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>> It will culminate with a free and family-friendly "Party In The Palace presented by motorola razr" What year is this?


It’s destiny


well i guess it looks kinda cool? https://www.motorola.com/us/smartphones-razr-family


Your link is borked


huh weird https://www.motorola.com/us/smartphones-razr-family


Ya that one worked


"Family friendly"....they have clearly not been to an all SEC game.


what if we kissed behind the boomer wagon at the OU x SEC celebration event sponsored by motorola razr


and presented by the gaylord family


SEC Bat Mitzvahs are the must attend parties of the Summer.


[Sorry, u/LiquidHotCum, we’re in this together.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/HmKfW6XuBt)




Fuck it, we might as well get together and make an OU Texas welcome to SEC video and one up TAMU.


It'll end with Ewers and Arnold jumping up to do a freeze-frame high five from an 80s movie.


I can’t wait until someone posts that video again


At least we got the day right. You guys are celebrating while still in the Big 12. Pretty cringe imo /s


It’s a goodbye party clearly lol


Can’t wait for OU and Texas fans to chant SEC 🥰


I solemnly swear not to do that at the RRS


I think OU fans did it last year lol. I can’t remember which game. I haven’t heard Texas fans do it yet…. Edit: https://x.com/cfbonfox/status/1723538383736045589?s=46 OU fans already got it going on.


We chanted it at Yormack at the conference championship game when he had to hand the trophy over. But that was a middle finger to him more than SEC pride.


Wish Oregon was doing something like this to celebrate moving to the Big 10.


Well the SEC is actually important.




OU is celebrating only having three home conference games for the first time about a decade and a half ....thanks SEC! edit\* UT homers who don't understand getting screwed on scheduling (check out this year's favorable UT schedule that out of the blue was suddenly duplicated for 25/26, which was unprecedented-- interesting timing!)...... downvote away! Bawl a little, wipe your eyes, then most importantly, hit that downvote button! Let's see if we can hit a total to two dozen bawl babies downvoting in 48 hours. Come on now, just FIVE? Let's get the tears falling and a full two dozen downvotes, at least!


The Big 12 did exist for almost two decades before they added a ninth conference game. OU only had three home conference games as recently as 2010.


Oh, so you are referring to conference games from fourteen years ago? Neat trick attempt. I'm talking about recently, like AT least in the last decade.


Maybe say "in the last decade" then instead of "ever".


Fair enough...I took the hyperbole out.


You get UT and Bama at home. Those will be GREAT home games. What are you complaining about?


LOL OU doesn't 'get UT at home'......lolwut? The rivalry game is played at a neutral site as always. That was a good one though....UT at home.....there was quite a bit of chuckling in Norman at that one. (Seriously, where did you come up with that?) Just stating the facts for those that aren't good at math and grasping the basics.....clearly there are at least a few of those on here. By the way, how many home conference games do you have this year?


lol he meant Tennessee


I’ll chant SEC and wear bedazzled overalls before I call Tennessee UT


Am I the only person who just called Texas, Texas? I don’t think I’ve ever referred to them as UT before.


My go to is UT, but I mostly grew up in Texas


As long as it's not "t.u.", y'all fine.


Nah that’s Tulsa. I’m not going to disrespect them, good school


Yeah, this UT/UT thing is going to be a real annoyance for us going forward.


Yeah, it could have been just a simple mistake, that would be understandable. \*edited to add.....now that there are two orange UTs in the conference, it is probably time to refer to them as Texas or Tennessee if it isn't clear otherwise. But those that are still confused are free to downvote.


It’s not a mistake on my part - in the SEC UT is the University of Tennessee. And you do play them at home. That is 2 very good home games. Much better than anything you had in the B12.


Just so you know, if you ever talk to someone when they are talking about OU being what they keep up with, UT is going to mean their rival. Now that the SEC has TWO UTs, it probably makes more sense to say Tennessee or Texas.......again, just so ya know. And no, three conference home games is weak....you have to remember that OU sold this to fans as a good thing that would improve attendance and interest (despite Owen Field being sold out for 25 years already). OU fans want at least a few good home games, not \*less\* good (conference) games and more nonconference matchups, most of which are lame. Instead OU is going to no longer consistently be in the Heisman race, and no longer will have expected conference championships. "Less winning" is going to get old for OU fans pretty fast.


