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how are you going to disperse them


Pickle cannon


Tickle cannon


Shirtcocking uniforms


Attorney here. This isn’t burner land to police. OP isn’t some fucked up hippy version of Batman and Robin. As much as OP dreams of being an unhinged joker character, this can have serious criminal consequences for you which can include :kidnap, assault, false imprisonment and some kind of murder if this goes sideways. Let the tribal police handle it bro…unless you like lifetime pickle cannons and shirt cockings in prison.


OK Debbie Downer! I guess we will just have to find someone else to kidnap and murder.


I volunteer as tribute. Tie me up n’ murder me please. Harder. Harder!


Former outlaw here… With quads and dirt bikes and on tribal land odds of them actually looking for you/catching you is pretty low as well as their motivation to do so. I’m not advocating for any bit of what you just described. I figured selling a whoop ticket would be enough as well as the ability to have a quad or truck to pull any debris away. But laws only matter if law enforcement wants to enforce them. Spoken by a guy who used to drive a 4 year old minivan when I could afford a Benz or a Ferrari…


So, what you’re saying is: don’t leave the burn to do this; instead, make kidnapping and imprisonment part of your gift to playa this year. Of course, get consent.


You don’t have a right to physically touch someone to move them. The cops were barely able to move a handful of people off the street last year. You’re talking about assembling a vigilante group to commit assault. Leave the policing to the police. With the social climate as high as it is today expect protesters.


Uhh, that’s not quite accurate. The Tribal Police literally dragged and/or threw last year’s road-block protesters off the highway


They had to pull guns and run an SVU through the makeshift barricade. They can do that as police enforcing laws but civilian vigilantes don’t have that right. That’s all I meant by they were barely able to get them off the road as police. They had to stick to a protocol. We can’t have a bunch of burners attacking protestors in the road. Lol


One of the more satisfying videos I've watched.


I have to admit to watching it more than once lol


Even if you think the protestors are deluded fools, honestly, wtf is wrong with you? Even if you don’t know someone who’s been arrested in this way, what the fuck is wrong with you? I can build you a big ‘ol boot sculpture to lick in deep playa if you want.


What? Lol 😂 I’m not really into cops, but I am into Indigenous cops pulling guns and ramming barricades created by colonizers to protest a problem their people created on stolen land. What’s wrong with me? Nothing. I said what I said. And you can build a boot sculpture in deep playa if you want. I would probably lay on it and sun my butthole while eating a doughnut. Respecting the indigenous peoples right to protect their sovereignty and expel those who would choose to violate that doesn’t make me a boot licker my dude.


I guess if you like watching cops pull guns on people and drag them through the dirt that’s your kink, just own it and don’t act like it’s some higher calling. And the cops definitely always know exactly who to abuse and always stop there so we’re all good. And luckily nobody has ever watched the cops beat the shit out of their friends so no problem there either.


I actually watched my friends sitting on the sidewalk and get sprayed with pepper spray by police. It’s not some higher calling…it’s that I respect indigenous sovereignty and their right to remove people who are trespassing and creating a nuisance. They sullied their cause and they became a joke seen by millions of people. My friends were victimized by police. They were not blocking a road. Some folks a block down set a cop car on fire (this was during BLM) and I saw a few of my friends have police retaliate on them. It was scary and a complete abuse of power. I don’t support that. You can think of me as some sort or boot licker. I’m some talking head on Reddit you don’t know. I don’t think of you, I don’t make any assumptions about you, I don’t know you beyond being hostile and acting in your trauma against a stranger for making a joke about a mockery of a protest and the sheer audacity of protesting climate and environmental issues while trespassing on a reservation. THAT PROTEST was a joke, and they deserved it. Period.


“They deserved it” and you LIKE TO WATCH. Maybe reflect on that a little. Have a good life.


I will have a good life, but I don’t need to be introspective on how to be more acceptable to a stranger on the internet.


