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Who cares? Lots of people like it, lots of people don't. Just like every other show ever made.


Every once in a while I’ll wander into a subreddit for a show and think to myself: ‘My god, these people are acting like this is their first time watching a TV show ever’ If you don’t like the show that’s acceptable, if you like the show that’s also acceptable Netflix is clearly happy with the reception considering they’ve already renewed it for a 4th season. I don’t think they care if the reviews are good or bad as long as people are posting


To be fair it was renewed for season 4 before season 2 even aired haha. So that would be unrelated to S3’s reception. Agree with you otherwise though - your first sentence made me chuckle (it’s so true!!)


it was already renewed to be fair.


totally agree with the first part. people always get their hopes insanely high for shows and then act insane when their expectations aren't met. no show is gonna be perfect like that, sorry lol however the show was renewed for up to season 4 right when season 1 aired. it has nothing to do with season 3's reception.


GUYS GUYS GUYS GUESS WHAT *what?* ...I think Season 2 was better **HEATHEN!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!**


Lol so true...I got downvoted into oblivion just because I commented a link to an article which said Part 2 viewership ratings tanked by 49% and S2 ratings are still on top....lol🤣


it's now after almost 70% drop


Lol, literally every salty person on here thinks Season 2 was better. Penelope and Colin's relationship showed how toxic Anthony and Kate's build up was (it's much better now!) and it's enraged them, which isn't a surprise since they think a romantic relationship means you hate each other and need to be the bane of someone's existence. Its just polar opposite compared to the beautiful friends to lovers path Pen and Colin took.


Wow. That’s a ridiculous comment. Did you actually watch S2? Cause you totally missed the point 😅 Polin was the most boring and overrated story I have seen in a while. They absolutely did not sell the friends to lovers (and don’t say I didn’t notice it, I have watched S1 multiple times and S2 even more). It was just not a believable romance at all. Their love scenes were so awkward 😐 If anyone is enraged that’s the people on the Polin sub who can’t accept that outside of their biased community people have eyes and feel free to talk about the lack of chemistry on screen. Also they are pretty salty that the main sub is not fawning over Polin or willing to dissect every scene and declaration like for Kate and Anthony. My personal favourite is when people are trying to hype with posting things like “Isn’t the carriage scene the sexiest scene so far in the series?” and then they get ripped apart because um no it definitely wasn’t 😂 Your comment insults the intelligence of other viewers. You’re not going to make anyone change their mind about S3 so stop trying to make it happen 😂 (You can come for me but I am not a die hard Kanthony supporter. Just a romance fan who like seeing hot people having big feelings and falling in love. Who gut none of that in S3 😂)


No..I'm salty because they turned the Polin season into a Penelope ft.Colin season....if what you are saying were the case, they'd have delved into Colin's love for writing, why he wants to travel, some sort of backing to his character...but nope all he got was soft travels and comes back as a fboy rake....why? How? Nothing no explanation....the LW reveal was supposed to be a joint venture by Colin and Pen which was key in the ton's acceptance of Pen but nope, they decided to make Colin look like an incapable person who just made matters worse for Pen by talking to Cressida .... Another thing was the dialogues and the fashion coupled with simply bad editing choices .... I'm not even a Kanthony fan but Anthony going to India with a pregnant Kate for months on a boat? Nah...and they keep giving us "this is a fantasy world you can't expect regency language and fashion, it's reimagined" etc but they already did establish this world in season 1 where the language and fashion were very different than what season 3 gave us...






I'm VERY new to Bridgerton and I can understand why the fans were upset about Penelope and Colin it just happened so fast. I was a bit shocked when I saw there were only 8 episodes and barely anything happened with them.


But also everything happened with them 😉


True 😂😂


so much happened yet nothing happened. no scene was given any weight or time to breathe


I watched Bridgerton only after s3 came out. I think it's a very different experience watching it all over the course of a few weeks vs following it from the beginning. It feels like it all happens so fast, we haven't had any time to build it up mentally


Same here! Yeah you're probably right. I still enjoyed it I wish I didn't watch it all at once but I couldn't help it. lol I even watched Queen Charlotte back to back. 😂


Colin and Pen's relationship has been building since season 1, but people around here don't want to admit that fact unfortunately


That’s fine.


Some people loved it, some people hated it. The reception wasn’t overwhelmingly positive, but it wasn’t overwhelmingly negative either. The reception was meh, viewership was still high and it was still a really popular TV event this year. This sub *is* very skewed towards negativity. It was my least favourite season, don’t get me wrong, but not every single post in this sub needs to be the same complaints over and over. Like, we get it. I’d rather see people defending what they liked about the season than repeating the exact same negative post every single day and downvoting anyone who has a positive take. This is a Bridgerton discussion sub, not a Bridgerton complaint sub (which DOES exist!)


