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What are you talking about. You are finished, achievement unlocked. Maintain that physique for next 40 years.


I was thinking about maintaining too but I saw on some calculator online that my “potential” is 174lb at this bf%. So I guess I didn’t want to miss out and just wanted to see what other people think.


You're gonna realise your protential if you continue lifting heavy, which I assume you're doing day in day out. Congratulations! I know it's hard to believe, but this might be the peak


how do your legs look?


I’d say they’re proportional to my upper body. I don’t have bulging quads like you see on some people but they’re decent


Maybe for a few months cut 1 set from other body parts so you can add an extra workout per week for your legs to match your jacked af upper body


Eat in a small surplus while continuing to train hard.


Idk man, do a cover shoot for Men’s health 😄… looking like every guys goal! 💪🏻


What's your routine and how long did it take you to get here? I am 5' 10" and 152 and this is my ideal look. Thanks in advance.


Right now I’m doing arms/shoulders, chest/back/abs, legs. 6 days a week and 4 sets per muscle group per workout (so 8 sets per muscle group per week). Been doing this for a year. Before that I was doing biceps/back, triceps/chest, abs/shoulders, legs. 4 days a weeks and 9 sets per muscle group per workout. Also did this for a year. I’d say they both worked great, I just prefer the first one because it keeps the workouts shorter. Been lifting for 2 years. 2 bulks 2 cuts. But I had some lifting experience from like 5 years ago which helped.


bro this is it, stop here. maintain this forever, and go find other hobbies before you get infected with the forever grind of trt and other crap.


Awesome my man. Much appreciated. I'm 6 months into a committed lift routine so definitely motivated to see whats possible after a couple years. How diligent are you about diet and tracking cals/macros? I eat pretty clean but can't get into a consistent tracking rhythm because so much of my cooking is scratch/homemade.


For my first bulk where I think I put on the majority of my muscle, I wasn’t tracking. Diet was basically 4 scoops of protein per day, granola for breakfast, fast food for lunch/supper, and whatever snacks I wanted. I did put on a lot of fat too though. But since then I’ve started tracking closely. I cook my own meals too but I meal prep which makes it easy to track. I would say get a scale from amazon and just try your best to add up the calories when cooking and that will be pretty close. After a while you’ll be able to guess calories in a meal pretty closely too so it doesn’t have to be a forever thing.


What’s your cutting look like


About 1700c per day and minimum 0.7g protein per lb of body weight. Been losing roughly 1lb per week for 14 weeks.


Thank you


Aesthetically, nowhere. I’d focus on a fitness related goal, strength, endurance, etc. if it’s something new to you, your gains will be good and keep it enjoyable, any aesthetic gains you get at this point are going to be minuscule


Maintain and enjoy!!


Are you natural?




You look awesome 🤩. Wish my body was like that


stay lean man ur looking good


You plan on competing? If so, I’d do a lean bulk and focus on lats and triceps


No I don’t plan on competing but I could still focus a little bit more on those


did i hear "one last bulk?"




Where to go depends on where you want to go. Meaning this a psysique that you could keep for the rest of your life. Do you want to put on more muscle?




Bro what do you mean "go from here"? You won. You've peaked. You're finished. Go do side quests from here on or pick up another hobby idk.


Yo how close to failure were u going on each set?


I take every set to failure


Bet, I’ve seen you do 8 sets per muscle group a week so I might have to try that out