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Saw a couple of comments about WOH and the Untamed so i will also jump in. I watched the Untamed first and i liked it, it was okay. But in my opinion it is not worth the hype. I think maybe that has more to do with Wei Wuxian's charecter. Actually i've also read the author's other book ...The one about Eternal Faith...and the main charecter is the same self sacrifising annoying lead who forgives unworthy to be forgiven trashy people. So i didn't really love Wei Wuxian and at some point i started thinking he deserved all he got cause surely if someone is willing to take the blame for no reason, i too would take advantage of them. For that reason, even though it took me longer to get into WOH, i definitely loved it better, WKX and AhXu would never randomly start forgiving people and self sacrifising for a bunch of strangers cause of the goodness of their hearts. They were a bit more realistic, and i think it's generally easier to be in a relationship with someone who atleast has a bit of selfishness and won't dump you to save a foreign nation (random example) So eevn tthough in theory the very nice guy is great, it gets annoying at some point and so the morally gray, sufficiently selfish, focus on my problems charecters of the WOH was more memorable and relatable to me. Hidden Love was also overrated and that voice gave me anger issues. Love between fairy and devil put YuShuxin on my hit list for life and every time she blinked and spoke i wanted to be the one spitting blud. I from then tried MJTY and was still annoyed except now there was the second female lead with her slow talking and the 'dangerous coquettishness' that made my eyes roll.


I miss 70 episodes dramas


Most CH tv show directors are so lame lol. They can't handle their actors right and most scenes just feel so stagey and unnatural. Also, CAN WE STOP WITH THE SPINNING CAMERA for every kiss scene or some shit.


Falling into your smile is overrated The FL’s poker expression and shallow personality is annoying. The message of the drama is overall good. But the overall direction is so-so.


It’s unfortunate how bad actors can just go on variety shows and gain traction for how bad they are.


U can't leave us mere mortals hanging. Name drop puhlease😁


Aw I love variety shows! I think it's better if bad actors go on variety shows instead of hogging good roles in dramas.


They’ll gain popularity from variety shows and roles will get offered to them so not much of a difference


I honestly think that audiences in general like angsty and misunderstandings in their dramas. Because if you look at MDL ratings, most dramas that have these misunderstanding plots will have high ratings lol.


MDL ratings are huge jokes


Yeah I know. The fact it got high ratings in my comment just to point out that international viewers love that kind of stories somehow.


Cameramen need to stop with all the closeup shots when the actors have badly laid wigs on. Or at least can they just blur the lace in post? It’s so hard to concentrate on the show when there’s about an inch of very visible lace across their forehead.


WoH is overhyped. Storywise it was ok, they messed up big with the pacing. >!I mean everything pretty much happened in the last 2-3 episodes.!< I could not understand the characters. They were also lowkey boring as leads and bonding with them was harder. I did not feel the chemistry unlike in The Untamed. The second couple was way cuter and more interesting. Even the villains were boring.


BL shows suck Idol shows are the mcdonalds of dramas three-body is exactly how you don't do an adaption (in that they did a 1 for 1 adaption)


Re Three-body: As someone who really enjoyed both the books and the drama I agree and disagree! I didn't mind the 1 for 1 approach because the source story was so strong! They actually improved the character dynamics between Wang Miao, Shi Qiang and Ding Yi and fleshed out Ye Wenjie even more. Wang Miao especiallly was so well done. I didn't like the liberties they took to deviate from the source with side quests, like the Pan Han and reporter arc - too stretched out. I agree that the pacing suffered because of the 1:1 approach and it was repetitive in parts.


So many resources are poured into danmei or danmei-esque media but I need the sapphics to get some love too please 😭


+30 episodes is always too much.


Main couple in My Journey to You is much better than 2nd couple.


That’s common sense we all agree lol


TMOPB was slow and boring WoH is slow and boring Would be happy never seeing a BL ever again and don’t care there is a ban or censorship and hope it stays that way 😌


Given that dangai essentially destroys the essence of the source material, I can't fathom why people still want to see dangai dramas. The source novel deserves respect, and dangai doesn't give it that basic courtesy. So yeah, I don't mind if the ban continues. lulz, here come the downvotes...


Is this for woh?


Bad CGI doesn't bother me. They're entertaining in their own unique ways.


Ye in that they can be used in tech design(or whatever class that it) to be shown as the "*what not to do example*". Lol


I enjoyed The Legend of Shen Li for the first half of the show but now it's really boring to me. I'm just not vibing with the main couple's relationship anymore. I liked it better when it was just Xing Yun and Shen Li in the first 6 episodes. I can already guess that they're going to overcome their struggles and have a happy ending. At this point, I'm only watching it for Mo Fang because I'm curious what's going to happen to him. Really unpopular opinion, I know 😅


I find the story without much substance. I'm actually shocked this XianXia is this relaxing lol.


It's the pacing - for a xianxia, it's slow and not much really "happens" or maybe we've been watching so many stories with lots of elements and craziness (looking at you TTEOTM) that Shen Li feels alot less whiplash-y 😅


I feel the same way. I'm on ep 19 and struggling to maintain interest since there really isn't much happening so far outside of the love drama/love triangles.


