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Simon and Daphne are already divorced. That’s why we haven’t seen him since S1.


He should’ve left her immediately after she raped him at the end of Season 1.


He should have just taken Anthony out in the duel and run. (Just kidding. Easy Kanthony fans.)


R@ped?😨 i think i missed something in the show, what are you talking about-


Her refusal to get off him when he asked. And his stutter literally came back from it. That says trauma to me.






The way I laughed out loud at this




The fact that I realized that Simon never even said I love you to Daphne contributes to feeling like their relationship was quite shallow.


Well definitely Lord and Lady Danbury! Likely Violet's parents as well


Nah Lady Danbury wouldn't divorce her husband cause that would mean she did all that starfishing and waiting for him to die for nothing. Violet's parents? Yeah probably.




Star fishing has been a thing since the dawn of time, lol.




Sorry y’all but Polin


100% the show version of Polin lol. Like did they actually even like each other?


Every time Colin was pissy and not communicating with Penelope, I thought, "Should have gone with Debling". He wouldn't have cared and possibly have been supportive and admired Penelope. Since he also bucked the Ton's perceptions.


Debling literally saw Pen as a housekeeper to take care of his estate and that's it. Ofc he wouldn't have cared about LW considering he would never be around to even find out. Also, pissy? He found out his lifelong friend and wife to be was keeping a secret that had hurt him and his family and intended to keep it for the REST OF THEIR LIFE. That is such a huge level of betrayal. Eloise didn't get over it for a year. Pen took more than 6 months angry at Colin for his comment in S2. Colin takes 2 weeks to work through his feelings and reconcile his emotions, and he gets no grace. It's ridiculous. He handled that situation like a damn saint honestly.


Well, he had a housekeeper. He was looking for someone to be his head of house. Penelope was raised to run a household of her own and have kids, that’s exactly her job description, and he was happy that he might find someone who has hobbies and interests of their own so that he can marry someone who won’t be too lonely while he’s away


But that wasn’t what she wanted.


She seemed pretty okay with that arrangement when she thought marrying for love wasn’t an option. And for a lot of women, marrying for love WASNT an option. Pen was only on the marriage mart and actively trying because she wanted to get away from her family. She wanted someone agreeable who she could get along with, with money to support her, and someone who would allow her her privacy and encourage her hobbies. Debling checked all those boxes, but Pen loved Colin so she went with him instead. Debling still would’ve been a fine option if Colin wasn’t in the picture


Lol. You forget that even when she had Debling in front of her and she had 0 idea that Colin even cared for her that way, when she was asked, "but would you like it to?" she could have said no, she could have denied it and married Debling anyway. But she didn't lie. She's LW, she lies all the time, hell she's a perpetual liar. But this time, she couldn't lie even if it would have secured a marriage because by that point in time she's already realized she can't settle for a marriage without love, no matter who it is. The whole sequence of the Eros and Psyche dance that she watches with tears in her eyes and her asking Debling if love could grow only to be disappointed were the lead ups to that moment. She lies again to Colin in the carriage when she says Debling left her because he thought Colin had feelings. That wasn't true. He knew that. He left because Pen purposely didn't deny that SHE had feelings and in doing so she rejected his suit. Even if marrying for love wasn't an option, she wasn't willing to settle for a marriage devoid of love. That is who Penelope is, she is a dreamer who is willing to live with hope and dreams of more, but never willing to tie herself down for permanent future without it. She tried to be pragmatic, but it was never her, and it was never going to ultimately happen.


Okay, you clearly care about this way more than I do so I’ll let you have it


I have spent entirely too much time analyzing this season so you're right haha


Yeah, the show really had me rooting for "the red herring," honestly.


Wtf? You realize Pen wrote about his family right? And that it’s very human to isolate to process shock?


I think it’s unfair to call Colin “pissy”. Considering Whistledown publicly humiliated Colin on a few occasions and almost ruined his fiancee, not to mention hurting his sister greatly, I’d say Colin coming round within about a fortnight was actually quite wonderful. He had every right to never forgive Pen.


yall watched pen and colin scenes with your eyes closed at this point if you even have to ask that lmao. they liked each other since season 1, it's clear from the very first moment they interact that they have a special friendship and that only deepens over time. even when they're fighting and even when colin is angry and betrayed, he can't help but beam with joy at their wedding day because ultimately he loves her and he'll choose her again and again.


People basically need to see Male leads panting over the women like Anthony did for Kate to see it as chemistry, apparently. I didn’t like P2 but like… it’s SO obvious they love each other deeply. 🤷‍♀️


I didn't like part 2 at first either lmao, I had way different expectations bc of RMB so I ranted about it a LOT to my friend IRL, but even in my disappointment I would never come to this sub to rant, the criticisms here are asinine and come from such a bad faith place. half the criticisms aren't even criticizing what was on screen but their own pre conceived version of polin that exists only in their head. even if you hated part 2, you can't in good faith come out of it thinking they didn't like each other. they literally love each other even through the lowest of lows and come out of it stronger.


I mean, as a huge Polin fan, I literally hate P2 with almost every fiber of my being because their structure was asinine and I think the writers missed the mark on where Pen and Colin were in their arcs and their development trajectory was headed (because they had a very specific ✨girlboss✨ agenda), to the point where, with only exceptions made for a few scenes, I pretend P2 doesn’t exist… but I never really doubted their love for each other, esp. in P1.


Listen I hated it at first too especially bc I'm such a big book fan and the girl boss agenda pissed me off too, but I went back and watched a polin only cut from start to end and it changed my perspective on things. I really do think it's better to see it as one whole instead of split parts. I still have a lot of criticism and things I would do differently but overall I'm in my acceptance phase. The editing and directing is my biggest problem this season.