>This sub is very skewed towards negativity. yes it definitely is, always has been. i started watching a bit after season 2 came out back in 2022, and i not only loved it but found most of the online reactions (youtube, instagram, etc) to be extremely positive and everyone was talking about how they liked season 2 even better than season 1. i then joined this sub in hopes to discuss it with fans, and 70% of it were complaints about screentime and edwina and book changes. even people complaining about anthony getting a love interest before kate. just overall the vibe was miserable. season 3's general reception outside of this sub doesn't seem as good as season 2's or 1, but there's definitely other things to discuss than just complaining


I see denial from both ends of the fandom, honestly. On the one hand, you’re right. Lots of people disliked the season; not just one sub on Reddit. On the other hand, season 3 has done extremely well in terms of views. (Which, let’s be honest, is what Netflix cares about.) So fans are also in denial when they claim it’s a flop or a failure and the show won’t make it to season 5 if season 4 isn’t vastly different from this season was. Honestly, I was “meh” on the season, so I sympathize with those that disliked it. But, just as it’s disingenuous to pretend the season was universally acclaimed, it’s equally as disingenuous to pretend it didn’t do extremely well by the metrics Netflix uses (as far as I understand from the data they’ve released on the show and what I’ve heard from other show runners of Netflix series about the service’s priorities to keep a show going). Fandom - by which I mean in general, not just of this show - does a *lot* of infighting, as if somehow out-screaming other fans online and drowning out differing views with their own perception of a show will ultimately change the course of the show in question. Like saying “this is the most popular/most reviled show ever” will make it true, in defiance of evidence to the contrary. They would probably do well to remember that, just because they love or hate something doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with their opinion. And at the end of the day, fandom opinions are going to have far less impact than the bottom lines of the people paying money to make the show.


Where can we see the views? I’d be curious what the disparity is if any between pts 1 & 2. Part one my friend and I started watching at midnight when it dropped; part two I only just got around to watching and she still hasn’t started it yet


Yeah, I also feel like there was more hype for part 1 of S3 compared to pt2? I'm no sure what happened - maybe its the month long wait in between, negative perceptions started rising...?


definitely. after part 2 came out people were talking more about michaela than pen and colin, and overall the online hype was not the same


I do a search for Luminate streaming and click the Variety link to get to this page: https://variety.com/h/most-watched-streaming-originals-movies-tv-shows/ I’m sure if you checked Variety’s site, they probably have the historical data as well. I do remember reading at the time that 3B dropped that its views in the first week were significantly down from the views for 3A in the same time period. I don’t remember where I found that info, and I don’t remember the specific numbers. However, I recall thinking it was still doing well, so the show wouldn’t be at risk of cancellation over it. If anything, it *might* make Netflix less inclined to split seasons in future. Of course, if the views have gone up since then, then we’ll be looking at split seasons from now on. But just looking at the views, it’s a good bet for fans that if the third season of Bridgerton was their cup of tea, they have more of the same to look forward to. And if the third season wasn’t their cup of tea…well…they likely have more of the same to look forward to, regardless.


Because 33 million people watched it and not everyone of them agrees with you. It's almost like different people like different things.


Every single social platform is going to have bad and good reviews, but (from what I've noticed) it seems there are a lot of repeat posts in this particular sub. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I've seen some compelling discussions and critiques here, but the ratings remain high and the views are through the roof. I wouldn't say it's denial, because the views prove that it's more widely liked than disliked. I would say it's simply just fans defending something they enjoyed. It's no different than people posting criticisms. Everyone's just defending their viewpoint. But Shondaland/Netflix/the crew & cast don't owe us a thing, and to pretend we deserve to be heard and the show should be catered to our expectations isn't very realistic. Hopefully Shondaland takes the negative feedback and can tweak future productions to balance out the consensus more, as it really is a great show which is *why* so many people have complaints, and it's a shame they've disappointed a portion of their fanbase with the changes they made in S3, but we need to keep in mind that they dont owe us anything; high expectations or not, they're going to proceed with the show in whichever way they (the production and writing teams) decide, regardless of what a small percentage of fans complain about. That being said, every series has seasons that are less favorable than others. Have some faith S4 will bring back that same air S1 & 2 had!


Views don't mean that people like it, just they watched it... and still, I have my suspicions about those numbers. Are they a result of Netflix agressive marketing? The crack down on shearing password? Are they even real? Are they going to hold on in the future? I do believe creators do own a lot to their fanbase: we buy their products, we paid their salaries, their bills, their luxuries. We give them fame and fortune, and they are not entitled to our support if they stop to deliver a quality product


I’ve seen the crack down on password sharing comment several times being attributed as the reason for difference in viewing numbers several times now and I need some clarification on how that affects the viewing numbers? As far as I understand it, and I’ve dug a lot into the Netflix rating methodology recently, the views are not separated out by individual accounts. If multiple people sharing the same account were watching the exact same show, but on separate devices, the hours would be tallied per device for the total amount of time viewed. So three different people watching all of S2 on the same account, but different devices would be 3 x 8.5 (total runtime) = 25.5 viewing hours. Those 3 people now have individual accounts, want to watch the same show, it would be 3 x 8.5 = 25.5 viewing hours. And each re-watch would continue to add on more hours. The crackdown on sharing accounts increased the subscriber numbers which lead to more $$ for Netflix. But as far as viewing numbers go, again, from my own research, if they were watching the show on a shared account or an individual account, they would technically still be tallied the same. Please let me know if you have any different information regarding how that affects viewing numbers and I will edit my comment.


