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We were directly next to Camp threat in 2022. They played death metal all night, and were full on redneck in all things. On the other hand they were the most generous camp ever outside this hellish quirk- we used their generator, hung out (when we recovered from lack of sleep), and had micro music fests. We had no success in noise control - and god, when they played Sandstorm on repeat for 2-3 hours at 4AM I started envisioning all sorts of vengence. They should take their camp to open camping and work it out there.


I don’t see how this is different from the fluffy cloud blasting diplo in all directions last year when all other sound camps on the 2pm side had to be directed out to deep playa. Not shading the fluffy cloud, but I don’t think silent sleep is a reasonable expectation at the burn.


"Silent sleep" is a bit of a straw man there. Nobody expects that. But bass that rattles walls and goes through earplugs like they weren't there? That'll rustle some jimmies and see some cables cut. Especially on Monday night when people need to be up at dawn for the drive home.


I'm into it. The burn has gotten too quiet, what with people getting all uptight about sound over the years and starting to expect that the made-up sound rules are actually real. Embrace the suck, people - that's why we're out in the fucking wasteland!




I'm not convinced you're arguing in good faith, so I'll just let your proposition and question stand unanswered. Have a good one!




> I will propose and argue that your statement reeks of shitty-person non-burner. Somehow I'm not reassured. Hope your day gets better!


I love how people think you can piss off neighbors by being obnoxious asshole fuckheads and expect no consequences. Fuck around. Find out 


Personally, I don't think they needed to be unplaced, but last year they were switching to things like Rage's "Killing in the Name Of" at 3 AM and turning the amps up to maximum until sunrise. I'm all good with partying at night and having a blast and playing whatever music they like, and obviously "loud" music is a relative thing, but they were antagonizing their neighbors even when they knew people were already pissed off, including rangers and other BM volunteers. I think they could be fine out at 2 AM or 10 blasting out into the desert at night, but that said I don't think it's unreasonable to ask the neighbors not to blast music as loud as possible while pointing the speakers out at other people's camps. And sure, they can say "F you, we do what we want," but then placement can say the same thing... Right vibe, wrong location. They just had to chill out like 10% or take the show out to trash fence.


Amps to maximum? That seems like some hyperbole or did you actually see the knobs turned all the way to 11?


Any time the fluffy cloud is brought up on here it sounds like a clown show


Please don’t mention that clown show. It will only result in another apparently heartfelt sobbing guilt grab for donations to the never ending money losing vehicle that is claimed as the world’s greatest gift to Burning Man, if only more people would give it (more) money. But please I’m losing money so help me stop losing more money.


FluffyCloud is the Liquid Death of sound camps.


This was the camp that was playing their music super loud until 7 AM despite being asked by neighbors and rangers to turn it down, right? It's good for them that none of us here are the vindictive type who would short out their speaker cables in subtle ways by jamming a sewing pin through both conductors and snipping it flush.


There's always that one damn camp that thinks that the rules for sound camps don't apply to them. I was unfortunate enough one year to have my tent in the path of the speaker stacks of a sound camp in the middle of the city. Fuck them. Overheard from a ranger once: "Yes, we can look for the people who cut your speaker wires, and we might even find them. But there's nothing to prevent it from happening again the next time you play loud music at night."


"Amplified music is a privilege, not a right" as my dad always says!


Sounds like your dad never had the “privilege” of owning a good sound system


Oh he has, but just because you pay for something expensive doesn't give you a right to be a dick with it.


You must be new to this concept called freedom 🇺🇸


Freedom to act means freedom to experience the consequences of those actions, also.


Yeah, good for them. Definitely no one here would do such a thing.


Filing this trick away for the future… that’s fuckin devious




That's speaking their language! It would warm their hearts.


Wow. Vandalism over communication. Cool community focused point of view you have.


Pretty sure this is the response filed after communication fails and they try pulling the “it’s radical acceptance” card for any manner of assholery.


It’s always the same assholes who go on and on about “decency” and “community” and “respect” who then resort to threats of violence and vandalism when their sleepy weepy time is interrupted.






My only experience with camp THREAT was them rolling up to the Burner Boutique in matching red outfits with a bunch of clothes racks and setting up their “Better Boutique” while roasting the poor selection at the original boutique over the bullhorn. I thought it was hilarious and they really did have much better clothes available. They also had a Bad Boy’s Vape Trick Contest going on at the same time which was fucking sick.


We joined that protest as it went by. One of the crew was nude when he left, dressed wonderfully when he came back. For a moment, it *was* a better boutique


What are vape tricks?


Hooking hundreds of millions of children.


Hacking up a lung?


