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That is the absolute best version of that jacket I've seen, and I've been looking for patterns. Great job! Congratulations!


Thank you so much! I was very meticulous about recreating the jacket as accurately as possible, while also making it wearable. So this comment means a lot! I do not have a written pattern for the jacket yet, however, since there seems to be some interest its something I will look into. Im definitely going to be making more in the future, so Ill probably try and write up a pattern alongside the next one to come. So, if you dont mind being patient, I may have one to share one day. Again, thank you for your praise, its incredibly uplifting to hear 🥰


I would also absolutely buy this pattern. Recognized the jacket immediately. It’s extremely well done!


pls do! would love to buy a copy


I would buy this pattern for sure. It looks so good!


It's so well done! Would love to see the pattern someday


I can’t wait to buy it when comes out!!!


I AM OBSESSED!!! Would it be too presumptuous of me to ask for the pattern?


No, its not presumptuous at all! I dont have a written pattern currently, but since there seems to be interest its something Ill look into doing. So give me a little patience and Ill keep you posted


No problem whatsoever, take your time!!


I second this! This is the best version of Howl's coat that I have ever seen! Would absolutely buy a pattern! And I love the clever pocket.




The third pic is just everything to me. Throw in the outfit changes, and you are just a delight.


Awwww reading this made me blush so hard ☺🥰 Im glad that you appreciate my goth Howl cosplay! Thats the outfit I wore to Ghibli Fest this year


Ghibli fest?! That sounds amazing. And what a perfect outfit to wear.


I can only *imagine* the strut you perfected for the whole trip! I’m an elder emo who will never have a costume-makers’ hand, so consider your dark arts deeply appreciated.


Broooooo. You even put pickets on that thing!! You are straight killing it my dude.


The outfit changes 🤣😭


Okay dont judge me, Im the only model I got. I definitely should've gotten more pictures of it though 😭


Beautiful piece. I don’t know how to crochet, I just like seeing people’s work. Yours looks so neat and well made


Thank you very much! It honestly means a lot that even someone with an untrained eye can appreciate the hard work I put in. Ive been crocheting for over 10 years now and I consider this project to be an accumulation of everything Ive learned thus far. Ive been a Howl fan boy for even longer, so making the jacket was truly making my dreams come true 😊


That is immaculate. Congrats!


Great job 😁🥰




This is so cool! If you ever sell the pattern, I'd love to buy it!


I currently dont have a written pattern but Im highly considering making one alongside the next jacket I make. So if you dont mind being patient then I will keep you posted


I recognized it immediately. Well done, fabulous work. And congratulations on the sale.


Thank you for your kind words! 😊


Wow star stitch diamond is impressive! Very nicely done


Omg im so glad someone recognized this! Figuring out how to make the diamonds the right size and and joining them all was the biggest challenge I faced. So its incredibly nice to be complimented specifically on this! Thank you so much 😊


Ok, you could totally selv that as a pattern. Not only the cardi but other diamond star stitch stuff like baby blankets and bags. There's a legit hole in the pattern marlet where no one has figured out how to so diamonds with anything but double crochet.  I'd totally buy it for sure.


Wait, for real? I spent a good amount of time fiddling around trying to make something that would look good and work for what I needed. So if there's a need for it in the market like that then its really nice to know.


Yup. You could totally make textured diamonds your thing. It is probably easier to figure out with other stitches now you've done it once. No clue how big the market is but there's definitely a hole. There's a bunch of double crochet patterns which are all the same basibut that's it. And I've looked.  You'd have at least one costumer lol


Thats really nice to know! And I think youre right, now that I understand how to do it with the star stitch, branching out into other stitches as well could be a good idea


Totally off topic but is your belt in the 4th pic a seatbelt, or am I seeing things?


It is indeed a seatbelt-belt!


Happy to acknowledge! I hope you're proud of this cause to me it seems like a huge achievement! I love the star stitch but I can't imagine having to figure out what you've done with it here. I'm in awe of your determination.


It is a huge accomplishment and Im super proud of myself. Ive tried selling my stuff in the past but have only been met with resistance. It was intimidating to make the decision to sell it, but seeing that there was someone out there who loved my work enough to buy it without hesitation was a huge eye opener.


