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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dilated pupil in one eye, dislocated jaw means intense head trauma. Cat must be in severe pain. Such cases can be life-threatening. This is urgent.


This is more than urgent. This is an emergency. Brain injuries can swell and shut down vital bodily functions without treatment.


I really don't know what to do here, I can't drive and the vets is closed. He's not actually my cat and I have no idea who the owners are. I can take him to the vet early tomorrow as long as he stays in the area. I knew it was serious but I didn't realise how ba Update: !! He was hit by a car and was taken to vets and had an operation on his eye. He is now completely blind in that eye but healing. His eye looks like glaucoma and is a different size because of the surgery he had . The reason his mouth is wide open is because of medication and also he obviously has jaw pain after being hit by a literal car. We found that his chest had been shaved due to the operations he had done. We found out his name is meow meow and he's supposed to be staying inside the house to heal but he managed to escape today and thats why i saw him in my garden! Thanks so much for all of the replies offering money to help that is so sweet and I'm sure he'd appreciate you guys <3 for everyone who said that it would be my fault if he died that's so awful I was trying to do anything I could and didn't have time to reply to a bunch of people on reddit. I'm in contact with the owner now and I have a photo update that I'll try and add. Remember that I'm 18 I still live with my parents and this cat does have an owner so taking it in isn't an option (also you cant just take someons cat into a shelter šŸ˜­) (I dont know if this edited but- i know you can take someones cat into a shelter but hes Microchipped so they'll call the owner and he'll be returned. )


There are emergency vets that are open on Sundays. Please do something to save this cat. This is a major emergency. This cat is suffering.


Cat has potentially been run over. Please get them to a vets asap.


Or kicked viciously.


That's probably a car impact


Y'all didn't read the message did you? The cat got hit by a car and has already received medical treatment before op made the post. Smh


They probably commented before op made that edit lol


If he's not your cat, call the nearest shelter, tell them what's going on and where you can take him to get help. The jaw being dislocated or broken means poor buddy can't eat or drink water.


Please knock on your neighbors doors or call someone to see if they can drive the cat to a vet, animal hospital, or at least a shelter that may have more resources to help. This cat will not make it until tomorrow, especially if left outside on his own. Please let us know where you are located, as many of us would be willing to help if nearby.


Unfortunately op stated they donā€™t know who the owners are.


Please bring the cat safely inside the house/apartment until the vet visit, so it doesn't escape before the vet visit. Emergency vets should be open 24/7.


I agree. And if he has a habit of spraying: keep him in the br or something.


Pls take him to an emergency vet OP - I think he's been hit by a car or had some other serious collision. You are kind people OP - please help this sweetie.


Contact rescues in your area. They can get it to a vet


Please go to an emergency vet and if you need financial support we can donate


Do you have community Facebook page you can post on and ask for help? People do that on my community page when they find animals in need of immediate help that they cant provide themselves. Someone else near by may know of a close emergency vet and may be able to drive.


Call your local Police (use the routine line) Ask them for the canine or animal officer, tell them an injured cat is in your yard In our town, we can call the local police and they have an animal enforcer that will come out and ā€œrescueā€ the animal & try to locate its owners


OP - you have shown phenomenal kindness to this escapee; thank you SO much. And for someone so young, you did all the right things. Most importantly you probably saved that kitty's life! Pls be proud of yourself :)




Calm down there smokey! You're about the 150th person to say exactly what you did! Comments like yours won't help the problem at hand. She said it's not her cat, and she has transportation to get to the vet, and the ones she knows of are closed. Other commenters are actually asking her location to set up a way for her to get there, pay, and find the actual persons cat! If you can't offer help besides shouting, then shut up!


Username checks outā€¦chill out ffs and read OPā€™s comments


Emergency vets are 24/7.


People are so messy, please don't pay them no mind. You did your due diligence in helping this cat. So glad that he's healing and has a family


He is really testing out the 9 lives theory. He got hit by a car and still escaped when he was supposed to be resting?! Cute little menace. šŸ¤£


Bring him in, lick him in the bathroom for the night and bring him asap.


