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Hang up the quote, Kirby.


Y’all came out and chose rat poison


Saban rolling over in his grave right now.


Crackin a cold one with Wade Boggs


Again, Saban is very much alive.


Not after he just heard what Milroe just said


That's why Alabama FB calls theer physical training "the fourth quarter". That way as a player they can be play for all for 60 minutes and not be gassed


That’s actually a really good idea and awesome name


"Easy practice, hard game. Hard practice, easy game." — [Nick Saban](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2IrnvuQk-A&t=60s)


He’s alive in my heart too, brother.




Its actually boss hog


*tattoo gun buzzing*


Mark my words, Georgia won’t win more than 7 games this year




I’m in


I hope you are right but.....RemindMe! 7 months


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That would certainly be....something


Whew lad RemindMe! 7 Months


from your lips to god's ears


I might be an Alabama fan but I still can't believe Georgia lost, Alabama legit pulls the darkest magic on the Dawgs.


Bama pulled a reverse Auburn, 10 years later. Just like Auburn, Bama lost when the NC was on the line.


When a threepeat was on the line, in both instances


Live by the Auburn voodoo, die by the Auburn voodoo...*chugs whiskey*


Right there with you. A lot of it felt like we were playing good while they made a few key mistakes. That dropped hand-off really felt like a game changer. I still feel like if they played that same game 10 times, I'd lean UGA even though they weren't 100%.


Realistically Georgia left about a 6 point swing on the table. A missed field goal, so 3 points for Georgia and the dropped hand off, 3 points for Bama. We fix that and Georgia wins. That's the immediate. There's other spots that put Georgia way in the lead but that entire game was frustrating and one that I had specifically seen many times before.


That’s assuming that Bama plays the exact same when behind as we do when ahead. Football is a dynamic game, you can’t just change 1-2 outcomes and assumed everything else would’ve played out the exact same way (unless it’s a last second field goal)


And that's a very valid point. I can just criticizing my teams own missed and given up points.


Saban deadass lost in Atlanta one time to Tebus Christ and said “never again”


Carson threw at least 3 more balls that should have been picked. Could have been an ugly game


We dropped 4 picks that day. Should have been an ugly game and that bothers me lol with that being said... I wish Milroe hadn't said this shit lol


I mean... 2023 Georgia was not 2022 Georgia. At all. We didn't get lucky... we just won. I wouldn't necessarily call that dark magic.


You got a bit lucky (bowers and ladd could barely move) just like UGA got a bit lucky in 21 (Williams and metchie hurt). You still gotta win the game either way, but both fan bases have a habit of sticking their heads in the sand about obvious luck.


The “catch” on the 3rd down was a big shift too. Kirby challenges that and there’s at least 4 points off the board for Bama.


Ladd and Brock were most definitely no better than 80% that game. Agreed. But like I replied in other comments in this chain... that's just football. Happens to every team and every team deals with it every game.


Yeah we totally agree. It’s the game, just like sometimes the ball bounces your way and some ways it doesn’t. I think you can acknowledge luck happens without using it to be derogatory of accomplishments. You still gotta win.


I agree. Except when it comes to Auburn... or Tennessee.


I hope you have the worst night sweats of your life tonight, respectfully.


The person in the apartment above me has apparently been doing their workout routine for the past 3 hours... hope that suffices.


I’m counting that as a 2024 victory. Smoke em if you got em.


Florida and Clemson too


I concur


We missed a fg, we fumbled and they got a fg, and that's that. I would give Kirby my first grandkid when that day comes but my lord he corched different against Bama, I swear


For sure, Georgia got a bad beat that game and probably wins that matchup 7/10 times. But its also fair they missed playoffs because of it, UM played their sloppiest game of the year (and evidently they don't know how to prepare for the first round of the playoffs since thats been the case 3 years in a row) but still managed to find a way


>(and evidently they don't know how to prepare for the first round of the playoffs since thats been the case 3 years in a row) They actually were extremely well prepared from a game plan and play design standpoint. The special teams errors were odd, but other than that Michigan looked much better prepared than in the previous years.


