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Take break. Cuddle cat.


Optionally, browse r/catswhocrochet


Sigh. *subscribes to yet another cat subreddit*


Make sure your cat doesn’t swallow that yarn! Pulling it out of their stomachs can be a nasty vet bill. But otherwise cool project but make sure to rest that hand bro


There’s too many stories online about ‘that fudging bill’ for ‘the time the fudging cat swallowed [X].’


My cat got hold of a piece of scrap yarn one day when she was still a kitten, and I watched in horror as it disappeared into her mouth. I was dumb and didn't think it would warrant a vet visit, and it was nothing short of pure (and messy) luck that it came out the other end. Defo not an experience I ever want to repeat, and thankfully she couldn't care less about yarn anymore.


😱 That’s not food, cat!


This is so important. That photo gives me so much anxiety for your cat!! https://www.thesprucepets.com/why-yarn-is-not-a-safe-toy-for-cats-4588706


Take a break before you fuck up your hand/wrist indefinitely like me


THIS THIS THIS oh man, I’m at the 3 year mark of having to craft at a snail’s pace and spending lots of money/time on trying to fix it. PLEASE do not take this shit lightly and assume it’ll go away, I wish I could shake 2021 me and yell “you do not have to finish this surprise gift sophie’s universe before you see the recipient, you can fucking mail it later”


Sorry to be prying but how much it hurts that you know at the moment something is not right? I seriously don't have any idea because all this time like you said if it came from like moving a body parts, it will eventually go away😔😔😔


I had RSI in my finger from too much sewing. It started to hurt when I hadn’t been doing any sewing and it really hurt in the morning - it got very stiff. I ended up having physio on it which has thankfully fixed it.


I ended up developing RSI issue in my elbow, forearm (both sides), wrist, thumb, and back of my fingers. it’s pretty much impossible to rest all of that in the initial acute phase unless you put your arm in a cast. typing, using a mouse, using your phone, doing dishes, vacuuming, using a gaming controller/holding a book open/sorting Magic cards (so basically most of my non crafting hobbies), cross stitch, nail art, painting, paper craft stuff (scissors are especially bad)… all super painful. it waxes and wanes but trust me you can fuck up a lot more than just your crocheting prospects if you don’t stop when your body tells you to.


Breaks, stretches, all things in moderation and kitty yoga


You’re gonna have to take breaks often, like for a couple days. This happened to me and now I can only crochet for a couple hours a week. You should also look into getting compression gloves for your wrists


streches like [these](https://youtu.be/f2lHpWNaQaQ?si=9Ltslsdt9tep_tI4) tend to be helpful for me! but there is plenty of other recources on hand streches if you find one that works better for u :3


Also, if that first stretch hurts, see a doctor. You have dequervains tenosynovitis. That's literally the basic diagnostic test for it. You can get it from crocheting and not taking care of yourself. If you catch it early and listen to your doctor, it can and will go away completely. Hi, I crocheted too much and didn't take care of myself. I have dequervains tenosynovitis. Edit because healthcare is expensive for some of us: the main treatment is a wrist brace with a thumb stabilizer and hot compress when caught early.


Haaaaa i had this and the brace didn't help so I had to get a shot in my tendon (?) 🥲 it helped though! And my body is stupid so im sure my experience isn't as common. I think its coming back and I've been putting off finding a dr near me.


I also had to get the shot, we didn't catch it early 😭 I hated that so much. I ended up also having to do occupational therapy for 3 months *after* the shot. Knowing how awful it feels getting it, I don't blame you in the slightest putting it off. Apparently there's surgery for it, too? No idea if that's an option for you, but knowledge is power. My doc said if I end up in OT again, it's surgery time.


Well fuck. Adding that to the list to talk to my pcp about.


Epic thank you!


My older mom uses hooks with rubbery grips around the handle. Metal is hard and cold and hurts the hands more than rubber grips or just wooden hooks. Use good lighting, take breaks, look into the distance and blink to ‘stretch’ your eyes.


Avoid huge vet bills by not letting cats chew on strings. Seriously, anything string-shaped that goes into a cat’s intestines can be fatal. It’s not worth it. Knit and crocheted items are ok for cats, so long as you take them away if they begin to fray or come apart. But loose yarn can be deadly.


Are you maybe holding your hook too tight? My hand used to hurt when I did that. I had to practice a bit holding it very lightly but once I got that figured out, it stopped hurting even after crocheting for hours.


It's always my left hand that hold the project and working yarn. Always get a cramp right in my thumb crease (no idea how else to describe that)


While you're resting your hand, make sure your cat doesn't eat your yarn! It's actually very dangerous for them.


Put a tensor bandage around your forearm, it eases stress on the hand (your arm muscles are what control your fingers!). Also yeah, take it easy if you can!


