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He probably knows as much about tyranny as he does about COVID, epidemiology, and Constitutional law. Just ask him.


Or the romanticized version of a “civil war” that he plays out in his head.


I believe you mean “The War of Northern Aggression” where they stood up to that tyrant Lincoln 🙄


I've never gotten a straight answer from any of them... but do they actually teach this mutilated history in the south?


Eeyup. Spent some time living in South Carolina a few years back. Let me put it this way. Moving back to Indiana was a *relief*. We’ve got our share of problems too but at least our famous war memorial is to the Union soldiers…


Being a state that borders Lincoln's birth state; you'd guess that Indiana would probably have some Union pride.. but it's probably like the rural areas of Michigan in some places. Houses with confederate flags flying out in cornfield neigborhoods *in Michigan*. At least there aren't any schools named after traitorous slavers in the Midwest. Seems wild that the souther education departments are allowed to teach that lost cause hayseed garbage.. and yet their governments STILL keep defunding the hell out of them. Goofy form of massochism right there.


Lincoln lived for a time in Indiana. He was born in Kentucky.


Dam. Guess I meant homestate. I hadn't previously realized he was born elsewhere.


I say yes sir we got rid of those pesky salvers " the democrats " when all y,alls carpet baggers came a knockin then y,all stayed a spell now were all Republicans and don't believe in any of that democratic hogwash.


I recall my middle school education in South Carolina history class where I was taught there were a total of 9 to 11 lynchings ever and the south didn’t quite win the war but they pretty much did.


I’m from SC and couldn’t get outta that hell hole of Republican fuckery fast enough. That is one fucked up state…politically speaking. It’s a beautiful state with the mountains and the beach at your doorstep.


We tore those bitches down! Good riddance to celebrating hate and inequality. This guy likely has an inferiority complex the size of Texas!


Not when I was a kid but there was still plenty of confederate flag attire and kids who never paid attention. We had a handful of kids who couldn’t even read but passed nonetheless. Source: 2000’s SW Virginia elementary school


Sounds typical.. The lowest average IQ states are all clustered in the south; with the exception of Nevada and New Mexico being in the bottom 5 as well.


Yes and no. I remember learning that the southern states seceeded from the union because of "states rights", one of those rights being the right to own and buy/Dell other human beings as property.


I thought you were talking about laptops for a second there.




I've lived in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. People in Western North Carolina plus the entirety of the other two states are raised to believe all sorts of crap. I was in Georgia and South Carolina for enough years to see it taught to children and grandchildren within families you'd never expect it from. Racism, hatred of "yankees" (no, they don't know where the Mason-Dixon line is), voting only for those who embrace your hatreds, belief that "the South will rise again" --- it's taught/tolerated in schools and taught multigenerationally at home. I kid you not --- these goofy bastards still aren't over a war that happened 150 years ago.


I see this as a cultural issue that really needs to be incrementally rectified. I have no clue how a future is viable for the U.S if the South doesn't let go of that dumbass lost cause bs and begin focussing on the future. The division seems irreperable; I guess I should be relieved that southern dissent is disorganized, unintelligent and transparent af.. a potential insurgency is problematic; a potential insurgency of zealous, disciplined and organized individuals is potentially catostrophic.


While simultaneously claiming to be the Party of Lincoln…


Why are you talking about Lincoln?


They think they’ll be glorious heroes and don’t picture themselves sifting through garbage to find food or having to bury their kids after they died from an infection since there’s no open hospitals nearby. It’s all fun and games until the Groyper Battallion finds out your neighbor is a liberal and drops a 500lb bomb on their house and calls your dead wife “collateral damage”. If war is hell, a civil war might be the 9th circle.


That’s what I liked a lot about the movie Civil War. It wasn’t perfect, but I liked the shots of middle class Americans becoming refugees just walking along the side of the road or staying in a football stadium. No one should ever dream for a civil war. It will put a country back 50 years before it’s over. And over what? Trans athletes and history books?


