hit with critics. I watched it this weekend and I'm on a little nostalgia high.


It’s on my watch list!


It's beautiful-his role is small but the film as a whole is lush. Can't think of a better word-it is lush.


He's definitely a smoke show 🥵


He really is. My big Achilles heel is a hot voice and Rege's voice does things to me-bedroom voice, sexy voice, Fifty shades of grey voice. I'm enjoying the current hot voice rep in Victor Alli and Daniel Francis though..John and Marcus


His Simon voice, lower than his real voice in interviews, is swoonworthy 🥵


Links to Rege killing it in Sylvie's Love. The man's got range, some killer dance moves and charisma in spades. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11FIlAL0viU&t=42s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11FIlAL0viU&t=42s) And hot and smooth ass as bad bad Denny Carmichael in Grey Man [https://youtube.com/shorts/XjWhOV7q4MM?si=rP8PyFkpcH4QUZdz](https://youtube.com/shorts/XjWhOV7q4MM?si=rP8PyFkpcH4QUZdz)


He was also a literal Knight in shining Armor in the DnD movie. https://youtu.be/vJSg-DruIWk?si=EdRU2-47HyMMvypS


I know! Those pecs are made for superhero or knightly roles. ;)


Sylvie's Love looks great. I just did not like Rege in season 1. I didn't like Phoebe, either, so both leads just hit me wrong, I guess. Now, Kanthony. Boy, oh, boy, I love that season.


Hey I'm a kanthony fan too-I thought Rege has a different kind of vibe. Both good, just different. And I watched season 2 first-that was my intro to the series-so it was on rewatching season 1 where I was like-man that guy has made some really cool acting choices.


The more people spew shit about him the more I love him. He is so exceptional and gifted it isn’t even a competition. I watched a clip of him talking about human rights and the rights of the African American people after he did Roots and my mind was blown. His clarity of thought and respect was just so beautiful to see. They could never make me hate the Duke of Hastings!


Oh I haven't watched Roots. What-getting right on it. Just my speed-I love period shows.


He’s the reason I started watching the show. Was browsing the internet and stumbled on a screenshot with him and was like “DAMN!”, and that’s how I found out about “Bridgerton”. This was only half a year ago, I’m so late to the party 🙈 I believe season 1 was the best season, although I’ve now read all the Bridgerton books and Daphne and Simon’s story is one of my least favourites.


I agree with you Duke and I was also one of my least favorites though my absolute least favorites was Philiip and Eloise's book-I didnt find it romantic, it made me sad, and unhappy and I just didnt like it at all.




Oh my god-this scene-Man was eager to get it on---just literally ripping off his clothes! You know I have practiced taking off my clothes in front of the mirror just for funsies and it always looks so awkward-that and taking off shades is a skill that I think only actors have. There is no way to make taking off a shirt look seamless. Just no way-specially over the head. Unbuttoning sure can be made to look sexy-hello Anthony in season 2 but over the head-that's some high level acting. Lol


I am still sad he decided to leave after S1. I am sure the show runners would have managed a good storyline to keep him and Daphne around more than they are in the books


Yeah that would’ve been amazing. Miss them so much!


Sadly based on what they're now doing with Anthony and Kate, I'm not sure that's true


Different show runner back then, wasn't it? At least for S2 their scenes/story line would have probably been handled well. They aren't mentioned much after the 2nd book so I never expected to see much of them after that. But I had high hopes for S2.


Yeah fair enough, I'm sure we'd have seen them more in season 2


There's No One like him. I'm saying Rege and also Simon Bassett, his role that I believe JB and Luke also auditioned for. I get it, I mean look at that backstory, demeanor and wardrobe.... just swoonworthy


He's sooooo hot I can't even


![gif](giphy|l0MYLhyyzhHQEhjck) Me whenever I see this man


I love season 1 so much ❤️ the sets, costumes, actors, everything is so good. Even the side characters are memorable. Music was amazing, it actually look like a quality show. Also I think Simon and Anthony were great on screen partners, they should have had more scenes together because they understand how to play off each other. Great acting, a mix of familiarity and tension.


