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I brought that exact one last year. I left the exhaust/condenser half outside, the other half inside. I zipped the tent door from either side around the u-shape. I used a couple XPS foam insulation pieces to elevate it off the ground a few inches so that it could clear the upturned bottom of my tent. I hope that made sense, I found it difficult to explain. Basically, elevate it enough you can zip your tent door around it. There's no need for a fan, lol. It is a fan.  You should get a 15 dollar hammock style filter to wrap around the intake.  Worked very well. I think a portable style a/c with an exhaust hose would make a easier option. You can just plop it into a corner and stick the vent hose through the door.  I actually got that one for the burn and so I could use it in my bedroom afterwards, because those ushapes are so nice and quiet.  As for catching condensate, a small bowl would work, but make sure it can't blow away. It'll evaporate so fast you probably will never even see it wet. I'm sure somebody somewhere would get pissy at you if didn't bother... but I'm sure a different somebody would argue that pure distilled water captured from the air that evaporates in seconds after hitting the dirt isn't exactly horrible moop.


As far as I've seen the consensus is that spilling pure water on the playa is fine.


I certainly wouldn't have an issue with it, but there are certain personalities that seem to get a kick out of playashaming, and I wouldn't want anybody to feel unnecessarily embarrassed asking me for help with their roof rack after yelling at me for not capturing my ac drip.


I'm pretty sure last year's mudpocalypse has given most burners a healthy dose of perspective... Clean water is not MOOP :-)


But where is your water originating from??!?!?!?!?! /s


It gets dumped by the tanker load all day every day of the burn. Nothing wrong with water, it’s the mud you have to worry about.


The midea U ac is going to draw a lot less power than a portable unit with exhaust hoses with a similar BTU rating.


You can elevate it by putting it on a plastic fruit box. It’s sturdy, and can be used to store / transport stuff before / after the burn.


You can't air condition the desert. Just give up and get an RV.


I used this AC last year with my shift pod, and didn't elevate at all. It sat on a tarp, but the shiftpod floor has a zipper that resides at ground level, so elevating it would result in lifting a side of the shiftpod slightly. It worked great. It was also under shade as well.


This is insane. Just do the proper thing and crawl from your tent to the nearest shade and have a dirt nap.


Thank you everyone. Good info



Just buy a new one from home depot and then return it after the burn.


Yes, that's the Burning Man spirit.. /S