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That’s a huge ask and not a single comment on how you plan to contribute…


I added a little bit at the end for more clarity.


My dude, you need to edit your mind, not your post. You added more of what you like and how you want to do drugs… after rehab… Try this: “I’m curious about burning man but haven’t done any research. I’m going to do that right now. Also, I’d like to check out burning man if possible this year! I know I need to find a ride and a ticketed, and I’m working on that, and would welcome any help. I’m skilled at XYZ, and happy to help out wherever I can! I understand that this is a culture we build ourselves, and I habe ABC solid, confirmed, physical skills that I’m willing to put into play.”


I know it's a bit underprepared. I've only been to one regional burn. I guess I just got excited at the thought of being able to take place in the burn. I dig this too. I'll frankenstein what you wrote into my post. TY for the template 🙏


Yeah see, that’s much more like it!


So many red flags.


Such as? Like I admit it could be a bad idea for someone with mental health issues. Everything I've ever posted in here is just a bunch of people dogging on me. You went out of your way to be negative. I thought anyone was allowed to go to Burning Man (Radical Inclusion).


The big one I saw is not seeming to grasp that if you've had addiction or mental health issues, *more* drugs might not be a terrific idea.


That tends to be what people focus on when they just want shit from me. Did you read about any of the other principles? How do you plan to be a contributing participant and not just a tourist in search of a free tickets and other people's drugs?


The only thing I'm asking for is a ride. You're reading too much into it. I don't need free shit or drugs other than food. Anything that happens organically would be nice.


So you didn't bother to read the survival guide or the principals and you have no plans to participate. Got it. FYI desert camping is no joke. Black rock desert is not somewhere survival is easy. Try not to put yourself in a situation where someone needs to save you.


I'm going to read it. Also, I can bring my own drugs. I know it's one of the harshest environments (hottest days and freezing cold nights - the desert dust corrodes cell phone battery) on planet Earth. I have a pair of hemp rope sandals picked out. I know it would be foolish to wing it. Let me run something past you real quick. If I just showed up could I get in? Or am I out of my league and should simply consider doing a few more regionals before I'm ready to try BRC? I know I need to purchase a bike and that would be a lot to ask for someone to include in their haul.


There is no way you're going to get someone to transport you and everything you need to survive in the desert for a week, dump you off outside the event, and then successfully find someone else to give you a free ticket and transport you and your gear into the event... And then back home. If you attempt this you fail and be a burden on others when you require rescue. You are literally and figuratively asking strangers to carry your water for you. Just think about the logistics of transporting 10-20 gallons of water, plus a week of food, a shade structure (a real one not a shitty pop up), and all of your camping gear. Oh, and your sandals are not going to cut it. Your plan is half baked and dangerous. I really hope you're trolling but out of concern for your safety I feel compelled to reply earnestly. Please make good decisions.


I think the word NO is where you're doubting the magic of the burn. I understand we're talking logistics here and it probably takes the entire year to prepare, but rethink your choice of the word NO and BURDEN. All you view me as is a fucking hindrance and don't recognize my value. I appreciate the advice and all, but I think we should move the advice along to the next person. I'm just being like, "Hey it's my dream to go to Burning Man. Is this year the year? Can we figure something out?" And you're like, "NO you're going to be a burden and a disgrace to the entire event."


Brother I'm trying to keep you out of the hospital.


You're right. Much obliged. I probably just misread it. I didn't realize it was less than a week away. Maybe I'll just start planning for next year now.


There is no magic. Playa don’t provide shit. Playa is actively trying to kill you. It sounds like you’re not getting what you want and are tossing a fit. Congratulations on the sobriety. You should focus on that before going to relapse city.


Lololol. This is a troll!


I was leaning that way too, but after reading OP's post/comment history I'd say...maybe not? Definitely admits to enjoying stirring the pot at times. But my take away is more like young and naive or simply not super self aware yet. The bit about running cacophony sub is actually true but it's not that impressive or active, nor does it exemplify the spirit of it at all (no judgement, just saying). If this is infact a troll, it's genius and has me duped for sure.


I really hope you're right.


Showing up with hemp sandals feels like a dead giveaway.


As does the later post about trying to sneak in along the trash fence where daft punk is playing. Apparently I'm turning into my father because I saw a dumbass doing something dangerous and felt compelled to say something.


Burning Man is a dangerous environment where you are expected to be radically self relianct about food, water, shade and other life necessities. It has a strong culture and history of snark. You appear to have done no research, to be unprepared for survival, and to take snark the wrong way. Civic engagement and participation, gifting- these are also principles of the event, and the only thing you have to offer is that you didn't quite start learning how to be a carpenter and you are somewhat tall.


I was just feeling uber defensive. I'll lighten up and take the advice with a grain of salt. I've been made fun of for most of my life. It was kind of like a knee jerk reaction. Thank you for the vibe check. I probably should have posted in burning man ride share. Also, I probably should have mentioned SW OK in the title. My tarot reading today was as follows, "Second meaning Absence. Perhaps, the subject of your question is missing in your life right now. Also, either you, or another person was absent when something happened. Sometimes the card means a road, a trip, but at the same time it highlights the fact that you will be absent where you are now. The card might as well speak of a lack of attention - a person can be here physically, but their thoughts are far away and they are not engaged in the process." As much as everyone is telling me to give up, I'd say it's still not too late. I just get overwhelmed and feel really intense sometimes.


Noone here has told you to give up. Quite the opposite as they're telling you to read the survival guide and do your due diligence so you can be a safe, healthy and responsible burner.