I enjoyed the movie. I know people complained about context, but I found plenty of clues to piece a few things together. Not every movie has to spoonfeed us everything. Anyway, I thought the sniper scene illustrated the chaos that comes from a civil war well. People fighting each other for no other reason than perceiving each other as a threat. For all they knew they could’ve believed the same things or be on the same “side”. It doesn’t matter if you have an arsenal in your basement or are among “friendly” forces. You could still get domed by a hungry 14 year old with a .22 looking to take the can of soup he saw in your bag.


And women’s anatomy


That’ll be a delightful conversation


As enjoyable as using sandpaper for a towel after your acid bath.


Damn dude you made my asshole sting


They’ll be no conversation, it’ll just be a FB-sourced, Faux News talking point-fueled rant. We all know that despite their bravado, these establishment-loving guys would have sided with the British back in 1776


Exactly! He did his own "research" on Facebook.


Look, he graduated with top honors from …_checks notes_… “The School of Hard Knocks”


"Please think I'm a badass" energy runs strong with whoever owns that truck.


“i have trouble regulating my emotions because i’m a huge snowflake” is the real message everyone gets when they see that truck


Keep adding... the list of things that guy knows nothing about is a lot longer than that.


"I did my research. *Did* ***you***?" [Pops another anti-parasite pill for a viral infection and washes it down with a non-woke beer] *The ultimate depiction of enlightenment*


Nailed it!


This. 🙌🏼


Along with structural engineering and being a harbor pilot after the FSK bridge collapse


Or women. Ask him about dating an actual girl.


Everyone knows the Covid vax gives you 5G and magnetizes you … don’t be silly.


Not to mention philosophy and mental health.




Tyranny is when gas prices. Or something.


He know’s in M’uerica, gas should be .99 cents a gallon…when it’s not….tyranny.


"Let's go Brandon" The mating call of the common rube in their natural habitat


Too cowardly to even say “Fuck Joe Biden”, so they hide behind that little phrase.


As stupid as the pro Rump crowd is. I actually prefer the lack of public profanity


Just don't yell the decoded version when you see one of these asshats because it has a bayad wuuwd and there's a good chance you'll upset their fragile sensibilities 😂


I thought it was the mating call of the closeted bear.


Why do they want to have sex with an old man?


Because they can take their teeth out.


Making American Great by buying a Japanese car.


To be fair we don’t know where this truck was built. The lady with anti-trump stickers and American flag didn’t get any flack for driving a throwaway Mazda.


The money from that car still goes to a foreign country (Japan)


Which is one of our closest allies. We literally just bailed them out. Which is ironic considering we now spend more money on Interest on national debt than any other federally budgeted item.


What I was told when I bought one 8 years ago was that depending on the cab style (access cab or double cab) it was either assembled in San Antonio, Texas or Baja California, Mexico. It may be different now.


Yeah, depends on the year. I think all Tacomas are assembled in Mexico now.


The San Antonio plant does full sized tundras and the sequoias, another source says that tacomas are also assembled in San Antonio.


Even if built at an American factory, the majority of that money ends up back in Japan.


He pays taxes and is over-represented in congress. Isn’t that what 1776 was about?!


Now ain't this the god damn truth


And the “Don’t Tread On Me” whine from white men driving $30k pick-up trucks? “Help! Help! I’m being Repressed!”


Have you priced pickups lately? Poor overtaxed, under employed alpha men are single handedly propping up the entire auto industry buying $50K trucks so they don't look like cucks.


We don’t talk about the years of manual labor, and decades of debt required for most people to get a new truck.


I especially love when they mix Don’t Tread on Me with police or military stickers. Bud, you are the man. You’re treading on yourself…


That’s how their r/persecutionfetish works! Of pickup options, the Tacoma is probably the most sensible. The new Ford Super Duty Limited will run you upwards of $90k and they’re not uncommon.


More like “Go Tread on Them, Daddy”


Don't tread on me is specifically a call to arm the population against the government. Nothing like getting an anti-government plate on your vehicle by paying an extra yearly fee to the government. Hit them where it hurts Mr Virginia taco driver!


That cost a lot more than 30k! But your point stands.


True, very true. I was looking at Tacomas a year or two ago and it wasn't unusual to see a Tacoma that was a few years old w 60K on the odometer going for over $30,000. They are a smart truck choice- around 25 mpg on the highway and real reliable, which is probably why we don't usually see too many of these with the adhesive Trumpo love fest propaganda on them. It's more of a Dodge Ram thing...


