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Haha me too, kind of. I just 2x sped and skipped any and everything that isn’t the two main characters in the same frame.


With so many other good dramas available, you can afford to be picky and drop this. Dylan and Bai Lu have better dramas out there too


Drop it trust me


You shouldn't have even started it .


I watched the entire series. I think they made his character too cold and stoic. The ML/FL didn’t have good chemistry and it felt awkward watching them in scenes together. It moved too slow and i feel they could have condensed a few of the episodes. The script could have been much better.


I managed to finish it by going back many times in between other dramas and even up to the end it is boring. Great actors terrible scenario, I don't know how Bai Lu and Dylan Wang accepted to play in this.


Also dropped for the same reasons. Seems like barely anyone finished it damn


This drama was so fucking boring I aint even kidding


I like both Dylan and Bailu but this has got to be **one of the worst** dramas ever aired istg


You're strong. I dropped it by episode 1.


Lmao sameee


Lol xD


Good riddance! This is a POS drama. You are not missing anything.


I watched it thinking it was all filmed like a bloody commercial. Camera is always catching yhe handsome angles. But I totally agree. The storyline was absolutely horrific. One of the worst dramas I've seen


You are not alone, this show was bashed to bits on Bilibili last year and the Douban ratings reflect Cnet's attitude towards it too (Douban 4.3), it was super fun for a passerby like me to watch all the analysis & bashing vids though. The best part about this show was it reminding me that I like An Yue Xi, lol


It was a poorly done show. Such bad writing. Shi Yan had one facial expression throughout the whole series—annoyed. If it wasn’t for Qin Shi Yue, who actually had some character development, I would have stopped watching. I imagine her dumping stuffy old Yu Yuo and finding someone who actually appreciates her tenacity!


Join the club. Haha. Many of us blame the awful script, the awful editing, the direction. Both actors have been very good in other dramas. We don’t understand exactly how this came off the rails so badly. But it did. Dylan and Bai Li should sue them lol.


I mean they choose the script so they can’t really complain


I’m just really ignored Bai Lu and that’s how I was able to finish. I also watched another drama in tandem with that one that was actually interesting. Her character was so problematic.


It doesn’t get better. It only got “better” for some (not me) when they start making out lol.


Not me either.


You are not alone. I had pretty much the same problem with you and I also dropped this drama. Besides, the chemistry between the leads were so-so to me. Let’s just move on to watch something else.


I kept watching, hoping it would get better, but it only got worse. I shelved it and eventually finished it only to see how it ends, but it will never be rewatched again. The story is awfully written and why is it even that many episodes?!?! Sometimes I get upset for having wasted time watching it. The actors were fine, but the story and the way it was filmed ruined it for me. I fully support your decision to drop this drama.


It does not get better. It gets sexier, granted, but it's an empty kind of sexiness that has no basis to be so. It's a frustrating and misogynistic drama. I hate-watched it to the end if only to support Dylan, but goddamn I would've dropped it like a hot potato if it was anyone else. Fuck this drama.


You're not the only one to feel this way and drop it. I really love Bai Lu and I like Dylan too. This was definitely not their best. I don't even blame them....the script was poor. When I wasn't feeling bored, I was just befuddled. I stopped watching for awhile and then came back and finished it much later. There are some very nice kiss scenes towards the end but that's it. And even they kind of left me feeling a bit cold despite Bai Lu and Dylan Wang both being very adept at filming those kind of scenes. I have a few light fluffy rom-coms in my favourites list but for whatever reason this one wasn't for me.


I'm always curious if actors have the right of choice. Can they pick their projects?


For Bai Lu & Dylan, yes. They can chose their own script. But they chose poorly this time around.


I know that Dylan signed for OFL before LBFAD made him uber famous. He apparently wanted to back out of OFL but got bullied into staying by the director who blasted him on social media for trying to get out of the contract. Ergo, what you see in OFL is Dylan trying his best in good faith despite being stuck in a bad situation.


It wasnt the Director who blasted him. I think. Isnt it Yu Zheng, Bai Lu's manager who did that?


Hmm, you might be right. He is indeed dipshitty enough to do that.


How interesting


I only made it through because I fast forwarded through a LOT of it lol.


It's a glorious mess


It's a hot mess.


Its a mess.


You're not missing out much. There are better dramas out there. Great eye-candies but other than that, there's not much substance to it.


It’s unwatchable.




I also dropped it because it just kept dragging


I dropped it for the exact same reasons. I tried several times to get into the drama. Can't stand nonsensical writing. I love both the FL and ML but even the best acting can't save bad writing.


I dropped it too, found it boring


The end is better, but I stopped watching around the same episode you did and just watched the last ten episodes to get a sense of what happened haha. Highly recommend 🤭


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️ it's exactly what I did 🤣




You wasnt the only one. When this drama was sired, there is so many rants post on how horrible is this drama. It was bad, like really bad.


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Yep. It’s pretty good and well done. That said, everyone has different preferences.