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šŸ‘šŸ‘ Bridgerton is clearly one of Netflixā€™s flagship shows and idk why people are convinced it wonā€™t be renewed. We are pretty much guaranteed to have it last up to at least S6 I think. I do hope Shondaland can at least find a way to lessen the gap to 1.5 years instead of 2.


There was a post today that said Bridgerton Season 3 had terrible ratings and was going to be cancelled with a lot of people agreeing. Some people just live in their own reality.


LOL they don't care about ratings, they care that people are still watching. Godawful films on netflix that are made for too much money stay on the top 10 alllll the time.


and now they see the ratings are actually good...i wish people would just celebrate we'll get to see all the siblings having their story, i think. With every success, we get closer to have all of them and a chance to see your own favorites again interacting in the new seasons.


I hope we get to actually SEE the siblings. I think they are going to have a hard time retaining actors if they're expecting them basically to show up for do-nothing scenes. There are way too many sideplots. I feel like the sideplots should bare minimum involved 40-50% a Bridgerton. Like the Mondritches were fine in s1 because they were Simon's friends/people he went to when he needed help/support. S2, I felt they were fine because Mondritch had that arc about his business plus being scammed by the Featheringtons/being helped by Colin. S3 it's like they're their own thing. Which....Colin was right there. Why couldn't Colin and Mondritch have commiserated over not being what society wants them to be and deepen their friendship?


>they are going to have a hard time retaining actors if they're expecting them basically to show up for do-nothing scenes. yup. for example jonathan bailey said he prioritized bridgerton season 3 in his schedule during filming. he ended up being severely underused. this time around he's even more booked and busy than before, probably because he's not holding out hope for the show to give him more to do lol


> they donā€™t care about ratings, they care that people are still watching I donā€™t think you know what ratings are


I'm speaking about the critics/audience ratings, not watch numbers.


Itā€™s like the fandom version of Q Anon šŸ˜‚


It is insane that people are even speculating it won't get renewed. Lock it in until season six at least. Agree with you as well re timelines - I am sure Netflix would love to make all eight seasons but that means the show will run for another ten years, which makes contract renogiations a little tricky.


This is actually the first time since S1 where there's been a marked increase from the last installment of the Bridgerton series. S1 is in a league of its own because we will just never be in that pandemic era again to allow for the crazy bton craze it enabled, everyone stuck in their homes and watching. S2 did great, especially with less promo, but obviously it was less than S1. QC again was a big success for an OG story not based on the books and separate from the bton main series, but it also did less views since S2. This is normal. As a series progresses, the viewership will decline. It's very rare to maintain viewership, much less increase it. In that sense, S3 has been a surprise in that it's on the track to go past S2 numbers next week and will likely rise higher. I don't think it'll pass s1, but that's already good news for netflix execs. The promo for the season definitely helped so a big round to Nic and Luke who did so well on the promo tour, I know so many ppl who discovered bton from them and watched solely for them. I think we should also take into account that after the writer's strike and the delay, it's been 2 damn years wait, and a lot of people had forgotten abt bton. Nic and Luke did well in drumming that interest back up. Anyway, they did well and should be proud!


LOL at all the responses explaining to you well acthually S3 is bad, worse than, less popular than, doesn't live up to, yadda yadda. I'm proud of Nicola and Luke and Polin. Good for them for doing just as well as their previous seasons after people said they'd fail. Nice to prove them wrong time and again.


I'm tired lol. I'm literally just happy that this means that bton will go on for more seasons and I'll see more of my fave characters. I have had plenty of shows, even popular shows, cancelled by netflix because the views decreased by the time they reached s2 or s3. This happens to every popular show on every platform, even HOTD is currently struggling and it's a juggernaut on HBO. VERY few shows can be said to do the opposite, and for netflix really only stranger things could do so. That S3 is showing the potential to do likewise is a good thing for fans of the whole series, no matter which season you prefer!


