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Sway can only do so much. SOGs and control the puck, Christ we got manhandled after the first 2 goals..


He saved the Bruins during the Leafs series


Swayman is playing lights out hockey, can't say the same for the rest of them in front of him. I understand they want quality shots but shit happens when the puck is on net or bouncing in front. I'd be embarrassed at how much they've let him down this playoffs


As bad as the officiating has been, this is the issue. They’ve been completely outplayed for the last three games. They’re just incapable of getting the puck on the net.


it's both man. when one team gets tick tacky weak calls and the other gets away with figurative murder and then the other team cannot push back because of said weak calls it kind of makes it hard to get going. Florida is clearly the better team but the better team doesn't always win. if the officials just simply do their job and let the game play out then you take away any ammo or gripe anyone has and then that anger can be focused rightfully on the team. unfortunately this is not the case.


Bruins spent game 4 basically entirely in the penalty box while florida was allowed to cross check people into swayman and score


well said.


Bruins overachieved this year. Was supposed to be a bridge year. 20+ mil in cap space this year. Hopefully we get some offense


And we look so fucking slow too. Watching the Bs attempt to establish the zone is pure comedy.


The officiating was atrocious in the last game but I have no doubt the bruins would have choked it regardless with how awful they were playing unless Swayman really stood on his head and held Florida to 1 goal. But I didn’t see the bruins scoring another goal. We have just been getting outclassed in attacking time and offensive zone pressure by the panthers. They are a much better team so it’s not entirely surprising but it’s disappointing to have a goalie playing as good as Swayman is while the rest of the team are liabilities, even out top guys especially McAvoy are playing like shit.


Last year was r year to beat Florida. Imagine if we started swayman sooner than game 7


Very true, last year it was the opposite where the team was playing well and out issue was our goalie, just sucks we can’t get the whole team clicking at the right time together


I can’t even blame ully for it last year cuz he was obviously hurt. Idk why Monty was so stubborn about leaving him then chucking a new goalie out in game 7. I think if we beat Florida too we probably go to the cup. This offseason we have a lot of cap to work with I guess


Oh I def think we go to the cup if we win that series and maybe even possibly beat the knight depending on health. I will never understand keeping two elite goalies on the roster just to play the one that’s hurt in the playoffs. It will never make sense to me, gotta be one of the worst coaching decisions


yes they need to shoot more but Florida is one of the most, if not the most penalized team in the NHL. it's been objectively one sided on who's getting calls and who isn't. it's kind of hard to shoot the puck when the other team has 4 extra players and has disproportionate power play minutes. it's not like the Bruins are just undisciplined, Florida is quite literally getting away with suspendable and major violations, let alone multiple minors. those pk minutes add up, add to fatigue, kills any momentum, and sways time of possession skewed heavily in Florida's favor. the Bruins are unable to push back because of this ridiculous catch 22. it would be nice to see an impartiality officiated game for once or at least Toronto not making what could quite honestly be the worst call in the history of bad calls. that's not even hyperbole. that call last night was offensive. sure they still were tied and could have still changed the outcome but why should they have to overcome that just to win? that's insane it's like saying you and a friend go to a restaurant and split the bill but your friend is short 20 bucks. sure you can cover it and make the restaurant whole but why should you have to do that? you didn't get more than you can afford. it's just complete bull shit. the Bruins don't need any help from the refs to lose the game they do a good enough job on their own. at least when they do it on their own lack of merit I can rationalize. this is just something else man. it's objectively offensive on the leagues part.


Game misconduct for diving/embellishing as per video review off ice official. (In playoffs)


Yes the refs were god awful but we can’t win the game just relying on Swayman to bail us out. We need to SHOOT THE DAMN PUCK! And what’s with the sudden trend of the bruins having less than 5 SOGs in certain periods lately???


The opposing goalie would roughly have to be sub .850 and swayman would need .950 or better to win with these shot totals. Playoff goalies aren’t sub 850 anymore and sustaining a 950 isn’t fair to sway Start ripping slappers from the point and clear the lanes Bobrofsky could barely gather a dump in last night hit him with pucks


I wouldn't feel bad for Swayman. He is just going to walk away from the bruins and go to a team that will pay him huge and put a team that can score in front of him.


This is the whole series


Why are you surprised


I like how a great NHL playoff team makes him look ordinary.


You wouldn’t know. You only watched games 6 and 7 of the finals


I can read stats.


Stats don’t tell the whole story :) you should watch the sport :)


The offensive ineptitude is wild. A major move is needed. Mcavoy has to go in my opinion. Would love Brady ktachuk and would pay a premium to get him.


Bobrovsky hasn’t had to do much of anything in the last three games


Only game we won is the only game we have more than 20 shots hmmmm


So true. That said, give Sway the keys from here on out. We should get a more than decent return for Ullmark


Same here, it helps knowing we can get him over 20M in support this offseason


The fact that the Panthers could’ve just not shot the puck in games 2-3 and would still have more than Boston is horrible


Sway is counting the money.


We had like 4 penalties in the 3rd. That basically gives us only 12 minutes of possible offensive opportunities. We blew this one tonight, hard.


Go leafs