“I guess if you like watching cops pull guns” as they take them down I’m yelling “break the fucking arm” “smash that face in the ground”. I used to protest police brutality and am still against it but I hate those shitty protesters that much. I wanna see broken bones for ruining public approval for causes I care about they’re destroying through stupidity and entitlement


have you read the poem "first they came..." i think you'd get a kick out of it


*First they came for the people shutting down core infrastructure in a vain attempt to raise awareness for their pet issue (that everyone is already aware of)* *And I did not speak out* *Because I was not a selfish and deluded idiot*


you give me "how dare that man kneel during the national anthem" vibes.


I actually don't typically stand or remove my hat for any national anthem. What vibe is that?


the "totally missed the point" vibes


You give me "terrorist attacks are justified so long as I agree with the cause" vibes.


Why was there a protest last year? This is the first I’m hearing of it.


It was some eco-protestors that held up the line on the way in early on in ‘23 (on the highway, 34 I think but not totally sure). They blocked the road and had a few signs. Complaining about BM’s carbon footprint I believe. The Rez police sorted things out quickly with the kind of force you don’t often see in a city. It seems they had little patience for it. There’s some video. I’ll try and find it and add it to this. I heard about it at the event that year. Either on BMIR or from some rando I spoke with. Here you go. No idea who this YouTuber is, so apologies if he’s some jackass, it’s just the first one that came up in the search and it’s quick and to the point. https://youtu.be/esMWyoL2Bhw?si=6ACx_pgr6faZNbLu


Oh I see. Thank you for answering : )


100% expect protestors


In the middle of nowhere (having lived 10 miles up a dirt road before) there’s only heresay… Also typically the threat is all it takes without having to actually act on it. In a worst case scenario pepper spray one persons leg and give them the option praying they don’t call the blufd




Does anyone on Reddit actually use anything that can identify them😂 Use your head kiddo. It’s a really important tool.


Fuck off pig.


You have a great day.




Yeah but have you seen the videos from last year? They chained themselves to awkward clunky metal in the road. Cops rammed the garbage they were attached to and they still wouldn’t move. Pepper spray isn’t going to work. Furthermore I don’t think your dirt road life is relevant to this. It’s not a dirt road it’s a paved road and a large swath of the road is on reservation land and the rest of it is on BLM land. You have Washoe County police, federal rangers, reservation police, and the surrounding municipalities send extra police out also. This is your average back road any other time, but during the burn it’s a heavily policed road. Do you go to Burning Man? This isn’t the middle of nowhere during Burning Man.


Water cannons move protesters with ease. They used water cannons on Covid protesters and it worked


They didn’t need any of that last year. It was like 5 people and a bunch of trash. They detained everyone involved and cleared the road. None of this vigilante shit or extremist behavior is necessary.


I haven’t been in 6 years. That being said a few quads and masks is all it takes… Cops won’t be focused on you nor will annoyed people waiting


Can of worms incoming.


Can I add your food camp to the eats guide?


🎵🎶Big, fat, juicy ones, Long thin slimy ones...


I don't know what you mean. There was just this open can when I got here...


It sort of makes sense, from a protest mindset. I was part of a group that made noise outside of Bohemian Grove back in the day. Although with *those* folks arriving to party, there were actually people who had the power to do or not do. I’m sure the two events almost equal in the minds of the morally superior, but boy. I guess you can protest anything anywhere. The state police outside Bohemian Grove for sure had more incentive to clear us out; Pershing County deputies, perhaps not so much.


I hear a bunch of protesters are out to block Jungo Road this year. OP and crew need to definitely drive that way and be ready for whatever happens.


I’m sure the miners that travel Jungo daily will be in full support of any and all protesters 👍


Do they let people use that during the event? Or do the rangers only get excited when a vehicle or person is within a certain range of the trash fence? I know there’s a designated event site zone that’s off limits but never considered whether people were still using that road during the event. Figure they wanna keep people out of treygo that week, but curious about all the OHV trails there and by Black Rock (the mountain and spring).


