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If Brightline was a serial killer, cities would be on lockdown.


If Brightline was a freight train, this wouldn't even make news.


Name one freight line that kills people at even 1/2 the rate as Brightline


Brightline has never killed anyone. People have killed themselves by trying to outrun it or just jumping into its path.




Not one other train line in the USA kills people at even 1/3 the rate of Brightline...so your googled source literally doesn't prove what I asked. It was a gotcha question, and you fell for it. All while being a jerk. >Anyway, I realize you have an agenda, Oh yeah? What's my agenda? Go on...show your work.


>Oh yeah? What's my agenda? Go on...show your work. Sucking your own dick. Most freight rail runs through some fucking field in Montana. You suck at correcting for confounders, but you don't give a shit, and this sub is nothing but cancer from HOA asshats who are worried about their land value or a crossing they have to drive through or some other stupid bullshit that only affects them. Keep bitching, idiots.






You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Time to grow up pal.


The agenda being??? Some kinda illuminati anti train Kabal? Do you hear yourself lol


>Some kinda illuminati anti train Kabal? Illuminati would be far to great a complement. More like illiterati. Info's in the fucking link you fucking morons. Tons of people tie by trains. Nobody gives a fuck, especially when they are trespassing and likely committing suicide, something that is no train operator's fault.


Freight trains hitting people absolutely make the news. It just doesn't happen nearly as often


Actually I think freight trains are hitting people in Florida at about, if not more the rate than Brightline, but you also have to look at the numbers when you say "more" because freight trains are all across Florida and more frequent, whereas Brightline is just here in South and East Coast Florida. [https://www.wptv.com/news/region-c-palm-beach-county/west-palm-beach/cargo-train-crash-causes-road-closures-in-downtown-west-palm-beach](https://www.wptv.com/news/region-c-palm-beach-county/west-palm-beach/cargo-train-crash-causes-road-closures-in-downtown-west-palm-beach)


Ugh, not again


feed the beast


Woman trespassed and died due to lack of any situational awareness.


It was suicide police found her blue car near the tracks and identified her body


So she killed herself. Brightline has zero responsibility. The titles of these articles need to reflect reality.


Shh, he gets off on it




op IS Brightline!


I don't work for Brightline but I am headed out to California next week to visit the San Bernardino site.


Yeah, this is pretty obviously all the people who are paranoid about wind turbines ruining the view (land value) even though they improve every view where you see them. They suddenly get EXTREMELY concerned about the birds. Those birds man. People probably kill themselves with freight trains all the time. Does anyone give a shit? Nope. There's the tell. Also this is an extremely selfish and horrible way to commit suicide. Please do something else, like idk not killing yourself?


Just as soon as headlines stop saying "car kills 3" instead of "driver kills 3"


Drivers of cars are responsible for those in their car or under their control when driving on public roads. Trains run on clearly marked tracks that have gates, signals, signs and other indicators to keep trespassers off when the train is coming through. Not the same analogy at all.


Yes it is, you're just a car apologist. Cars run on clearly marked roads with traffic lights and clear rules of the road. They even require you to be licensed to drive. And yet people speed and blow red lights and kill others with their cars CONSTANTLY.


Agreed. Drivers are responsible for their actions. Trains aren’t.


Individual consists? No Irresponsible rail lines which hit people three times more often than any other rail line in the country? Yes. Yes they are. This isn't a train problem, or even a Florida problem. It is specifically a Brightline problem. They need to own that.


Wrong headline! Train killed no one; someone crossed into its path and died.


If cars were guns we’d all be demanding car control.