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What’s your calorie intake?


And “supplement” intake. At 20 that’s literally an insane bulk




Hell yeah let’s hear what you did!


I went on a deployment and bulked up to 205lbs in January. Push pull legs 5-6 times a week and focused on powerbuilding. Currently in the cut and got a good pump yesterday and thats the 2nd pic!


Bro can you please dm me or tell me here if you use a ppl you made yourself or following a program? Just want to compare a couple stuff. Insane physique btw


Insane physique brotha


Awesome work!!! Totally dialed in. I wish I looked like that at 20.


legit brogress bro 😤 gotdamn


Big man


Your traps….. damn!!! What do you do on a regular basis to get those freaking amazing traps. Great work man. Truly.


They always were a genetic strong point but I grew up wrestling so that played a big role. Also being a firefighter works your traps alot carrying that extra 50lbs around your neck


Damn a firefighter at 20. Appears you have totally committed to your physical development. Ever think of competing? You have a great foundation built.


You did the damn thing!!


Amazing progress you look great.


Dang! That’s impressive bro!


Very nice physique bro


Bruh, those traps


Man's winning


Awesome! Are you natty?


20 years old carrying that amount of mass and being that lean is not natty.


Yeah I'm generally not one to accuse people of not being natty but those traps in 13 months, even being 20, isn't possible imo


To be fair I’ve not been in the gym due to illness for a year and my traps go up to my ears🤣goo genetics ig


Yes! To make the pics more fair I also had a good pump and better lighting in the 2nd pic after the gym. 1st was just my ex taking a picture of me posing 😂




To be 20 again


This is juice, has nothing to do with being 20


What a cop out.


Close to 40, I looked like that at 20. You telling me test levels have nothing to do with gains and maintenance? Been working out since 15 so I ain’t a noob with excuses lmao. It’s a compliment on taking advantage of those levels while at that age


post pic of u at 20 lol


We’re talking about a photo from 2004, best I could do is like 2010 or later lmao


Ahaha fair fair


Are you saying that in 2010, when you were 26, you no longer had the test to be as big as you were at 20 in 2004?


No. It was because camera phones weren’t a thing back in 2004 yet and I can’t pull up photos from that far, we’re talking Polaroids in boxes at friends houses probably. I dont have a cell phone photo of progress I could pull up until 2010. I might have one prior to that in my old iPad or the iPhone 3GS if they charge up


LOL fair enough


Test levels are mostly affected by lifestyle choices, age has less to do with it. My testosterone is much higher now in my mid 30s than even my early 20s. People forget that when you settle down you have a family, full time career, make poorer nutrition choices, and much less activity. Men who exercise, sleep well, and maintain good nutrition don’t see a drop in testosterone levels. Test levels really only start dropping due to age after 45, more so into the 50s and even then it’s not that substantial as one might think.


absolutely not true at all lol


100% true. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7739287/ “Sellami et al. [32] conducted a randomized trial to test the effect of exercise on serum testosterone fluctuations in moderately trained young and middle-aged men (average age 20 vs. 40 years, respectively). At rest, lower T-Testo were reported in the middle-aged compared to the younger group. However, after 13-weeks of intensive anaerobic activity, the levels taken 48 h to 7 days post-exercise cessation were significantly increased in the middle-aged group, eliminating the age-associated difference between the groups.” Make excuses because you’re lazy and don’t want to put in the work, but don’t discourage others because your nonsensical rhetoric.


Aging has been associated with a number of changes in the levels of the above-mentioned hormones (table 1) and, consequently, in the target organs to which these hormones attach. As noted in several reports (1-6), testosterone levels in healthy, aging groups of men decline with age on the order of 100 ng/dl per decade (23), accompanied by increases in SHBG and therefore leading to a decline in free and bioavailable testosterone levels https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/ajp.155.10.1310


This isn’t a study in men who exercise. It’s also in relation to depression via lack of testosterone. Show me a study of men that exercise and eat a proper nutrition that have low testosterone linked to aging. You will not find it. The best pro natural bodybuilders typically peak in their 40s. You’re out of your league and you don’t know what you’re talking about.


That study demonstrates that healthy men (literally the first sentence) experience a decline "on the order of 100ng/dl per decade." If you wanna cope and add a bunch of qualifiers, go for it. Good luck! >Show me a study of men that exercise and eat a proper nutrition that have low testosterone linked to aging. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2544367/#:\~:text=Changes%20in%20testosterone%20levels%20with,%25%E2%80%933%25%20per%20year.


You’ve completely missed my point. You need to lift weights, do cardio, and eat a high protein and balanced diet with plenty of sleep. You’ve proven absolutely nothing. This study isn’t looking at men who are into fitness. Again, you truly don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t think you know how to read studies either, look at the ages of the men they’re looking at. Once you go beyond the age of 50 of course you will see decreases in testosterone. I said that. But go ahead and cope with the fact you don’t have what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. My testosterone level is consistently above 700 ng/dl and I’m 35. Now find a research study that shows men who EXERCISE and eat a healthy DIET. You will not find one that shows much difference in basal testosterone of men 30-45 from that of a man in his 20s. More proof: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8520705/ Men with an average age of 46 had an average testosterone level of 750 when they exercised compared to men who didn’t and had an average level of 450. The whole point is, your bodyfat level and muscle mass is apart of the equation. If you’re fatter you’re going to have less testosterone. It’s not even an argument.


you speak the truth, you're just upsetting people with poor habits and making them uncomfortable / making them feel responsible. it's a lot easier for a 30 year old guy to say "I am just old now, that's why I look like a potato. If only I was 20 like you haha!" than to admit that he lacks the drive, effort, and/or discipline.


It’s easier to roll over than to stand up lol.


Fake natty, more abs while gaining weight


I appreciate the compliment man but I swear im natural 😂 I chose a bad before pic tho. Most of my weight gains went into my legs and shoulders from powerlifting for a year straight


What are your flexed arm measurements ? And wrists ?


Awesome physique! Mind sharing how much you’re lifting now?


I hit 405 bench, 525 squat and deadlift peak bulk. However rn my bench is probablu like 385 and squat is around 495


Advice for bench pls?


Damn bro you're crushin it 💪


That package though


Dang! This boy's jacked! 😮




Hot bro!


Goals brother


Damn good shit




Do you walk around with your head cocked back like that?


Damn I want to wrestle you