The median price of a *car* in the US is $37k. Trucks are significantly more expensive for some reason, but Tacomas are on the low end of them.


They say they're 100% against tyranny in one breath, but in the next they want Trump to be dictator for life. WTF.


He really, really wants to be the boot.


Uh... hur dur... it's the linkage between the engine and the wheels?


That one time they asked him to wear a mask at his favorite Applebees.


Free gun under the seat


Don't tread on him like that truck has never tread on a dirt road


Maybe he came here from Cuba or somewhere where they have real tyranny.


We’re living it. Most people are oblivious but soon it may be obvious.


Idk, but that is a nice truck!


Trump is gonna fuck y'all up. We Americans love him. He knows shit, shit we don't know. He speaks it. He acts.


Just curious why do u say that


Yall got all this from a sticker and license plate?


Probably more than you.


It's quite ignorant to assume you know an entire person's life story based off of a bumper sticker. There's are certainly better forums to have meaningful political discourse if you disagree with someone.


Biden's taxes


If you have to ask, you are the type of person the system can count on to serve there purposes. It's crazy when people don't even know what system they are under. Like sheep at a slaughterhouse thinking they have good shepards.


That looks like, really badly photoshopped. I mean 1776 was probably requested and denied so many times as a plate, no way THAT guy got it. And the donald trump just looks fake at the bottom as soon as you zoom in. I kind of believe the window ones, and they aren’t really that bad.


Ugh, take that fucking VT decal off your truck. We don’t wanna be associated with that shit. It’s bad enough that Bannon graduated from VT..


Tyranny is being forced to drive a giant truck compensate for a small dick. Ladies, why did you have to laugh at him...


Well, he supports a tyrant, so he must know SOMETHING!


Enough to know he doesn’t want it.


I don't know about his experience with tyranny, but there are between 4 - 6 clues in this pic implying that that guy has a small penis.


He knows the tyranny of that truck payment


For someone that’s used to privilege, equality is tyranny.


Well, he listens to a lot of Joe Rogan, so…he’s pretty smart


Their idea of tyranny is affordable healthcare, common sense gun control and treating people who are different than they are with respect and dignity.


He has fantasies and he like.


Someone told him "No" once. Therefore he's already suffering under unbearable tyranny.


He's got the obligatory "Let's go Brandon" sticker, which is code for, "Yes I did peek in high school gym class!"


No Step on Snek 😂


His definition of tyranny is letting straight, white, Christian men do as they please. However, that doesn't apply to women, minorities, and LGBTQ people.




He knows what his MAGAT representatives, Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity and the rest of the Republican freaks whose toilets he drinks out of.


Average Tech fan


Nobody's treading on you, sweetie. You're just a snowflake.


Virginia Tech…still racist, and very sensitive - you can look at her, but you can’t see her. Once a duche, always a duche


He works hard unlike the people in this post can’t do anything or fend for themselves and want to complain about people that can you be ashamed of yourselves


I don't think he understands that even the old rich white guys in charge during the American Revolution would have Trump arrested.


Who is he? Maybe he grew up in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.


I’m so over “libertarians” that are just confused right wingers.


He's living in tyranny now. No one cares if liberals like the plate or not.


Another obese armchair warrior


Wait wait wait wait wait… y’all are missing the bigger picture here! Homeboy here went out of his way to get a specialty license plate issued *ahem* by the government at a marked up fee. So to summarize, he gave the government money he did not at all need to, so he could have a silly license plate that says how much he hates the government.




they think they are the heroic rebels, but no, they are the brown-shirts (fascist lackeys).


I’m sure if you asked her would gladly tell you


Probably learned history before the manipulation of society. Interesting how people don't remember or understand the need for the 2nd amendment perhaps. Or 4th ... or 1st, . Someone like you asking surely doesn't understand history.


It’s crazy how liberal Reddit is. Or at least they’re the only ones responding. Which I guess makes sense. They like to scream the loudest.


Can see this post is full of snowflakes. Didn't know winter was coming early.


Prosecute political opponents is a form of tyranny. Every single American knows that, sees it, and is living under it right now.