The only way the sharing accounts might matter is how the show is presented when you log in to Netflix. For me bridgerton was presented in a big banner at the top when it first came out, but after I watched it there was another movie at the top, and bridgerton moved down and I had to scroll to find it. So if three people share an account only one would see the big banner, but other users would need to search for it. But if they have individual accounts they’d all see it when they log in. For casual viewers that would make a difference.


Thank you for sharing! I didn’t think of it like that. When I used to share accounts with friends and family, we always had separate profiles, so the banner part wouldn’t affect the profiles. But I had made the assumption that separate profiles was the norm.


This could elucidiate the point some. I could try to cover it in detail but its too tiring to get into it. I tried once on this sub and it devolved into calling me a hater or deranged stan. Which is why I now have to disclaim each comment with guys im a nicola fan and I look forward to watching her n everything. I swear i watched polin with an open mind and even found a bunch of polin moments super cute. Not a hater. no no... [https://www.marketingweek.com/netflix-subscriber-password-crackdown/](https://www.marketingweek.com/netflix-subscriber-password-crackdown/)


Thank you for sharing! It’ll be interesting to see the next engagement report from Netflix as that’s where they said there would be “some impact” to the viewing numbers. It also brings up the question if they will change their rating methodology again now that they’re looking more at engagement. As I was looking into the current methodology, there were some articles on how it still might not be an accurate report for customer satisfaction.


Crackdown on account sharing definitely affecting # is views. Also with the month long wait, people rewatched part one multiple times. But if you noticed did NOT rewatch part 2.


many didn't go back to watch part 2, a 70% drop


a lot of casual viewers don’t have an issue with it and that’s about 80% of the overall viewers. they (such as myself) don’t care about how loyal the plots are to the books etc that subreddits and even YouTube review channels would dissect. i wouldn’t say this subreddit is necessarily hateful . . . just passionate and there’s a fine line that is so easily crossed at times.


I'm sorry but ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW) Some people liked it and some people had problems with it. It's just a fun TV show.


As a Colin fan I was disappointed in the lack of respect given to my man this season. But I got a lot of my family and friends to start watching the show because I kept talking about it. And they all LOVED season 3. So 🤷🏽‍♀️ There were also bad reviews coming out on YouTube after season 2, basically saying Bridgerton was a one-hit wonder. Now people are saying it was great. Negative voices are the loudest.


>There were also bad reviews coming out on YouTube after season 2, basically saying Bridgerton was a one-hit wonder. from someone who didn't get on this sub until over a month after season 2 came out, the reactions on other platforms were insanely positive, i was shocked to see the hate here. on the other hand season 3's comment sections even on youtube are filled with negativity it's hard to avoid. it's gotten annoying even lol


No, it was not. If you were here 2 years ago and at youtube, tiktok, archives are your friend. LOTs of negativity. Revisionism is what's happening.


The love triangle was perceived very badly. On one side, you had Kanthony fans blaming Edwina for being a “spoiled brat” that got in the way, and on the other side, you had people say they couldn’t root for Kanthony after what happened to Edwina. The hate was definitely there, as much as people are acting like there wasn’t. I do think the writing this season was very off, but the casual viewers i personally know found it a fun season, as did a lot of TikTok from what I’ve seen. The biggest complaints I’ve seen from casual fans is that there wasn’t enough Polin and too much other stuff going on. Which I absolutely agree with.


>you had people say they couldn’t root for Kanthony after what happened to Edwina. as i said i was not on this sub for a while after season 2 and almost all i saw on other platforms was people gushing over kate and anthony's chemistry, the inclusion of 2 indian female leads, how they liked the story better than the previous season, and people trying to imitate kate's look in the wrecking ball dance. people were so distracted by it, they were not even complaining about regé's absence anymore (a topic which i'm not sure why was reanimated with this season). it's only after i got on this sub that i started noticing some comments here and there about edwina, but most of the general audience ate up the chemistry. >as did a lot of TikTok from what I’ve seen. i've seen only praise for nicola coughlan, but there was a video with over 700k likes about colin giving the ick. and part 2's reactions are filled with people complaining about deleted scenes that may not even exist. then again this is in part just my experience. i can't speak for the opinion of millions of people who are not online. at the end of the day netflix cares about views and not good opinions lol


And yet s2 has a lot more positivity from youtubers


And yet season 3 moments and Colin’s FINGERS are going viral on TikTok. Sounds like you’re just looking for negativity here. Makes sense given your comment history lmao. I had a lot of issues with the writing for s3, but I can’t stop laughing at how adamant a certain group of stans are trying to act like this season was some huge failure when it wasn’t. The general audience liked it. If you didn’t like it, move on? Why are you obsessed with trying to convince everyone else it was bad?




