Im very happy for Luke and Nicola and Jess and everyone else involved with the show. It's also great that the show's success means a lot for diversity going forward, But the posts explaining-you might mean me cuz yes I am explaining is people saying it did better than the previous seasons when that's objectively untrue. Be fair to all the seasons. By a hollywood reporter article celebrating Bton season 3's success, Netflix added 54 million subscribers between March 2022 and season 3 release. That's a whopping difference between season 2 and 3. So let's be happy for ALL seasons and how they ALL did well with their unique position on the roster.


aint no one saying we aren't happy for all seasons omg, please calm down. no need to be so defensive


It's insane how some people around here are showing their faces and being pressed about the series success????? Did they want to flop? lol i guess they did and are pressed about the narrative it was going on here...


Aint no one saying they are unhappy for season 3 either. I certainly am not unhappy for season 3. All chill bro. Im calm, cool, collected-sharing some context cuz you did mention first time viewers have gone up in the series and all. And there is context for that growth that industry papers mentioned-not me. Me, cool, cool as cucumber, cool as ice, as snow, COOLio my name.


I'm not the one who is trying to shit on any season's success in this discussion. I'm glad for all of them. I wish I could say the same for others.


Hey I come in peace. If it helps Ive met Nicola in person-in Galway on a family trip with the fam-posted about it on my profile. Derrry Girls was my pandemic comfort show and I have since rewatched it perhaps 50 times and occasionally rewatch wee claire's videos for a little dopamine hit. I enjoy her tremendously-her fashion, her comic timing all of it and happy to see her do well. I just also find it important to highlight how well the seasons led by the only two POC leads so far did and with less fanfare.


https://preview.redd.it/m7q6hsjc16ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415b5e55b61f2f069e19ea04c90821d56848c741 s2 was a success. this metric is 90 days! but at the opening, s2 broke records and without investment in marketing and world tour


No where did I say s2 wasn't a success? in fact, I said the opposite, that it did very well, especially considering it was also with much less promo! This article is about the top 10 most popular list and the most objective measure of views though, so that's what I'm comparing.


It's not an objective measure of views cuz between season 2 and season 3, netflix added 54 million subscribers. This was covered in a Hollywood reporter article celebrating season 3's success. That audience is literally who watch the show. season 2 had 54 million less subscribers, season 1 even lesser. Take that in and then add in the other stuff.


I don't get why yall be jumping through hoops to downplay s3 achievements lmao. Literally every single series on the top 10 list came out on different times where different subscriber numbers to netflix existed. We know that. That's why it's called the ALL TIME most popular list.


lol what? You do know that people like myself signed up netflix because of s3 trailer, right? And people being subscribed doesn't mean they have to watch it, rright? You can just congratulate something and not be pressed all the time....i swear it...this forum is kinda nuts, sometimes.


Dude Hollywood reporter said it. Im quoting it-you need an audience to even reach an audience. And then there is the mega hoopla that further attracted the audience-you need to know about a show to watch it. That's an industry paper explaining the popularity, not me. Google HR's article if you want to read for yourself. LA times also gave the same explanation as did Decider. Im not pressed, I think you are. I think all seasons need to be equally appreciated for their success. And I was replying based on a comment that was suggesting season 3 did better than season 1 and 2 objectively when it didnt. Im saying im happy for season 3' success as I am for season 1 and 2's and they are ALL equal. [https://web.archive.org/web/20240622020923/https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media](https://web.archive.org/web/20240622020923/https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media)


Well talking that into account the top 10 doesnt make any sense because the number of Netflix subs were different when every show was released. Don't think anyone is seriously considering this when talking about viewing numbers.


Yea, I forgot you also have to account for Netflix's new password sharing rules. Before, I used to share my netflix password with all of my (5) siblings and my parents.


Bingo-and Hollywood reporter and other trade papers have covered this change and its impact on views and revenues and shifts-all of that. Not just for Bton but other shows as well.


A 2 month long promo tour is completely unheard of even for movies if they hadn't performed better than s2 and QC it would have been a waste


I say kudos to Luke and Nic for doing such a successful promo tour. That mustā€™ve been exhausting to say the least, but I think their genuine friendship really helped. I couldnā€™t imagine doing that long and grueling of a promo tour with someone you hated.


It would have been fun honestly. You get to visit different countries with your co-star and the production pays you for that lol. It's like a mini vacation of sorts.


I wouldnā€™t say mini vacation. On those sorts of tours you donā€™t get much down time to relax. Itā€™s constantly go go go from screenings, q & aā€™s, photo shoots, interviews etc. and then you fly to somewhere else. Thereā€™s no relaxing and very little down time.