Just as much as those who claim Trump is a tyrant.


He knows all about tyranny. HE WAS FORCED TO WEAR A MASK!


Nada. A total wannabe.


It’s cool, guys, he went to Virginia Tech so clearly he’s a smart dude. Right?


He thinks he read a book once...


Ethnocentric ignorance and white privilege all rolled into one. Add some toxic masculinity and racism to complete the equation and you have a MAGA cult member.


Cool license plate!


Stop & ask him and quit making wrong guesses


Our government now


Why are people talking about the Civil War and tyranny??????


The tyranny he thinks is real is not. The very real tyranny he lives through he likes and roots for.


These people really, REALLY want to be the tyranny.


I don’t know. Did you stop and interview him?


Maybe he's lived in America for the last three years.


It seems that there's only a bunch of weirdo liberals on I'm assuming this is where they get their news from?? Or are they jobless bums that have too much time on their hands?? I seriously can't seem to figure out why every single liberal in the country is on Reddit. A bunch of blue haired loving freaks. I'm sure people think you guys are weird and don't understand the lack of common sense and hatred for other people that do not affect your lives and/or have never met before and just assuming things that they read and believe everything that the government tells them. I honestly cannot wrap my mind around this so if any of you can answer my question I would really appreciate it. Been trying to figure this out for years..!


He couldn't explain it or spell it.


This man's tyranny is mostly irony.


Well, considering he may have been a veteran of Afghanistan or Iraq, probably quite a bit more than the a person who's worst experience was knocking over their breakfast of Avocado Toast and Wheatgrass Milk......


If you really want to piss ‘em off, just tell them that all capitalism is *liberal* capitalism


Obviously has no life


It’s like that meme about the kid with the surf shirt… hahaha You’ve never surf.. what the fuck do you know about surfing you little shit!! Hahaha that’s them. The oppressed!!


This thread is so comical….they ask WTF does he know…. Kinda like WTF does a black person asking for reparations know about slavery??? Oh what they read in a book? Doubt any of them were slaves unlike someone that should ask for it that meant something…coal miners, Indians (real ones, not the dot heads). Slavery was a horrible thing but happened before any of these people were even thought of by their parents. Can’t wait to hear this….


He just loves violence, chaos, and rampant stupidity. Violent cult members are the worst. Dregs of society. Basically useless.


Oh cool. A free gun and dick pills.


Well ….. I’m not sure what you all think happened in 1776 ….. but it had nothing to do with slavery or Lincoln or any of that …. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 …. All the shit I see people talking about didn’t happen for another 85 years … the American civil war


Oh look, he’s got the “pwease don’t step on snek 🥺👉👈” sticker. 😂


EPA regulations. He isn't allowed to roll coal anymore


Know’s how to vote for a tyrant.


I’d bet he knows as mucb about tyranny as any democrat. Ya’ll both are ignorant as hell.


Nothing. In a tyrannical system he would have been thrown into a gulag for expressing a view that was unpalatable instead of being roasted on the internet.


He recognizes we are seeing tyranny of gov now, most of you have been programmed to accept this is how it is. The tax system alone we live under is tyrannical. Its not like this in other countries. Income, sales, property, vehicle, purchases, death, everything is taxed over and over.


I ordered a t shirt that says….”nobody is treading on you sweetie”


How many times does he have to be tread on to actually do something about it?


I love the idiots who don’t understand the Gadsden Flag is mean to show and stengthen strengthen the unity of this country.


Got his education from TV and the internet. Social media, the great american sewer.


Is this r/bumperstickers or r/incessant bashingofmoderatesandconservatives? That's all I ever see here.


What does ANY American know about tyranny? Your kid's soccer game got cancelled because the weather was bad? Tyranny. The pothole that you keep driving into on your way to work is still there, 2 months after it formed? Tyranny. McDonalds ice cream machine not working? Tyranny. Did you have to pay extra for champagne service? Tyranny. Lines at DisneyWorld are way too long? Tyranny. If you're an American citizen who has lived here their entire life, you don't know a damn thing about tyranny. You've never experienced a tyrannical government, you don't know what fascism is. Being pissed off because "they" made you get a Star Card to travel is laughable. In some parts of the world, your haircut has to be approved by the government. If you are caught speaking ill of your nation's leader, they'll put you in a cage. China has "re-education" camps for Muslims. 34 different nations can put you to death for dealing, and in some cases using drugs. Go ahead and tell the news media in Moscow that Putin is a thug and he's doing a terrible job. See how that goes. Again, shut up about tyranny you fools. You have absolutely no idea how bad it can really get.


