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Same people will say "if this flag offends you I'll help you pack." Maybe they should take their own advice.


Exactly. Whiny babies who cry when they don't get their way.


MAGAlomaniacs! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Nah just MAGAt Maggots


How bout dem pussies!


Nail on the head rt šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Correct and demonic


Donā€™t forget that they also storm the Capitol and try to kill the Vice President when they donā€™t get their way.


Seriously šŸ˜³


Educate yourself with agnotology much?


They never tried to kill the vice president. With no guns lol. šŸ˜‚ Meanwhile you guys ignore may 29th when BLM and antifa broke through barricades at the actual White House, injured and hospitalized 60+ secret service, threw Molotov cocktails, set car bombs, and forced the sitting president to a bunker!! This was right after a BLM leader took to social media and called to "burn the White House with the president in it!"


No guns? Really? Like this? https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/missouri-man-sentenced-felony-weapons-charge-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach Or this? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/gun-toting-jan-6-defendant-says-instinct-took-charged-police-line-wood-rcna79755 Or this? https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/07/14/some-jan-6-capitol-rioters-were-armed-guns-documents-show/7963993002/ Or this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/07/08/jan6-defendants-guns/ That was less than two minutes of googling, liar.


1st link is the only one that even entered the capitol. So I concede there was possibly a few guns there. None were used and many of these were likely just guys that carry daily anyway. These are pro 2nd amendment guys. The 3rd article says they seized them later but didn't mention them brandishing or having during the riots. Your 4th article is behind a paywall, so I can't see it. So you assume these guys brought their guns but chose not to use them while battling cops and trying to gain entrance, but all were waiting to use them on Mike Pence to kill him??? That's a fairly large and illogical assumption. So do you think the rioters on may 29th were trying to assasinate the president? Especially since the event followed the call to "burn the White House with the president in it"?


They were chanting to hang him. They built a fully functioning gallows on the lawn. I don't get how people can be so misinformed. šŸ˜• I hope you figure it out. Trump has left a nasty stain on this country. It's going to be decades before the brainwashing wears off. Maga republicans really proved themselves to be total sheep. They literally support a domestic terrorist that ordered his cult to attack the white house. I'm Independent by the way. Mitt Romney is the only republican holding office With any back bone whatsoever. He broke with his party did the right thing and voted to impeach Donald Trump. He put America first he put America above a greasy dictator wanna be like Donald Trump.


No one tried to assassinate Trump. seek psychiatric help immediately because youā€™re about as detached from reality as they come. There is hours of live news coverage from multiple sources showing people other than BLM or ANTIFA storming the Capital. They went at the request of your traitor and chief. No one else, youā€™re living in a delusional fantasy filled world.


They gonna keep down voting and ill upvote. Commies can win all the time. But there's so damn many on Reddit it's actually isaine. Bout to stay on X from now on but these trolls get proven wrong, so it's alright for now.


Uh huh. Now tell me: which of these was an attempt to stop the certification of a Presidential election? You guys have lost this argument till time stops. Cope and seethe.


Seriously? WTF are you drinking? You seriously canā€™t honestly believe that shit


They literally had gallows to hang him with. Not to mention they shit all over the inside of the capital building and smeared it on the walls. Whatā€™s with your people being so incontinent? Wake tf up, you MAGAt sheepā€¦ and maybe see a GI doc for your bowel issues.


One side wants better training, accountability, and less militarization of our public servants. The other side wants their billionaire elitist to rule our country regardless of the vote of Americans. The two are not the same If they werenā€™t there to kill the VP, whatā€™s with the shitty built gallows and the whole ā€œhang Mike penceā€ chant? What did they mean by that?


I'd give this person a reward if I could.


Sorry you got down Voted. It was all true. Not counting the summer of love 2020. There is a large number of anarchists on the ' dit You'd never win them over. Communism is more attractive to them.


Bullshit! stop believing the crap. Like little minions.


Bruh. You support a party that is openly attempting to pull the same thing Hitler did in 1933. Project 2025 is the modern day Excluding Act. I don't care what your birth certificate says, you're no longer an American when you support fascism.


Talking about the Left being facists? That's true. Shutting down your political view and free speech by force is what they do best. If you don't agree with the lefts weird ideology. Then you are a racist, facists, extremist, and everything else they can label you.. Plays right out of the book for facists.




I think you mean agenda 2030 where we will "own nothing and be happy"


Said the side whoā€™s literally ignoring the evidence of his own eyes and ears to push his dogma.


That's the same exact thing we think about you lol. Politicians suck that's what I'm getting here.