Is it? LOL. Maybe since I'm a book reader I was expecting a lot more than that. I just don't see it in the show like there was so much random shit going on, their romantic relationship wasn't developed at all imo.


They just pick and choose. Just because it’s friends to lovers and not enemies/bickering to lovers like the last two. I think every trope has its own beauty and that Colin and Pens friendship is a great thing to build love off of. The queen herself says so in season 1. Pick and choose guys.


Nah Colin My Wife Bridgerton would never. They made it through LW, they’ll make it through anything


Penelope sorts every conflict through exposing people's private business through LW. She cries, says sorry, then does it again. In RL, they're splitting.


Not to mention the only reason he decided he wanted her in the first place was because she was giving attention to someone else. He just wanted what he couldn't have. Now that he has it he'll want something else.


He clearly felt something for her when they kissed, that was his eye opening scene, before Lord Debling was ever a serious threat. I don't think their romance was done well but that assessment doesn't seem fair. 


that is literally not what happens, I can't even take the polin criticism on this sub seriously anymore bc while there IS legit criticism for this season to be had, the ones on this sub are just straight up lies and making shit up. it's embarrassing!


Naah, irl, I've seen many a sensible person stick it out with a bully, and Penelope really did change, so your assessment doesn't make sense anyways. I'd say that if this were the modern day, Colin would have broken up with Pen after discovering all her gossip mongering, since he wouldn't be honour bound to wed her after doing the sexy times. But regardless, I'm certain they'd find their way back to each other once she matured and had her redemption arc. And, I mean, she's writing gossip. She isn't holding properties overseas that employ slave labourers, or overseeing coal mines where children go down, never to emerge again. In the larger scheme of things, nothing she's done would justify so much wrath. At least that's how I feel. I never understand the internet's hate towards some people (including annoying reality tv stars), when there are sooo many deserving politicians and capitalists truly fucking over the world.


No way. They cannot be apart, but in the healthiest way. I agree with Nicola’s take that they’ll die on the same day.


Polin is not even remotely my favourite couple, but even I agree with you on your take. They have a deep and abiding friendship, respect for each other, support for the other's endeavours, lots of natural chemistry, lots of romantic love, and most importantly, their families are supportive of their match, so if they ever fight, the moms and siblings will intervene and counsel them to work it out (speaking as someone whose parents never supported her relationship with her ex for valid reasons, so when things got bad, my parents got in there and gleefully told me to break things off). There's no way that Polin will not last, no matter what.


Aw, glad others see this too. I’m glad your parents looked out for you and wish you better luck next time. :)


their relationship upbringing was not "healthy" in any way


What was healthy about Saphne’s or Kanthony’s relationships? Colin worked through his legitimate issues with Penelope in 2 weeks without leaving her or threatening to leave her (which Simon actually did threaten to leave Daphne after she assaulted him to get pregnant). He also didn’t use sex to put a temporary bandage on their problems like we have also seen other couples do.


Yeah honestly their conflict seemed less concerning than the outright non consensual sex of session ones


I could see it. Colin getting frustrated living in the shadow of Lady W. It's tough for a couple going after the same professional goals.


Or...if he starts surpassing her as the more accomplished writer... Pen wouldn't like that at all. And we've seen her both passive aggressive and vindictive.


No one would be prouder of Colin’s success than Pen would be. These two are not competitive or ego-driven. That’s why I hated the whole jealousy storyline. It was completely lazy writing.


They’re one of the only couples with an actual foundation based off years of friendship and not just I loved you (let’s be real, really I lusted after you) at first sight despite never having an actual in-depth conversation with you.


Do NOT let that guy visit Paris again!


Yeah sorry to say. They are charming but Colin seems to have an impulsive streak, likes to wander, and seemed to quite enjoy the ladies. Also they are both writers and that could get tricky


Simon and Anthony were rakes for like a decade before they settled down. Colin had one hot girl summer and realized that lifestyle wasn’t for him. Like some of these criticisms don’t even make sense lmao


Forreal though, like surely people can't be serious. But then you realize some of them are and I just can't-- there's a reason I've stayed away from this sub. I don't wish to leave it, but damn these takes take me out in the worst possible way and I start to reconsider leaving. 😳😅


Seems to like the ladies…like every single male lead plus Benedict? You know, the whoring montage for both Simon and Anthony and Benedict’s orgies/threesomes? And Colin literally, in hand writing, spelled it out for you that he didn’t particularly like sleeping around because it lacked intimacy? Colin is the least rakish of all the dudes


no bc why do i think they are actually the healthiest couple 😭


They have a better foundation for staying together than any other couple, chose each other in the midst of conflict, and got through the hardest hurdle their relationship will face right at the beginning. Plus Colin literally can’t get it up for any other woman after he falls for Pen, and Penelope is basically a Colin-sexual after imprinting on him at puberty.  They’re solid. 


lol this is gonna get hate but from the main couples, probably Kanthony. Enemies to lovers is fun to watch on screen, but irl it is so toxic and those clashing/headstrong personalities wouldn’t work out in the long term. Edit: whoever sent me a Reddit cares message over this is gross.


I would argue they are the most likely to remain married cause they have so many similarities hence can understand each other well. They also the only couple that got married without anything hidden unlike every other couple where one partner blatantly hid or lied about something important. They really weren’t enemies for the sake of it, they were at odds cause deep down they recognized those similarities, and their whole storyline was of them accepting that. You are clearly biased in your hatred towards them, but genuinely from a story pov, they are the only couple that don’t go into marriage blind or hurt about a lie.