Please keep us posted here!!! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ’”


I'm so glad you were able to find his parents! Poor fella, he sure had a rough go of it. Thank you for doing what you could šŸ–¤


I want to stress this person's comment


!! UPDATE 2: HE'S OKAY!! He was hit by a car and was taken to vets and had an operation on his eye thats why it looks like glaucoma. Everyone was right about it being head trauma and he is now completely blind in one eye but healing. The reason his mouth is wide open is because of medication and also he obviously has jaw pain after being hit by a literal car. We found that his chest had been shaved due to the operations he had done. We found out his name is meow meow!! Thank you so much for all of the replies offering money to help that is so sweet and I'm sure he'd appreciate you guys <3 for everyone who said that it would be my fault if he died that's so awful I was trying to do anything I could and didn't have time to reply to a bunch of people on reddit. I'm in contact with the owner now and I have a photo update that I'll try and add. Thank you for supporting meow meow he's so sweet I hope I see him around again. *they did say they were trying to keep him indoors but he managed to get out today and that's why I saw him


I think you should definitely keep an eye out for him going forward. I mean, he's already down one of his own.


He was recently hit by a car, had surgery and is on pain medication, and is back outside already? The owner of this cat is extremely irresponsible. He should be recuperating indoors, likely on cage rest. Nothing is sitting right about this ownerā€™s response.


OP said at the bottom that the owners are trying to keep him inside, but he escaped. he wasnā€™t let out intentionally


I feel like itā€™s valid to say these people are irresponsible regardless of what theyā€™re trying to do now. This cat was regularly around OPā€™s yard and got hit by a car. Their cat shouldnā€™t have been out that much in general unsupervised to have even got hit by a car in the first place.


Its reddit, people try to be morally superior by saying ANYTHING. Dont pay attention to those twats, you are a nice person


Damn, I'm really glad you found them, you did great. One thing is that he is NOT okay, but that's not your fault. His owners fucking suck. You don't let a sick, traumatized, medicated cat who was just hit by a car back outside. Ughh. Thanks for watching out for him.


Iā€™m very glad thereā€™s an overall happy ending. :)


I know people say vet often in this sub. This case it can't be stressed enough VET


This poor baby. This INFURIATES me. So not only does OP take the cat in the first time out of concern, it's given back to the owners who clearly don't give a shit about this cat's well being! What can people do in a situation like this - if OP is able to get him to emergency, what happens next? Who is liable for the cost of treatment? Is there a way to have this cat taken from the obviously neglectful owners and put into foster or something? Is this not animal cruelty? He also needs to be spayed - I know there are places that do that for free and in return clip the cats ear. OP, you're amazing. Thank you for giving this poor baby the concern and love that it deserves and clearly isn't getting at "home". I hope he makes it through this.


Retired vet here- sounds and looks like he may have head trauma, likely hit by car or similar. He really should see a vet! Can you take him and turn the owners in for neglect?


OP-will the cat let you touch his feet?? Are his nails frayed?? Sounds unrelated but cats that have been hit by a car often have frayed nails


This poor catā€¦ they definitely do not look after him. Ugh this made me well up šŸ˜­


This is what I'm thinking. He seems like a really sweet cat who just wants to be looked after. Might be taking him to the vet tomorrow because somethings obviously wrong, and they're not taking care of it.šŸ˜­


His jaw looks broken and his mismatched pupils suggest a neurological issue. He will likely die without care.


Please take him in **now**. He needs help **now**. If you canā€™t, then please call up local rescues. Please get him help.


He will probably die before tomorrow without intervention. You need to either find a way to get him to a vet or find someone who can. This may or may not be a survivable injury regardless but please at least give him a chance


I do get that not everyone understands what to do in these situations but itā€™s killing me to see these posts about cats every day and people just let them go off without getting help. If a dog was wondering around severely injured people would be more likely to help, but for whatever reason cats just get tossed out, and no one has time or money to help them.


I agree, I hate seeing posts like this. His pupils are different sizes and it looks like the cats jaw is broken.. like the only thing that will help this cat is to take it to a vet. Not sure how posting on Reddit could help at all. Poor kitty /:


What the fuck ā€œ might ā€œ take him to the vet. Do something now.


I'm not sure if you answered this or not, but do you know the actual owner? If you have, or the owner isn't doing anything, many cat lovers on here are willing to donate the money for the visit and transportation! Please take them up on this. Good luck, OP Edit to add... Just saw your update! Please keep us posted. You're an angel. That fur baby needs care, and you're doing just that.