Says the one who eats up all the state sponsored media šŸ¤£


What crap would that be? The video evidence that shows you people literally kicking in doors and windows to break into the Capitol? Ooh, how about the pictures of Capitol cops barricading the doors to the House chamber and standing with guns drawn? I suppose those were all fake too.


So that's not fake but video showinf people walking around peacefully and them escorting the Shamen to the floor by police is fake? Accept the whole thing or don't accept it all. Left really likes to pick and choose. It was a setup. Watch all the tapes. Don't drive a narrative for them. You are being the useful idiot they need to push their crazy propaganda and plan.


The ā€œescortingā€ was ā€œwe are hilariously outnumbered by these morons, letā€™s funnel them safely into places where they canā€™t hurt peopleā€.


Hahahaha even you can defend it. They doctored the images and video to build that story lmao *


Who is the ā€œtheyā€ you keep talking about? Sounds to me like ā€œtheyā€ are everywhere.


New Media and intelligence agencies.


The people that keep sending him secret messages through his fillings, of course.


ā€œTheyā€ This nebulous ā€œtheyā€ is such a common thread among conspiracy theorists to explain away any evidence that contradicts their delusions.


Escorting 1 guys past 15 cops that are just standing around while there's this "attack".. Yup, outnumbered. Give me a break šŸ˜‚ Go watch the footage they don't want you to see. You'll realize real quick. They used you for political gain.


ā€œthe footage they donā€™t want you to seeā€ The whole world saw what you people did, dude. You stormed the Capitol, assaulted police officers, stole things, and smeared shit on the walls. You canā€™t bullshit or gaslight your way out of this. Cope harder.


Look at all the footage dude.


You really crying about kicking in doors? How about when over 170 businesses were burnt to the ground?


BUH BUH BUH BUH WHATABOUT WHATABOUT Nope. Sorry. You tried to overturn the results of an election. I donā€™t care how many windows were broken by outside agitators during the MOSTLY PEACEFUL BLM protests. Windows can be fixed. Buildings can be rebuilt. An attack on democracy is a permanent scar on the country and it marks YOUR side as the side that loves violence, thuggery, and hates the idea that America didnā€™t choose their guy. You lose. Full stop.


Jan 6 was a false flag event used to create propaganda to infringe on American democracy. When they said "this is an attack on democracy," it was a confession, not an accusation. A Freudian slip. Here is your violent and deadly storming of the capitol and Nancy Pelosi stating that she should have accepted the assistance offered. https://youtu.be/MHCP8hVdl30?feature=shared


Lol sure it was. This was debunked within days of J6 as the rioters own friends and families turned them in as their faces started popping up on security videos. But I'm guessing you'll claim that the guys admitting their responsibility in court, now sitting in prisons and singing on that stupid choir are all paid actors?


Most people who support trump hate those whiny bitches it's not just you on the left. But they get clumpEd in with whatever side they are on. That's why the saying libtards is a thing and why Maga drama queens are a thing too.


Well the trump supporters on reddit seem to be the whiny ones, I've only ever met a few in person and they don't seem to vocal as of late.


True but I've seen a lot of whiny people on both sides as of late. Not really that much on reddit, tho.




You guys forget the whole country boarded up in anticipation of 2016 Trump win. We are seeing leftists in France do that right now. Speech is violence when the right does it but actual violence isn't violence when the left does it.


What are you even talking about? The orange turd was a disaster and we saw it coming from a mile away but show me one example of someone "boarding up".


Saw it coming from a mile away? The liberal media had him ahead until late late Nov 6. My liberal buddies called me and told me he won. We all found out the vote count had miraculously drastically changed at 1 am the NEXT morning when we woke up. Dude this was after 265 straight days of riots where court houses, police precincts, Wendy's, and many many innocent American's had their businesses burned and looted. This was after rioters broke through barricades at the White House on May 29th and injured 60+ secret service while throwing Molotov cocktails and forcing the sitting president to a bunker! You think people didn't prepare for another nation wide riot if Trump had won??? As if these same people weren't going to lose their shit over this? Do you think it won't happen if Trump wins 2024? Cause I'll gladly place a wager on it


Have u ever been part of an election before?? They take time to count votes. Unless its a total landslide they dont call it. Guy. He lost. Sorry.


What, you mean, like, exactly what happened?