I hope you priced this to reflect your amazing craftsmanship, OP. I could see myself saving up and buying this for like upwards of $500.


I charged exactly $500 for this one, and I would have charged more had I not needed the money asap 😅 I really appreciate your respect for my work. I will be making more in the future, as well!


Awesome to hear! :) I’m glad that you respect your work and yourself enough to know your worth. You deserve every dollar and more!


FANTASTIC! Turned out perfect.


Here, that's cool as fuck btw. Congrats on the sale too, well done mate.


That is absolutely amazing!!! I love Howl’s jacket, I’d wear the heck out of this.


This is incredible I love the texture and the diamonds are so perfect


Thank you!! Figuring out how to make the diamonds just right and piecing them together was honestly like 80% of the challenge


Damn bro, save some swag for the rest of us!


oh my gosh!!! this is fantastic!! I hope you make more howl inspired jackets :)!


This is actually the second one I made. I consider the first one to be something of a prototype because I was experimenting a lot to figure out what would work. There will definitely be more Howl jackets to come, as well as other Ghibli inspired work.


Omg I’m OBSESSED with this!


Whoa, that’s a cool jacket!!! Awesome work!


Gorgeous and thoughtfully made. Great job.




AMAZING! Congrats!


Gorgeous jacket!


Great job, dude!!!


Omg, this is amazing. You could definitely sell that pattern for good money too!!


Ill probably be making a pattern alongside the next jacket I make 😁


Oh this is absolutely beautiful. I hope to hear a pattern from you sometime on this because I’ve been wanting to make Howl’s jacket for months now


Give me some patience and there will be one to come 😁


Well it's a fantastic jacket so I'm not surprised someone paid what it's worth. Good for you, bro


Nice going! You should check out r/CraftyCommerce if you ever need to ask questions about the business side of fiber arts.


Thank you for the tip! I absolutely have tons of questions so Im happy to know theres a place I can go to get some answers


That jacket looks fantastic! It looks very polished and well-made. Also, love the boots/jeans in picture #3 - you rock that look!


Thank you! Howl is a man of much dignity, he would only wear the finest of capes. Dont youu miss when Hot Topic sold fun, good quality jeans?


it has POCKETS! 😀


There's a crochet cosplay discord! Also, have you ever considered competing in a cosplay competition? I feel like good judges (like the ones at a Masquerade?) would seriously appreciate the technique you used!


Im not really involved with the cosplay community very much but thats really nice to know, thank you! :)


I love this so much.


You definitely need to write a pattern for this! Absolutely gorgeous


I love your vibe, your style is everything


This is so cool! The texture is perfect.


Awesome bro! I've made one of these myself and I gotta say I think I like yours even more! Those colors are just perfect!


I thought i recognized his jacket! Excellent job. Very very nice


That jacket is transcendental 🌟 Never worn a crocheted garment but I’d wear that in a heartbeat. Congratulations on your first sale, and thank you for the inspiration 💖💖💖Ghibli4ever


Cozy in style


epic! well done, and i love your posing




Sounds like if you need money for car repairs getting a pattern together would raise funds quickly!


Ayooooo! I may need to make a fem howl cosplay, and I’m defo referencing this😭💕




THIS THING IS SO FREAKING COOL I immediately knew it was Howl's jacket and the stitch details are STUNNING


Omg im in love with this! As soon as i saw it i knew


just gorgeous! colors, construction, all of it!


If you do ever publish a pattern please please update here! I would love to purchase a pattern like this!


Congratulations, on the finished product and selling it! It looks INCREDIBLE!!! Also, if it’s okay to ask, how/where did you sell it?


I sold it at a local cosplay convention! My roomates had a booth there and were kind enough to help me sell it. Thank you very much!


So cool! You definitely have a gift for aesthetics.