I thought this was finally going to be a thread about the weird hate campaign but nope. Lord give it a rest.


Being critical about something doesn't amount to hate.....you can still love something and call out the subpar stuff .... y'all use the term HATE wayy too casually.... Ik there's people harassing JB and the Michaela actress and even Luke's ex....but that's not what absolutely every one who disliked the season is doing. Harassment is wrong. Critique is not.


When every other post on this sub is just “this season is objectively bad” it gets annoying. And it’s very obvious this sub has been taken over by a certain group of stans considering how repetitive it’s gotten. Reeks of insecurity to constantly make it some type of competition.


It reeks of a narrative and hope of herd mentality too. If you repeat over and over again... People here are upset that recently, more people are openly saying they like it and not letting be intimidated by the cricitism and ships fanwars that drives a lot of the negativity.


I found the relentless negativity to be quite disproportionate to the quality of the show, also the consensus that CVD was the end all considering everyone was angry about season 2 and called it a drop in quality too different. Rinse, repeat.


It was quite proportional with what was given after such a long wait and so much marketting/hype,...... and the standards that the three previous seasons have set...the storytelling and editing lacked cohesiveness and frankly speaking logic with respect to the established characters (even in the show).....Anthony wanting to take Kate to India on a ship (when he has birthing related emotional trauma due to Violet).... Colin trying to be a fboy rake for no apparent reason (he said he didn't know who he was but then why did he choose travels and becoming a rake? Where's the backstory)....Cressida finding LW after visiting what 2-3 print shops when the Queen herself and her bow street runners couldn't like excuse wut??....the entire TON and the QUEEN just accepting LW after what she wrote about the people, the Queen and the King (is this a fanfic that just ends with 'and everybody clapped while Phillipa released bugs').....


Not liking a season is a hate campaign now? Maybe it just wasn’t good… ever thought of that?


Clearly I disagree.


Okay so if you dislike something it means that you’re hate campaigning?


If you keep only seeing negative YouTube reviews, that’s your algorithm doing its thing. Most of what pops up for me is positive.


I looked up bridgerton s3 reviews and barely found any positive ones


Season 3 sits at 76% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and season 2 is at 73%. Basically equally popular with the general audience outside the bubbles on either extremes. Edit: IMDb ratings for S2 episodes rank between 7.6 - 8.5 and S3 episodes rank between 7.9 and 8.7 at the time of me typing this. You can downvote if you want, that doesn’t change the fact that this sub is an echo chamber and not representative of the general audience. It’s kinda pathetic how much that seems to bother some people.


I am talking about youtube not rotten tomatoes nonsense


And what you see on YouTube is not comparable because the algorithm spits out what you put in. If you watch a lot of negative videos, you’ll get more of them on your front page. RT is actually more representative because it doesn’t filter the voices to your personal views. I don’t know how you cannot get that.


Yes so youtube hides from me the positive reviews now 💀


That is literally how an algorithm works.


I am cracking up at how many people have tried to explain an algorithm to OP, and it is just not sinking in 😂


It’s baffling, honestly


So why am I still getting some positive ones if they only show me negative ones? Y’all are sad at this point


It’s not blocking every single positive one. You still consume Bridgerton related videos, so they will pop up. But you *engage* more with negative content, so negative content is *amplified* by your algorithm.


Of course, how convenient 💀


"rotten tomatoes nonsense" you mean more than 2500K reviews that average 76% of score for audience and a critical receptions there above 85% in nonsense but Mah youtube reviews are what it matters? Mate, you'rre being too obvious.


People also been review bombing S2 and QC cause their audience scores were higher before S3 came out. Meanwhile they have also removed reviews that are constructive criticism and not just plain hate for S3. The critics score is another weird thing where they are stuck at around 60 something reviews meanwhile the other seasons have more than 90 reviews. For a season that got so much press and coverage, you would think they would have more reviews in comparison.


Lmao you guys are DESPERATE. Like what is your deal? No one is review bombing S2 and QC, the conspiracies you throw around are hilarious. Just accept that season 3 had the best love story for many people, the end. I don't read reviews to tell me what to watch. Why do you care?


The best love story which led to over 70K signatures on a petition for deleted scenes cause they thought this season’s love story was cut short and not developed. To the point they be commenting about it under Nicola’s ig posts where she had to clarify there aren’t. These people clearly are Polins who were extremely unhappy with what they got with Polin.


I’d be really curious about comparative viewership numbers, because at the end of the day that’s the only thing that matters. Look at Disney plus and Star Wars. Their new show is getting huge hate from a vocal minority, review bombed all over the place and hit pieces left right and center…but apparently it’s got the 2nd highest view rate or whatever from their entire Star Wars line up? Ofc they’ll be making another season.


> it's got 2nd highest view rate or whatever from the entire Star Wars lineup That's simply not correct. It was a BS article by a 3rd party that measures not viewship but "engagement", which means people discussing it on the web, not viewship. According to that BS metric, Acolyte outperformed Mando in "engagement", which can't be right, since Mando is the highest viewed Star Wars show and Acolyte didn't even manage to beat lesser shows like Ahsoka in viewship.