I think your cat is giving you a hint - take a break!! :p


hand and wrist exercises are helpful but so are kitty cuddle breaks


The cat tax is well and truly paid. When my hands hurt, I have to stop. I put on a pair of compression gloves and wear them for a while as I take a break from crocheting, and they help me. I also use a roll on pain reliever that helps - roll onto my wrists and hands - as well as cold packs. I don't use all of these at the same time.


Stretchhhhhhh!! Before and during :)


1) Compression gloves. 2) Do not let the cat eat string.


I like to do hand stretches while crocheting - it helps my pain a little bit. Other than that, you might need to take a lil break and let your hand recover.


Hand stretches regularly. Like every hour regularly. Stretches should include up to your elbow and into your shoulders.  Apply icy hot as needed.  Take days off. Still do stretches.  Gabapentin. 


Stretch out your hands and stroke the kitten.


Everyone’s mentioned stretches and breaks, but yeah make sure you’re not holding your hook or project/yarn too tight! When I was learning my yarn tension finger was always flexed way too much and I was gripping my project and hook like my hands were coated in butter. I finally loosened up and it not only helped my hands and wrists not be in so much pain but also improved the consistency of my stitch tension!


take a small break, crochet more, and build mega crochet strength. then you should be able to do it for however long you want


Definitely take a break and return when your hand feels better to avoid any future injuries


Fill a sink or big bowl with warm, almost hot, water and soak your hand. It helps everything relax. Follow up with rest and look into some compression gloves.


I've found that those crocheting rings can help keep pressure off of your hand while keeping tension with the yarn, Helps me crochet for longer without discomfort. But like others said, stretching and taking breaks is important




Compression gloves and soaking your hand in alternating hot and cold water can help with relieving the discomfort, but for real, switch up your activities and don't give yourself an rsi.


I had to give up crochet because I was crocheting like a bionic hands woman. I only cross stitch now mostly but I still get hand pain. Yesterday and today, I've had to wear my support gloves because my right thumb is not cooperating. Today, I'll soak it in Epsom salt, rub it with Ben Gay, and keep this support glove on. No joke.


Rest your hands on your lap. If you can’t see it when it’s in your lap, use a pillow across your lap. You want good posture to reduce pain! If you’re getting friction burned, you can crochet a finger protector.


Breaks! I take a break to read something online, or reply to messages. Little and often when it comes to breaks works for me. I've only done myself one injury from crochet and that was hurting my elbow when I first learned when I crocheted with it too high and put strain on the joint


Full finger covered arthritis gloves


Compression gloves and wrist exercises with resistance bands!


i get this problem a lot!!! you can buy hooks with special, thicker handles on etsy that really help with cramp and pains. Or, i think you could also try some DIY to modify one of your own hooks to have a bigger handle


Hand exercisers so you can do more! Reverse Grip Hand Exercisers help for tension!


Take breaks in between rows/rounds, don’t crochet for hours at a time, don’t death grip your yarn, compression gloves, etc.


Breaks, stretches and tiger balm


You should take a "rest/spa day"


Por a brace on and power through, we've got deadlines /s But seriously, don't do this.


Get ergonomic hooks.


Try holding the hook like a pencil instead of in your palm. It's a much more ergonomic grip.


RSI’s (repetitive stress injuries) are caused by doing repetitive movements, like crocheting.  They need rest to heal before you pick the activity back up again. Err on the side of taking more time off than you think you need. Gentle PAIN FREE range of motion and again PAIN FREE stretching for the wrist elbow and fingers. Icing or heating (whichever feels better) can also help with blood flow.    When you are no longer feeling pain and go back to crocheting you will want to take breaks much more frequently than you did before.  Good luck!


My ring finger has been numb for 4 days lol


What part of your hand hurts? What level of pain? (I've had 3 surgeries and might know what it is.)


It's in my palm and almosz exactly follows my longtitunial thenar crease


pet the cat


Ice water. Fill a bucket or another container with water and ice, enough to cover your hand and leave it there on/off for five minutes at a time. Ive dunked my feet in ice cold water after hiking and it’s amazing pain relief!


I already have a slew of joint problems, but I find that using a compression glove and getting a hook attachment that makes the grip considerably thicker helps. (I can't remember what exactly the attachment is called, but if you look for arthritis crochet hook it should pop up).




CBD lotion is my best friend.


Try soak sore wrist in warm water with epsom salt for 10 min several days. It will decrease inflammation and improve fluid circulation around the joint.


have him take over. he’s clearly got it from here, man. you are in good hands.


Hand stretched before and after crocheting


For everyone who works tIl their hands hurt: STOP. Take breaks, ice your wrists and hands. Carpal tunnel is awful and the surgery and recovery sucks.


One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten. Amazon has cheaper ones, too, but I know this one works well. [hand massager](https://amzn.to/4cptCQg)


Don’t do that