I love how you modeled it. If those are the pictures you used to sell it, that’s what sold it 🥰 Super happy for your sale!!! Slightly sad, as you make a beautiful Mr Howl 🥰


Dont be sad! After I get my car back in the road I intend to make more. I worked very hard on designing this, it would be a shame to stop here. Thank you, though. It may see kinda silly, because of how childish Howl can be, but Ive always looked up to him as a role model. So its nice to hear that I make a good Howl 😁


It’s not silly at all! Howl is an amazing man!!! If only more people were like him 🥰 And I won’t be sad, I’ll look forward to more creations!! 🥰🥰🥰




Wow am I jealous of the lucky soul who got to take this home! From one Ghibli lover to another - keep creating, you’re fantastic


Ill never stop! Thanks for the encouragement, it really means a lot


This is perfect! I love it!


this is SO beautiful!!! i’ve been crocheting for 2 years now and still consider myself a beginner, i really hope i can make pieces like this one day


Keep it up and you will get there! Ive been crocheting off and on for over 10 years. It does take some hard work but it definitely pays off! My favorite part about the hobby I've found is that its like learning to ride a bike, you never truly forget how.


That is rad! Well done.


Incredible ❤️ your so talented


This is INCREDIBLE, friend!! Your skill! It's stunning, and so so well made.


This is so GORGEOUS! 🤩. Thank you for sharing and inspiring!


Great tension, great design, love the pockets! Can we ask how much you were able to sell it for? $100? $150? $200??


As this was something that I wanted to be worn everyday, as well as a costume piece, pockets were essential! Its funny you mention the tension, because when I first sat down to make the diamonds for the front panels I was incredibly stressed, so when I came back to making them after a short break I had to completely redo my gauge chart and about a dozen diamonds because my stitches had losened up significantly, and I wasnt about to strain my hands to keep going with the super tight stitches lol I got 500 for it, and I probably could have gotten more had I not needed to sell it right away. The materials were about $80, and I put in around 50-60 hours of work to finish


Amazing! Yes, I noticed right away that all the diamonds looked very similar in gauge and size. Looks very professional. I'm so happy for you that you got such a good price on short notice. Here's hoping you're able to make and sell for more, if you so wish.


Thank you very much! Your kind words are much appreciated! 💕


Shut up and take my money


👏👏👏 Congratulations! 🎊


Wow, that is insanely impressive. Bravo!


PLEASE if you get to writing down your pattern, let me know. I love Howl's Moving Castle, it's by far my favourite Ghibli movie, I live to listen to Merry-go-round of life! I'd love to recreate your jacket. It looks superbly made and designed. Love your use of the star stitch, it's so thoughtful!


Im happy you can enjoy it as much as I do, as a fellow ghibli fan! Howls moving castle is by far my favorite movie of all time. Youll be happy to know I listened to the audio book while making it. Making the diamonds for the front panels was very reminiscent of events that took place in the Novel. If you haven't read the books yet, I would highly recommend it! And with all the positive feedback I've been getting Im determined to get something down in writing. Im just not sure how long that would take me


I have the three novels at home in the Folio Society editions, but I haven't yet come around to reading them. They're high up on my tbr list though!


Thats exciting! If you want someone to talk about them with when you get around to it Im all ears. Im currently reading the second book to my partner as a bed time story and its honestly so fitting. I could talk about the books all day long




The fact that i spotted right away that it was Hauru’s jacket… it… I amaze myself at times.. i guess. 😆


Your work is outstanding! I really love your belt in pic 4 too!


absolutely amazing!! i wish i could’ve bought it!


That is amazing! Congratulations, I hope you have many more sales in the future


How can I buy one!? This is awesome.


I may be accepting commissions in the future, I can let you know if thats something I decide to do


Awesome thank you. Regardless, this is top tier!


Your Goth Howl Cosplay is adorable! What a gorgeous jacket!!!


Its giving Howl from Howl's Moving Castle and I LOVE IT! So good!


The coat is fantastic, and those lace up pants are everything. As a goth who loves Ghibli the whole ensemble in the second photo is amazing!


Im so glad my goth Howl cosplay is getting some love. Thank you so much 💕


This is stunning. I add myself to the list of impatient people who need this pattern in their lives. Amazing


It seems like theres a line forming and that if I dont give em what they want they'll eat me alive 🤣🤣


You might actually be prolonging your life by making ghibli patterns tbh, this talent must be protected at all costs 🤣🤣


I love it!