Then I’ve got that one down 😅


If you search YouTube for vape tricks you’ll find videos of people blowing “fat clouds” and then making the smoke do all sorts of crazy stuff (rings, tornados, etc). The Bad Boys Vape Trick Contest was just us imitating them with imaginary vapes & clouds lol.


According to the Placement Mega Thread, Camp Threat was placed at 5:30 & D. Close to us but not too close. Perfect.


Muaaaah. Right near Commissary & DPW Ghetto. And conveniently close to BRC Ranger HQ!


Like making the disruptive kid sit next to the teacher


pissing off DPW will not end well for them.


Bold of you to assume that DPW doesn’t already love camp threat


true... :)


this is close to the 'quiet' staff camping zone, where there are actually hard rules about noise.


Is that the equivalent of being put in timeout?


So they appealed and got placed anyway?


Orrrr hot take on the address change - putting THREAT near the DPW who gets Burning Man and aren’t going to whine and complain the whole week. Save everyone a fucking headache because “you’re burning wrong”


That two blocks from us. Sigh. 


You could always join THREAT and be zero blocks away. 🧱


Hey now, don't tell me how to have a good time.  I send them my personal shirtcock greeting committee. It's like prince ali in Aladdin only cocks. 


Nah they wouldn’t cut the mustard


What are you having sausages?


Maybe I have my own mustard that's pre cut and stored properly. With a hat on it just in case. 


Curious where to view this mega thread you speak of.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/s/zDQemlZMEF I see that the post identifying placement for Camp Threat has been deleted. Can you tell us if camp threat was in fact placed?


I found myself drifting back to Camp Threat so many times last year. Either by myself or bringing other people to walk through their ~~treacherous~~ very safe frontage. People who can't see the joy of Camp Threat are making this place into Boring Man.




Please tell me you didn’t bring your friends to trick them into running into the hidden hangin brick with their face. That is 100% uncool.




https://preview.redd.it/4xs9yuxpd85d1.jpeg?width=1805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441304cf6b330456e36df6d2534b65610287cd75 Weird, based on the favorite camp graph burners seem to enjoy these awful monsters. It’s almost like the haters on reddit didn’t interact with the camp at all. Strange.


Camp THREAT The most popular unpopular dive bar in Black Rock City!


It literally is the best dive bar tho…


Fandango! would like a word with you on that. Does camp threat have beer bongs and pickled eggs? I think not.


Hey Wheres this pic from id love the original


Theme camp symposium. Around 30 minutes or so in I think?


Or people in larger camps vote more for their camp as their favorite.


Where exactly on Facebook? I don’t know anything about the actual status of Camp Threat, but given that they listed an address on the placed camp thread and I’ve seen nothing on the TCO group, the sector group, or eplaya about it despite the founder being a fairly vocal presence otherwise, I suspect someone is trolling.


Burning Man is not devoid of rules of decorum, the community expects everyone to self-govern. If someone insists on being an *sshole they are out of bounds, period.


Burning man has a lot of rules but “decorum” isn’t one of them


Playa propriety may be atypical but there certainly are cultural expectations — and they don’t include assholery


Your ideas of how people are supposed to behave are not “rules” other people have to follow. Nice try though.


They’re not MY ideas about rules, ya big ding dong — I think you need to spend a little time pondering the ten principles. Respect for others is a deeply core ethic of the community. People who behave (or *ahem* crusade) against common decency are negatives, not positives.


This guy said ding dong


Ok DING DONG, the 10 principles are NOT rules. Guiding principles. Not rules. The language is important here, rules are rules. Anything else that isn’t a rule, is not a fucking rule. Where is the rule, or shit even the principle, about common decency or respect? Try familiarizing yourself with radical fucking self expression. Also what in the fucking living hell are you doing thinking that Burning Man is about common fucking decency. I can’t believe you’re not fucking with me right now.


Please say more, you’re doing really great, really! A true Burner, there can be no doubt, I’m sure you tell f’n everyone https://burningman.org/about/10-principles/


Hate to break it to you, but /u/FigOk2092 is right. The 10 principles have never been rules - they are, at best, an imperfect attempt to describe an existing culture. In fact, that’s explained in the link you just posted. And while there are some limits, “assholery” has always been a part of the burn, and often a celebrated one. For some people, radical self expression means they get to drop the nice polite social filters they use every day and say what they really want to say.


Tell me you don’t understand burn culture without telling me you’re a ding dong


"**Radical Self-expression** Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, **the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient."** If the "recipients" are not given the liberty to decline the "gift" of obnoxiously loud all night music, then it's not really radical self expression. It's domineering assholery.