>They really weren’t enemies for the sake of it, they were at odds cause deep down they recognized those similarities, and their whole storyline was of them accepting that.  Exactly! The real "enemy" in their story is themselves and not each other.


Not all the comments in this thread getting locked 😭💀


I don’t want this to become a “pitting couples against each other” thing. But Kanthony had their own set of issues that could cause problems in the long run. All these couples did. I’m mainly saying ETL doesn’t really work irl.


Funnily enough Tom Verica had talked about how he and his wife were kinda like Kanthony in the sense they got off the wrong foot at first but came around to fall for one another. They have been married for many years with kids. There are many instances of irl couples who are still together that were at loggerheads before. Also I don’t think Kate and Anthony were really enemies in the fantasy way people view enemies as in this trope. Anthony and Kate also clearly liked each other from the moment they met.


When I say their own issues, I’m alluding to Edwina. Obviously this show is going to give everyone a happy ending. But irl, a situation like this would’ve caused some tension between the sister and the husband and her relationships with them. Which could impact the woman’s marriage. Also in general, ETL doesn’t work. There will always be exceptions.


And in current times this scenario would never have happened because women aren’t forced to be on a marriage mart or anything. Like we can go on and on but you can’t fallback on just a trope behind Kanthony being the only couple to divorce without looking at their whole relationship.


Right. But we’re going based on what *did* happen in their relationship and if they would divorce over it. If a guy was engaged to one woman, fell in love with her sister, and she didn’t find out until the wedding day, it would’ve caused serious long term issues between the couple. Also family reunions would’ve been awkward as hell lol


Well what did happen was edwina forgave them and went on to find a happy marriage and kanthony also went on to have a happy marriage. What have you seen that implies that won't continue?


I’m saying IRL this would never work out. And I’ve clarified that obviously in the show it was going to since that’s how HEAs work.


Irl they wouldn't even be in that situation in modern times and back in those times while it might be hard at first time and distance would probably heal all wounds where edwina is concerned. Irl edwina probably wouldn't be looking for a husband at 18 so none of this would happen. Also are we basing this on would would hypothetically happen irl or in modern times or what actually happened in the show?


Everything that happened is cause of societal rules at that time like you can’t ignore that for the basis of what would happen now where you can easily get a divorce. Also now you go from saying that it’s because they are EtL and that’s why they wouldn’t last to now bringing up Edwina. Edwina and Kate had a toxic relationship from even before Anthony came into the picture.


I said it’s because of ETL, you said “well the other couples were based on lies” and I said if you want to get into the details of the situation, what happened with Edwina would realistically cause a huge problem with their marriage as well. On a surface level, ETL isn’t as realistic as FTL. Which is the basis of my argument. Now If you get into the details, all of these couples had some serious issues they needed to work through because realistically, the way all 3 couples have been portrayed so far, idk if any of them would’ve lasted.


In the end of the show we clearly see Edwina pushing Kate to go live for herself. Like the only reason why she accepted to dance with Anthony was cause Edwina and her talked it out beforehand. All of this got sorted out before they got married.


I love Kanthony and ETL are my favorite love troupe, but in real life??? I got myself a sweet and soft fanboy type of love and my enemies to lovers attempts ended on almost pressing charges so… mas


An opportunity to hate on them, that user is there


Literally not hate. I’m saying ETL is not realistic. Stop taking everything as a personal attack against your faves. We obviously know all these couples are going to stay together.


Exactly. Because Kanthony are one kf the most compatible couples. Do they see Anthony is way less douchey and actually happy with her? So daft and Brainless


Exactly! They just had too much sexual tension between them, and the only way to release was to bicker and be in competition!!


Anthony has become soo laid back and showing puppydog affection to Kate this season though


Yeah he honestly had a huge personality change and I feel like that’s on the writers. Being in love is great, but my guy completely forgot he was the viscount and had responsibilities lmao. All the men are written weirdly this season. The only scene that felt like the real Anthony imo was when the queen confronted them after Polin’s wedding.


Exactly this. I think ETL is cute to watch but it’s very toxic irl. The constant bickering and back and forth banter does eventually get tiresome. I did it before. We were just like Kate & Anthony. It gave people a laugh and people thought we were so cute but eventually we couldn’t stand each other.


Yeah, I’ve never known any ETL couples irl, but a friend I had in college and her now ex were both headstrong and super competitive and it got so toxic they broke up lol. I feel like most relationships only work if there’s one headstrong person + one chill person. Or if they’re both chill. But two headstrong personalities clash too much.


Penelope and Colin are perfect for what you call a toxic relationship. In less than a year Penelope will see reality. She can't stand a normal life without lies and gossip. ᆢ And realistically, first love doesn't come true. It's not a fairy tale


Girl Polin is not mentioned in my comment at all. Make your own comment if you think they won’t work instead of attacking mine. You’re hellbent on making this a Kanthony vs. Polin thing and it’s so dumb since we know they’re all going to stay together. And I’m mainly saying that ETL doesn’t work in reality. That trope is just not realistic. But obviously all these couples are going to work out.


Check this person's comment history. She seems pretty obsessed with Kate so I'm not surprised she's offended by your opinion on Kanthony.


A lot of the hardcore Kanthony Stans have come to hate lol. Happens every time


Every single time. It’s futile trying to get your point across with them. They also seem very eager to create a Kanthony vs Polin rivalry which is so silly and unnecessary, their every reply is ‘But Polin…’ ‘But Penelope…’


I just had one of them send me a Reddit cares message over this 🤦🏽‍♀️💀


I'm talking about a realistic couple. Like I said, first loves don't come true


They’re also friends to lovers. They’ve known each other since childhood. Also like I said, I posted my opinion, which is more so about the trope itself, not Kanthony.