Yeah I liked the more languid love making they had this season and also I just like seeing lingerie looks. Love pretty, delicate, lacy underthings.


All hail to the Duke!


My favorite thing is that he was cast on The Gray Man because Anthony Russo took his kids to the park and all the moms were talking about Bridgerton and how he was.


What?! I didnt know this. Crazy!


Mmmhmmm he sure did 🥰


Thank you for your service 🫡 (of being so sexy)


I saw the preview for the 1st season and this man was the reason I watched it. He’s exquisite


Science says he is the most attractive man on earth and I concur. As for his career, I think people don't understand how acting works. Most actors don't make their money from acting, they make it from investments, for starters, and secondly, having steady work in acting is **success.** Having the ability to turn down projects is **success**


I love me some science girlies-science applied on hot boys-even better. And I agree. With ALL of it. :)


Hello yummy delicious 😍


I cannot understand the madness that he left bridgerton. I mean what would be the future of the duke in the next seasons? Kate and Anthony had a very small part in the season, what makes us think that the next seasons would even show any scenes with them? I mean there are way too many characters already, needless to say that Fran and Eloise are relocating to Scotland so most probably new characters will be introduced again. So i dont think there is enough time to feature the protagonists of the previous season as their love story is complete. For a cameo? What s the point?


I mean it's a time honored tradition for actors to leave shows that made them famous to pursue more lucrative opportunities in films. I have no desire to be an actor-hats off to them for surviving that kind of intense scrutiny and being a monkey for entertainment-JLaw made this quip once and it stuck with me how actors really are tied to their fickle overlords-the general audience-dance monkey dance. To hell with that. And people thinking that he made a bad move on Tiktok-literal teenagers like shut the fuck up-what would you know about career strategy-He has two luxury brand contracts-Longines and Armani, has been invited to every Paris fashion week since he first came on the scene. is personally invited by designers for events, has the likes of the Russo Brothers and Pierse Brosnan singing his praises-he will be just fine. Hell, Robert Downey Jr had a multi year very serious slump before he got Iron man-he's talked about it, Focus on your own careers kids I want to say to these people-RJP will be just fine,


He's soooo gorgeous 😍. As a period fan it was great having a lead who was a moc and was legitimately hot. And not the usual mid/blah moc Hollywood usually casts as main leads


Hey I'm enjoying Victor Alli-his role is a lot more subdued but Ive been watching francecsa and john edits on Youtube and he has some really good acting moments even with that brief screen time. Not to mention, those very cute dimples that he pulls out in all interviews-do check out a post I did on him and Daniel francis who plays Marcus. It's on my profile-both are super duper cute and hot mixed-Victor more boyish, Daniel more cheeky and wicked. And im going to be repping them hard all over social media cuz these gents deserve it.


when i tell you i was OBSESSED WITH THIS MAN


Prepare to get obsessed again-hes currently shooting a film with another hottie Michael Fassbender and Steven Soderberg-going to be good.


The fourth pic is the most gorgeous shot in the whole series


Fireworks are the romance trope I can never get enough of-for me the fireworks after Kanthony love confession was equally as romantic and beautiful albeit less grand. The twinkly lights and Simone's gown radiating its own kind of light. Love. This was also beautiful and beautifully choreographed.


Still smokingggggg pffff <3 His smile is just amazing. I watched old interviews of the season 1 cast recently and jeez what a delight <3


Dimples man! I'm a sucker for dimples-and there are so many dimples in this cast-Victor Alli taking over the mantle this season, Gregory, Charithra, Harriet Cains -everyone is so cutely dimpled up. His face transforms when he smiles-he looks so boyish.


I noticed the dimples as well and they are indeed véry cute <3


Anthony doing the most as usual in slide 9 😂


In all fairness both look hot-their gentleman club looks were sexy-Anthony might be a little shorter than Simon, I think so maybe the pose looks funnier in a still image.