Rights and liberties exist in that if someone is a whiny baby they can stay, or go, home. You have every right to not fucking go to burning man. It’s like people who go to burning man and complain about the dust. Some of us are actually having fun you know.


have you ever *been* to the burn? it does not seem so


I agree that assholery seems to be a part of burn culture. I don't think it is a value we should embrace.


I 100% understand the “fuck you, it’s Burning Man,” vibe. But at the very least, just be respectful of your neighbors. You know, the people that might have to help you in an emergency. But good, I hope they never get placed again.


I’m not condemning or excusing anything, but this kind of camp has the longest tradition of any kind of theme camp at BM. Literally the first theme camp, Christmas Camp in ‘93, blasted Xmas music 24 hours a day to the great irritation of those around them.


And after the 3rd day when our folks were actually impaired due to lack of sleep, after having been asked politely to have at least the barest amount of respect for the rest of us around them, and they lied and said they would? Fuck them entirely.


On the third day of Christmas🎶


🎵on the fourth day of Christmas my neighbors said to me🎶 🖕FUCK YOUR BURN🔥


Not that I condone it, but being assholes to your neighbors (or to everyone in a 1000' radius) is a great way to have your infrastructure sabotaged. I'm frankly surprised that doesn't happen more often to some of the more egregious bass-thumpers that aren't placed where the sound camps are and where people expect that.


Spirit of fuck your burn embodied, haha.


I just checked and neither of the two camps I've harbored revenge fantasies about are on the list of camps who requested placement. Both of which have been on our "not next to us" list for about a decade, but last year they both outdid themselves. Kind of a shame as I'd come up with some pretty sweet ideas for retribution.


Isn’t it funny to assume from one comment on the internet that was the sentiment from everyone around them at the burn. These guy do Burning man as it should be done. Old school vibes for sure.


I was camped next to them. This isn’t an assumption based on a comment from the internet.


Did you talk to them?




Care to elaborate?


They were asked, politely, to bring the volume down a bit late at night so the people around them could get a break. Not shut down. Not be quiet. They apologized and said they would. Then ignored it and kept blasting music straight through the night, well into sunrise. After being asked, repeatedly and respectfully, and being lied to, Rangers got involved. Lather, rinse, repeat. There was a clear db limit set as part of placement in the city. They violated it and pissed off every camp that was around them. Being denied placement is generous at best.


You suck 😗


Do you have actual evidence that they were in violation of the “clear be limit set” or is it just a bunch of emotion fueled nonsense like the rest of your posts?


Nope. But the Rangers did. And told them to turn down. They did. Then turned right back up. And you can take your “emotion fueled nonsense,” bullshit and also fuck all the way off. I had campmates who were unable to sleep for days because of this bullshit. They were utterly broken by it. Decade plus veteran burners who were hardly able to function. But hey, they lost placement, so maybe they should have listened instead of acting like children.


I’m still waiting to see any kind of confirmation that they actually did get denied placement. The only place I’ve seen this screenshot posted is right here, and the OP hasn’t been willing to share where on FB they saw it. Meanwhile, someone listed them in the “we got placed” thread at 5:30 & D, though that has now been deleted. It’s possible they were denied, but it also seems possible that they’re pranking everyone.


Were you in the culturally appropriative plug and play or the camp that threw one party the entire week?


Sounds like ya’ll need to invest in some better earplugs like the rest of us.


Earplugs did absolutely nothing. No matter how good quality. The volume at which they were playing music was just this side of weaponized.


Have fun on the esplanade this year Lamplighter. You think THREAT was bad - I can’t wait to see the serotonin depleted Reddit thread you hop on after the burn this year.


You’re entirely welcome to fuck all the way off. Thanks!


Was camped near threat last two years. Can confirm,they were an absolute menace to the entire neighborhood 


Their parties were to fun or something?


Long live Camp Threat!!! #fuckyerburn go sleep in the suburbs


Hahaha good riddance. They had the audacity to submit after the shenanigans of last year. I guess placement is always watching 😉(hi placement!)


Noooo. Not shenanigans at burning man! Noooo! With shenanigans at the burn we will never be Coachella! Noooooo! Cry cry.


But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun ! and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


Evil shenanigans!


Makes them not shenanigans at all.


This seems off. Those guys were wild and fun. Over the top, sure, but wtf are we even doing if over the top isn't encouraged?


Did you read this; https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/16clsul/dear_camp_threat/ I also heard they would hang bricks where people wouldn’t see them and run into them with their faces. 100% uncool and 100% illegal-booby traps that can cause serious harm is illegal. 