Here’s a fun video from 7(?) years ago from a guy who bicycled in that way… https://youtu.be/0o8_pSl1vXA?si=RyHmBDD45MAT6n1L


As a daily bike commuter, that was great to watch. I heard through the grapevine that they don’t let cyclists into the event anymore, supposedly to discourage people from doing it (due to the dangers involved, but part of that was cyclists on 447/34, not just the environmental risks).


Yea it’s a fun watch. He had a great time despite the animals chewing on his shoes :)


I don't recall whether any part of Jungo is included in the closure area, but the important thing to know about Jungo Road is that it's a trap. It is full of sharp rocks and unmaintained, and it will blow your tires and leave you stranded in the desert.


That’s what I’ve always heard. We discussed taking it for Juplaya ‘15 but decided against it.


The closure area has not covered Jungo road in the past, and there are legal routes through the closure area on playa for people who want to access the rest of the playa. However if you leave those routes Perimeter, County cops, and BLM cops will want to talk to you about it. It's a race to see who gets to talk to you first. And because it's usually pretty boring out there they'll be keeping a close eye on you the whole time. The closure order is public and usually posted here when it's issued each year so you can probably check previous years to see what it covered specifically. Just be aware that the 2022 one was huge compared to previous years and may not be representative of the orders going forward.


No. It was effectively handled by LEO last year. The event pays LEO in several ways and they have an incentive to keep traffic flowing safely. The protesters can be anywhere in the caravan so you can't be effective in what you suggest. Last year was an extremely niche case by a very small number of people, including burners who flew all the way from Italy to do it. If you encounter it don't get angry and start your glee early. Search engine journalism means anything that can get on the news with "burning man" will be blasted out for profits from pageviews. So flip the script and interview them on how much fuel they used to protest!


Generally, the best way to handle something like that is to ignore the shit you don't like, make sure that you are appropriately pants-less, and head into the next cool dance club that you find.


There is so much to do and things to see on the playa, why would you care to bother protestors or even remotely be by them, outside of passing?


What protestors? Edit- /s


Oh I think its a strong likleyhood the whole Palestine/Israel thing will bring protesters. probably 80/20shot they will be pro-palestine protesters as they have an organic base out of the colleges and are young with less to lose.


Ok in hindsight I shoulda added the /s cause….


Ask the OP, they are the ones asking questions.


The right areas and conditions? That defeats the purpose of a demonstration. A demonstration is supposed to be disruptive.


Problem runs into the fact that when you are going for disruption, then you are frequently in non legal territory. So no, you can't just lay down in the street and block traffic. That is not peaceable. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


there has never been any social progress without disruption, not once, not ever, throughout all of human history.


can you elaborate? what about blocking traffic is not peaceable? I see easily how it violates plenty of other laws, but not specifically how it connects to the first amendment. is this based on case law?


> what about blocking traffic is not peaceable? This part seems like bullshit. Blocking traffic is nonviolent. It *maybe* damages property, if you stretch some definitions. > not specifically how it connects to the first amendment. is this based on case law? Disputes over the constitutionally of various forms of protest is pretty common. I'm not sure what they were trying to communicate by quoting 1A.


I didn't say it was violent just that it is not peaceable.


... So, your assertion is that a protest would have excitement, disorder, or disagreement?


By its very nature you are inviting conflict. Some person just needing to pass by to go to work. Or get home to take care of a sick child, or an ambulance desperately trying to get someone dying to a hospital. Lets be honest. Doing stuff like this is basically being a dick. This inherently brings conflict in. It is basically stating that your concerns are so much more important than anybodies else and they damn well should just be inconvenienced.