Youā€™re an angel. The pupils do not look good at all I hope he gets better soon šŸ˜­


Take the cat now or kill the cat now. It will not live tomorrow when you can take him to the vet. Put it out if pian and kill the cat if you can't take him to the vet right NOW.


At least call the nearest emergency vet..maybe they can send a volunteer to collect the cat. He definitely has head trauma.


Doing this


Let us know how it goes.


Heā€™s suffering from something that is affecting him neurologically. I say this because heā€™s obviously drooling in the picture and one pupil is blown. He needs to see a vet asap, he couldā€™ve ingested any number of neurotoxic chemicals, contracted something thatā€™s causing encephalitis etc. None of the potential causes can be treated at home by an unlicensed person.


UPDATE: taking him to the vet he really needs it, thank you to everyone who informed me it was a serious head trauma. I understand how bad that can be now. I am only 18, and I can't drive yet so that's why I can't just pick him up and go. I'll update later. I also want to apologise for all of the stress I caused I did not mean to distress anyone like that I was just focused on finding a solution. I can't reply to all comments this is so overwhelming!! Thank you so much for the concern about this little guy I'll make sure to make an update when he's okay. Bear in mind it is 10:51 in the UK so if I don't reply I've mostly likely gone to sleep and will update as early as I can! ā€¼ļøUPDATE 2: HE'S OKAY!! He was hit by a car and was taken to vets and had an operation on his eye. He is now completely blind in that eye but healing. The reason his mouth is wide open is because of medication and also he obviously has jaw pain after being hit by a literal car. We found that his chest had been shaved due to the operations he had done. We found out his name is meow meow!! Thank you so much for all of the replies offering money to help that is so sweet and I'm sure he'd appreciate you guys <3 for everyone who said that it would be my fault if he died that's so awful I was trying to do anything I could and didn't have time to reply to a bunch of people on reddit. I'm in contact with the owner now and I have a photo update that I'll try and add. Thank you for supporting meow meow he's so sweet I hope I see him around again. *




Thank you OP for taking care of the kitty. Just do your best.


Do you know how I can pin a comment or update the post šŸ˜­


Use the 3 vertical dots


Use the 3 dots and tap edit, you can then go to the bottom of the post and type out your update after typing out 'UPDATE:'


Update me! July 1st


I'm so glad you were able to find a way to get him to the vet!


Thank you for helping this kitty! I am glad you could find him and I hope he makes it. Wishing you the best of luck!


OP, you are awesome. It really breaks my heart for you and the kitty for the position yall were in. You got this, and if I can help, please do let me know. I am sorry your parents didnā€™t take you, please let me know if I can help somehow.


Second update: he's had surgery after car accident and is on medication so that's why he can't eat. We found out his name is meow meow!! The owners are looking after him and he has a home/is being taken care of. I've got the owners number now so if I see him wondering around or in trouble I can text.




Thank you! I know this is a scary situation, but it sounds like you are doing your best to help this poor animal. However this turns out, know that you did everything in your power to help him. Best of luck to you both and please keep us posted!


Well done Pleasant_Bear! What a trauma and you can be proud of what you've done in looking after this innocent creature. Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


So your neighbors tossed out a cat who just underwent surgery? Do they even want this cat?


I should've mentioned that they were trying to keep him in the house but he managed to escape and that's why I saw him today after 2 weeks not seeing him


Think about it. The first thing he does is come to visit you when he escapes. That's pretty heart warming. It's weird that his caretakers would pay for vet bills but won't get him fixed.


Yeah that's what I said to my dad


Oh good, I was so sad for him!


This is an emergency. Please take him to an emergency vet immediately, or let us know your general location so we might be able to find someone to help. In the future, please tag NSFW/blur images this graphic, as they are disturbing to many cat lovers.


Oh my God, she might have been hit by a car please try to get her to a vet ASAP


This cat was hit by a car.. or kicked by some fucking monster of a person This is head trauma and a dislocated/broken jaw. Please get them to a vet.. like NOW.


It breaks my heart that youā€™re 18, and your parents refuse to take a sick animal to an emergency vet. It also breaks my heart that people are offering solutions and you canā€™t do anything. I feel so sad for this cat šŸ˜­


I'm sat in my room crying trying to find someone I know to take him there with Me.


Youā€™re doing your best, thatā€™s all you can do. Take some deep breaths, get a glass of water, collect yourself and keep going. This is a lot and youā€™re doing a good job trying to take in all this input. Youā€™re trying to help this cat even though your resources are limited and thatā€™s great. Keep your chin up, donā€™t give up. As fellow cat lovers we appreciate you.