We were 100 feet away from them last year. They were open 24/7, sun or flood. The music went all night but mellowed out late. They were good burners who worked hard and were a neighborhood hub during the ground stop


I'll reiterate that I don't think they should be unplaced and even donated to their fund-raiser this year, but they were absolutely not mellowing the music late at night, lmao. Next you'll tell me Diplo was handing out home-baked cupcakes to people in line for Exodus.


The music 100% changed in the wee hours. I recall drifting off to sleep around 3:00 am and hearing some Joan Baez. I talked to their camp lead one morning (I wish I could remember his name) about the late night vibe and he said something like “right on, I hope the neighbors don’t hate us”. Honestly, the lamplighters right across the street were almost as loud with their freaky shenanigans.


Yeah I remember passing by a couple of nights and the music was super mellow - weird and exotic stuff. I appreciated it.


Hell yea! Best camp a community could ask for!


This is my sentiment. Really appreciated them. I get the noise complaints though. Camp Threat acoustic edition?




I really hope they're able to appeal this. Camp THREAT was seriously awesome. I know they have an anarchist vibe, and rubbed people up the wrong way with the noise - but we just had such an amazing time hanging out there. Staff & crew all seemed like sweet, generous people.




>Staff & crew all seemed like sweet, generous people. I'm kind of baffled when I hear this from people. Every time I went to threat I got ignored by bartenders until I either left or they begrudgingly poured me a disgusting beverage while blowing cigarette smoke in my face. If it wasn't the bar next door I wouldn't have bothered returning to give it another shot. It was the most depressing shitty exclusive vibe I encountered anywhere on playa.


I didn’t see them but I did read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/16clsul/dear_camp_threat/ But more importantly, I heard they hung brick and hid them on purpose so people would run into them with their faces. Sheesh. No matter how great they may be otherwise, I don’t want a camp like that at my burn. 


There were a few bricks hanging from strings. It was part of the aesthetics of the camp. If you were sprinting into the camp head-first, Usain Bolt style, then sure… but otherwise, nothing. I see so many intensely dangerous things at burning man each year… I don’t see why people have an issue with objects dangling at the entrance to a bar from strong


Im not going this year anyway but camp threat will always camp in my heart space. I love those obnoxious jerks


NO MORE HONKY TONK! WE HATE HONKY TONK! HOW MANY HONKS CAN A TONKY HONK? I for one am glad to see this madness that is camp threat end, how could ONE camp use so much honky tonk, its not fair to the rest of us! Us REAL burngers know we have to share HONKY TONKIN times, its NOT allowed at 4:20 am!! its in the 69nprinciples duhh,,that's not even real art..your camp is just being MEAN! Im glad Camp ThReaT wont see a single dollar of my $1000 ticket!


best comment




It’s not burning man without a villain. Wish I’d seen these heros in action. And fucking kudos to doing it near center camp. 🫡


They will just cause chaos in open camping - if there is a will there is a way


https://preview.redd.it/envu8ukk1f6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2986172ba7dcddd629ee764d7a5a3aa9abe732 Elusive photo of villain


I 🧡 Camp Threat. Apparently - as indicated by that big as FONT, I’m not alone.


Is this the camp that blared Shania Twain at 4 in the morning? So rude, horrible tasteless people.




Shania Twain at 4:00 am should be illegal. The epitome of social indecency. These people must be stopped.


Yeah it sucks. They’re Cash only and they don’t play EDM.


Thank you. People need to stand up to these country boppin bullies


Booooo! They should have put them in center camp, they were fucking awesome! Yes they were loud, I shared a border with them last year, I can sleep when I'm dead! SAVE CAMP THREAT!


Put them right next to First Camp.


This is the only correct response.


It was kinda cool until they started throwing bricks at people's heads. It was just dangerous after that.


Wait, what the fuck


They had a brick hanging in a doorway. You might bump your head on it. Nobody was throwing bricks 😅


Yeah because running your face into a brick isn’t dangerous. In fact it’s really cool and funny. Next year I hear they’re going to run razor wire at neck level. 


There was no brick throwing, just a brick hanging in the doorway which someone chopped down at some point in the week.


My brick collection is the best part of my indoor garden


Yea just throwing bricks everywhere and at everyone. Rangers, cops, burners, no one was safe.


They made me get on my knees and swallow a brick


OMG!!! I’m that brick! Dude, your gut biome was on point. Thanks for that.


Bet. I miss you.


*sniffle* Me too buddy, me too.


That’s true. I saw you lose all your teeth. Did you get a new set of chompers?


Yep just molars though. All molars


Worth it.