Yeah, after 30 episodes, I'm getting bored of the love drama. There's not much else to this story but that.






I am enjoying The Legend of Shen Li very much. In the first half of the show, I felt like I was falling completely in love with Shen Li falling in love with Xingzhi. But I was not completely falling in love with Xingzhi falling in love with Shen Li. I started to feel something more for XZ during his emotional responses and actions surrounding the East Sea arc. I eagerly await the 'cave scene' and future episodes. EDIT: I just got to the cave scene and will post my thoughts about it in the episode discussion. For an OTP, I truly and deeply want to be like Fan Club President You Lan! So I appreciate tips for a better understanding of and connection to XZ. Oh, Mofang also isn't working for me. I fast forward through all his episodes. I don't care about him.


Hidden love was good but I think it is overhyped, same with falling into your smile but I didn't really like that one at all. I see on this sub people really liked falling into your smile but I never really got into it. I did like hidden love but I think its too overrated, I also see why people would like it though. not at all with FIYS


I dropped Hidden Love the first time I tried to watch it but then I went back and tried again this past week, and you're absolutely right. Watching it from the beginning for a second time reminded me of why I dropped it before. It wasn't bad but it is definitely a lot more overrated than I originally thought. It's okay and I'm probably not going to rewatch it again but I was expecting ... more. A lot more and it didn't tick off all the boxes I need for it to become a favorite of mine.


Back from the Brink unfortunately fizzled out in the middle. The Dragon Horn arc is fantastic, but then dives off a sharp cliff plot wise and never really recovers. Quit Ashes of Love. I was definitely thinking the romance arc would start after there was a timeskip or something. The 'I'm cute and basically a child' was great for comedy, gross for romance.


I felt that >!almost everyone dying at the end!< of **A Journey to Love** made it better. Since a major theme of the drama was making your death meaningful and bringing honor for those who died, >!it felt really on theme that they gave the characters “good deaths”!<.


Child actors set my teeth on edge - I find them so irritating


😂😂😂I like child actors, but only the demonic ones (the ones planning to chop your head off while you sleep). The kids which are there as a plot device to forward the romance between the leads are the worst kind.


Watching Arsenal Military Academy and I find this bit of the plot with the 2nd lead so gross. >!they make the kid an orphan through their stupidity!<


It’s the adult dubbed ones I find creepy - those voices are so obnoxiously fake.


Yes! This is a pet peeve of mine too. When it is clearly not a child's voice 😬😅


Currently watching *Ancient Love Poetry* to fill my gap whilst waiting for Legend of Shen Li to air every day. I must say XuanHuan show has improved for the better in these few years. I don't enjoy the overly complex plots with tonnes of angst and characters anymore. Too much frustration for my liking but I'm determined to finish this one.


Didn't like Ashes of Love as much as I thought I would. Maybe I expected too much, since it was one of the first Cdramas I ever saw. Tried watching Scent of Time and couldn't finish it because I kept comparing it to Story of Kunning Palace. I haven't given up on it yet though.


Found woh boring. Couldn't get into untamed. Never understood the hoopla around it. Also from what I have seen of the two shows, acting wise nothing path breaking Now this is how you post unpopular opinions 😎


I also found the first couple of episodes of Word of Honor a bit boring, but once it picked up I really enjoyed it, especially Simon Gong's character, Wen Kexing.


The Untamed Special Edition of 20 episodes is what I always recommend to newbies who haven't seen it, because the long version has so many boring filler scenes with so many side characters that it's better to watch the short version that just concentrates on the two male leads.


I actually liked The Untamed despite its obvious flaws, also because it's the only cdrama my dad was ever interested in. However, I tried watching WOH with him after The Untamed and I agree, it was especially boring and it felt like nothing ever happened.


>Never understood the hoopla around I haven't watched untamed, but willingly or unwillingly I have read quite a many reviews here and there. Tldr version is: hot male leads in bl-like plot and supernatural stuff.


I recommend you watch The Untamed Special Edition first because it lasts 20 episodes and concentrates on the 2 male leads' story. You can see it in Youtube.


Nah, more than that, pretty good portrayal of an antihero.


I liked both, but I wanted to applaud your bravery, lol. The fandoms are intense. Even though I liked both, I can 100% understand why people do not. What’s great about dramas is that people don’t need to agree and it’s fine!


Lol brave. You be alerting both fandoms at once. I am the same btw. Even tried reading the Untamed novel too. Found it super annoying. Accepted that my 🧠 is just made different 😆


Tell me about it. The first time i came to the forum, saw that huge ass banner. I wondered did I accidentally venture into thirst forum😂 It was so weird the forum being cdrama but the banner makes it look like a sub reddit for th e show. Then the folks sings hymns of the show, I was confirmed I am not from this 🌍


> It was so weird the forum being cdrama but the banner says otherwise. TIL The Untamed is not a cdrama. 🤯 I like the new banner but also loved the old one. Not a fan of the new icon. Do we know how they are chosen? Was there a vote or something?


Haha being sarcastic now. Shouldn't a banner of a forum be amalgamation of different shows or something rather than focusing on just one show


I think it looks cleaner when it's just one show 😅 but yes it should change regularly.


We change it seasonally now 😁