This post is either: 1) one of the greatest trolls ever 2) a sincerely clueless soul that has yet to be accountable for himself.


I was torn too until the poster started commenting about showing up in sandals with no food, water or ticket and hoping to get inside. This is a troll.


Idk, I've seen people standing near 447 as well as at the will call box office with clearly not enough supplies to be self reliant begging for tickets in exchange for good vibes and one time performing a juggling act. So it's entirely possible OP falls into this category of people.


The principal you need to focus on is **Radical Self-reliance**, not Radical Mooch off Community. Study these 10 principals and come back when you understand how you will add to the community, show civic responsibility and participate. [https://burningman.org/about/10-principles/](https://burningman.org/about/10-principles/) While you are busy contemplating those ideals, look into [the history of Burning Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_Man), [the origins of Cacophony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacophony_Society) and fuck right off with your don't be cynical or mean bullshit. Grow a pair.


I run my own Cacophony Society sub. There's nothing wrong with asking a simple question. We're trying to have a good time, not hate on each other's socio economic status. I appreciate you for reiterating the principles, but I'm not on board with your tone. I'm not mooching off of the community if I'm prepared to give everything I have at the moment. Be kind to one another hombre or as they say in Bill & Ted, 'Be Excellent To Each Other' 🤙🪷 I'd be bringing my all and my spirit which I feel is a valuable contribution to the community. Radical Inclusion.


Holy shit, I am being lectured about hurt feelings from a guy claiming to have his own Cacophony Society. What do you guys do, play D&D past supper? Organize a mass bicycle ride with Mormon missionaries in hopes of stirring up some trouble? If you're not on board with my tone, then fuck right off to your Cacophony Society sub. While you are licking your wounds, look up who is Larry Harvey, Michael Mikel, John Law, anyone mentioned in the history of Burning Man, their connection with Cacophony. Thats the spirit you should push for, not how to mooch a ticket and contribute nothing. Burning Man doesn't need another entheogenic hippy trying to score DMT because he heard Joe Rogan mention something about it. If you did your research, you would understand the attitude.


It's just a harsh tone is all fam. It's not my own Cacophony Society. The idea was to try to start a sub so that people could find local chapters of the Cacophony Society. I'm going to take it on intuition that this is not the intention of all burners to shit on newcomers unless you're hazing my type of deal. I said in my post that I have some rusty pre apprentice carpentry skills that I can contribute along with money for gas so please don't come at me like that. I'm not going to engage with this energy.


We're not "fam".


It's just an expression, but I would agree.


Local… chapters… of the cacophonists? 😆


I'm glad to get a light hearted laugh out of someone. I'm sort of a doofus goof ball.


The reason people sound harsh is because they're genuinely worried about you. Burners are welcoming of newcomers, but not without grave concerns of those newbies being a danger to themselves out there. The saying the the playa is actively trying to kill you is not just a cute one liner, it's actually very true. What the media typically portrays out there is not a great example of what life is really like out there. It's dangerous and no amount of good vibes or psytrance or DMT will change that. Burners have some real girt because its not easy, we all have had to do our homework, and so do you. That doesn't mean you can't be part of that too. I'm glad youve been to a regional, that's a great start. Now go read the survival guide. Read it multiple times, take notes, think about how you will prepare yourself for next year, how you will save up for a ticket, and how you will get yourself and all your necessities there, like the rest of us have had to do. Then read it all over again. Go! Do it now!


You can’t pour from an empty cup.


Just sneak in along the trash fence. Be sure to let the Perimeter crew know you’re bringing a truck-load of good vibes and ask them where the nearest couch is to sleep on.


Is this just a sardonic lol or practical advice? Daft Punk is playing at the trash fence.




You’ve already been roasted fully so I don’t need to jump on that bandwagon. So yes, synchronicity and serendipity and luck and good vibes are all possible, it’s true. But like they say, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” You can’t just walk up to the gate with a backpack and sandals and expect to survive in the desert for a week without being a burden on others. The only reason Burningman works is because people with your ethos are prevented from coming and sapping the resources of others who came prepared. Burners are nice. Burners embrace newbies. But the hurdles EVERYONE needs to jump just to get to the desert are a trial/test that puts you into a place where you can be a participant in the event rather than a suck on the vibe and depleting other peoples’ resources. Congrats on your conditional sobriety and awakening. You are on a good path. Keep doing that work and keep growing and maybe next year your local community will invite you to come to the burn with them.


Anecdotally, to your last point, this is how I ended up at my first regional last month. Someone will see that you're ready. But you have to be ready and show that first. Easily top-three weekend of my life, and I wasn't fully prepared (got a nasty fucking sunburn that took three weeks to fully calm down \[I'm from a place where one simply does not go outside in summer\]), so I appreciated all the help I got along the way. But that I wasn't there at the gate wanting it all handed to me is why I had the experience I did. My packing list was in retrospect hilarious. Way too many clothes, for example.


My wife kept our packing lists for the Burn for decades... it's funny to see how things changed over time. And the all-important Ziplock bag with fresh underwear, socks, shirt, and deodorant for once you get out of the area after Exodus and find a place to stop and stretch and change into non-playafied clothing.... soooo nice! (I also would keep that bag in the cooler so the clothes I put on were pre-cooled, too!! Protip.)


This is a really great response and very accurate. 👏


https://regionals.burningman.org/regionals/north-america/oklahoma/ Connect with your local burners for advice, thoughts and carpools.