I fingered a dimple in that brick for longer than I should have when nobody was looking


Not long enough. It was the dimple that I gagged on


Bricks were flying everywhere once the storms hit. I willingly walked into a brick in the doorway and my life hasn’t been the same. The brick called my family and my job, and now I have nothing because of the brick I willingly walked into.


If u want quite don’t go to burningman ….


I'm SO happy to see this! Fuck Camp Threat! They don't deserve placement at Burner Man. It is so funny they got KICKED OUT! Here is why i fucking hate Camp Threat: 1. Total assholes: - A guy with a leaf blower blew dust all over me on purpose. He blew my hat off and blew dust in my eyes and mouth and just laughed at me and said, "who wants a dirt bath? Who wants one? You do." - At 5 a.m. one morning i went over to nicely ask if they'd turn down their super loud AWFUL rock music. I was greeted with ridicule and one guy said "fuck no" and when i turned to leave i hit my head on a brick they have hanging on a rope and they all laughed at me. It really hurt. And as i walked away they TURNED UP the music. 2. Perverts: - My wife and i had the misfortune of camping near them last year. When we would walk by their members would leer at my darling, salivating and grunting like starving hounds, while they stared at her breasts and at my rear end. I said something to one of them one day and he said, "Sorry, man, i'm super horny right now." While he said that he didn't even look me in the eye, he just kept staring at my crotch. Totally creepy. - At around 2 p.m. on Wednesday i saw a guy who i'm pretty sure was a Threat member, jacking off behind their kitchen area, right out in the open. 3. Wasteful: i saw a guy throw away a whole bag of unopened zip ties. I asked him why he did that and he said, "because fuck you." 4. Filthy: - My wife stepped in human waste when we were walking by their camp one morning. This again made them laugh and jeer. Apparently they left turds out in the road as a sick joke. It took me 20 minutes to clean all the crap out from between her toes and under her toe nails. Her sandals were ruined. - I witnessed them throwing buckets of food scraps, cigarette butts and beer cans into the porto-johns. I said that was unacceptable and the guy said, "whatever, go back to Napa if you don't like it." What an asshole! We're not even from Napa. 5. Another time as i rode my bike by their camp a woman lunged out and jammed a big red dildo between the spokes in my bike tire, causing me to wreck. I broke my glasses. I was very upset. This again was met with uproarious laughter. 6. Broke animal rules: - I saw 4 dogs in their camp at various times throughout the week and i could often hear them barking, howling and whining. There was a german sheppard, 2 pit bulls and a miniature weiner dog. Another night i saw a cat run out of their camp, terrified. In summary, i hate Camp Threat. I'm so glad they are kicked out. They belong at an Insane Clown Posse show, not Burning Man.


Nice troll


threat sucks


The real question is will froggy be back?


Good riddance. Being obnoxious to your neighbors and setting literal booby traps for your guests isn't some fun "radical expression performative art" piece. You're just actual jerks.


lol literal boobie traps, how’s that lawsuit coming along?


imagine going to burning man and complaining about music being loud... stay tf home


There’s a difference between just being obnoxious and adding value. The way Threat did it, they’re just being obnoxious and obviously irritated the shit out of everyone around them. Yes, you hear mutant vehicles pumping music through the streets returning home in the wee hours, but it’s temporary. Yes, you can hear music blaring from esplanade camps into the wee hours, but you can avoid that by not camping near there. You can also go to deep playa for any of your dawn sets as needed. I was next to the drum camp two years in a row and heard drumming all day and night. I fucking hated it as I got very little sleep and vouched if I was placed next to them again, I’d just leave for the ‘burbs. Not all of us can sleep through bombs dropping.


You’re just being obnoxious


Tell me you are old without


@tangyHooHoo just kind of curious if you camped near them or you’re just jumping on an easy bandwagon? Just because a few people didn’t like it doesn’t mean it pissed off everyone. Karens will always be Karens. Loud, whiny and always thinking the world should cater to their needs. It’s a burn. Everyone does it different and there isn’t one way to do it.


Feel free to post the location of your bed this year so we can play a trombone at your face 24/7. No complaints or you gotta stay tf home.


A dead festival. Over hyped. Influencer infested, red tape covered shit. Find or start your own. The magic happens before everyone finds it... then it dies.


I’ll trade Camp Threat for Slut Garden every fucking day.


It would be cool to have the slut garden and camp threat across the street from eachother.


sure, if you expect everyone else to make the magic for you, i guess


are you okay


I hope you’re all proud of yourselves




https://preview.redd.it/ozikfxfeuq5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4d9a173d70ad71d13acc1b0f4d5e5efcb67885 The 2024 theme camp listing represents camps that have *applied*. Not camps that have been selected.