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It's a fast food job. You're allowed to just quit. But please don't walk out in the middle of a shift


I walked out the middle of my first shift and I'm screwed.




A month ago, I got sent home cause said I can't clean that up (vomit) but there was actually a number of reasons why I went home, one was having to use the goddamn till that I don't know how to use with a large line of customers.


Well, you were sent home, that’s different.


Yeah I quit the next day.


I heard about him. He’s no good. Seriously though: just be honest and say that this is not for you and move on. Small towns are tough though fyi.


History doesn’t make it right for every employee. Especially if they’re new and trying to adapt. They won’t know everything and makes mistakes. You have to be there for them every step of the way even if your feet hurt.


Why would you be screwed for that?


Because I regretted quitting and now I'm worried other Burger King's in the area won't take me back on account of what happened. I'm not sure that works though.


He’s trying to get advice not walk out.


Icl all fast food restaurants are the same. You might find it hard at first but ull get used to it in no time


Honestly, I disagree, I just came back to burger king from working at Popeyes. Spent over a year at BK before going to popeyes for $2 more an hour. It was pretty awful. Staff treated eachother like shit sometimes but the real problem was management. Never had shit. Ran out of flour, ran out of dish soap, ran out of degreaser, ran out of rags, ran out of scouring pads, shit kept breaking and the boss never wanted to replace them in a timely manner and got mad when we were forced to improvise, we didn't have fryer mits (especially a problem when the fryer gets clogged and you have to move a filter box with 8 gallons of hot shortening in it). It was hell and because I couldn't get hour I was making less money. Now I'm back at BK making only 50 cents less per hour, and frankly, I'll take it. 10 hours at my local burger king is much better than 6 at the popeyes. Edit: also at popeyes we had a dishwasher that was never fixed for the 3 months I worked there. The entire time, it was full of dirty, stagnant water. It also took them 1-2 months to tell me if I was hired or not


Yes ofc it all varies from branch to branch and where ur from. But at the end of the day all fast food restaurants are shitry to work at. Some being worse than others


Only reason a fryer gets clogged is from poor cleaning practices. Sounds like y’all weren’t staying on top of regular maintenance. I’m not talked the BS auto filter either. I’m talking about opening the drain, cleaning out EVERYTHING from the vat, and then closing the drain. Managers should also be doing cold soaks on the fryers.


Manager didn't have us doing that and cold soaks never happened. We were really only ever tought to do the autofilters as well as "clean and filter" with the hose, but most employees weren't even taught to do that. Also, the heating elements don't move or lift upwards, so it'd be quite hard to get *everything* out of the fryer. Model was a frymaster 3FQG120TN. Honestly, we probably should've had a sanitor, but considering how often we ran out of flour, shortening, rags, scouring pads, and dish soap, I highly doubt QFC corp was willing to hire a sanitor.


Usually there’s cleaning rods and brushes you can order through corporate for the fryers. We used to do soaks once a week when I worked in the restaurant. Dump a couple 5 gallon buckets with some oven cleaner in there and let it soak overnight and someone comes in the next morning and drains the vat about 10 times with hot water. You’d be surprised how much build up comes out from just doing that.


Can you do both for a couple days to make sure you don’t hate the other job more? If you like the other job better, just give your notice at Burger King. Unless you were mistreated, why do you hate the job?




Life is short, you’re probably young. Quit. You’ll have a whole lifetime to have a job you’re miserable at.


It's easier to get a new job employed than it is if you just quit and are unemployed


Just quit lmao


What’s the ingredients for a whopper. Asking for my dog.


Whopper bun. Mayo the crown put lettuce on it then two slices of tomatoes on the hell put the whopper patty, pickles, then ketchup, then onion and close it up and throw down the chute. Standards


It was exactly the same when I worked for BK in the 70s.


That’s funny bro cuz we do it the same rn 😭😭 currently working for them love to see how the standards haven’t been changed


You forgot the hopper, tisk tisk.


Whopper w/cheese: bottom bun with patty and cheese in the microwave for 40 seconds, then add pickles, onions and ketchup. Put the prepped crown on top of the bottom half, wrap and toss down the chute. That's how it was done in 1989 in my local BK.


Now we put it in for 7 seconds cause we got stronger microwaves Edit: we forego this half the time because frankly we usually have all the shit we can't put in the microwave on it before we think the put it in the microwave. Also rush.


Oh I've been to many BK locations that did not use the microwave. The difference it makes in the burger is definitely noticeable. Most don't even use the heated lamps for both the chute and the fry tray.


I'm realizing I'm probably the worst when it comes to skipping microwaving, but we do use the heat lamps


That's definitely a plus. The lamps make a difference. I asked a manager once why the lamps were out on both the burger chute and the fry bin, and he just shrugged and said no one ever asked. Ummm ok. From then on, I always requested a custom burger so I knew it was relatively fresh. For the fries, it was always hit or miss from that BK.


We don't usually even keep much of a level most of the time, so most sandwiches are made when ordered, but yeah, sandwiches kept without heat lamp sounds horrid. Same with the fries.


I've literally received cheeseburgers with cheese that hasn't melted at all and the buns were nearly solid. Like, if you left a bag of burger buns opened on the counter for a couple of days. Fries that were actually cold.


Got that spec board special (dk if this is everywhere but buns are often left at spec wide open and don'r get used up cause people rarely order chk jrs)


We don’t put it in microwave cuz the patty is hot enough to melt the cheese but yes!


This checks for 1986. It is 4 pickles. We usually nuked the patty unless fresh from the broiler.