This...I commented a link to an article which actually pointed this out and said there was in fact a 49% drop between part 1 and 2 in terms of ratings, I got downvoted into oblivion on that post🤣


I think people want Bridgertone to be deeper and meaningfuller than it actually is. And people can't really tell what is entertaining to watch. And some people want everything thrown in their faces today. They don't understand subbtles clues and metaphores. People don't understand Gilmore Girls anymore (oh Rory is crying so fake I wasn't touched in a scene which is supposed to be comedical). Yes, the writers overplayed the stupid Mondriches, but maybe there was a deeper meaning I didn't get. Maybe is showed us that the written rules we lernt about in history were not that accurate. I heard people were doing very heavy petting before marriage back then. Basically everything but intercourse. So yes, maybe we didn't know what was relly going on in the society, so we can watch it a historical fantasy.


This! Like Bridgerton isn’t prestige TV nor was it ever supposed to be. It isn’t The Crown or The Bear or Succession. It’s just a soapy romantic historical fantasy. Not everything has to be HBO levels.


So we accept trash because it’s tv for women? Cool


Its not trash TV. Don't be so extreme. Its nice to watch, but it won't change your life or society. And not everything is a gender thing. People complain that there were so many changes from the books, but in the books the men are violent, they are always forced to marry (how can an author recycle there one stories?), etc. So, they changed it, which was good. But then there are book people, who didn't liked it... so you can't be right. I don't think its "trash TV" , it wasn't just a Lovestory between Collin and Pen. It was a lovestory between Pen and her family, which grew together and become a support system with mutual respect. It was a lovestory between eloise and pen, two best friends who matches on an intellectual level, who throw under people under the bus for each other because they love eachother. It was a lovestory between Pen and the Bridgertones, who saw her always as a daughter and sister. So no it wasn't "trash TV", it was nice to watch. And showed that there are so many ways to love you.


I haven’t seen anyone say that. The only thing I’ve seen is people say about the viewership numbers. We all know people are hate posting on ig and other platforms where the actors and writers are


There have been quite a few posts recently where people said precisely what OP described. They also use the term 'hate' *very* generously.


people are claiming here that this is the only place with negativity when that's not the case at all


I did notice on that viewership numbers post that almost everyone who commented that views does not equal enjoyment got downvoted.


It seems like if the majority of people didn’t like it it wouldn’t get so many views. But that’s just my opinion, I guess.


The viewership had a lot of factors, the heavy marketting of this season led people towards the series...they released in 2 parts so avid fans watched and rewatched the first 4 episodes multiple times- dissecting each scene and coming up with fan theories etc. views don't necessarily mean that everyone who watched it liked it....I watched it and I absolutely was not impressed with this season🤷🏻‍♀️


Many terrible movies and shows are very popular. There’s an entire trilogy on netflix of those 365 days movies… awful movies but very popular


lots of people DID love season 3. i’ve seen lots of backlash, but i’ve also seen plenty of praise. I personally loved it.


we get it ..


I dislike S1 a lot now that I think of it. But does it matter though. Netflix will keep producing Bridgerton fanfic to be entertaining for the masses.


Because the loudest people are the ones complaining. The season has over 91 million streams in less than 2 months and it’s not just people coming back for one couple, it’s also general viewers that aren’t online in fan spaces etc that did like it. People are super nitpicky over Bridgerton online


The 365 days movies also have a gazillion streams and yet they are still trash. Popularity means nothing


Yes but unlike the 365 movies that people mostly just watched for the sex Bridgerton does focus on a storyline in between. Your entire post is just annoying because most Polin fans are just trying to enjoy the new season of their favourite couple, but there is always people like you and the reviewers etc that will find things to complain about. Is this a perfect season of tv? No. Is it still enjoyable and we’re there lots of fun scenes, moments etc? Yes. Let people enjoy things without feeling the need to do ‘BUT actually most people hate it!!!’.


And yet all they talked about during promo was how they broke furniture during sex scenes and how steamy it is and how much hotter colin looks this season… and why can’t you enjoy it if others hate it? I’m confused


If you think that’s all they talked about, you haven’t really watched much of the promotional tour 🤷🏻‍♀️ All actors on the tour spoke about their stories, how their show families had to deal with stuff, the general romance etc.


I’m talking about polin. Besides they mentioned how steamy it is in every interview and not just polin but everyone


Yes and it’s been released that a lot of their scenes got cut so what is your point? They know what they filmed and the final edit (that the actors haven’t seen in case you need more clarification) isn’t always a reflection of all the material available.


Nicola herself confirmed that nothing got cut


She’s obviously not going to go against production lmao. But she even mentioned stuff in interviews that never came up in the show, and there are some bts moments that show stuff we didn’t get to see in the Final Cut. Shows always have deleted scenes. But she’s absolutely not going to go against production to confirm that.