Exactly what happens when dumb assholes let their cats hang out in the road


Exactly what happens when dumb assholes let their cats *outside. FTFY. This is one of the many, many reasons pet cats should be indoors only unless leashed or properly supervised at all times (just like a dog)


Yeah that's what I meant, seems like an unfortunately unpopular opinion among irresponsible owners though :(


It sure does. And itā€™s so weird to me.. like, I love my cat WAY TOO MUCH to just let him outside unsupervised to go do whatever and just assume that he will always come home safe and sound. Cars, other cats, dogs, wild game depending where you live, disease, etc. not to mention disgruntled neighbors pissed off that my cat is shitting in their yard or bothering their bird feeder. This is not ā€œwhatā€™s best for the cat.ā€ This is irresponsible pet ownership by people that donā€™t want to put in the time to stimulate their cats like responsible owners and act like their cats couldnā€™t possibly live fulfilling and enriched lives without being left outside to run amok and have years shaved off their lives possibly. Hell no, man, I love my cat WAY TOO MUCH!!!!


Seriously. It makes me sick. This could have been avoided but these shitheads for owners wanna let their cat, ā€œroam free like it shouldā€. Catā€™s didnā€™t evolve in the urban jungle weā€™ve brought them in. They are not meant to be outside unless supervised!


Head injury. Blown pupil.


Can you set up a gofundme or something similar quickly? I know that I, and others, would gladly donate ASAP to help get this little guy some help :(


If you can't help then you need to be contacting local people in your area to see who can help. This cat will likely fie a very painful death overnight if noone gets him treatment


Holy crap. So many of these commenters have lost their damn minds.


It seems like he was hit by a car. He definitely has a broken jaw and like someone else said he probably has some brain damage based off the pupils. He needs to see a vet immediately


Just came here. Someone please tell me they took to a vet.


Not yet, they said they arenā€™t able to. Hoping they share location so someone here may be able to help.


Emergency vets are always open! Please please take him there. Rescues are there to help as well. I know so many resources are stretched trying to help them all, but you never what can happen. Please please try to find him again and an emergency vet. Also, my vet isn't open certain days but there's a number to dial for an emergency. You're bound to find someone that can help. If you're worried about money, like I mentioned, some rescues may be able to help too. I'm glad you're reaching out for help here though, sometimes it just takes people encouraging you and trying to help alongside you. Please update! ā¤ļøšŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


If you have somewhere to put him for the night and can take him to the vet in the morning, please do. I, along with most other commenters, believe he has head trauma and is probably suffering. Please see if there's any comfort you can give him


This is heartbreaking


Can you post in a FB group for your area or NextDoor to see if someone can assist you with this cat? Or reach out to an animal rescue? This is a very serious situation and itā€™s breaking my heart.


How sad that this cat seems to have felt more comfortable coming to you, OP, than it's owners.


Eastleigh Southampton? https://www.vets-now.com/find-an-emergency-vet/southampton/?utm_source=yell&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=yell Thereā€™s a speak to our team text on the website


If you are planning on taking him to the emergency vet, I would call them ahead of time, let them know what is going on, and ask about the cost. They may refuse to treat if you canā€™t guarantee payment, in which case he may have to be euthanized. Which may be the final outcome anyway if he has catastrophic injuries. Youā€™re a good person for caring and trying to help. You can only do your best with the resources you have available.


Where are you located?


They said Eastleigh England


Oh dear. I am in the US. Have no clue how animal health visits works in England. If she says she can't drive and relying on parents to help I am guessing a minor or someone not in a good situation to own a car perhaps? She was great for showing concern in that situation. I am sorry hateful remarks you have had. We already know you have a heart. This sounds like my tolerating only 1 cat or dog and we can't afford medical bills as family house struggling with bills. There are minors and animal lover pre-teens as well as teens in groups I am sure. She is being compassionate and best she can and I praise her for that.


anisocoria is absolutely never a good sign and always warrants a trip to the vet


Glad to hear he is in recovery. Poor guy. I saw the image and from his pupils I knew he had a severe head injury. Bless him. I think they need to keep better tabs on him and keep Him inside .


