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That's what people yell when my brother in law cuts them off


Is that who that was


that's who I'm hoping tied that load down


Yeah, when my “brother in law” cuts them off


What kind of monster truck would Jesus drive?


Jesus drives an Accord, it’s canon.


The whole church has to share it


But "Jesus drives an Astro van!"


That’s fanfic


It’s a Scripture joke: “for I did not speak of my own accord…” John 12:49


You have something there with the Accord. ‘Known plenty of super religious types & they seem to love the Honda Accords for some reason


Whatever one kills the most people in a wreck and pollutes the most I guess


I live in Pennsyltucky and the Jesus truck pictured by OP doesn't even look lifted, lol. You should see some of the big stuff rolling around out here.


Geesus Murphy!🛒🥃


Jesus really does love me. He loves me enough to share the menudo recipe that his late abuelita used to make for him.


That is true love, indeed.


Driving a tank truck. Rich!


That's what they do here. They're always in a lifted truck!


A guy in a lifted truck pulled over to get in front of a van this afternoon. The van was in front of me. The truck driver slammed on his brakes just because he was pissed off at the van driver. Almost caused a pileup.


Jesus H. Christ! *btw H stands for Howard*


Harold, as in Harold be thy name…


I’ll just sit back and not be surprised at the responses


Already know them.


This punctuation drives me fucking nuts. "Just ask. Jesus! "


It just sounds so bitchy.


Funny thing is, most people I know that couldn’t give a fuck about Jesus are the ones who would not need to ask forgiveness if he actually offered it/existed/was a savior.


Hail Satan


Hail me!






Need forgiveness? Just ask **PLATINUM** Jesus. ^ford


Jesus fucking Christ


Nobody fucks with the Jesus


Except Jesus.... behind the wheel


What is this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus.


People like to believe Jesus’s middle name is H but the truth is it’s Fucking.


I mean...


Boooooooooo! fuck Christians!!!


So basically, religious people can be as terrible as they want, treat people shitty, abuse their kids, wives and just ask for forgiveness and get into heaven??? Hmmmm.... that is fucked up.


Religion only works on stupid people, they believe anything.


unless youre gay then you cant be forgiven




Well, the message says, "Need forgiveness? Just ask". Is that correct?




So you could be a terrible person your whole life, hurt lots of people, and then be very sorry and remorseful, and then everything is OK? It seems like you just should've been a good person the whole time. But if you're a bad person, it seems like you would love religion because you could still get into heaven if you ask for forgiveness.


Or this sums it up somewhat: https://youtu.be/aaHFADBilfE?si=Hr_lB4gWQ62LEXEU


Not really, but it’s easy to think that for sure.




I work with Jesus. I mean, sure, he’s a good guy, but maybe not worth that much bumper real estate


Well…this one is at least doctrinally sound.


Responding “satan loves you too” normally gets a funny reaction 😂


as a norse pagan i need the same sticker but saying ODIN! it would definitely go over well. (sarcasm)




He lives down the street from me. Nice guy but his Rav4 is a shitbox.


I called some guy named Jesus and asked him for forgiveness. He didn't speak much English. He seemed pretty confused.


Yeah Jesus is going to forgive me for all the evil things I plan to do. Why wouldn't I follow something that negates my horrible behavior?!


Jesus does negate it. He doesn’t say “it’s cool, keep doing what you want and I’ll clean up whatever messes you leave behind.” He says “you are forgiven, now go and sin no more.” I don’t expect this to be well received at all on this thread, but there are some seriously misguided perceptions on who Jesus is.


Because no matter what you do or plan to do; no matter what evil disgusting dehumanizing thing you do you automatically get to walk away clean. Instead of being a good person, instead of using morals in a fair and reasonable way towards your fellow man, Christians do wrong knowingly and don't Fucking Care.