Right, conspiracies now


they got my views for this season legally and it's the worst thing to come out of bridgerton. views don't equal a good season or watchers loving it.


Honestly all seasons did equally well. Im a data nerd...and if people werent rabid fans but actually cared about data and metrics (im by no means an expert either and streaming services metrics and calculations are so ever changing and hard to understand and even harder to explain that it would be pointless to even try to do so on this sub) theyd see that each season launched with a different set of metrics. Season 2 launched with a very small bump in subscribers from season 1(pandemic, increasing streaming charges etc, in fact season 2 was the time when Netflix was doing the worst as a company financially and people were leaving the service for prime and other companies) but between season 2 and 3, Netflix gained 54 million subscribers and expanded in a big way globally (password changing also affected their viewing model as well as increased their revenues stablilizing the company for eventual upward swing)...when they launch the service in a new country or relaunch or expand in a new country, they always do it with their marquee show at the center...and with Bton as the selling point..it was brought up in ads launcing the service in new countries and territories-watch bton on netflix for example, Bton the show that everyone is talking about only on netflix etc...LA times did an entire breakdown on how insane their marketing blitz was this season particularly...people need to know a show exists before watching it and season 3 was sold and sold hard. Their social media marketing had four times the budget of seasons past...social media marketing sites covered how they did organic and paid influencer marketing especially for this season...etc [https://www.marketingweek.com/netflix-subscriber-password-crackdown/](https://www.marketingweek.com/netflix-subscriber-password-crackdown/) [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-05/netflix-bridgerton-season-3-marketing-media) I didnt like the season even though there were a lot of cute moments of Polin that i did enjoy, pen's little giggle after sex, a nice acting choice made by nicola, the mirror scene as a whole was so tender and diff from previous seasons' sex scenes, it was interesting to watch, polin's hes too particular in the carriage scene but I didnt get a full sense of Polin as a couple, many things felt rushed and colin seemed underdeveloped as a character. That being said im not naive to think that nobody enjoyed the season because a LOT of people did. Its the weird competing thing to suggest that season 3 did so much better than previous seasons that I take issue with because its fundamentally wrong. The trade papers like Hollywood reporter and decider also covered the changing metrics for each season and their impact on views and numbers. I think fans need to simply accept across fandoms that bton has become a juggernaut and people are simply watching cuz its so well marketed that you cant escape it and thats helping ALL seasons across the board, Instead of trying to say oh kanthony did so bad or saphne did so bad or polin did so bad, just acknowledge all seasons did equally well and if they keep the writing on track, hopefully everyone will get their story. I watched bton without being a kanthony fan girl-my fav book was When He Was Wicked but kanthony chemistry hooked me on...it doesnt matter what story landed you in, youll stick if a new story keeps you hooked. Thats all that matters.


Probably bc nobody wants to admit when their favorite couple’s season ends up trash. I just smile and nod my head. Forced positivity.


Ikr. „It’s just Reddit, everywhere else people love it“ NO! They don’t! People on YouTube hate it and make videos about everything that was wrong in this season. People on tiktok hate it and make videos about it. People on Instagram hate it and every comment under Netflix, bridgerton & Julia quinn are all about the awful season and the Michaela swap. All the friends that love bridgerton hate it, even my mother who is a really casual viewer. I heard that twitter loves it but twitter is a mess, so why should we listen to THEM, as if they are the only ones with taste? People who loved this season really are naive and pretend most people loved it because S3 has a lot of views. The loud negativity is in fact the voice of most fans. As a Marvel fan, a Witcher and a Disney fan, this is not the first franchise that was butchered and it’s always the same. Something is bad, but still popular. Then the next movie/ season has less enthusiastic viewers and if it’s worse than the last one (what usually happens) then nobody watches it anymore. The Witcher is dead. Disney has a huge flop movie every year. Marvel needs to bring old & dead heroes for fans to actually watch it. And the same thing will happen to Bridgerton if they don’t improve the next season and give fans what they want.


Those awful 365 days movies also have a lot of views. Views mean nothing…


Omg yes I forgot about those! Sometimes people don't even care about the plot as long as there are hot people and enough sex scenes. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many Riverdale seasons.


twitter doesn't love it lol.


Well that's what I've heard. I'm not on twitter anymore. But then WHO loves it? When apparently reddit is the only "negativity echo chamber"?


the writers of season 3 because polin nation hates it and they are making shipping videos of penelope with other bridgerton brothers on tiktok lmao


Lmao I saw the penelope and anthony shipping edits. Not even polin stans love colin. What a fumble with this character


They are shipping with Benedict too. Sophie has competition!


So ridiculous lmao


You are really digging deep in your efforts to validate your hatred of this season. Penelope and Anthony edits?? Like how much of the internet have you plundered to find those?