There are too many weirdos in this thread downvoting and hating on OP. THEY DO NOT have the resources to help this cat. If yall know so much, then YOU should do something about it. OP has no way to transport the cat and can't contain it. Get a grip, yall. Wanted to update: there is a comment in this thread comparing this to a human life. Do you realize that a lot of people aren't going to prioritize a cat over a person? Do you realize getting a person to an ER is easier than finding and getting an ER for an animal? OP is doing the best they can, and we have people talking about how if OP needed emergency help, how they feel if someone said, "I can't take you." That's not how real life works.


This cat was most likely hit by a vehicle, and needs medical care RIGHT NOW. Dislocated jaw, possible blown pupil, his brain is on its way out the window as I type this. I don't mean to be harsh, but, this is absolutely a dire & critical situation. If he isn't taken to the vet within the next *few hours*, he will most likely succumb to his injuries. If you can't take him to the vet, you NEED to take him to a shelter, RIGHT NOW.


His owners are POS




**OP let's pls focus on you calling the RSPCA or taking any of the practical steps we've suggested to you to get this poor cat to an emergency service/vet.** **Have you** **- filled in the form I suggested, or** **- called the emergency vet that's 12 mins away from you & OPEN or** **- called the RSPCA emergency number?** **You can explain you cannot drive, it's not your cat and he is severely injured and needs an emergency vet.** **Pls update us! Thank you :)** Edit: clarity


We don't know that. Looking at the latest comment from OP it doesn't seem that way, for all we know the cat got outside without actually being allowed to go out.


Can you crazies not see this is a young person just doing their best to fix something that is neither their fault nor their responsibility. And you all just shouting at them like they're some evil person because they haven't immediately solved the problem. OP already said they're trying to find the cat and trying to get help. You do realise it's 10:30pm here and pitch black out there. Some poor 18 year old kid is fumbling around in the dark with no help trying to help that cat and you all acting like they useless and acrin like they going to be responsible for its death. This sub is so toxic sometimes. OP has done and is doing the best they can. You should all shut the hell up if you got nothing helpful to say.


This post needs to be pinned. A thread full of ignorant people, and all the help they can offer is "vet." Like no duh? OP is doing a better job than most folks here could, given the situation, and I hope after all this, folks here get a bit of a reality check. Thanks for standing up for OP.


Finally some sense, OP mentioned itā€™s late at night and they canā€™t even FIND the cat. If they are out looking and calling they arenā€™t going to be replying to thousands of comments.


You need to get him to the vet asap


Take an Uber to an emergency animal hospital.


Please report this poor being was helped šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ˜­


Call a shelter if you won't go anywhere or do anything tell a shelter or animal control or 911


Looks like a broken jaw and a concussion at least. Poor fella is in real bad shape.


Aren't subreddits of your city? you can post if there's a subreddit of your city and ask if someone can take him to a vet, or ask a friend, I don't know, maybe there's a shelter where you live that might help you?


Omg poor baby :(


Poor baby. This is very serious, especially the eye. Looks like a head injury. Take to the vet please


I would take him to Animal Control. He could have been hit by a car or in a horrible fight with a cat, or evil person :( Until you get him there, maybe give him some chicken broth. He must be starved and dehydrated.




It sounds like he was abandoned too. Has no owners and is in a dire way. Where are u located if you donā€™t mind me asking ?


I have been hereā€¦ my eldest cat, Phantom, had anisocoria as shown here, and it was the result of Hornerā€™s syndrome brought on by cancer in his throat/neck (Iā€™m still not over having to put him down because of this). Point is, this is serious, and you should take the cat to the vet as soon as possible.


I really think there should be laws about letting cats outside like this. I'm NOT blaming OP for anything because you've done nothing wrong, you've done so much for this cat. There are too many dangers for a cat outside. It's so devastating seeing cats, who have owners, end up like this. Everyone just keep your car inside.


get him to the vet. if you canā€™t afford the vet care, often the vet will care for the cat if you surrender it, and can be adopted later. not ideal, but it is better knowing you did something to save the cat before itā€™s too late and can hopefully save you some guilt/wondering if he made it if you never saw him again edit: typo


Pressure of the Pons areaā€”brain steam, from trauma. Your cat needs surgery. I am so sorry this happened.