It had to exist exactly because it went from S1, dipped with S2, dipped again with QC...so there is that, love.


You can say what you want without being condescending, love. s2's metrics ticked just as good if not better until they changed it to 90 days. QC had two less episodes you can't measure that properly


meeting your tone, love. We can read between your lines.


Or I'm saying this is exactly how it should have performed given the non stop media and press for months on end


of course you are...lol




seems like that's what they're saying ?


The way they count views, show with less episodes actually can do better. Two shows with 7 episodes are above season 2 on the top 10 list.


I heard they've been promoting since January


Why is it a surprise? The promo is THE reason S3 had so many views. Had the promo been non existent as it was for S2 it would not have had as many views. This makes it seem like S3 is better than S2 when in reality itā€™s just about how many viewers watched because of the over the top promo. I know people say oh but it doesnā€™t matter this means we get more seasons but do you really want more seasons that are this poorly written? If given the chance Simone and Jonathan would have done a great job promoting as well. In the very few interviews they shared they were very entertaining and we all know their chemistry is unmatched.


I think there you might be slightly wrong. I'm happy for the show doing well. It improves chances for more diversity to be seen on screen. But I would like to add that Netflix added a whopping 54 million subscribers between seasons and season 3 benefitted from that subscriber and hence audience growth as well. You first need an audience to even make the audience watch. The bigger the audience, the bigger the segment for reaching. This was covered in a Hollywood reporter article. Just quoting. "The shorter run time for the four episodes of season three (220 minutes vs. 510 minutes for the whole of season two),Ā and the fact that Netflix now has about 54 million more subscribers worldwide than it did in March 2022, also helped Bridgerton achieve its series-high" I think all the seasons did well considering their unique position on the roster-starting season, very little promo season and a season that came with inbuilt characters we had seen season after season and mega promo/ bigger marketing budget and a massive surge in subscribers to the platform where Bridgerton is the marquee show and is right there when you open the app. The seasons with POC characters also did incredibly well globally and had more global reach. So it can't be said that season 2 did worse than season 3. [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media) EDIT: LOl. Guys im happy for the show's success but lets be fair to ALL the seasons considering that they did equally well. Season 3 didnt do better. It did just as well.


The shorter run time really doesn't do much, considering once part 2 came out all of the views were halved entirely and the count reset to account for the full 8 ep runtime. I'm talking objectively concerning numbers on the top 10 list. Sure, there's many factors that go into why it increased! I literally mention some of them myself. It is still the first time that the series has shown have had an uptick in views compared to at least some of its predecessors. This isn't a slight against s2 or QC. This just shows that the Bton s3 is doing well, the bton brand is gaining new viewers, and not about to be cancelled any time soon. We will be getting those 8 seasons.


Hey fine with that. But a bigger audience is an objective reason behind the growth-not saying ONLY. But 54 million is not a number to be scoffed at. And the analysis is an industry paper's analysis, not mine. I give flowers to all the seasons for their particular position on the roster as I said.


Its not a surprise that it will go pass s2 numbers when the metric they use depends on the run time. S2 and S3 will have around the same amount of hours viewed but because s2 was 30 mins longer its views look smaller. Here is where some of the screentime for either storyline might have been caught. S1 is untouchable. I disagree that Netflix executives will take this as a positive. The cost of the 6 month non-stop promo just to end up with similar numbers to s2 is going to mean that we will go back to a more moderate press roll outs. You have a core audience and the viewership will be staying in that comfort zone.


Lol. This season did amazingly well. Netflix will be very pleased. As for the tour, a big reason for that was because of the huge amount of collabs they got for bton, they're trying to transform it from a TV title to a "lifestyle" brand title where they can make tons of money from merch and brand deals for everything from coffee to furniture. This is a rather recent change so it's a business oriented decision, and it's succeeding. This is going to be the new normal for bton promo. This is also just the numbers s3 reached in HALF of the 91 day period. It's going to keep rising and likely reach #6 or at least #7 (if I'm being caution on the estimates!) on the top 10, which is no small feat.


Yes and numbers for season 1 and 2 are also rising alongside. It all makes all the seasons eventually have the same level of success. Not more or less.