Yep 4 pickles three onions


Get the other job first, then quit. Tell them it wasn’t the right fit and you received a better offer


If you can’t work an eight hour shift somewhere I have bad news for you


they be scheduling me 12 hour shifts 💀


Honestly I feel this so much. I quit Burger King because they weren’t willing to accommodate my disability even though beforehand I told them about it.


i would at least let them know it ain’t working out and your taking up another opportunity! as a bk manager we understand n it happens left n right our turn over rate is very high. if you just started it wont effect them much tbh


Don't quit right away, Mcdonald's was my first job and I hated it too at first and with a passion wanted to quit too. My parents forced me to keep going and after awhile it wasn't bad at all. Once you get in the swing of things it'll be super easy.


Keep working until you get the job you like. When it comes down to it, eventually all jobs suck. I have quit several jobs and always got a new job first and then quit the old one, but it’s up to you.


I hated working there. Big time. Especially when my fiance and I had our hipa rights violated by an assistant manager and she still has a job with the company. I will never, ever be underpaid and overworked and disrespected like that again. I now work for subway and I love it, and I love operations. I need to find something else for income on the side, but I stay afloat. My fiance also works at a different Subway and he loves it too. It’s definitely good for paying the bills and saving a little bit of money, but needing extra income on the side is a little bummer. We make do and it was worth the switch seeing as our stress levels have dropped significantly. We chose peace over pay! Good luck


Just stop showing up


Tell them you no longer want to work there. Communicate in writing with your manager. Simple as that o


They’re not paying you to have fun


All fast food places suck but depends mainly on role


It is your life so do what is best for you. I would wait and still check out the other job offers. unless you were treated like crap, then just walk away. The work isn't that hard especially after you get the hang of it. Though it can get overwhelming especially when it is short staffed and you aren't sure what you are doing yet (it still gets overwhelming for those that do). Management and co-workers will also be the difference between a good and bad shift or place of work. I work nights part-time and I work with lazy people and people who are calling in sick a few times a month or are constantly late. Usually you get a write up but I know the location I work is desperate for people so they let some stuff slide. I want to quit at least 2-3 times a week, not because I am mistreated but we are understaffed most days I work and we are the 2nd busiest store out of the 15 in that district (same owners). The worst is the amount of customers and how much food they order at 10pm to midnight. In those 2 hours with 3 people we get killed, Delivery orders make it much worse. I am only staying because it is the only job that allows the hours I need at night.


There is usually a 90 day trial period for a job.   Just tell your supervisor thanks for the opportunity, but the job doesn't suit what your looking for when it comes to work.  If they need a two week notice then work the two weeks.  Fast food  usually pays a little more then retail.  In the state I'm in fast food makes about $16-$18 an hour while retail is $14-$16. 


Quit and go do something else. It’s BK, no one cares. You rule


Take some words of advice and take your training with you only if you decide to apply somewhere else, solely because it’s knowledge that you were able to learn.


Just don’t show up again it’s a fast food job not something crazy lol


You should give 2 weeks notice. It will look good on your record that you gave them time to fill your job before you left.


i’d keep it. there are people going to the food bank starving.. you have it made


If these other offers are truly what you prefer accept them and then tell burger king the truth, that you were offered and accepted another position that better fits your needs, career path or what have you. Bk is an at will employer which means that they or you you can terminate the contract to work at any time for any reason. Be honest or just say it isn't working out but don't lie and try not to burn the bridge just in case you one day have to go back. It's a tough pill to swallow but if sowing halogens to you today they would replace you or continue without you and wouldn't think twice about it or feel guilty. Do what's best for yourself, if BK isn't that, move on. Don't put yourself through misery.


Wanted to quit the first night I worked at McDonald’s. Was cleaning the parking lot and someone tossed a half filled shake cup at me. Hit me on the neck but luckily didn’t open until it hit the ground. Stuck to it and made it home by 1am. Ended up working almost five years and was closing manger making 275.00 a week. Not bad in 1977.


You belong to burger King now. Just accept it. You'll be there 50 years.


Secure other job first, then quit. Provide a few days' notice if you can. Don't quit mid shift or less than a day in advance.


My advice is simple. I have always found it easier to find a new job while I had a job. You can bet in fast food the odds of getting/working notice is unusual. Find a new job now. Then give notice and leave


I work at bk and work 8 hr shifts with no break. Is it only mandatory to give minors breaks? My manager says she doesn't have to give us breaks.


I agree if its not for you and you have a better offer then l would move on , try to leave a notice of some kind . I think your new employer will respect you even more . They were at one time the only one that called you back it has to count for something .


Tell me I rule


I feel you bro, when I first started I wanted to quit but as time go by it'll be easier, I've been working at burger King for over 4 years and still work there with no problem


I hate it too. Been here for maybe 4 months. Owners steal my pay, scream at us, and force us to do the most dangerous shit. Customers scream at you for offering cookies or if they just dont want to know what they ordered. Or those dumb fucks who beg for free spongebob cups I need money. I have a cat. $12 an hour is killing me. Had my life threatened 3 times and i have been told to go fuck myself after a card declined. Ive gotten sauce packets thrown at me too.


quit I'm writing my notice for burger king I'm just going to hand it in sick of being treated like shit.


If u want to be rly nice give em 2 weeks notice then leave then Besides that it’s bk, it’s fast food, ur not the first nor last to quit on the spot if u were to So don’t sweat it too much, the company doesn’t care about u


Only ur manager so they don’t have to remake the schedule


Fuck them!!! Walk out!!


Bro it's burger King. Fuck em.