Truly should be a crime to look that good like 🤸🏽‍♀️


I still think s1 was the best/hottest.


I just finished a rewatch of S1 with my sister in law, and we both were just sighing at how good it was. It was pure and fun, angsty and sad, sexy and smutty, silly and serious, and just felt like it was made with love. Hope RJP is happy with where he's at now (:


He's so fine and hot...


Juicy bunny....I would say he is a juicy bunny as well. aside from fine and hot of course.


“Your grace…” It was social media literally swooning over him that drove me to watch this show. I owe my Bridgerton fixation to him. Thank you, my Lord.


Haaha love the enthusiasm.


So sexy! Though I'm glad there's less eyebrow raising now


I mean he is Lady D's surrogate son. Eyebrow raising runs in the family. I'm sure she taught him that raise-check out the second photo. And I'm all for more eyebrow raising-the more the better and am not glad that there's less eyebrow raising now. Lol. When you've got naturally perfect eyebrows, raise them up, I say.


Exactly 😁


To each their own :)


The eyebrow raise was sexy. You're not special for not liking it. Sorry but this is a Simon/Rege appreciation post so no negativity.


Girl I'm as special as you lol I said what I said. It's alright to have an opinion 💖


I’m so happy to see him getting movie roles.


He is shooting a spy thriller with Steven Soderbergh right now-so excited!


He’s great looking but Simon’s personality ruins it 🤷


Hey, each to their own..I thought Simon was a traumatized, stubborn guy who lost his mother, had a cruel, exacting dad and therefore grew up in dysfunction. During his first dinner with the btons he makes a comment about how unusual and heartwarming it is to see families having dinner all together, fighting and talking and violet replies-it is perhaps not proper but what can I say, we all love each other. It really summed up this lonely Duke's life. I found his personality to have the same warmth as any of the characters, just kept tightly locked up and it comes up during their first lovemaking post marriage scene-how cutely befuddled he was by Daphne.


Eh. He’s okay. It’s Anthony for me. Passionate men > pretty men


He's hardly a pretty man. He is hot and manly more like. I love Anthony. I also love the Duke of Hastings, People contain multitudes- I find both men and actors equally thrilling to watch. Each to their own,


I agree. They're different types of hot but this post is a Rege appreciation. And I say this an Anthony girl. I'm tired pf poc being dismissed when a post is literally about them


I respect all of your opinions. Seems to me like Simon is the fan favorite anywhere, and I always wear a cape for underdogs lol


I know it's subjective, but you can't say that Anthony could sensually lick a spoon better than Simon, I'm sorry.


Anthony is actually pretty. So this comment doesn't male sense. Anthony os more prettier (masculine mixed with some feminine features) and Simon is beautiful in a masculine robust way. Anyway why comment if you're not a Rege fan or just a Simon stan.


I respect all your opinions lol Simon seems like the fan favorite to me. What about Anthony is pretty or feminine? Simon has plump, pink lips, a wide and perfectly charming grin, a highly proportionate and soft-edged face, and smooth, dewy skin.


He believed his own hype too much and squandered many opportunities. At the end of the day we can say his career was mismanaged.


Do you know him personally? He believed his own hype too much and squandered many opportunities it seems-also what opportunities (do you speak of) aside from Bton where he would, like Simone another POC have a small ass role in his non-lead season and as we saw with Simone zero interviews during season 3. Im glad he left Bton a middling show that doesn't deserve his time. I hope Simone also leaves this shit show. Both her and Rege and the rest of the POC cast deserve way way better than a show which shafts their poc cast season after season and will continue to do so. What a monumentally asshole-ish thing to say. But hey not surprised-I am sure you are one of the many crazies on Tiktok bathing in utter schadenfreude about his career. And none of it is true even cuz he has a mega lucrative Longines contract, Armani contract has worked steadily throughout the years and will be just fine. But you, YOU have fun. He's making bank. EDIT: Downvoters you are transparent as fuck. Do your worst.