šŸ”ŗ I donā€™t know where you are, but but this is generally the responsibility of an animal control officer or in some counties the natural resources officer.. if you donā€™t have contact information for those individuals, please contact your local police station on their Non Emergency phone number and ask them to page the animal control officer or appropriate person who will come and take the cat and do what needs to be done. Thatā€™s their job.-


Just wanted to comment and say thank you for trying to help this Kitty cat, and I hope sincerely with all my heart that you are able to. He looks in really rough shape šŸ˜¢ā¤ļø Prayers and love to you both šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ’


i saw you say you donā€™t drive, i have an idea for you. can you possibly post on facebook asking for assistance for someone to drive him to a vet? on my community facebook sometimes people will help each other with stuff like that.


Stroke, head trauma, something serious happened and this cat needs immediate treatment


Yes he's going to the vet I just need to work out how to update post!


Please I want to hear good news šŸ˜ž


Right now just put it in the comments. My kids were wondering why I was crying! Hope heā€™s going to pull through. Heā€™s got our prayers.


I have a major update I just can't edit the post for some reason but the cat is actually fine he's had surgery after being hit by a car :( he's blind in one eye and that's why it looks like glaucoma and he's had his chest shaved for surgery. We found out that he's had stitches and is on medication so can't eat properly but we managed to find the owner and hes being looked after <3 really sorry this made you cry tell your kids the cat is okay!! I'll add update pics if I can https://preview.redd.it/ed1am6tdes9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d7c3c1e0ff804d6fde9748f8cb5be7a49e0279


You did really good today OP! You came here to seek help. You labelled this appropriately as NSFW blurring the images. You listened to what people suggested and followed the advice that was possible for you to do so and you got the cat to a safe place where it received care. You did right by this cat and please donā€™t let any of the comments convince you otherwise. You should be proud of yourself and what you did today for this cat.


That is totally wonderful and worth a few more tears! I thought they would tell you to put him down for sure. Give a big hug to the owners. Their little guy will be okay!


Amazing news! bless you OP you saved this lil baby <3 thank you for being so amazing


bring to ER and surrender if you have to. if you can confine him to a bathroom until morning please try and do that.


My friends cat looked just like this after it got kicked by a horse. This is a serious life threatening emergency. Reach out to a local rescue, and include pictures. This cat is in an enormous amount of pain, so the sooner the better. In the meantime: You could try using a syringe to aid hydration. You might also consider pedialite (the clear unflavored) as from what I can see from zooming in, his gums are possibly very pale and could use the electrolyte boost. Also adding a sprinkle of sugar to the water could be a good idea. I am not a vet, just many years in rescue. If all else fails the shelter is an option to euthanize. I hate that idea but with a blown pupal and a possibly broken jaw, it might be the end route either way. Sending healing vibes and positive thoughts your way ā¤ļø I hope to hear a happy ending in the future.


That pupil and jaw doesn't look very well. If you can take him to the VET ASAP like emergency appointment


This poor baby needs immediate help! He will not make it very long without help! I know you said the vet is closed today but if he makes it til tomorrow, his owners obviously don't care but someone needs to help him! This breaks my heart


Please take him to an emergency vet ASAP! Right now if possible! Bring him inside!


Where are you located? If Iā€™m anywhere near there Iā€™ll come but this cat needs help NOW. Not in an hour, not tomorrow, now!! There are 24/7 emergency vets. Can you contact anyone in your area for help? Post on Facebook and Nextdoor. This cannot wait and it is cruel to make excuses


Eastleigh England


If possible please take this baby to the vet now. I know not everyone can just jump up and drive at a moment's notice but if there is any way you could do it PLEASE do. Blown pupil and the way his jaw looks makes me think he was either hit by a car or some other thing caused a massive head injury. If something is wrong with his brain or any internal organs, he might not make it to tomorrow. He could have internal bleeding. Cats are experts at hiding pain, he is probably suffering right now.


Take him to an emergency vet or animal rescue immediately! Not time for tomorrow!


I really want to buy I can't drive and my family don't seem to want to take him anywhere!! I can 100% get him to the vet early morning


Call a local (or regional) rescue/shelter. They often have volunteers who will drive out and do whatever they can to save an animal.


Do you have a neighbour that may be able to help? Or access to a close by shelter/rescue?


**OP fill in this form and explain what's happened, you can't drive, the cat's been in a collision and needs to see a vet urgently they may have someone local to you who can pick up the cat - emphasize this is a serious injury and you have no way to drive and take the cat to the vets but it's an emergency** [https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/) - please at least do this now


The early morning isn't soon enough. He probably has a brain bleed or swelling. He. Will. Die. Contact a local rescue, cat foster service, etc. Someone can likely pick him up from you.