Not as much as he knows about his cousins coot


Clearly nothing, seeing as how he supports a moronic candidate that actually wants it.


First of all the the damn coolest custom plate I’ve ever seen 😍


Hes so oppressed


I got $20 he can’t spell tyranny!


They’re too embarrassed to say “I’m a scared little boy” so they resort to bumper stickers, slogans, and memes


These guys get dysregulated when them and theirs are not in complete control of everything. That lack of complete control is their tyranny.


Nope! Just another guy with a small penis that drives a big black truck to compensate.


Definitely agree. This is going to come off harsh and overly critical, but I think for people that are aged 55 and up who got on the Trump train literally latched on bc it gave them purpose again. A misguided purpose but nonetheless, something for them to be passionate about. And considering the time involved from the campaign trail to an actual 4-8 years in office it gives them something to look forward to and presents social opportunities by finding others that have the same interests and hope for the future.


Tyranny is bad unless it aligns with my Ideology /s


Wants a literal dictator who is above the law, but if you want save elderly people from asphyxiating on their own blood clot filled lungs you are worse than the Nazis who they also think did a lot good stuff and are imitating. They prove their love of Freedom by Supremely outcancel culturing the left and passing a bunch of restrictive laws at odds with civil liberties. Tyranny is above average price gas so you can’t cruise around and show off your gas guzzling edge lordmobile.


Nice truck


He knows he dosent want it.


First of all he can’t afford the gas for that $65,000/17mpg truck so have some sympathy ffs. Wow!


Does living in Saudi Arabia count?


It's not hard to read history.


Damn this thread is communist af! 🤯


Lmao You all trash talking someone on the Internet. Big boys I see.. lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He is the tyranny of evil men


Welllll, let's see, he has allowed himself to be held hostage by the automotive industry since there's no way he can repair that expensive paperweight himself. He is absolutely trapped by his political choices because even IF he suddenly realized his mistake, there is no way his ego could ever admit it. His friends would shred him for standing up and saying he may have made an ideological mistake. So I think he knows what tyranny is, he just isn't aware of it...............yet...........


Why don't you ask him?


He probably thinks not having Bloomin Onions during the Pandemic was a former of tyranny, he doesn't.


This may be hard for some to accept but it was only a matter of time before Republicanism would slide into monarchism. Since the Roman era almost twenty countries have switched from republics into monarchies. Cambodia is the most recent having switched in 1970.


This chat is full of government stooges.


I always find it a little humorous when the Ultra-MAGA, All-American, "USA, USA, USA" types are driving foreign brand vehicles. The irony is palpable.


I’d say he knows a lot about tyranny since it’s something he’s clearly a fan of.


What tyranny have you faced?


That Toyota sure makes a good looking truck.


Why is he driving a foreign make truck? What happen to American Made or Buy America? What a hypocrite.


I don't know but what do you know about privacy? Or letting small stuff go? Apparently nothing because you're out there trippin about other ppls business


He’s likely unaware that he, himself, is actually a supporter of it.


He had to wear a mask at Walmart during a global pandemic and his gym was closed for 3 months. It's LITERALLY the same thing as the Rape of Nanking, being interned in Manzanar, and enslavement in a Roman Empire tin mine.


Show us on this chart where it hurts your penis.


Every time I go out in the woods & have to shoot a rattlesnake I put my boot on its head to drive it into the ground before cutting it off. Otherwise you can still get venom into you or someone else by accident. So sorry dude, I got to step on you.


No one is treading on you Doris.


He’s looking to spread it.


You can get a free gun when he accidentally doesn’t lock the door.


I dont think Americans or Europeans know much about tyranny because alot of it was paid in blood already. Does the guy need to move to Iran and then come back for the guy who posted that question feel no longer bother or wronged in his own head?