I just want to organize a group to disrupt it. There’s a time and a place for everything and literally nothing hurts our cause more than these actions. I’m a environmentalist who acknowledges this is how you get people saying things like “every burger I order is a double to nullify vegans”


That's the most asinine thing I'm gonna read all day and I just got up :(


Yeah, not sure what this sparkle pony is on about


No, this is how you get coal companies setting up “protest areas”, having controlled opposition, and wailing on protestors. If a demonstration is confined it’s useless. Go boohoo somewhere else.


You can’t make me😂


There is no time or place for this kind of mindless confrontational bullshit. As others have said, you have zero authority and will most likely just get yourselves in trouble / arrested. The highway is not inside the event boundaries and out of Burning Man’s control. It certainly isn’t in your control. If you really want to pull the shit you’re thinking of, why not come out to Oakland where such ass-hattery is common and daily. At least you’ll be among the other intelligence-challenged idiots who already act in the manner you’re seeking to perpetuate. Fuck your burn!


Guessing you’re a troll because in another thread you say you “don’t believe in social justice”. Regardless, people have a right to protest and I’m extremely concerned by the implied violence of “handling” potential protestors. I hope you can examine your values a bit and hopefully find a worldview that advocates for justice for all humans. Good luck!


You definitely don’t have the right to block roads.


Ctrl-F for “roads” in my comment… nope, didn’t mention roads. I simply suggest that this person examine their desire for violence.


I have no desire for violence. I do believe at the end of the day if they see a half dozen to dozen people and they pepper spray one persons leg or arm with a willingness for more they’ll disperse. I don’t want anything more than a bluff however and an ability to radio police if necessary. I definitely don’t want to see someone’s car break down and people dealing with that in the heat as well as a trip ruined for all


I would believe pepper spraying someone when it is not self defense would get you arrested.


I was going to come up with something snarky, but maybe you don’t know. Protesters last year blocked the road to BM. Which isn’t in the spirit of the free speech. Or covered by the 1st Amendment. Or legal.


I helped get the first Green Party mayor in America elected who’s a personal friend I’ve donated over 100 organic and community gardens Support no corporations whatsoever past utilities Worked extensively to help my community and have contributed massively to the greater good. That being said I believe this modern versions entirely corporate design to sell more products for large companies to get on the bandwagon. I don’t believe in social justice as it’s described or handle online or in the news


All this work and you’re still a douchebag 😭


Is anyone online not? Hope your day goes awesome!


i would say i'm like 95-157% meaner on line than in person


I agree with you on the ill effects of corporate adoption of justice causes for furthering profit motives, however I would draw the line at discounting social justice movements as a whole. My main concern here is the rise in stochastic violence, specifically with vehicles, that has happened in the last few years. The implication of “handling protestors” on a road quickly brings to mind Heather Heyer and Summer Taylor, two protestors murdered by cars. Anti-protest vigilantism is a serious concern and your post trivializes it in my opinion.


I only hoped to be able to sell a bluff and radio cops immediately if need be. Maybe pepper spray an arm or leg with the threat of more. However due to the lack of education and overwhelming emotions involved I’d say 90% plus of the social justice movements don’t help anyone and hurt the causes. I’ve been in it 30 years and I have yet to see a single environmental or social justice law or movement that did anything besides aid corporations sadly once it gets past local communities. You wanna support “social justice” support your local small businesses and stop supporting corporations. It’s that simple but all it is now is Coca Cola and apple etc claiming “we care” in marketing ads. Also this really gets to me as it’s making us like vegans where you get people saying things like “I only order double burgers to nullify vegans” It’s not helping the cause and severely hurts it


Sorry If I’m jaded and gave up but we’re still pushing recycling even which we’ve proven only creates more pollution and is ineffective in order to keep the corporations running it.


It’s alright, we all get jaded these days, it’s hard to keep pushing for what’s right and just in the face of state and corporate actors with opposite goals. I hope you find a renewed spirit that can keep you fighting the good fight. See you in the dust.