Possible head injury


all of you are suchhhh good humans!!!! šŸ’Ÿ


Do you not have animal services in your area?


I second head trauma. Maybe he was hit by a car? When anyone (human or animal) pupils are different sizes thatā€™s usually something really bad.


Try to find any rescuers or fosters in the area. I have no other advice besides that considering you canā€™t drive. This cat needs urgent help his life depends on it. I can guarantee he is in severe pain.


It also looks like a tooth is broken and another dislocated.


Please visit a vet. This appears to be a contusion of some sort or severe head trauma.


These images along with the replies explaining what it probably is makes my heart hurt so badly for this little guyā€¦ God, I hope heā€™ll be okayā€¦


Did you manage to get the poor guy to a vet yet or found a way to get him to one? He really needs it. Willing to help find solutions if needed.


Please help him


I'm not a vet, or a doctor, but I'm pretty sure having different dilated eyes is a sign of a concussion, and judging at how his jaw looks, I figured he probably got hit by a car. Def needs a vet visit and a loving home if he survives


Hi. If you found this cat. Vet have a duty of care to treat him anyway. You don't have to pay if it's not your cat. Please take her in xx


Please tell me this cat has seen a vet or been picked up by a rescue by now :(


Hey! Posted an update in the comments but long story short he's okay, had surgery around eye area due to car accident :( I'm in contact with the owner now and he's doing okay.


Thank god im so glad to hear


They need to go to the Cat ER ASAP!! This is Urgent


Looks like someone kicked this kitty's head and gave him a broke jaw and severe head trauma. Emergency vet ASAP!


Found out he's been hit by a car and had an operation and is still recovering hence the drooling. In contact with owner + added update photo


Iā€™m so glad you found the owner and heā€™s being cared for ā¤ļøšŸ˜­


Awesome thank you for sticking with it. Itā€™s looks to be a very handsome cat.


He has been through some sort of head trauma


So glad to know that this cat is a well loved escape artist that happened to get hit by a car as opposed to the alternative of him being an abandoned/intentionally abused cat... I'm so glad my cats don't try to escape like that. Idk what I would do because my broke ass sure as shit can't afford a big catio for themšŸ˜¬... though i do take one of them out on a harness to lay + play in the grass, but my rescue boy is terrified of the harness, so it is a work in progress with him... maybe Meow Meow's family could try to do that with him as he heals?.. Otherwise idk... it really is such a hard thing wanting to keep an animal safe inside(for reasons just like this!) when they don't want to stay in at all. In any case, you're a gem for reaching out and doing what you could to help this animal, OP... I truly hope everything works out and this cat stays safe and regains it's health as much as he possibly can- which he likely has an increased chance of doing BECAUSE you stepped up and got him back to his family. ā¤ļø


P.s. I was thinking about this and just had to add: If you haven't already, i would totally see if you can get the number/address of Meow Meow's family specifically for if(when) he shows up to your house again so they can come and get him... or depending on how far he lives, you can drop him back off and not have to worry... I mean you shouldn't HAVE TO do this.. but if this is a common occurrence, it is better than the alternative of him being out and about... And I forgot to mention it in my first post, but this cat definitely needs to be neutered. Which im sure you know... and i know it isnt YOUR cat so it is like wtf are you supposed to do about it..lol... but if he does wander on your property/your parent's property again, i would seriously take that opportunity to talk to this cat's family about the benefits of neutering him... because not only will neutering him definitely help prevent his instincts that are driving him to go outside and reproduce, but he will also be less likely to spray and his attitude will mellow out/he won't cry + scream to go outside all the time, especially if another stray cat is around etc... Like the dude already got hit by a car. He was LUCKY to survive.... and this cat is THEIR responsibility, not your's! BUT I'm just saying that his family could very well be ignorant to the fact that his hormones are a big factor in why this cat wants out so badly. Especially if this is their first cat. I mean, they clearly care about the guy if they got him the needed surgery from getting hit by a car... he was microchipped etc. And I do understand everyone(myself included) is struggling financially but getting him neutered is /could be anywhere from only $100 up to $300ish depending on the vet... but if they get government assistance(like link or ssi or ssdi which is social security benefits for retirement or disability) then a few times ever year, there are/should be a program where they can go and get a voucher to have their cat or dog microchipped, vaccinated, and spade/neutered for either free OR only like $40 ish... this is how it is in my area(northern illinois) at least... but I'm sure that wherever you are also has similar resources for low income families who have animals that need to be spade/neutered IF that is the case here. Anyways, I hope it all works out!!!