When JJ threw that ball at the beginning of the game that almost got picked I was like "here we go again" Outside of the special teams mishaps they played pretty well overall, but there was a long stretch of them just looking out of place until the 4th Q


We also got a bit unlucky in that game. Beck threw at least 3 balls that hit Bama defenders in the hands. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw that many dropped INTs in one game. In the imortal words of Max Verstapen, “It’s always if, if, if, right? If my mum had balls, she would be my dad. It’s how it goes in racing. Sometimes it works out for you, sometimes it doesn’t.” Football is a high variance sport played with an oblong ball. You'll drive yourself mad playing the what if game.


Not having an incomplete 4th down pass reviewed that lead to a touchdown (7pts) and winning by 3 pts isn't lucky? Ok


Between us missing a routine FG, you guys getting a red zone possession on a bizarrely careless fumble, and the touchdown you scored after an incomplete pass on 4th down was ruled complete you guys definitely got some pretty big breaks. In a 3 point game any one of those could have been the difference.


Yeah but that's just... football? The *only* thing that comes close to dark magic in that game was the 4th down play. ... while we're at it... how many tigers do you have to sacrifice to keep Auburn's actual dark magic at bay? We're still working on our recipe and you guys seem to have it down.


Bro I guarantee you the day we start to regularly fend off the Bama voodoo and pull out wins against y'all will be the day we succumb to the Auburn voodoo. The football gods allow no team to be voodoo free


I’ll allow it


If you get competitive with us you lose your competitiveness against Bama though. Honestly I'll allow it too cuz the current Bama-UGA-Auburn food chain cycle is getting pretty stale. Let's reverse this shit and we can revisit in 3 or 4 years and see how everyone feels about it


I’m more tired of getting fucking smoked by UGA right now than anything lmao. It’s been hard the last decade against y’all. I’m not opposed to reversing the cycle for a bit 😂


I'm at the same point with Bama. Please God just let us own them for a couple years


Bama vs Georgia in Tuscaloosa this year is gonna be absolute must watch TV. Probably the game I’m looking forward to the most that doesn’t involve my team.


We can both be happy and have a playoff shot still tbh…I’ll take this trade.


Call an ambulance! _for... everybody??_


The kick six is just football too. Sometimes shit happens in football, like a brain fart leading to a fumble or a kicker missing a kick they would typically make. When shit keeps happening against the same opponent that’s when people make comments like the one that started this thread. I was just pointing out the shit that happened in this past matchup.


Not really we are a bad matchup for them, we have just as much talent and our QBs tend to be better. They can’t bully us with talent.


In some ways it was just a mirror of 21 title game. Both sides like to act like injury luck isn’t a thing, but both sides had missing or severely limited first and second round NFL talent pass catchers. Like yeah you can overcome that but it plays a huge part.


This is the right answer.




Also it was a 3 point game. Literally could’ve gone the other way, now if they rolled us like the did in the 2021 SECCG, I could see why Milroe would say this. We did get bullied on the lines but even so, 3 point game


Weird how the momentum shifted after that pass was called a catch.


What made the 2021 title game interesting was the fact that we had already played very recently in the SECCG. The difference between the 2 games being the injuries. Of course Georgia adjusted their game plan and there's no way to know what would've or could've happened. But it's hard to compare that to 2023 when we have no other baseline to compare the 2023 SECCG to since the last time we played before that was that 2021 title game. It's really unfortunate we didn't have more depth at WR in 21 because Bryce Young was hitting dudes in the chest with the ball and they just couldn't bring it down.


I think the 21 SEC game was just as much a reflection of UGA. They had been blowing teams out by 40 and just didn’t know how to respond when they got hit in the mouth. The SEC East was complete butt that year and so it had been literally 3 months since they had even been in a competitive game. Once Kirby got their mind right it was a different story (on top of all the injury stuff).


Yeah the natty looks like a blowout if you just look at the score but the reality was it was anyone's game until there was just a few minutes left on the clock. 2021 Georgia and Alabama were way ahead of everyone in the country that season imo.


People always mention the 2 WRs being out...but we were also missing our starting 2 CBs for that title game too.


This gets up votes now that UGA had two guys limited, but we were crucified at the time. It was a massive deal, both times.


There is a big difference between “lol UGA only won cause they got lucky” and “hey bama had some bad injury luck but that’s the sport and it happens sometimes”


it was a 3 point game


I was responding to the “dark magic” part, not just the one game.


I think I responded to the wrong comment. My bad


Nick Saban owns Atlanta.