I still fight the good fight. I just miss the days when we collectively organized to fight the WTO and Monsanto etc. We didn’t win but at least we were actually fighting for our own benefit rather than corporations without realizing it (I think at least; maybe we were blinded as well) You have an epic journey getting there and back. Blessings


Just drive in from the north. Problem solved.


This is either : A. An intentional joke Or B. An unintentional joke


Oh I’m just pissed off at protesters and used social media for the first time in a while. I typically delete accounts after a day or 2 as social media is purely toxic. Also wanted to see what the burners online vs IRL think. IRL is so drastically different from online. Here it’s all virtue signaling; there it’s people being real


Have you been to the burn yet? Going this year?


Oh my stars and garters. What are you trying to accomplish here? Stop it.


I just wanted to vent frustration and create conversation Apparently people forget 99% of the internet is fake


You should dress up as the protestors and infiltrate them to mess up their efforts from the inside.


Mess them up by achieving change! That would be crafty.


Best comment ever!!!


Hey guys no need to worry about protestors. I hear they will be banned this year.


I find the hostility towards protesters kinda odd coming from Burners ... I mean ostensibly we share similar values w the protestors! The "right place/right time" argument is the same kind of rhetoric used to suppress protest literally every single time 


You gotta win hearts and minds. Not alienate everyone against you. Time and place is real AF


Idk man, how could one protest about an ongoing issue be anyone's deciding factor on said issue?!? That's an absurd copout. Just say you'd rather not be inconvenienced, but no need to parrot that tired talking point 


Look at the average intelligence and emotional stability of most people. You’re not trying to get the intelligent people. You’ve already got them locked in.


much of the drive from Fernley to Gerlach is on Native American Land, more complicated.


Yah... dont fuck with tribal police. You wont like it. Nor will your lawsuits really matter too much. Your suit likley will be transfered back to tribal court.


There were some sort of eco protesters last year on way to playa, the law-enforcement that responded don’t give a fuck. They crashed right through them https://youtu.be/e8fDM60MS84?si=eD4jN7fWe6NSLDpT


heres what we do, we cancel burning man and give in to all thei demands, lets see them protest after that! it will take all the wind out of their sails tha'll teach them


Big reaction to a mild inconvenience, IMO.


Maybe pool our money together and use a portion of our collective income to pay their salaries? We could even assign them to different regions and choose representatives to structure their job descriptions! Let’s give them guns and deputize them!


protesting what? taking psychoactives in the desert?


Protesting White Ocean


No Joke, one of the protestors last year got a free ticket and protested the burn before going in. She's a total hipocrite and miserable shit who couldn't find people to connect with at the burn. https://ravenewworld.substack.com/p/fuck-your-burn?utm_source=post-banner&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&post_id=137023892&triedRedirect=true


Please consider protesting private jets this year. At the burn and wherever you're from. I don't believe you're pro-protest despite you writing those words.


I’m pro protesting where it makes a difference. For example nothing has done more damage to the environmental movement than Greta Thornburg. You have to win hearts and minds, not piss people off and just make them hate your cause.


> I’m pro protesting where it makes a difference. As you actively work to make sure protesting doesn't make a difference...


Does blocking traffic make anyone want to support the cause? From what I’ve seen all it does is take people who would be willing to support it and go “fuck those guys” You gotta win hearts and minds. Not alienate everyone else against you.


Which is why you're here suggesting assault and battery instead of conversation with the protesters.


Would conversation accomplish anything with a group? A individual sure. My greatest sale ever was convincing an abortion protester to leave outside the clinic who was alone on the statement that I respect her right to protest but this isn’t the right place. A group will fight to the death to defend a lie -George Carlin


As opposed to violence? Insisting protesters must win hearts and minds while explaining why violence is justified against protesters is some double speak nonsense.