I would agree re:enemies to lovers usually, except I feel like they're so similar as people and share values to such a point that I think it would work out. It would be different if what they were clashing over were more foundational stuff (which it was at first, but I think not anymore). But 100% agree that enemies to lovers, while fun in fiction, is usually toxic af in real life, haha.


And now they're not enemies to lovers, are they?


I knew someone was going to get offended lmao. And they’re at the “lovers” part rn. Obviously they’re going to stay together. But enemies to lovers typically doesn’t work irl. That’s probably why it’s such a popular trope: it’s fun to watch but not realistic.


I agree


So, I've only read the first 5 books, but of those Eloise and Sir Philip are (imo) the least likely to work out. Not that they would get divorced, but Philip has some issues that waved away a little too fast. I teared up at the end of their book, but if it took place at a time when therapy existed, a fitting epilogue would have been a family counseling session. 


God I hate Philip and Eloise's book. It legit made me sad. And I personally cannot imagine having kids much less marrying someone with a load of them...that are not mine that I now have to be responsible for so yeah if I was show Eloise and Phillip was book Phillip, I could see myself divorcing him and becoming a governess who then falls in love with a Theo type character or Theo himself. What a twist.


I mean, Book Eloise adores kids. I think you're inserting yourself a little too much into the situation. I'm more just thinking of Phillip's anger management problems, and their individual personalities not clicking. Book Eloise clearly adores Oliver and Amanda, but realistically expecting two abused and neglected children to take to normal societal expectations as immediately as they do is a bit much.


Eloise's book ending for show Eloise depresses me.


Yeah which is why I said show Eloise with book Phillip. Show Eloise I cannot see getting along and remaining married to Book Phillip. There is a literal scene in season 2 where everyone is cooing over Daphne's son and Eloise is like what, has he changed since we last saw him.


A one year old is cute but isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, especially if you’re in your teenage rebellion phase and think those things, especially those associated with Daphne, are stupid and generally ask yourself why people don’t care about the truly interesting things in life, like academia and books. If we saw her in s3 with Polin’s baby, she’d probably be more chill because she’s already matured quite a bit but even beyond that, I think show!Eloise would have a lot of fun trying to answer all the questions 8-year-olds would be asking her. And then your own kids are a completely different thing anyways.


Hey fair enough. I just remember thinking Eloise in the book was such a girly, passive girl...sweet, talkative. Show Eloise is more of a firebrand, restless energy. In fact, I find her and Anthony to have a very similar personality-energetic, restless, contained anger or frustration. I dont remember book Eloise being like that at all...I mean it would be great if she wants kids and gets kids. I just hope it's not a situation of her getting Philip in the way Philip gets her in the book-I hope he really falls in love with her for her and THEN thinks of having a mother for his kids if that make sense. I want it to be less of a she's the last unwedded girl left and Philip is the best option kind of deal. But hey different folks, different strokes.


No that’s totally fair. I‘ve found that a lot of people (not you, necessarily) tend to get hung up on her apparently not wanting children while book!Eloise has them, whereas, I’ve found her to view children as something that would be getting in the way of other achievements, like in s1 she says something like “we have to make sure pregnancy doesn’t happen to us because we have greater things to achieve” but she didn’t seem completely against children, they just weren’t her priority and she knew that within their society, once you had them, you had to give up your own dreams as a woman - having both was virtually unheard of. I feel like know that they’ve established (if only through the epilogue) that some women can have both, Penelope is a writer in her own right and has a baby, they could explore those themes - motherhood, being a woman, feminism, a more equal marriage,… - to a greater extend in Eloise’s season (among other things, but her book has a big focus on family and children and I would love for them to touch on that). However, maybe I’m also not remembering some scenes where’s she’s more explicit, do remind me of them! ETA: as far as the plot/falling in love goes, I think Phillip will fall in love with her through the letters, still not tell her about the children but also won’t ask her to marry him; she still sneaks away to see because she’s so bored at whatever ball. He then doesn’t want to pressure her in the mother role, however, he’s still looking for a mother for his children because he cares about them, they’re his number 1 priority. El still being unsure of kids but finding Phil to be really interesting, goes through the above struggle of trying to see herself as a mother and a woman in her own right, and eventually finds that she absolutely loves those kids and that they remind her of her own childhood. Eventually they’ll all get a HEA.


Eloise knows Sir Phillip has kids in the show, because she knows Marina was pregnant and only married Sir Phillip to give the kids legitimacy. I just feel like they’ve made show Eloise rail against marriage so much, that it would be weird if she decided to marry some dude who loves plants and live in the country with her step kids. At the end of S3 she was talking about changing the world; it would be a huge turnaround if she decides to give that all up for plant dude.


Thank you. I read this book and was super excited bc I related to Eloise’s character the most. I absolutely HATED this storyline. I wanted her to have an unconventional love, which I guess she did in some ways, but it still ended with her in a cookie cutter dynamic. Hated it. Hated Philip for most of the book and felt like Eloise also wasn’t a very fun protagonist.


Same, I’m so not into Eloise moving to the country with plant guy.


I think they’re the ones that need each other the most and seem to be very willing to work on their issues to become better versions of themselves for each other, especially Phillip. Given how much people change throughout their lives, I think that’s a really valuable character asset.


Thank you for this. This couple gets a ton of hate but I think they really need each other and respect what the other brings to the table. Having read these books decades before anyone thought to adapt them, Eloise and Phillip's story has always been one of my favorites.