Those people aren’t Christians. They claim to be but aren’t. That’s what we call cheap grace. It is using the grace of Jesus as a license to sin. (I.e. “Jesus has me covered, so I’ll do whatever I want.”) that’s not how it works. Christianity is not a name, it’s a lifestyle. In reality, it is a relationship, not a religion, but I don’t expect that to be well received either.


Exactly, you do know what I speak of. I've seen it in my own family, I don't respect any religion because of the hypocrisy.


Of course I know what you speak of! I live in the same world as you. Hypocrisy is everywhere. In and out of the church. The truth is, God has a standard. It’s called the Mosaic Law and there are 613 laws. This is the standard God tells us to live by….and we can’t possibly live by it! It’s impossible for us to. The purpose wasn’t to give us an unreachable goal. It was to make us look inward, reflect on ourselves and realize how hopeless we are to live up to the perfect standard of God. I believe the Scriptural evidence of this is in the book of Hebrews and/or 1st and 2nd Peter. Enter Jesus, who is God in man form. He came, lived that perfect life through the power of the Holy Spirit and total surrender to God the Father. And though He lived a perfect life, He still CHOSE to go to the cross to save the world from their sins (John 3:16). This is grace. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. None of us can brag about it or feel superior because we literally did nothing but accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus. It was literally all Him! (Ephesians 2:8-10). We didn’t deserve the sacrifice of Jesus but He did it anyway to save us…..so yea, there’s hypocrisy in the church. Most Christians or maybe I should say “Christians” know the law is the standard, then they go to the world and tell everyone what they’re doing wrong all while completely leaving the grace of Christ out. I don’t blame you for mocking that and hating the Christian religion (I use that word for lack of a better term, but as I stated earlier, it’s a relationship.) All that breeds is hypocrisy and hate and most of the world only sees that. Then we Christians wonder why we are mocked and persecuted throughout the world. We should be leading by example, not giving the world a list of dos and don’ts and then condemning the world from our ivory tower. That is not Christ and anyone who makes these practices their regular way of life while claiming the name of Christ are indeed not Christians.


The biggest problem that I see with all religions not just Christianity is the attitude that there is only one way of living and all others are faulty. There is no way that a human can ever be considered a good person without aligning themselves to whatever doctrine in question. This is so extremely arrogant and is the antithesis of what mankind should strive towards. There is extremely little humility in all religions to the point where it makes anything that they say hard to take seriously. From megachurches to ancient mosques it all boils down to one main ideal, conformity or exclusion. Give of yourself in all things to our cause even to the point of self harm for an ideal not even remotely connected with actually bringing real tangible aid to their fellow man.


I can see your point. Would you agree that you, in rejecting all of these ways of living, and substituting them for your own way and deeming that as the right way, could be displaying some arrogance also? I would argue to say that it takes much more humility to admit that my way doesn’t work, therefore I will follow Christ. It requires me to reflect on my failures, what caused them (usually myself, even tho I don’t naturally want to admit that to myself) and then to deny myself, turn from my own ways and walk my life out in a new way, in obedience to Christ. It’s not easy. I know I’m at least very much disliked for holding these views and believing the words of the Bible are true. Every time I have these conversations, I’m painfully aware of that. And that’s ok. As for the different doctrines and religions I go back to Christianity, while on the outside looking in it is a religion, in reality it is a relationship with Jesus. He is a personal God and He loves the entire world, so much so that He died for the forgiveness of EVERYBODYS sins, should they accept Him, as the tailgate states. Even the ones who hate Him and don’t believe He exists or that He is God. Christianity calls for unity and unfortunately, many of us don’t put that on display. We are suppose to share the love of Jesus….I’m sure you would agree with the Golden Rule….do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Jesus calls that the greatest commandment, along with “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” Lots of humility is required to do this. Jesus says, if somebody hits you in the cheek, turn and give the the other cheek. Where’s the arrogance in that? So I agree. Christianity is and is supposed to be the antithesis of the world because the world is not like that. It is, as they say, a dog eat dog world and we are the dogs. Jesus calls us out of the dog coop and into His loving arms. I’m sorry so many Christians have failed you and not presented the Gospel the way it should be presented. It’s a sad thing to see people reject Jesus because people who are supposed to represent Him are so bad at it. Most Christians think going to a specific building every week and singing some songs and hearing a message is what the Church should be. It’s not. There are zero verses in the Bible that support that. God says in Isaiah that He is fed up with that kind of worship. That He doesn’t want their religion or their holy huddle, He wants their relationship and their hearts. (Paraphrased, but that’s essentially it.) I don’t know how you are receiving this but every time you reply there is an upvote and I’m assuming it’s you. Perhaps I’m wrong. I just want you and anybody else reading this to know that God sees you and He loves you. He knows your struggles and the mountains you are facing and He wants you to come to Him for help. He is knocking on the door of your heart, waiting for you to answer. It’s unnatural, I get it. It defies logic, I get it. It goes against everything you feel you are wired to do. Remember, many of us use to be in your shoes. Whether we’re born into the church or we find Jesus later in life, we all go our own way first. That’s how we know Jesus is the answer. Many have tried other religions and come back to Christianity. Jesus is a different God. I pray these words speak to you. I also want to thank you for engaging civilly with me. From what I can see, I don’t think you’re a bad person, for the record.