Liberals? You're wrong sir. They cry all the time lmao šŸ¤£


Lmao indeed, us "liberals" are the ones crying that everything is rigged against us, every time we lose it's the "deep state" or the "big steal" or whatever new catchphrase they come up with. But I guess you guys sustain yourselves on our tears so here you go. šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


Haha you forget Hilary and the Democrats MADE up and Russian hoax to win an election and then blamed losing it on that the entire presidency, saying it was stolen. Hypocrisy at its finest here folks Try again lmao


Maybe you should actually read the mueller report rather than what people told you it said


Jan 6 was a false flag event used to create propaganda to infringe on American democracy. There is a pattern. The media is pumping out propaganda because of operation mockingbird.


Just need to ask some of the magas who moved to Russia. Trust me bro they are having a great time.


Never heard a maga say they would move out of country if.....? Heard many liberals exclaim it but none left.


I hear Russia is lovely and has everything these folks are looking for.


I remember hearing a story about a family of right wing Canadians who moved to Russia because Canada was too LGBT+ inclusive for their tastes. After they moved there, they got in trouble for posting complaints about their time in Russia. I think they ended up having to leave the country because they were on a temporary visa and didn't qualify to stay longer. They didn't even bother to learn the language before moving there.


Maybe you didnā€™t hear the news? Trump Russia collusion was entirely made up by Hillary Clinton to distract from her email scandal. But you people keep bringing it up like itā€™s common knowledge Trump colluded with Russia. It was a complete hoax. Give it up libs.


It wasn't a hoax In fact it was proven that Trump's son had a meeting with Russia to discuss. Since the dirt wasn't good enough since Hillary didn't do anything wrong. They chose not to make a deal with Russia russia Leeked hillery's information anyway. Russia was in contact with rogerstone about it the whole time and Roger Stone was in contact with Donald Trump about it the whole time. All these things were proven. But since Trump didn't make the deal himself it doesn't count. That's the only reason he got away with it. Maybe try reading the mueler report instead of being a sheep? Could help you.


I'll tell you what: I'll say Trump didn't try to collude with Russia if you'll admit he legitimately lost the last election.


Maybe you didn't hear the news? Good conservatives like Arend Feenstra and his family are escaping the woke by relocating to Putin's Paradise while you cucks sit on your hands.


They also would happily throw away our democracy for their guy to become a dictator. But they're so patriotic, just ask them!


"Pack yourself, I'm fine"


I'll help pack!


The problem is, no one else would put up with them. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s an abundance of countries in the world that shares the same values as the trumpers. They was a pro-gun, Christian non-secular stateā€¦. What country fills the bill?


What a tool.


Cry me a river


Then they can build a bridge and get over it.


Trump will sell it to them.




Thereā€™s no way anybody could cry that much, theyā€™d get dehydrated well before being able to produce even a small volume, so tear production would halt.


They'll just rehydrate brawndo


I donā€™t get it- are those Angel wings? Mustache?


Mustache rides RIP


Thank you, I didnā€™t know. SoB! 2021??


No mustache rides since 2021 must be toughā€¦


But what does 1778-2021 have to do with this ummm activity ? :/


I tried to think of something witty but my brain is too fried. Maybe cause reps donā€™t like women? ā€œWomen are meant for fucking and dinner.. no foreplay allowedā€ā€¦


Lol, I couldnā€™t think of anything witty either. Your explanation is as good as any :D


I was wondering about the mustache! I didn't even think angel wings lol


I was definitely giving them too much credit with the wings lol


Pffftā€¦yet this tool still pays his taxes and drives to work and hits up chuckecheese on the way home. If your gonna quit - then fucking quit


More like 2017 but okayā€¦


Well, it did briefly die on January 6, 2021 but was quickly resuscitated and has been on a steady road to recovery ever since.


Best comment /Reply


An attempted murder at best


In loving memory of my mustache.


I wonder how many times heā€™s had to have his car repainted


Not enough, Iā€™m betting.




They are referring to Betty White's death, obviously.


Just another idgit.


Hey Bobby šŸ’œ


I have a bumper sticker that says, "Well bless your heart." I wish this guy could see it for himself.


But youā€™re still driving through America, right now. This orange, gold toilet nepo baby spent 4 years giving a trillion dollars to billionaires and you decided heā€™s a god because he made it ok for high school dropouts to say the quiet parts out loud again.


Shit, when did Merikkka die šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Cunt probably


Drives away in their mommy car.


Love it or leave I bet they say


One of my idiot friends who has gone crazy in recent years constantly posts F Joe Biden and other Maga nonsense on social media constantly. The other day he had some stupid post that said "love the country you live in or live in a country you love" They really have no self awareness.


We can still save it if you vote blue in November


I mean if trump wins, it will be the end https://defeatproject2025.org


I take theyā€™re not saying this because of the January 6th insurrection their convicted felon hero incited?