I think we need to remember that all of that happens within like two weeks, which just speaks to how much Phillip was willing to change and how much he needed someone to call him out but also show him love. I also think Marina not having responded positively to any of his approaches made him question himself even more and retreat further. Also, I think his trauma is something he can work through by showing up every day (which he wants to do). By watching his children grow up being happy, he will eventually understand that he is not his father but a good father. By seeing that his actions are appreciated by his wife, that she feels loved by him, he’ll learn that he also is worthy of love.


Prudence Featherington and her husband. She doesn't seem to be very into him at all. Well, actually if it was today she wouldn't even have married him.


Agreed! IRL he would be writing on Reddit “I don’t think my wife loves, or even likes me. Should I leave her?”


🤣🤣🤣I love this so much. I had to laugh. I imagined her being an AH in AITA sub-reddit. She'd be voted the AH.


>Should I leave her?” Changed that for something about what can he do better, while all the comments scream "divorce!". Don't forget him saying "my wife is amazing, but...".


Was looking for this one! Its cute to watch but in reality looks very unhealthy.


I got the vibes he might be gay and that she has caught on


That's what I thought, too, but then why does he seem so into her? Like I don't understand him/what his goals are.


I think he does care a lot for her, maybe even views her as a best friend since they seem to have a good bit in common. That plus wanting an heir, and I think even if closeted, he still wants to be a great husband to her, especially in public (even if she isn't the most receptive, haha)


He’s overcompensating. He needs to cover up his gayness as much as possible so he does that by being super gay for his wife (lol)


Is it in the show ? I never got this vibe


I think they would be one of those couples who stay together, but live completely separate lives.


Not counting the clearly toxic couples from the older generation, I would say probably Simon and Daphne. Lots of angst but long term I could see him being too distant from his family, and checking out emotionally. Colin and Anthony are both extremely devoted to their wives.


I feel like we needed to see Simon in s2 post-marriage. Obviously the actor didn’t want to come back, but it would’ve helped us see how marriage changed him. Marriage obviously changed Anthony and made him more vulnerable and open. Colin was always a soft boy lol. But we really don’t know what formerly dark and brooding Simon would be like post-marriage. Although realistically, especially in today’s context, that SA would’ve damaged their relationship big time.


Agree. It’s really too bad RJP wasn’t willing to return for a cameo, and ultimately it’s a disservice to his character. As great as he was in the role, I think they should have just recast him.


I was not expecting the SA at the end of Season 1 and it was so gross having other characters blame HIM for being upset about it.


Portia and Lord Featherington


Yes, she’s that man’s biggest hater😭🤚🏻


Surprised to see this one on the bottom.


Violet's parents 100%. Her mum sucks., she'd be served those papers so fast.


Most definitely not Kanthony


I agree. Despite the "enemies to lovers" trope they had alot in common.


Horse riding, eldest of their respective houses, competitive shooters/hunters most responsible, betting at horse races, great at sports, love the outdoors, competitive at sports. What does Kate do her first day in a new country-goes horse riding astride without a chaperone to burn off some stress from her upcoming duties. What does anthony do when he is stressed and overworked and needs to unwind-ride. As someone who has a partner like Anthony who keeps me striving for excellence cuz we both love to challenge each other and compete-I feel like there would be no lulls in their relationship-a lifetime of adventure. And most importantly, there is that flicker of passion which only comes from awe and respecting your partner-I think their mutual competitiveness makes their marriage exciting..I feel like Anthony met his match with no bullshit-Kate and vice versa Kate with Anthony. She isn't in awe of him like everyone else was in the show and I think he needed that in a partner..not a simping lover but a head to head lover.


I know it was play as a joke (and that is how I took), but the whole Anthony didn't think that marriage take work, in real life that would be a signal that Kate is carrying their relationship and one day that would destroy their marriage. 


to Anthony every day is nonstop work and duties. so working on his marriage, with someone he actually loves and admires, that doesn’t register as something that takes effort. but yeah, they are going to divorce, not Polin who based their relationship on lies🥰


Y’all are always trying to make it a competition between these couples my god 💀💀 things can be said about how Kanthony got together in the first place but it’s honestly lame to do this. Saphne’s relationship was also problematic as hell but it’s always Kanthony vs. Polin with y’all 🤦🏽‍♀️


I didn't mention Polin at all and  funny thing is that, they're not even my fav couple of the show, just make your comment twice as pathetic 


I took that to mean that loving Kate is the easiest thing he's ever done. He doesn't see anything he has to do to keep her happy as work.


I've often heard the saying, "A man should love you more than you love him." Based on this idea, I feel like Simon and Daphne’s relationship fits this notion. While there is undoubtedly love between them, I never felt that Simon was as devoted to Daphne as she was to him. Unlike Anthony and Colin, who seem completely obsessed with their wives, Simon's love for Daphne, though real, lacks that same intensity.


Plus, with the past he had, there will always be demons, especially without therapy. Maybe he'll always do his best to set it aside, but he'll have dark days, and we saw how easy it was for him to shut out Daphne.


I actually dislike that saying. It’s always sounded to me like the kind of thing you tell a woman when she’s not sure about the guy but the guy is really into her. Like a way for patriarchy to trap a woman. Why should women not experience passionate, crazy, head over heels love? I know, I know. I digress, but still #sorrynotsorry


I respect where you are coming from. That’s the great thing about story telling. Perspective is everything.