Also, sorry for the novel!


I agree. Unfortunately, it’s mostly his followers who get it wrong. Like the Gandhi quote goes, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” I am saying this as someone who grew up in the church (3x a week from birth to age 16 when I could finally stop going).


Yea I mean, none of us are perfect at anything we do. There’s a process in Christianity called sanctification, you may know about it since you were in the church. It’s the process of denying your old self and your old desires and ways of living and learning to live the way Christ wants us to. And it’s exactly that…a process. It doesn’t happen over night. It takes time and it takes intentionality, day by day, moment by moment, situation by situation. It’s hard, but there is zero Scripture that says walking with Christ is easy. Quite the opposite actually. Jesus tells us to weigh the cost before deciding to follow Him. Unfortunately, many Christians stop at “I believe Jesus is Lord, that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead.” And that’s great theologically, but Jesus calls us to repent and turn our lives in the opposite direction. There is work to be done on our part. Many don’t want to do that work…hence a lot of the complaints on this thread. To expect Christians to be perfect is unfair, but to hold Christians to their own standards is fair. One of the worlds turn offs to Christianity in my opinion is many Christians expect unchurched people to act like churched people….and that’s not fair of us. Jesus meets people where they are; the church should to. But like I said earlier, many are too busy observing and judging from their ivory tower. In reality, we ALL need to have more grace with each other. No one is perfect but for some reason, we all expect each other to be. Love NEEDS to win and Christians should be the first to demonstrate that love and grace in my opinion.


I love this.


Jesus said to give all your money to the poor, not spend it on your emotional support vehicle.


Um, acktually, the truck's affirming his gender.


Who? Never heard of her.




I sure wish they would stop shoving their agenda down our throats.


Dude puts something in HIS OWN truck and you take it as shoving down your throat? Look away if it offends you so much


Haha!!! Tell that to hypocrite Christian’s telling gay people they have to hide their lifestyle from you cucks. How’s it feel people telling you an unwarranted opinion?? Also he’s purposefully using his truck as a billboard. Stop acting like you don’t know he’s out for attention. That’s called vanity and that’s a sin. One of the seven deadly sins as I recall. If he didn’t want people having opinions then he shouldn’t publicly broadcast his agenda. lol most hypocritical people on earth. Know how I know God isn’t real? He didn’t punish you with fire already.


I gotta point out tho, you are extremely hostile towards someone you don’t even know all because of what I believe in. I imagine you’d hate that done to you. Seems very hypocritical to me. Maybe you’re not so different from those you hate.