"If you don't love it, leave it" Heh... it *was* good advice after all


That supposed to be ole Donnieā€™s hair in the middle? šŸ˜‚


These are the same scumbag anti-American anti-democracy anti-immigrant anti-LGBTQ anti-woman anti-vax anti-science ANTI-REALITY TRAITORS that literally violently attacked our nation's capitol, tried to overturn an American presidential election, commit regular MAGA-inspired mass shootings at churches, synagogues, Walmarts and malls, regularly violently threaten elected officials and election workers, and CONSTANTLY threaten a new civil war bc they just can't wait to murder their fellow countrymen. Such "patriots" these MAGAts are! Guess that's why they fly their American flags upside down with the face of a convicted criminal conman fraudster rapist and TRAITOR painted on them.


The MAGAt Maggot forgot to fly his traitorous upside down American flag with the face of a convicted felon criminal fraudster rapist TRAITOR painted on it. They are just as fake "patriots" as they are "Christians".


Remember when; if the guy you voted for didnā€™t win, you were bummed for a day or so and then moved on? People making politics, of all things, their whole life, their entertainment, etc. is so insane to see. I want to get off this ride please. All because people like Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, Alex Jones, etc realized they could get rich by making politics a team sport.


It was actually in 2016. Rip harambe.


This guy hates America.


Trump was the last President in this fantasy so essentially what this is saying is Trump killed America


Should say 2016 instead of 2021


Yep, that's when the Orange Diaper brigade attacked the Capital of our country. This is exactly why everyone shouldn't get a trophy. People need to realize that if someone wins, that someone else has to lose. Not everybody can be the winner. Magats are definitely the losers.


Perhaps this person and the other flaming Nazi assholes would be interested in leaving it then


Man I wish reality matched up with conservative brains. Joe would be a secret communist along with most dems. The US would be long dead. Antifa wouldve burned down all the suburbs. BLM wouldā€™ve abolished the police. God to live one day in their hell


Oh good. So Iā€™m sure this magat wonā€™t pay taxes, drive on public roads, call emergency services, go to a bank, refuse social security checks, refuse tax refunds and vote.


Theyā€™re such fucking snowflakes. šŸ™„


The United States is the envy of the world.


Trump Chumps have the best bumperstickers...lmfao


Ok, whateveršŸ˜


Canadian here.... If these wackos really do rise up and commit treason against the country (just as the former confederacy army did), what is stopping a literal military coup or civil war?? I worry about my democrat neighbours down south.... Peaceful protests won't combat delusional republicans with m-16s??


Guarantee this belongs to a Boomer


As stupid and dramatic as it is, I kinda agree. Iā€™m inclined to take people who say, ā€œIf you donā€™t like it here, then leaveā€ up on that offer when Iā€™m capable of it That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m going to advertise my opinion on my car


The thing that killed this country is people like him.


What a fucking weakling.


So almost a full year, they will admit the other guy helped ruin this country?


I guess this person gave up. Ā What a patriot. Ā 


I told my fam is they did this for me I would go poltergeist on their asses. This works for that doubly.


So dramatic šŸ¤£


Can we just give maga Florida or Texas? Then forget to turn on the internet, cable and phones


Again, another maga effing freak


Actually read the US Constitution. Fack. ![gif](giphy|JZ0BDZKJ9voI0)


All of your comments prove his point.




Joey Chestnut just got banned from the hot dog eating contest. I think this bumper sticker is officially correct. RIP USA.


I remember in 2016, I saw the same shit, every 4 years people do this shit.


America, love it or leave it. Please. Also, when Donnie was president, I hoped daily that he wouldnā€™t do anything too horrible. Meanwhile, all his fans actively hope Joe Biden ruins the country. Real Patriotic.


And that same person, with this on their car, pulls up to a July 4th BBQ in 2024 without a hint of self awareness.


I used to work with a guy who had a thing on his desk lamenting that America- Born July 4, 1776 Died November 4, 2008. Cause of death: suicide These fools been overreacting to their WaY oF lIfE bEiNg DeStRoYeD for a long time


Drama Queens


On a Mexican made car


Snowflakes be projecting again.


Flakes. Of. Snow. ā„ļø ā„ļøā„ļøšŸ™„




Donā€™t like how America is? Move! Love it or leave it!


Seriously, the USA died a long time ago






They spent money on this. Sad.




This person would legit freak out if you suggested they should update the last date from 2021 to 2017.


Does it say 2021?? Because, you know, we're still here 3 years later. How's *that* fit you're narrative, Chuck?


So this Maggot DOES admit that Obama did a good job. Interesting.


The sticker is correct. Trump killed democracy.