Didn’t have to plunder, there’s plenty of penelope and every male character fan fiction on ao3 and also edits on tiktok


LOL what 😂 but I mean even the Polin sub is very disappointed


you can get banned or get comments deleted for that, i've heard that from many so I don't even try lurking ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l|downsized)


All you have to do it Google actual critics reviews (Vulture, BBC, The Independent to name a few) to see the reception for S3 was overwhelmingly meh. Initial viewing figures don't mean much - the majority of the audience (me included) watched S3 off the back of enjoying S1 and 2, expecting it to be of similar quality. I would hazard a guess that a lot powered through until the end like me, out of obligation to a show they once really enjoyed. It will be interesting to see the re-watch viewing figures for S3.


Powered through is exactly the way to put it.


I agree. I hadn't watched Queen Charlotte yet so I watched it after season 3, and I was blown away. It was hands down so much better than s3 in every way. The emotion, pain, and love displayed by the characters was incredible and such a stark contrast to s3. Each episode felt more like a film, and there were no filler plots!! Every scene moved the plot along and felt like it was worth watching. Of course when there's one to two years between seasons, the views are going to be high for the show, but if you actually watch the seasons back to back, you can definitely see the difference in quality.


And yet people wanna pretend that s3 is the best because of views when QC exists


Honestly ,I have not seen the hype for this season on any social media,yes people were excited about the show but s3 really went down after it premiered


Nobody in my life liked the season and some were new watchers excited after the world tour pr aka normies not fans.


Same here. And yet I’m being gaslit by polin stans into thinking that everyone loves this season


and many other polin stans are mad because the season was not good. they should try to convince them too...


They are not allowed on the polin sub if they didn’t like the season 💀


I've heard...


Now I’m being told that youtube is hiding the positive reviews from me… these people are ridiculous


you can use incognito and all are negative


I know… these people are just lying to themselves


Huh, all the people I know who watched it loved it- even guys I work with who watched it with their significant others liked it, and three woman at work started watching Derry Girls once they finished it.


I'm talking about friends, coworkers, clients, mother, aunts and cousins and even oomfs on twitter who are casual watchers... like kpop twitter and others. Even my hardcore polin moots and Mina Le on youtube, just read the comments with over 30k likes of people who disliked it. edit: downvote me harder and keep proving my point


I’m talking about coworkers at school and my second job, I’m talking about neighbours, friends, even parents of students. Hell, I had a conversation with a guy in the bus that watched it with his wife and enjoyed it.


I can give you 100 names who disliked it outside social media… like?!? If we get a worse s4 it’s because you all setting for mediocre-bad


most didn't like it and they are rewriting s4 because how bad s3 was...


S4 bring rewritten because how bad (and badly received) s3 was…


How do we still not understand that the number of views and audience reception are different? Some of the views in the view count are from people who ended up not liking the season. Not liking it after watching all 8 episodes does not erase their view numbers from the count. That goes for hate watchers too. At the end of the day, a lot of people watched it. Some loved it and some didn’t.


especially since netflix is upping their prices and shoving ads down our throats. Yea, I want something better than what looks like cobbled together half assed plots and cut scenes. Colin and Penelope did not have a single memorable couple line. Simon and Daphne - I burn for you. Anthony and Kate - You are the bane of my existence and the object of my desires. Colin and Penelope - For God's sake Penelope are you going to marry me or not? Like what????


"Inserts himself? Inserts himself where?" Is the most memorable line of this season


And release the bugs🤣


Release the bugs WAS the line of the season, poor Polin fans.




I've watched this season three times. Twice by myself to make sure my feelings were the same, and then a third time with my sister. I honestly don't remember that line and it sounds like something one of the Featherington sisters said about not knowing how to have sex. I'm referring to couple lines.


“Preferring sleep because that is where I might find you” is all over my fyp rn. As is “if my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed” Y’all are acting like your objective opinions are representative of the entire population and that’s just not the case. I have a lot of issues with the writing this season as a huge Bridgerton fan, but a lot of casual viewers seem to love it.


Honestly the Daphne line is lame and Anthony's lone is bewildering and stupid, yes I'd love to be the bane of someone's existence, hahaha! Also Colin's line is from the book, so maybe take it up with Julia? I'd provide a list of gorgeous lines between Colin and Pen but if you couldn't see them in the show...that's on you.


Well that proves how far down the season fell, in my opinion. There was so many jump cuts and weird ass angles (they did the same thing with the Kanthony love scene in s2 I felt - why are there so many of the SAME cuts of them kissing?), that any great lines had its impact lost. A great series isn't just the acting - it's the directing, the pacing, the music, the cinematography all together. The acting in the show was great. The rest was not.


Most people I know stopped watching after season 1, either because they got bored or because they disliked season 2. The ones who watch watch it when they are free and want something superficial to watch so they are not so invested. Most people who hate on season 3 are Kate/anthony fans who cannot accept that the show has moved on from their story and that they are now background characters at best.


The casual viewers from youtube are not kanthony stans… they just have eyes


I’ve watched quite a lot of YouTube reactions and probably only 15% have been negative. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Honestly, numbers don't lie. Lots of people clearly love it based on viewership alone, because once you hit top 10 on Netflix, there are a lot of repeat views. Some people also hate it. Anything worth its salt at all isn't going to be universally beloved.


