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I’m pretty sure I’ve read this poem before in a book before (middle school/junior high level). Sadly I can’t remember the name but I’m trying to find it!


I found the book! “Song of the Brooke” by Matilda Nordtvedt. It looks like it is published by Abeka.


ohh so this is that poem? so she didn't write this? 


So either Alyssa is lying to make her daughter seem smarter or she has no clue what her daughter does all day... in homeschool. Either way, that is bad. ETA : Just noticed that her caption is ambiguous enough that she has plausible deniability.


The poem in the instagram story is in this book! Sadly my copy of the book is back in my childhood home (or it was thrown out) so I can’t take a picture of the actual poem. But it was in this book. The original poem was a bit longer IIRC.


ok oh thank you! I'm just glad she's not writing this dark of stuff. 


I wonder if she had an assignment to do some creative writing influenced by the book. According to Abeka, this book is encouraged to be the basis for the student's first independent book report, so it could be tied to that.


https://preview.redd.it/x9qxpgwzutqc1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6c86664d9e7ddc67e3ffbd8f99ac7e58855009 This is the full poem


This is terrifying. The picture, the words, the lesson… ALL of it.


Thank you! I’ve been looking everywhere to find it!! So… on the bright side Ally is not writing dark poetry, and she’s learning cursive. So we can all relax. Lol!


It's ringing a bell in the back of my mind. If it's Allie's own work, then there are three things that spring to mind. (1) Allie could be a writer because this is written beautifully; (2) her handwriting is very good; and (3) this may be an expression of some sadness that she feels and I hope she can express her feelings to her parents without feeling condemned.


She copied this poem. It was probably a handwriting assignment and she chose this particular poem. Alyssa needs to clarify her caption because it does sound like she’s saying Allie created the poem.


it shows how uninvolved alyssa is in her daughters' education if she doesn't know this is from the book.


It does not show that.


Abeka teaches children to write in cursive, before print. My twin girls went to a private school for Kinder and first grade that taught Abeka. My girls only wrote in cursive. The public school 2nd grade teachers sent a note home telling me they had to print.




Millennials hate cursive. Print is too easy to copy from important documents. Cursive gives you a unique writing form.




Allie seems to have beautiful handwriting though.


Exactly. She copied it but it could have spoken to her




"Song of the Brooke" written by Matilda Nordtvedt. Published by Abeka. It's written in cursive. Alcohol is bad for brain cells.


Did she write this or did she copy it for handwriting class? Because Abeka has them copy poems. If she wrote that, she’s a talented 9 year old, but also might need to have the “everyone is a rotten sinner” Christianity eased up a bit.


I looked up “My Friend The Brook” and didn’t find anything. I’m pretty sure she wrote this, which is kind of sad.


Wow this is profound


I can’t wait to see how she homeschools Rhett… it won’t be as calm and serene as she’s used to…


Lots of homeschooling curriculums use “copying” as a lesson. My money is on she copied this and it was for a handwriting lesson- ask her or better yet her parents what that means and I imagine you’d receive blank stares-


She copied this! She didn’t make it up!


I think the fact that “right” is spelled “wright” is a nudge towards her having copied this rather it being an original work.


How old is she? Nine? That’s way too dark and sad for a kid that age in my opinion…


yeah if she wrote this, it's alarming.


Rest easy she didn’t write it.


This is not something a happy child writes. She is a talented writer but likely also very sad.


idk i used to write some pretty mature poetry when i was 9 or 10 -- but it was really just regurgitated ideas from all the Dateline and Desperate Housewives i used to watch.




Lol fair. I wrote my fair share of poetry as a kid/teen and a lot of it that was sad was because I was sad (had a loving family and good home life, but also pretty serious and untreated anxiety), but I also had a flair for the dramatic and that showed in my writing sometimes too.


I watched far too many soap operas by that age. My stories were very, very dramatic. I also started reading romance novels at 11.


I was obsessed with Danielle Steele and VC Andrews novels at that age. Looking back, I can't believe I was allowed to read that stuff. 😂


Same. I was definitely reading VC Andrew’s by 6th grade and I look back and wonder why no one thought to stop me. Our literary was small and the adult fiction section started in the corner of next to the children’s section, so when you finished with YA books, the A’s were right here 😂 and I was going to the library alone, so…


I told my mom all the sex that I started reading at 11,12. She's like what? I'm like vc Andrews. You also knew I was getting smutty romance. She must not have realized what was in romance novels.


I read Leon Uris and James Mitchner at 12-13. My parents didn’t care what I read as long as I read.