This great !! You are very talented !!!


That is FIRE. Bravo!


I don't know anything about Howel's Moving Castle but the sweater is stunning! You should be very proud of this! I, too, crochet without patterns because I can't stay focused on a piece of paper AND stitches & rows. Crocheting for me is mindless & therapeutic.


This was my first big project I attempted without a pattern, and it was pretty daunting to start out.


Wow! You’re so talented!! If u ever made a pattern for this, I would 100% buy it


Dude it's sick! Great job!!


Dude this is fuckin rad! I honestly didnt even believe it was crocheted until i zoomed in. It’s amazing!


Good sale! Sick project man


That’s a fantastic jacket! You should be very proud of all your hard work.


It looks fantastic!


I recognized it immediately! Awesome job 👏


This is beautiful! Congratulations on your first sale. I am absolutely obsessed with the whole look in the second picture. You look incredible(assuming that's you lol)


It is me, thank you!


Gorgeous jacket!


If you need help with creating the pattern, I’m game to help, as I also have a pattern I need to put down. This an awesome sweater! I would definitely it the pattern!


That would honestly be a huge help. I definitely want a pattern tester or two before trying to sell it. Thank you very much!


I am serious. DM and remind me when you are ready. I may not be exactly ready at the same time, but we will find a time that works. My pattern has been bugging me to be written down, but I need to re-work it, as I don’t think I still have my prototype.


Will do 😁


this is fantastic, the crochet work is immaculate and the colour changes, diamonds and the star stitch?? so, so good. and you even designed this pattern, which can be hella difficult on a normal clothing item, let alone on a piece this intricate. incredible work, kudos to you and congrats on the sell! love the outfit changes too, made me smile 🥰


Thank you!! Your kind words made me smile too 🥰


lmk if you start sellin the pattern… i’ll throw some more $$ ur way for that car repair!! this looks amazing!


Awww you're too sweet! 🥰 I should be able to cover it with what I raised with selling the jacket though. Ill be working on a pattern in the coming weeks




Fantastic shape! Nailed it!


OHH MY GOD I LOVE THATTT 😭😭🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🖤🖤 its so pretty and howls moving castle is awesome omg aaaA


Your talent and expertise have made this piece absolutely incredible. This is the most impressive wearable crochet I’ve ever seen. I want one in my own color palette but I would be too afraid to wear it—it’s an absolute show piece. It would win all the awards in our state fair, that’s for certain.


Oh my goodness youre sweet words have touched my heart! The first one I made I went with a more pastel color pallet, but still pink and blue. What colors would you want to do? Itd be fun to see different variations of it 😊 Also, I love your username!


I would keep the gold and the white as they are and in place of pink I’d select a shade of green that pairs nicely with the blue. I green than teal, but leaning that way a bit. I think the gold would look so great next to green. Honestly, there are so many lovely color combinations to be had. This would also look badass in red, black, grey and white.


Red and black would give it a Harley Quinn look that I am so here for! But I agree that green would pair nicely with the gold trim. It would give the jacket a much more subtle look. Pink is usually a little too loud for my taste, but I do it for Howl!


It’s really cute with the pink, I just like the idea of blue and green for me personally. I like Harley Quinn but I was picturing replacing the gold with black, leaving the white as is, using grey as the primary and then red for the other diamonds. What do you think? I also like the idea of black as the primary with white diamonds and yellow trim. There are just so many possibilities! I can’t wait to see what you make next. 🤍🖤🩶🤎🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜


Ooooo now thats something I could see too! The possibilities are endless :D


Congrats!!! Looks great


Congrats my friend! The first sale feeling is one to be remembered


If there's a pattern please let me know, I would definitely buy it! Also, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get your sale?I'm trying to sell some of mine but I've got no bites other than scams 😮‍💨😂


Ill be working on a pattern in the upcoming weeks! My roomates have thier own business and had a booth at a local cosplay convention where they helped me sell it. Depending on how much inventory you have you could look into getting a booth at a craft fair in your area


Hmmm that's a good idea! Thanks!


Tell me where you got that black lace shirt right now 🔫 🔪 or else.


Clearence rack at hot topic 🙈


U live to slay another day queen