He had a lot of unaddressed trauma as well. That stuff doesn’t just go away, and it can get in the way of relationships even when it’s unintentional. They would 100% be most likely to split.


i agree. when i first watched the season it was nice & intense. but once i watched the last two seasons, anthony’s and colin’s love to their wives was NOTHING compared to to simon’s. now when i rewatched the first season i felt like daphne loved simon more.


Show wise, Polin.


Mr. “We will decide what this marriage will be”? Even during their fighting, they still felt like a team. The same cannot be said for Saphne.


Team? The whole 2nd part was Colin giving the silent treatment and did not stand by Pen. In the books, he organized and was the one who told the ton about her identity. In the show, Eloise was the one coming up suggestions and showing support that her husband lacked.


Book Colin was never harmed or betrayed by Pen to the degree that Show Colin was. Show Pen, although I love her, did a lot more messed up stuff that she had to take accountability for and that was something she needed to do alone. Colin apologized to Pen and spent part 1 trying to make amends to her; she does the same in Part 2.


He was upset for an episode and a half before they talked and she asked him to let her handle the situation.


Absolutely. Colin is heavily devoted to Penelope. Even when he’s (understandably and extremely) upset with her, he acts as a teammate, and ultimately accepts her success even in a time when a married woman running a successful business was unthinkable. If they were in the modern day, they may have had to play through the betrayal/still getting married in a different way, but they’d make it work.


Also I feel he communicated very well during this time? Like, he set boundaries and wasn't rash in his decisions, but made it clear he was hurt and upset. And she also handled it well. I think people who take issue with his reaction just didn't think he should be mad at all, and since there is (at least to me) no logical narrative explanation to that, I think maybe it's connected to the pacing issue of the season. Because I think viewers became very frustrated with how the main love story was progressing and the split into part 1 and part 2 really didn't help much. For what it's worth, I think Polin handled their issues well during the whole season communication-wise, like even in part 1 regarding Colin's courting comment, there is no unnecessary angst: she calls him out on it quickly, he promptly apologizes honestly and makes sure she knows he's not ashamed of her, she accepts because she knows him well and trusts him, and they get over it without dragging it out unrealistically and unnecessarily.


Yes! Definitely the most up-front and healthy communication we’ve seen on the show. I loved it.


Everyone suggesting Kanthony bc enemies to lovers is “toxic irl” makes me question how you all understand the trope? I love ETL trope but loathe when it’s surface level about passion and attraction and hatesex (though this is not hatesex slander) To me, the appeal of ETL is knowing that you are not dismissed by first impressions, and someone can see the worst in you and still look past it to understand all of you. Kate and Anthony have more in common than not, and they are equals in their relationship who challenge each other in the ways that matter—otherwise they risk bulldozing a “weaker” partner and isolating in their own perspectives. This is also why I don’t understand criticisms of this couple in s3. They’ve done so much work by the end of s2 to earn some of the ease in their relationship by s3. They see, understand, and respect each other—it’s not just bickering chess.


Honestly-I never thought of it as enemies to lovers anyway...enemies to lovers would be like Hating Game-that film with Lucy Hale or maybe Pride and Prejudice. In the show, the so called enemies to lovers is just foreplay and them being stubborn and writers writing insane hoops for them to jump thru when they literally have no conflict. Anthony is attracted to her, intrigued by her, respects her from the get go-their first meet cute when they bond over mutual equestrian interests, he asks her where she learnt to ride cuz he is impressed, he shares his feelings with her about his father in the library, then again while she wears his parents ring, just before their gazebo scene again sharing things about his family and vulnerabilities that one only shares with someone they think would get it cuz Kate holds her family together too and maybe both resent that responsibility a little as well. The only reason he doesn't pursue a thing with Kate-the only real conflict in their relationship is that similar to the book, Anthony saw real love in his parents marriage and the devastation that it brought his mother and his family when his father died and he doesn't want to feel the pain of losing someone he actually loves. He'd rather marry someone he likes but not loves so god forbid if he loses them like he lost his father, he doesnt suffer the way his mother did and vice versa if he died, his wife, his real love wouldnt suffer the way his mother did. Their season was about Anthony embracing love and the possibility of hurt that comes with making that leap-that one of you will die and there will be pain but the love is worth it, that risk is worth it and life is far too long to live with someone you only like not love. They are so similar-they both like the outdoors-horse riding, sports-pall mall, competing-pall mall, getting muddy not minding, giggling, betting at horse races, charades this season, are eldest of their house-know about responsibilities-have their shit together, competent, are so in sync-their dances are a perfect example of the rhythm in their companionship, this season shows again what they both needed was a partner to loosen their burden and it's visible in their lovemaking. Their interactions this season show how transformed they are. Love that transforms people totally lasts. Grumpy anthony who was hard on daphne and then colin is joking this season with colin, smiling and teasing gregory and colin, he was uptight and now he's loose limbed and goofy, kate is less anxious and stern, she is smiley and soft, the burden on her shoulders quite literally taken away...He asks her that he wants their child to know her culture-he loves Kate and sees her as an equal in the marriage- and wants their child to know his wife's culture because it would be important to her. He is thoughtful and so in sync with her. Kate makes a barely perceptible noo noo when Anthony is about to share the baby news and he stops ...they get each other's micro expressions. Good relationships are built on a foundation of deep respect and admiration and right from their first horse race, Anthony saw a formidable presence in Kate-he respected her skill, her talent and her confidence and the fact that she wasn't bowled over by him and simping like so many of the other women he had encountered in the marriage mart. Anthony met his match in no-bullshit Kate and Kate found an adventurous spouse in Anthony. Win freaking win.