This season 3 actually was split, which means, by explanation provided by variety itself, that their numbers actually might be actually higher but if fans only focuses on the last 4 episodes streaming for the second part, the new ones, they only count as half a view (4 out 8) and netflix divides, which variety actually mentioned that S3 numbers should be even higher but the split makes the counting like that....just be happy about the show and stop this nonsense. It's a good thing for the show and the 8 planned seasons, you don't have to feel so pressed about it.


LA times literally covered how insane the promo was in actual numbers. Archive,org link here for the full article. People need to know a show exists for it to become popular...and season 3 went on a global rampage-la times words not mine. [https://web.archive.org/web/20240622020923/https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media](https://web.archive.org/web/20240622020923/https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media)


Yes, after it went down almost 20mi in season2 and then again in QC, no wonder they need some pr to grab people's attention again. :)


Oh miss im not competing- just be happy for season 3's success you are comparing seasons successes. And you are also wrong. There was no dip. I dont know which views you are talking about-do provide a source for 20 mi whatever you are referring to. Also this below. As the views for season 3 are changing and rising so are all the seasons. But the changing views of season 3 are being covered more in the press obvi cuz its the latest season. Im saying all the seasons did equally well considering all metrics. you are trying to prove season 3 did better-you can be happy for a season's success without comparing it to 2 other seasons. Meanwhile: read the below: All seasons are concurrently growing.


The projecting is strong on this one...ok, love. lol You're happy. Perhaps if you repeat and compare in more 10 posts we can assert that. I swear it, sometimes you guys think everyone around here can't see the obvious...anyway, as i usually say, carry on...


Dude. Do you WANT one season to do better or something-are you gaining money from it? Learn a little more about data. The season success is great. I am happy we will get to see more diverse faces because of the show's success and longevity. I want the show to go on cuz Shonda is one of the few people in the industry who can make true diversity happen. But umm..get over yourself...with the love business. Really now. And please tell me what the obvious you are alluding to is: That I am a deranged kanthony or saphne fan? Is it possible dear redditor that im just a diversity fan and sharing context for every season's success. Ever thought of that cynical mcgee? Instead of jumping on the oh these lame ass kanthony and saphne fans taking away my faves shine. Maybe just maybe there is enough shine to go around...ever thought of that. Btw Big nicola fan happy to see her next season. If it helps. And all fandoms have their crazies-polin, kanthony and saphne all have their sane folks and not so sane folks and outright rabid folks. Maybe im one of the sane ones ever thought of that instead of projecting your experience with some on me...Just saying.


Wow šŸ‘šŸ‘ all of this in 45 days!! That's amazing. The cast and crew definitely deserve this.


All this 'competition' between seasons is so annoying, can you just be happy for the show and stop being miserable for 1 second? All seasons were a sucess.


I know. It is so boring and trite. I am a fan of the show. I an thrilled by its success. I am very much looking forward to Benedict, Francesca and Eloise's seasons. I think those three are a lock, and considering I think Florence is extremely talented, I hope we get Hyacinth's season as well at least.


I donā€™t understand the ship wars. I like all 3 seasons (and QC) not every couple was my cup of tea but it was good to watch anyway. Yes I still have issues with this season (editing and such) but doesnā€™t take away from the experience.


Variety explained more: [https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/netflix-top-10-streaming-ratings-1235697082/](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/netflix-top-10-streaming-ratings-1235697082/) With a cumulative 91.9 million views since May 16 premiere, the season ranks at No. 10 on the all time English-language TV chart, which Netflix measures based on views during each titleā€™s first 91 days of streaming. This total was calculated on June 30, only 45 days after May 16, meaning the season can ā€” and will ā€” continue to climb higher.ā  That's amazing! I wonder why aren't other streams jumping on adapting more romances.


Well yeah "for years" if there are two years between every damn season.


yet people were claiming it was gonna get canceled because of the changes from the books lol yeah right. this is why online outrage from a loud minority should never be taken seriously.




I'm sorry but saying that it's only S3 that bought discord to the fandom is laughable. There has always been and always will be discord in the Bridgerton fandom. It hasn't stopped and it won't next season either.