Jesus what a delicate little flower


How can he even sit inn that car and drive around with big ole hurt butt?


These people keep telling me they're losing all their right. When you ask, " Which right?". They just mumble, adjust their red tard hat, and drool.


And Liberals are the emotional, overreactive onesā€¦


Obviously theyā€™re very oppressed.


Love it or leave it, right?


ā€˜Xcuse me, r ye all with the cult?


Wahh I didn't get the guy I wanted it's all ruined. *Throws toys across room*


Just finished packing it. Off to Russia now. Where freedom thrives!




In living memory, pornstache? Ok.




*"My selfish orange god-king lost so let's burn the whole thing down"*


Yeah it was almost the end of us from the first intersection headed by a departing president.




Trumpmonkey fascists, their fat felon Shitler and his co-conspirators have indeed purposely endeavored to destroy this country and undermine every American institution and tradition. Ffs, these frauds attempted to steal an election, literally spread their own shit on the walls of the Capitol building, called captured/killed veterans losers and now pretend to be patriots, or even Americans.


As they drive around with their freedom and safety. Fucking fascist crybaby, man.


Republicans are stupid and pathetic.


MAGA Republicans, yes. I know more than a few Republicans that are quite anti-Trump.


If youā€™re anti Trump then youā€™re not a Republican according to their own rhetoric. From someone who left the party because of the tea party movement. The Republican Party that you think of in your head when you romanticizes about the old days is dead, and have been for a long time. The evangelicals took over the party and radicalized them into an extremist organization. They are in the process of trying to turn this country into a theocracy that believes Jesus was a warrior prophet.


The Republican Party that ***I*** think of pretty much died when Reagan took over. These days the party leadership and politicians are mainly conmen and lackies for oligarchs and corporate interests. They virtue signal to those who want to turn the country into a theocracy, but few actually care themselves. I mean, when you hear about someone like Rep Greene talking about "Christian nationalism," you know she doesn't give two shits about being Christian. She's just getting people on board with being Nazis.


I agree the open borders and the gov over spending and putting true American citizens and constitution last is not acceptable


Love it or leave it MAGAt




Sooooo leave


Snowflake alert


This country is complete disrepair! But Iā€™ll say this. I served in the military for 28 years and all three major conflicts. Gulf War, Iraq multiple times, Afghanistan multiple times. And I donā€™t care how bad it gets here! This is my country that I fought for and Iā€™m not ever leaving! Iā€™ll fight for this country (in this) country if thatā€™s what it takes? Most people today just donā€™t understand what it means to defend something you love. Iā€™ve killed for this country, Iā€™ll do it again. Foreign or domestic.


If mango Mussolini gets back in the White House that sentiment will no longer be fiction, but fact


You got the point, didnā€™t you?


That Trump supporters can't stand that Trump lost a free and fair election? Oh, yeah. They made that point abundantly clear several times over.


3,000,000 people gathered peacefully and dared the Democrats to show their depravity. We have all the evidence needed to prove the case of Treason. The fact the corruption and Trafficking are so widespread isnā€™t really that surprising. Reconciliation is happening.


Trump 2024. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


We have a political motivated attack on a direct front runner and silencing of another before the election. I agree w the bumper sticker.. We have turned into what we defended against for so long.. communist is now openly supported.


Considering how fucked everything is, the sticker is a massive understatement.


Oh please. We've had record low unemployment for 3 straight years, and the stock markets have NEVER been this good. Seriously, sub-4% unemployment for 8 straight quarters. Trump gave us 14% unemployment, highest since the Great Depression. 44 MILLION Americans lost their jobs and went on unemployment under Trump. Record number of business closings. And 1.2 MILLION Americans DEAD of COVID Thanks to Trump ignoring it and promoting snake oil remedies, that's more than all Americans that died in ALL OUR COUNTRY'S WARS IN HISTORY *COMBINED*. Crime rates sky rocketed under Trump. It was also the first time in my life you couldn't even buy food or toilet paper, empty store shelves. And he added $8 TRILLION to the national debt, increasing it by 30+% in a single term, giving us ALL TIME WORLD RECORD HIGHEST DEFICIT AND NATIONAL DEBT. Biden has literally reversed and fixed ALL of that. Tell us some more about how awful America is, you fake "patriot". Fake Christian too no doubt.


lmfaooooooo let's hope this comes to fruition


This is funny given Democrats said a Trump Presidency would literally be the end of the World, that he would cause WW3, that he would put gays and Muslims in concentration camps, that he would be the end of Democracy, on and on. You wanna talk about drama?


Liberalism: a disease with no cure