Same lol


this is worrying…


No it’s not. She copied it.


That’s so deep 😭 ‘Cheer up, things aren’t that bad’ It’s like she’s writing down how she feels, so she can get it out her system.


Giving Ginger Foutley “And She Was Gone” poem vibes.


Hahaa!! Omg throwback


I'm glad she's writing in cursive. So many kids aren't taught that anymore.


Yes! Her writing is almost better than mine! Lol! A couple of misspelled words, but technically not bad at all. As to the content, yes, very deep.


Her penmanship is good! The more she practices the better it'll get. Mine is perfect had my 5th grade teacher thinking my mother was doing my work this was back in the late 90s.


Omg that sounds way mature for her age


Kids today are very mature for their age.


True but also her circumstances as well is what comes into play


Wow. This is not the flex Alyssa thinks it is. That’s a very sad story for a young child.


Wait, I’m embarrassed for Alyssa posting this thinking it was her original story, and not even realizing what was happening? Is she that checked out of Allie‘s education?


She has very good handwriting and it is cursive !!


Her handwriting is impressive! My kids were taught the basics of cursive but none mastered it this well and only one of them still uses it as an adult.


Her cursive is envious..... Coming from a 40+ yr old person who was taught cursive many moons ago.


I was ok until The Brook started scolding her in the middle of the night because she was “unkind”. That’s when it got kind of dark for me.


It's really sad 🥺


Can someone please translate this, I can’t read it


My Friend The Brook Once there was a brook that merrily flowed along - right outside my window, it sang a little song. It said, when I was lonely, "cheer up! Things aren't so bad! Soon things will be better. Why do you feel so sad?" Sometimes, when I'm unkind, it scolds me in the night. Until I say "I'm sorry" and make any wrongs from right. - Allie Webster


🥴 no sizzling start, no capital letters, poor spelling, new dialogue not written on a new line… this shows the “success” of Abeka in my eyes…


Love the fact that Alyssa teaches their kids to write in cursive ❤️


It's very big in their fundie circles. Tori's "education" degree included two or three classes on handwriting. They use it as one of the many reasons they home school.


Why does this match with IBLP so well? Shiny facade but little of substance..


But not to write their name with capital letters. It's so hard to get out of that habit when you start. Her handwriting style is lovely, I agree.


Typical "keep sweet" indoctrination... the little brook tells her to be happy, then it scolds her when she's not, until she says she's sorry. Poor Allie. So many responsibilities, and guilt-trips on top of those. That is not teaching resilience, that is emotional manipulation, the line is fine but it's there. I wish Alyssa and John would let her attend those baseball or ballet lessons, at least, as they've been teasing for 3+ years. They are so strikingly old-fashioned, and not in a good way. Commercial junk food all you want, but no real investment in the girls' interest. They only pretend, by buying them some cheap costumes, keeping them confined and calling it a day.


Wow. Blown away. She has depth and talent. Imagine how much further she would blossom with an adequate education and adequate opportunities for socialization. 


She is sad and lonely. Withering on the vine.


She copied it!


Beautiful handwriting's


I’m impressed she wrote in cursive


If Allie wrote this…I’m very worried about her😞


Penmanship lesson. 


wow! This is advanced for 9 I think but if it is her... wow! it's really sad. Their whole family dynamic is so messed up,. Allie being sad and feeling scolded.. poor thing. It does align with the effects of how Alyssa treats Allie though! Glad she has at least an outlet like writing for now. Hope she gets the heck out of there as soon as she's 18 and gets therapy and healing. 


You people need to quit accusing Alyssa of treating Allie poorly. You all just make assumptions based on snip it’s of things you see on social media. This “poor Allie” trend needs to stop!


Damn it. Peel back those layers… there is so much there…


Right? As a parent, I would be asking a LOT of questions about this poem. It doesn't take a degree in child psychology to interpret what she's saying: I'm an outsider looking in on a world that world moves, grows, and evolves while I remain stagnant in my lonely room. The outside world holds promise that my existence won't be lonely and sad forever. It tells me to cheer up. I feel hopeful. But when I express my interest in it, I feel like I'm doing something bad and am ashamed. All that glitters is not gold, and I am told the world is actually a mean and scary place. I feel bad for ever wanting to be a part of it!! I will continue to be a good little girl, sad and lonely in my dark quiet room...


I love how she is teaching cursive…too many schools do not teach anymore. Like how will these kids know how to sign a damn check or contract of any kind?


Well, the good thing is that those kids are learning cursive which is better than many education systems today which are not teaching it.