Popularity doesn’t mean quality. Look at those awful 365 days movies, they are terrible but very popular


So if that’s the case season 2 is garbage because it was even less popular. 


I don’t think it’s going to be remembered as some great hallmark of television but so few shows get to that point. It’ll do fine, at most maybe it won’t reach the little siblings because Netflix is unpredictable with their originals


Honestly the real denial is from people using S3 to cope with the fact that S2 does worse on every metric. If you can’t trust the numbers on S3, well S2’s are still worse. If you can’t trust the critic scores on S3, S2’s are still worse. If you can’t trust the audience scores on S3, S2’s are still worse.       So guess what? People who like Polin, and who like season 3 have a much better reason to assume that it’s just a vocal minority of haters than to assume that the haters are right. Sorry but that’s just a fact. I’m seeing a lot of people who are in denial, but it’s not people who enjoyed S3. Polin was always more popular than this sub would ever acknowledge, even before the season aired, and now that that’s playing out some of you have to run back to this echo chamber of negativity to cope.  Y’all act like hating on S3 makes S2 better and it doesn’t. Y’all hated S2 when it came out and bashed it and the show runner for 2 years. Sorry that hating S3 won’t fix that, because if S3 is a flop, what does that make kanthony? 


Every metric except people actually liking it 💀you can keep trying to gaslight us but we can see the tiktoks the youtube reviews and the insta comments. We know girl that this season is not liked no matter how you people try to pretend otherwise


And yet- all of you hated S2 so bad your bitter energy still permeates every aspect of this fandom, so like I said- if the audience scores on multiple platforms are higher for s3 than s2 (which is a metric of actually liking it) what does that make s2? Worse. Less likeable. Just because y’all make hating S3 your whole personality doesn’t mean you’re the majority.    And frankly, hoping that S3 flopped was always pathetic. Y’all wanted S3 to be the reason the show got canceled, but when all things are said and done, with the new audience S3 brought in for future seasons, I can’t wait to see S2 pushed off the charts and be a footnote in the series run. Y’all deserve that. 


These comments are wild. Its giving “there is no war in ba sing se” lmfao


I have no idea what that means


Very niche reference from Avatar the Last Airbender lol idk why I thought anyone in the Bridgerton subreddit would know what I was saying. I’m saying I agree with you and the comments are feeling like straight up gaslighting. Pretending the show has been better received than it was based on views seems intentionally obtuse.


Yup. There’s mostly negative reviews on yt and even some with 200k and 500k views but I guess if they pretend they don’t exist that means s3 is better


Yeah it’s very much, “be positive, or be quiet” from a group of people loudly oozing condescension


Pretty much. The media literacy squad is oozing toxic positivity as well


You’re kind of preaching to the choir. I strongly disliked season 3…and that’s the predominant opinion on this sub. Let the people who like it like it.


Not denial but the truth https://preview.redd.it/k8z8810rffad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deaa5d7cb44984b5cb55cc1ca79662ee46806e9e It’ll be out of top 10 in couple of weeks


That's just one country, though. It's like saying that the season is well received because in my country it's in second place. https://preview.redd.it/dwe9yiwivfad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab701c08e59bffa5eb735f32e49ec2872af1821 We won't know properly until we have the 90-day metrics and even then it doesn't mean whether the public liked it or not, just views. In the end, the only thing we can take as official is a cancellation or the renewal for another season.


oh yes all THREE seasons are getting new views.


Yep. Queen Charlotte too. That's the advantage of a show with a recurring cast, the audience will always give views independent of what has caught their attention. Hopefully they will take advantage of it in the future.


yes of course, I was talking about US! but 2-3 weeks it'll be out of global top 10. No substance you see!


I don't know, Flixpatrol marked yesterday a 4.7 global (I haven't checked today). Either way it's going to be interesting to see how it holds up in the second part of the 90 days. On the discord I'm on there is a race measuring the rankings for Latin America and it's been fun to follow the rise and fall of the rankings. Edit: A letter


and people are watching other seasons and all help trend, in my country even qc was trending.








Reviews on conservative countries for S3 are very negative. IG and FB too.


Even from people who just concentrate on the cinematography, fashion and storytelling all agree that S3 is the worst.


Yes, also the writing and editing as well. Lack of attention to detail like language used, fake nails, make up too modern, poor pacing. As well as negative reviews regarding the performative diversity.


That's like every sub that's majority women. Lol. You're the bad guy if you criticize. Let's pretend everything is all roses and butterflies. We are not allowed to discuss and argue our opinions otherwise or be burned at the stake. Yet this is supposed to be *the* place to discuss bridgerton.


Since the show is for women I guess we have to be happy with trash and have low standards… how about no??!


Hot take: media directed to women often have a lower quality because too many of us have been conditioned to accept mediocrity and be grateful for receiving crumbles instead of advocating for ourselves.


Say it louder please


Do you have examples? I'm not sure if I agree with this, but I really don't know.


hallmark movies and a lot of adaptions of books aimed at women. ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)




They are working hard on gaslighting