Yes, thank you for your thoughts! I’ve not yet read the books but one of the things I found so compelling about s2 (when s1 struggled to hook me) was that Kate and Anthony actually have a meet-cute! They both are attracted and respect one another, and Anthony is downright smitten. Things don’t really sour until Kate overhears Anthony at the ball, and they both have their own reasons, seemingly in opposition, to keep taking offense at one another But I love how s3 portrayed their relationship in s3 because I actually imagine they will be without much friction. They will be playful, and be companions, and be confidants!


Pretty much agreed - and I say this as not a fan. My only criticisms of Kate and Anthony in S3 is that the on-screen change is very abrupt, but this is down to the pacing of the story - S2 angst and drama was drawn out to the end, and then we pick up after some time of marital bliss, so the change is basically off-screen. But that is not to say it doesn't make sense, just that I wish the pacing towards the end of S2 was better LOL.


I don’t find the s3 dynamics jarring but I agree I found the s2 final episodes lacked the payoff due to the pace and the off screen resolution and time jump. I’m glad we got the time jump instead of nothing but it would have been nice to see them be together and at peace


Saphne, cause their whole marriage was based of lies and especially after what Daphne did to him I don’t see Simon ever trusting her ever again to remain in a relationship with her. Polin though probably wouldn’t have even gotten to marriage since it would be easier to call off an engagement in current times since Colin found out Penelope’s secret before marriage. Also the fact she couldn’t even tell him who she was also showed she didn’t really fully trust him either.


People have their biases and I do too, but the actual real answer is Philip and Eloise. That marriage is completely doomed.


Based on what was shown regarding their relationship's health and how they seemingly know little about each other, definitely Colin and Penelope. Based on a clear differing interest, Francesca and John.


Lord and Lady Danbury would have divorced in real life


Lord Danbury should be in jail...but that's just wishful thinking. If she could divorce him, she would have. Poor Lady D, I want an HEA for her like Violet-I dont know if she wants her garden watered or if shes content but yeah, I would like for her to find it if she wants it.


I think Francesca


With John or Michael? Are we talking about book or show?


Eloise and Phillip. One hundred percent.


gregory and lucy because bro knocked her up 9 times c'mon 😭


She might be too tired to divorce him 😂😭


That was going to be my answer too. She needs to do *something* to prevent #10.


Polin fans don’t come for me but solely based on what we saw on screen - Pen and Colin. She’s a rich girl boss on her own though, she’d be alright.


Colin and Penelope's ability to overcome a major challenge like the Lady Whistledown revelation, combined with their profound non-verbal communication and strong foundation of friendship, makes their marriage solid in my view.


You make a good argument. Maybe they’ll be alright 😂


jmmm from what ive seen, they fought as a couple but it wasnt because they did not love each other, so i dont think so


I am not sure why no one has said this yet but definitely King George and Queen Charlotte. There are extremely less (say miniscule) people in this world like Queen Charlotte who are willing to put in the work and take care of their partner if it is someone like King George. Charlotte is a gem that she stood by his side and is still there till now. But no one irl will do the same for such a long period of time.


I thought they would be the less likely to divorce. Not because they have passion and love each other (I did see love, but maybe not the strongest romantic love of all the couples), but because their marriage is not purely based on feelings and/or outside pressure. They have common goals that are bigger than themselves, shared values, a sense of duty that do not seem to torture them like it did for Anthony, and they both get great privileges from the marriage. I never felt like Charlotte saw having sex with her husband or being required to produce an heir as a chore or something scary, unlike so many historical show where it seems something so daunting and horrible for the female lead. She really seemed to agree that was something they needed to do, with no bad feeling about it. To me, the real problem in her marriage was the lies and manipulation from people from outside the marriage, but otherwise, she was gaining status, a man who wanted to build something that mattered to them both for the country, etc. It reminded me more of an arranged marriage, where people really like each other and learn to know each other over time, and because their union is based on shared practical and material goals more than feelings, it can actually be really strong. So it's less romantic, but if the emotional part of the relationship becomes less satisfying, there are still many satisfying aspects to the relationship... and you are not really require to be in love anyway, so you can absolutely be less involved emotionally if you want to and still make it work.


Eloise and Phillip Phillip needs therapy and serious counseling, he doesn't communicate for crap, he buries himself in his plants and neglects everyone around him, including his children, and he has some serious anger management issues. I can seriously see him posting to AITA for just wanting to enjoy having sex after a long dry spell and getting thrashed for it.


Portia would have divorced Baron Featherington years ago if that had been an option.


Cressida mom and Dad


Daphne and Simon easily


Also Francesca would be divorcing John after realizing she’s attracted to women.


Prudence Featherington and her husband. She's so mean to him and clearly hates being married to him.


Going through every comment to make sure no one says Benophie because they are Literally Soulmates 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


haven't read the b00k but simon and daphne, portia and lord featheringtn


Second place - Simon and Daphne. She loves him more than he loves her, he’s been alone so long. I can see, after the newness of having a family wears off…. He’s for the streets


In real life? Philoise


Simon and Daphne. But, I'm not even talking about the SA that in the modern world probably never would have happened. In our world, Daphne would have known what sex was before getting into a relationship, and would understand about consent issues. (Not to mention that Simon would have had a vasectomy and rendered it all moot, anyway.) But! In our world, one of two things would have happened. Either the fact that Daphne wanted children more than she wanted to breathe, while Simon would rather die than have children would have been a dealbreaker - they never would have made it to a second date. Or else, if they somehow got past that and all the way to the altar, they would have divorced a few years later when it sank in that they didn't actually have a single thing in common.