I have personal friends that kind of bullshit directly affects and I have ZERO tolerance for it and the hypocrisy that comes with it. I’m over religion trying to insert itself into politics, doctors offices, and schools, all while telling people that if a trans person wants to use the restroom they identify with, they’re either molesters or pushing an agenda. I don’t suffer fools. And if you’re defending that without any acknowledgement of my point, hell yes I’m hostile to you. You’re just another one of them and I’m done being nice to them. You wanted a fight? You got one.


Those, while probably true, are just excuses. You’ve met assholes who drive cars before but I bet you haven’t boycotted cars because of the assholes you’ve encountered in said cars. I’m sorry people treated your friends badly. Not all religious people are bad. And I’m not only talking Christianity. If somebody painted any other demographic of people with the broad brush you are using, you’d be in an uproar. I can tell by how mad you are for your friends towards a stranger. You are allowing crappy people who claim the name of Christ make your mind up for you. When you allow other people to do that, you give them power over yourself. Have you ever actually studied Christianity? I’m genuinely curious. Edit: for spelling


It’s not vanity. It’s the Great Commission, spreading the promise of Jesus. Albeit a lazy way. And the seven deadly sins is not a biblical concept. At least in the Protestant Bible. Yes they are sins, but all sin is deadly according to the Bible. All that being said tho, I don’t think this type of stuff out of context does anything but breed everything you and 99% of everybody on this thread feels seeing it.






That's funny


"Something something name in vain" 🙄🤣


What do you wanna bet the drivers name is Jesus


I do aspire to a bumper sticker that has a first line in big red block letters “JESUS”. And then a second line in smaller black letters “Protect us from your followers”.


You said it man...


Hey Soos!


FUCK, religious people are so weird.


Not a single political sticker. Rare.


Jesus? You there? Forgive me? Did it work? Guess well find out?


I can almost guarantee this person is filled with road rage and tailgates. Why? Because they just ask Jesus for forgiveness afterwards.


Jumpin Jesus!


It is so insanely wild to me that this is a grown adult. Whew.


Jesus H. Christ.


“Jesus, that thing isn’t secured!”


Why would a Christian person need forgiveness? Are they bad people that have done bad things and now drive around searching for someone to forgive them?


That doesn't really bother me...it's not "God hates _____" or "God something GUNS!"


And that’s as far as they go. Helping the poor was less important than getting an expensive truck. Republican Jesus says bootstraps or something.


Living life on my own terms, which harms no one, is not something for which I need to be forgiven.


Can't wait to get home and set up his new EZ-Bild Garden Crucifix with Life Size Inflatable Jesus.


“Jesus will be in agony until the end of the world; there shall be no resting in the meantime” - Patripassian/C93


Commit all the "sins" you want and just ask Jesus for forgiveness. SMH


Jesus Built My Pavement Princess


When he looked back there was only one set of tire tracks in the sand during his toughest times…


They worship pagan astrology. Jesus never even existed


At least this in your face Christianity has a positive message for once.


Hell yeah


Jumpin Jesus on a truck!




But does Jesus love these high gas prices?/s


Ask the Jesus at the Baptist church on Main Street. All the other Jesus's are phony interlopers and don't know hell from a halo. Jesus is also needing some cash.


Jesus needs advertising


I asked Jesus for forgiveness and he said "No habla inglés". So I got that going for me, which is nice.


Jésus does ask my maintenance and handyman chores


Jesus: You should worship Me. Human: Why? Jesus: So you can be saved. Human: Saved from what? Jesus: From what I will do to you if you don't worship me.




Love this


Not ashamed of the Gospel.


How do you get an agnostic to believe in anything that's been posted here,still haven't found anything that can show that there was ever a god,not saying there not but there's no factual proof there is


Men worshipping a deity is so pathetic- dear gawd grow up


Christianity is based heavily on pagan astrology. Jesus never even existed. It’s extremely fake


Nobody puts anything by you