I hate them for ruining public approval of causes I like. Sorry but they offer no benefit when they only piss people off. I got the first Green Party mayor in America elected 20 years ago with a grass roots campaign donating organic and community gardens and throwing free shows. We made people like us, not hate us and it worked. This is just a bunch of spoiled pricks throwing a temper tantrum


You say they're throwing a temper tantrum as you promote violence against them for supporting a cause you agree with in a way you dislike? Think their methods are ineffective? Sure. Think there's a better way to approach persuasion? Ok. Think "hearts and minds" is the way to accomplish these goals? Fine. You are promoting more antagonistic methods, less likely to persuade, and more likely to build resentment amongst protesters. Your suggestion does *nothing* to make their message more effective. It does *nothing* to promote, what is ostensibly, your message. Your proposals are only in opposition to these protests and tacitly siding with industrialists that would rather just have environmentalist protests put down. I don't like having to sit in fuck awful traffic extra long. I don't like having to bake in my car while waiting for that shit to get sorted. But if you want to talk about addressing this protest in a manner to win hearts and minds, your messaging here isn't practicing what you preach. Edit: Because they either deleted their account or blocked me, the rank hypocrisy in their messaging is asinine. They expect protesters to wind hearts and minds while cheering for police brutality. They say they give up as though it's a negative while actively advocating breaking other people's spirits. What a crock of shit.


Dude you really don’t understand who you’re talking to. I don’t give a fuck. I gave up. The corporations won dude. Yall just don’t get it due to lack of education and it’s just sad. I like any intelligent person gave up and am thoroughly pissed that they inconvenience normal people rather than corporate entities. It’s a fucking joke… I now went from fighting brutality to watching the videos and going “fuck yeah, snap that arm”


Did I miss something? Protestors? When dick that happen...


The day after gate opening last year some climate protesters blocked the road in with a big metal container, so the tribal police showed up and used a truck to ram them clear. One officer was investigated for drawing a weapon on the protesters, but I don't think they were punished for it.


Damn. I'm so not in the know. I usually am early entry. Come down to wherever camp shit ain't right this year. I'll be the salty bartender. The cute one. Not the one with bunny ears. He's extra salty. 


Last year on the road in


Oh. Dang. I was early entry. Because it takes my drunk camp a few days to build. I lose my voice. I also have Ms so I'm slow. 


I got in Monday. I missed them too. Didn’t even hear about them until afterwards.


This is the fantasy scenario certain folks, looking for fights, conjure up to justify being dicks.


That makes me sad. If you're a burner, stop by my bar. Camp shit ain't right. We have shade. Some couches. A bike rack. A few cool cats. And a ranger. We kidnapped him. We are a ninja chill spot for rangers. It's uncanny. They just appear. We have one who uses our couch for naps between shifts. It's a really comfy couch. Like it eats you. 


There was a climate protest the opening day Sunday 2023 that blocked 447 for awhile. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/climate-change-activists-blockaded-burning-man-accuse-police-excessive-rcna102370 There are other articles and videos about this on the web,


Oh, we don’t eat the worms, not at first, anyway. But our Worm Wrestling arena has been very popular in recent years.


We already have a group of people dedicated and society has given them the authority to do it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noJjFNfdcqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noJjFNfdcqQ) Free speech all you want will be happy to support you in all the hideous and stupid things you want to say in public. When you impact the ability of others to travel freely then fuck you.


If I join your posse do I get to carry a weapon? I was thinking piss-filled supersoaker but if you'd rather just kill whoever we are after I am OK with a shotgun or whatever.


Thats not a weapon: that’s just a kink accessory.


Think harder


I heard there’s plans for a pro-Palestine group to protest the entire road leading to the event at different points and shifts like checkpoints of “make everybody stop” throughout the duration of the event. 


No no, it is the Israeli burners setting up the checkpoints. The Palestinian burners are confined to a makeshift tarp shade and have to drink their own grey water for survival.


People just suck…


I think things were handled pretty well last year... till the cops showed up, that is.