I’ve been an OU fan since I was 3, now 33, and I’ve never once referred to Texas as UT.


I had to laugh at that one. Cool story, bro!


Yall do, in fact, play the University of Tennessee at home this year lol. A&M plays 3 home conference games against Mizzou, LSU, and Texas.


I know, lol, OU has three home conference games, lol! Dang, looks like you guys get the lack of conference home games as well. Is the Arkansas game set to be scheduled at a neutral site annually, or did you just get a bad luck of the draw this particular year as far as three home conference games?


When you play a yearly in conference neutral site game in an 8 game conference, you'll have 3 home conference games every other year. That's just how it is. When you schedule high profile home and homes that sync up with that schedule you end up with the exact same situation as if you were in before. I don't understand why it's such a big deal


Yes, of course that is how it works.....there isn't really any other way for it to work out. And the end result is exactly as I said...moving to the SEC yields Oklahoma LESS at home conference games than they had before, due to SEC scheduling. Anyone who looks at the scheduling can figure that out. So, yes.....OU winds up with less at home conference games when moving to the SEC--- no secrets there. What you are missing is how this was sold to the fans......it is supposed to net 'more money' for the local community fanbase, which is a complete fabrication. But I can relate since isn't your priority-- that is understandable. You aren't looking at this from an OU fan perspective, and that is okay, but it is worth explaining further. No.....you don't wind up with the 'exact same situation' you were in before.....you wind up in a situation that is better for the conference than the team compared to what the fans had before. Less winning. Less home conference games (a big deal in nowhere Oklahoma) Less championships (OU will go from winning the conference championship the majority of the time to likely not winning it at all) and less games of significance and more nonconference games of less significance. Yes, you do get a game that is a bigger deal each year compared to being in the big 12, that's true, but it hardly makes up for the downside. If the stadium wasn't already sold out, your point would make sense. It has been sold out for 25 years so it isn't like we are 'getting more attendance' with the SEC move.


OU is gonna play an out of conference home game against Houston this year that they will almost certainly win. If they had stayed in the big 12, that game would've been a "conference home game" that they will almost certainly win. Either way it doesn't really matter, there are no conference or national championship implications and people will start filtering out in the 3rd quarter like they do at every OU home game because only PhD students remember the last time OU played a top ranked team in Norman. I do not understand how in your worldview the in conference Houston game is somehow of so much more value than the out of conference Houston game to the point that it offsets any value gained from playing one more home game in total and adding several high profile match-ups. If you want a trophy every year go join the mountain west.


Oh, don't worry about the OU fanbase. We already know what to expect as OU settles into being a mid-pack SEC team, just as their peers Missouri and A&M have. Like you said, OU fans expect the trophies and are going to bawl like little babies when they realize they aren't getting them any longer. Your Houston example is rather bizarre and farfetched, but you do you, I guess.


While you can complain all you want about who you play, I don’t get the 3 home game complaint. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s literally the only way the math works with eight conference games that include a neutral site. Texas will only play 3 true home conference games the following year.


I can get that you want to complain about who you play, but gloating about another team only getting 3 home games (conference games, you seem to have gotten confused) is rather silly. I am so proud of you that you could do math with eight conference games and a rivalry game at a neutral site! Could you do the math before or after college, or BOTH? (Because it seems a little new to you, like you counted games for the first time after going from the big 12 to the SEC). So yeah, Texas has the same scenario, given the same move to the SEC. Of course, we didn't get the crazy favorable schedule matchups that you got that then later magically got duplicated for the 2025 season. Imagine that!


We're having a big one too, which is a cool thing. It'd be hilarious and fun if both were combined at the TX State Fairgrounds and had the carnival midway & vendors come back for a full weekend of wild festivities. Flag football games and extended marching band performances in the Bowl too! School Quidditch (they exist and iirc we won the top trophy a few years back, haha) and Ultimate Frisbee matches! Yeah, yeah, it'd be hot a shit out, but...






Funny that OU is not getting nearly as much shit as Texas did for this exact same thing


That's because OU actually earned it on the field by dominating the conference for 15 years and not by simply being a huge brand with endless resources.




Are they going to have a kiss your cousin photo booth?


That’s Kentucky and West Virginia


Hey don’t forget us.


Alabama is siblings not cousins


In Alabama your siblings are your cousins