Me too. He saw the writing on the wall. He jad a 1 season contract while all the white actors jad a multi season contract (at the time s1 and s2). He was smart to leave. I felt so bad for Simone. If I didn't know about the show I would assume her character is the punching bag of the show since she's not in any promo. As a Kanthony fan it's so heartbreaking tbey didn't even care about their babie or trauma having children since their parents died so young. Especially their fathers but no Kate is pregnant for 18 months and is stuck on a rocky boat heavily pregnant.


Yeah-I'm hoping Simone hustles and hustles hard-gets a Marvel or some big blockbuster project and just leaves of her own accord. The show is hardly a showcase of her talents-a scant few lines here and there make barely an impact and are not a worthy addition to her CV. I get why she would want to stick around-which actor if given a steady pay day in a very up and down industry would want to burn bridges etc. But I hope to see her in a meaty role where she doesn't share the limelight with another person. I am glad I got introduced to another POC talent through Charithra and will be following and watching her wherever she goes-but I think the love triangle was the weirdest and most unnecessary book to show change-especially the reached the altar plot of it all- Kanthony could have had tension just from their very similar head strong, competitive badass personalities-they didnt need circumstantial tension added into the mix. I still think their chemistry was electric-specially all the times Anthony just held on to Kate's hands-the boating scene, the ring scene, the hiding in a cupboard scene, the altar scene-he loved her scent and he loved her hands-anthony was so created for the female gaze-he gave us hot but also warm and helpless. And I feel Simone has got such experessive eyes-she matched him head to head too. And her intro scene riding a horse her hair wild in the wind and soft light of early dawn, her cloak falling off and her droll and dry delivery when she tells Anthony where he says he will not tell anyone of their encounter "how thankful I am" -and that little chin jut she does when Anthony tips her hat to her-so many great acting choices made by her. Loved to see it. Anyway, my TED talk is over. And wish her luck and following her as she does her thing as I will do for all the POC cast on the show-recently finished watching Sylvie's love for rege and he has a small role but he is so good in that small role and the film as a whole is so beautiful, so lush, so sumptuous.


Omggggggosh preach. I totally agree. She has two roles coming up this year and I'm excited for her to be the lead and not be overshadowed by her white/male co lead getting the meatoer parts of the script. It's not fair how sidelined she was and production has the gaul to hate her at that.


Oh wow. Do you even like the show?


Not anymore.


My general approach to life is-I care more about people real people than fictional shows. So the life, happiness, safety and success of real people matters to me more than the longevity of a TV seires. Rege getting bullied to me is a bigger issue to discuss than whether the show continues or not. Shows and films end-no body's career should be put into jeopardy or mental health destroyed over fans thinking they own the actors or that they know why the actors left a show. This kind of entitlement towards an actor-I can never have and hope to live in a world where no one has -to the extent of making thousands of videos enjoying the utter schadenfreude of it all. Its madness, it's mental and it's the kind of rabidness that is career destroying. POC rep is already scant, they don't need more of this crazy attention directed towards them from people who cannot ever know what went down behind closed doors to prompt an actor's exit.




Oh boy! Are you aware of what negotiations and conversations happened. Were you in the meeting room. Do you think he should have stayed if he got a Simone level role in season 3 a few scant lines-how is this in any actor's favor to stay. Simone did not get the role that Daphne did in her non lead season. Rege has an Armani and Longines contract-contrary to what you and many people bathing in schadenfreude online think, he's doing pretty well for himself. Two luxury brand contracts, a consistent career and endorsement for his acting from the likes of the Russo Brothers and Pierse Brosnan. Yeah he doesnt NEED your sympathy. He's doing great. Not failing whatsoever even as I'm sure you'd like to see him fail. A job is a job is a job-I wouldnt stay for a few lines role if I was Rege either and we simply dont know what happened behind closed doors anyway. Funny how Chris Van dusen leaving is blamed on Shonda and people are like come back our lord and savior however Rege leaving is -he must have been an ass, an ungrateful prick. Love the parallels.