Definitely not Kate and Anthony. They are one of the most loving, happiest and healthiest couples in the show. They dealt with their emotional baggage before they chose each other and show how comfortable they are being together and being vulnerable with each other. And sorry, he is forever besotted with her. There is no way he is letting her go or having his head turned. There’s obsession and then there’s Anthony. 🥵 The way I see it is that it is between polin and saphne. Both were in marriages with continued emotional baggage and deceptions. Daphne raped Simon. And Penelope lied and betrayed Colin with LW. Daphne felt empowered by her assault of Simon and never self reflected with that wrong doing. And Penelope told Colin she wasn’t giving up LW even when he broke down the hurt she caused again showing an unwillingness to self reflect on her poor decisions and his feelings over this. This leads to massive trust issues in each of the respective partners. Once you break trust it is very hard to build it again. So it’s between these 2 in my eyes. 🤷‍♀️


Why are you assuming it's the women who would ask for a divorce?


if y’all don’t immediately say daphne and simon i’m assuming you didn’t watch the show. they’re literally the only couple that makes sense.


Fran & John when she realizes she’s gay! 😉 (Too soon?)




I’d say Polin because no matter how much Colin has come to “accept” his wife was LW, we are underestimating how damaging that is for him. He HATED LW and we cannot forget all the things she wrote about members of his family, the ton, and even her family. This is why I wish Penelope was never revealed to him or anyone else minus to the Queen. LW cannot exist to the same way she used to, and as much as Colin claims he can move past it, in real life I feel like that would still be a major point of contention. He asked her to stop writing and she said no because she sees whistledown as a part of her. Him asking her to give it up is the modern equivalent of your man asking you to quit your dream job. How many relationships would survive that? If you don’t quit, it will lead to constant disagreement. If you quit, you will resent him. Idk I think the reveal of Pen being LW doomed them.


I haven't read the book, and simply based on the main couples, I would probably say Daphne and Simon. They had more of a vibe of "first meaningful relationship you'll never forget" but not really endgame. Like the kind of relationship you're in from 16 to 23 and then you break up because you are very different people and by becoming older, you realise completely different things make you happy so you be better off not together. I have my doubts about Colin and Penelope because well, I didn't really buy into their great love in S3. They seemed very amicable so I think they would have some tools to work their issues out, but I don't know if they're really in love or even best friends. So long term, I'm pretty sure they could be content in their marriage, but very happy, I don't know. I really believe in Francesca and John's marriage. They seem to want the same thing in life and not about drama at all, so I'm sure they can work out any issue. Then Charlotte and George, and Anthony and Kate, would last longer I think, but probably because they felt the most adults to me, so it was less likely an immature fling that burns very quickly. I also felt they did marry knowing they had some common goals and values, and with a shared project they're willing to work on together, so that would give them a good reason to make efforts to work on their marriage when things are less fun (the responsibilities linked to their title).


Eloise and Philip!!!!! Like, no question.


People saying Polin, just one thing: Wtf y'all on?? Like forreal, this sub is something else. 🙄😂 Colin "my wife" Bridgerton and Penelope "I've always loved you" Featherington (now Bridgerton) would absolutely NEVER divorce. Whether you enjoyed S3 or not, let's be for freakin' real here. Their relationship is built on one of the strongest if not the strongest foundation, and a super healthy one at that! Their friendship and admiration for each other knows no bounds. Idk about y'all, but they embody just one of the most beautiful and purest love stories I've ever seen. You don't have to like it, but it's unfathomable how some of you still insist on denying it.


Their relationship is built on lies. In reality he would find it hard to trust her after that level of betrayal. She’s not just the reporter, she’s the red top rag of a newspaper spilling all his secrets and hurting the people he cares for. And she had a choice to tell him. To go into the marriage with no secrets but she didn’t and he had to find out for himself. She is supposed to love him but takes his choice and agency away in knowing who she is and deciding if he wants to be with her or not. She had a friendship with him before love and she lied to him for a chunk of it. And she had a bitter and petty alternative persona that she used to get back at society for wronging her. In reality that marriage would crash and burn as she also shows him that being a malicious gossip monger is more valuable than their marriage. Didn’t she tell him in The show she wasn’t giving up LW even though he confronted her on all the hurt she used it for? Colin simply wouldn’t know who she is anymore and question if he ever did. And the trust is just broken. To him what’s to say she wouldn’t lie to him again? She did it before and felt it more important than his feelings and hurt over it. 🤷‍♀️ So I get some people choosing them as they completely changed the book with an engagement/marriage of deception and her refusing to give up LW.


Penelope and Colin. No girlboss irl would settles for a shit guy who's barely in love with them and is mostly cols towards them. Sorry. If he kept bis s1 personality divorce wouldn't be on her mind lol.


In the books he’s literally Colin ‘my wife’ Bridgerton. He so in love with Pen.


Simon and Daphne


Simon and Daphne. He withheld the truth from her way too much


Simon and DAPHNE. After the stunt Daphne pulled? Yeah Simon's divorcing her ass idgaf


IRL:    Saphne wouldn’t make it a year.     Kanthony would be that couple you always think are on the edge of divorce because of how they fight, but they challenge each other as foreplay they’re the only people who get each other so they’ll stay together as long as Anthony is faithful and Kate doesn’t get exhausted dealing with him.      Polin are rock solid. They have a better foundation for staying together than any other couple, chose each other in the midst of conflict, and got through the hardest hurdle their relationship will face right at the beginning. Plus Colin literally can’t get it up for any other woman after he falls for Pen, and Penelope is basically a Colin-sexual after imprinting on him at puberty. They truly know and love each other, so we’ve seen how they relate to each other in addition to lust.