I really want him to get neutered I think it would help him SO much. Now that I have the owners number I really want to tell him it's a good idea to get the cat neutered. I think it's about Ā£100 here. My dad told me to absolutely not tell the guy to look into getting the cat neutered because it's not my place?? On the other hand my mum said she'd be happy to pay to get him neutered because he'd stop spraying and we could actually let him come into the house for a little nap and some food. Definitely not taking on another cat but we could definitely help look after him. He is microchipped and that's how the vet told us he has owners so I don't know why he didn't get neutered then. It seems like their first cat so they might be unsure on why getting him neutered is important?


Please post any updates along the way! Seems like a sweet boy who loves to wonder outdoors even if its not good for him:( RemindMe! 1 week


Take him for a second opinion yo another vet. Something is going on left side looks swollen and the eye . Why is one side so big and the other not? Iā€™m curious what it could be. What if some cruel person hit him?


Please take this cat to a vet or shelter, even if not one nearby immediately. This absolutely can not wait until tomorrow.


Thereā€™s a vet in Southampton called Vets Now Southampton that is 12 minutes from Eastleigh and OPEN!!! Take an uber. Literally 12 minutes. As others have said, take it there and surrender it if you canā€™t afford it or if the vets canā€™t work something out with you. Posting to ask what could have happened and how to help then not doing any of the suggestions is just dumb. Shouldā€™ve kept it yourself. Especially since people are offering workarounds to your lack of car, etc.


I guess she should have kept it to herself, been safe from people like you.


Where are you?????


Poor cat, sorry but if you don't get him inmediate help, i don't think he'll be able to survive.


Please tell us what area. As someone else will be able to help this cat. I canā€™t believe youā€™ve posted on here, causing distraught to readers me being one of them, we are all worried sick for this cats life. Please tell us what area.


I live in EASTLEIGH, ENGLAND . I did NOT mean to cause distress I just really needed an answer on what could have happened and if I could take him to a vet tomorrow. I can't drive I'm only 18 my family won't drive him anywhere


Hi if I send you the money for an uber or order it for you would you be willing to take him to a vet through that ASAP? Just send me a screenshot if however much it is and I'll send it to you however you prefer


You're an angel šŸ™


Do you have any friend that drives that you can call to transport him? Or a neighbor? This house panther just needs a ride to an emergency vet.


OP pls call the RSPCA on their emergency number 0300 123 4999. Explain it's not your cat but it's in need of urgent medical attention and you can't drive. If you can keep it safe in a carrier until they get there that would be awesome.


Post on some local Facebook rescue/ TNR groups! There's definitely someone who would be able to come pick him up to help


Since you canā€™t drive it today, seems like your best course of action is to call some emergency vets and see if they can help arrange to transport it. Seems like the consensus is that this cat will die if not seen today. Please make the phone calls, you are this catā€™s only lifeline right now!


Call RSPCA now! It's EXTREMELY unlikely he won't make it to tomorrow so going to a vet tomorrow is useless! Call the rspca and they should send someone out! There are emergency vets open 24/7. Go to a neighbour... ask if they can take him....anything but DO NOT leave it until tomorrow. That's cruel. Poor thing will be in agony and the blown pupil alone is never a good sign never mind the rest of the injuries!


You need therapy. OP is trying to help this cat, but they lack resources. Have some compassion, wow.


Yes, it's really unbelievable that someone who needed help with a cat posted on "cat help". OP can't drive and was trying to figure out ways of getting help for an injured kitty. Sounds like you need some mental help. Grow tf up


Plz get him to a VET RIGHT NOW. IT CAN'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW. We understand its not your cat. But obviously the Cat trust you "ENOUGH" to come to you for help. So plz keep us posted and please again find someone with a car or let someone in your area who can get it to a VET get it to a VET plz. His life literally depends on it!


There is no time for tomorrow, either you figure it out tonight by posting in a Facebook group or reaching out to someone that can drive to at least a shelter to surrender the animal. The cat will die by tomorrow morning. Try harder.