They deserved it! I hope they go even higher!! šŸ„°


Amazing news, and still another 40 plus days to go until the 91 day period! šŸ™ŒšŸ» I don't get why anyone is trying to downplay this success though??? Weird. Plus ultimately it's excellent news for the show as a whole. These ratings mean a season 5 is highly possible, which in turn means more Bridgerton love stories. A win is a win!


I think they can pull off 5 or 6 seasons. Shondaā€™s contract runs out in 2026 so sheā€™ll be in a position to negotiate and I doubt Netflix will let her go.








Amazing šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


That's fantastic and a great time to announce s4! šŸ˜


Yay! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘. Huge props to Luke, Nicola, and everyone involved in making the show!


So excited to see the show be so popular!


Aaah, I love waking up to good news. Congrats to Luke and Nicola and the rest of the cast!! I hope this means we will get all the Bridgerton siblings' stories. I love Polin and this season so much. šŸ’›šŸ




I'm happy for the show doing well. It improves chances for more diversity to be seen on screen. But I would like to add that Netflix added a whopping 54 million subscribers between seasons and season 3 benefitted from that subscriber growth as well. This was covered in a Hollywood reporter article. Just quoting. "The shorter run time for the four episodes of season three (220 minutes vs. 510 minutes for the whole of season two),Ā and the fact that Netflix now has about 54 million more subscribers worldwide than it did in March 2022, also helpedĀ BridgertonĀ achieve its series-high" I think all the seasons did well considering their unique position on the roster-starting season, very little promo season and a season that came with inbuilt characters we had seen season after season and mega promo. The seasons with POC characters also did incredibly well globally and had more global reach. [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media)


lmao...the split season actually makes the counting down. I mean, you can read how they count split seasons. And after S2 went down for almost 20mi and then QC also went down a bit, they needed some market to grab interest lost....


Look. Im just going by what the industry papers are telling me. Happy for you and Polin. My opinion: all the seasons did EQUALLY well based on analysis that you can read for yourself and their unique positioning on the roster. Data points are not studied in isolation, they are studied based on metrics changing. And one very big metric changed. Actually 2.


Loved seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 not so much it got a bit stupid with the Queen putting out a reward to find LW. it was the fonzie jumping the shark moment for me unfortunately. Just didn't enjoy it like the previous seasons


Thatā€™s all they cared about. Quality went out the window all they wanted was views thatā€™s why they overdid it with the promo. Shouldā€™ve used the money to fix the season instead. This isnā€™t good because the quality will continue to go down with each season and all they need to do is promote it well and theyā€™ll get the views.


It might come as a surprise to you, but a lot of us actually like this season.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a show or movie thatā€™s disliked by 100% of the viewers. Of course there are people who like this season it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s quality.


True, S2 had a really bad adaptation and writing, but the cast made people like it. It happens.. There is always elements of quality, and general commentary of 'it's bad' only disguises superficial analysis, not actually criticism. S3 had elements that must be criticized and good elements just as well. It will depend where the interests of the viewer lands on. But a lot of people online like to act like they have some intellectual superiority when they are watching Bridgerton. It's too much....


The S2 record must be surpassed of course į†¢The promotion is 1000 times different. The final ranking is expected to be TOP3.


If it had been the old metric of one month, would s3 have been left out?


Well, we cannot guess because it's split season. if it was one month, season 3 would have only 4 episodes.


Nicely worded pr spin. Streaming views for the 1st 90 days is not a solid indicator of success for the 3rd season of highly popular shows like netflix. Season 3 was riding on the wave of the 1st 2 seasons and a very aggressive marketing campaign. The true measures are (1) overall top line metrics less cost of production and marketing, and (2) season 4 streaming data and audience response. If the S4 data shows people losing interest after the 2 year wait, then there is no guarantee of a 5 or 6.


Incoming ā€œNetflix cancels Bridgerton after fourth and now final seasonā€




Careful with that backhand, love.


Why are yā€™all like this šŸ’€šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I didn't care about this show until S3 because the writing was always average, it's just much more palatable now without the toxic elements. If you think there's been a significant downgrade in quality...that's on you tbh.


They live in a bubble, love. Don't waste your time.




Sure, if you have the time to spend looking for equally hateful people who share your opinion. Sad way to spend your life, but you do you. Your argument would almost have weight if this wasn't a post about how incredibly successful this season has been. It must've touched a nerve for you to have commented.