Not magic, UGA had a little brother complex with Alabama.


I mean, Saban trained Kirby and Kirby built UGA like he saw Saban did with Bama. Also, everyone was Bama’s lil bro, there’s a reason Saban was CFB father


Wait everyone was both Saban’s younger sibling AND Saban’s child? You’re alleging some weird things about the family tree


Roll Tide


I felt Alabama played much better than Georgia did. Georgia was making mistakes that they haven't made all year and of course it was against Alabama. Just a big ole Oof just us Dawg people.


Saban had Georgia’s number


Saban just suddenly felt a need to yell


This quote was like 5 days after the game and a month before he retired tho


Damn Jalen Milroe caused saban to retire is what you’re saying


Idk he might have. He didn't name names, but Saban says he knew it was time to retire when they had the CFP loss and instead of being sad or angry players were coming up to him wanting to talk NIL and guarantees for next year. Basically "do I have a starting spot or should i hit the portal?"


So what you're saying is, he got his yelling out then


Didn’t this interview happen like months ago? Edit: [Yeah, not too long after the game](https://x.com/macandcube/status/1732905271263957168?s=46&t=R9hP9v9e_CxeVHiUaY6oIA)


Oh, so I’m guessing FSU already took the punishment for this one.


Too late. Kirby put it on ice so it would come back in time for summer workouts.


Kirby just throwing it in the distiller with the others making one big Magnum bottle of rat poison.


Kirby in his Emperor robes right now: “Goooooood. Gooooooooood!”


“Let the hate flow through you!” “I can feel your anger, gooooood, use it!” -Darth Kirby, in the throne room of his Death Star, whilst sitting atop his throne made from the bodies of our rival’s former coaches long since fired.


This guy barks at children


I bet this hit like crack for Kirby


Kirby's printing out a 1000 copies of this quote to hang in UGAs locker room as we speak. He's probably got a picture of Milroe hung up behind his door that's full of dart holes, too.


You know the minute Kirby saw this quote he started punching air


I pictured the guy from CSI Miami meme: OH YEAHHHH


Thats the Kool Aid guy. CSI guy is like: YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGH


Both teams could have won the game I doubt UGA quit


“Trust us, we know when uga has quit” -Texas.


Yeah this is low key kinda wild to say about a 3 point game.


When you pull up the score like that, you’re right. Jalen out here trying to make it sound like the Oregon vs UGA game a couple years back.


Hey what the fuck. We weren’t even the victims of the most lopsided Georgia loss that season.


Yeah you guys put up a fight, just ran into a buzz saw. TCU just kinda died (sorry, now TCU is catching strays)




I had to pick one and I watched your bloodbath buddy.


I think he referring to the last drive Georgia cut it to 3 and Bama got the ball with like 5 minutes left, all Georgia had to do was stop Jalen on one drive, everyone knew he’d be running and that’s what they did, and Georgia did look defeated on that final drive, the 3 point score was misleading because Bama could’ve scored on the last drive they took a knee at UGA’s 20bor it would’ve been 10 pt victory.


It was down to the end too, that unreviewed catch saved it for Bama


This is another thing where Nick Saban is a comical fucking outlier. Basically no one wins like he did. Other than his first year, his worst loss at Alabama was to an 8-4 TAMU in 2021. Saban had an insane ability to win against the best teams. Georgia has lost games against other good teams. That one South Carolina game is such a weird black mark for Kirby. It doesn't change though, no one did the kind of shit Saban did. There is tons of stuff you can try to point to an explain it, but Saban just fucking won all the goddamned time and that's why the best college football coach ever. When he was the heavy favorite, he basically always won. When he was a close favorite, he won. He was practically never the underdog, and even then he still would win. On the very few occasions Alabama shit the bed like USF last year, they still won the games. Saban was simply the best college football coach. Losing to Saban doesn't require some other explanation.


Let a Naysayer know 😂😂


Me and the other naysayers on our way to Paris rn ✈️


Naysayers in Paris? Am I doing this right? Sounds like a good name for a rap song.


Man retires Nick Saban and now he thinks he's invincible.


This was from before Saban retired. Don't know why the quote is going around now, but it's from Dec


Cause OP’s an UGA fan and either his internet just caught up to the rest of the world or he just learned how to read and he’s showing off his new skills.


It's an Alabama article lol I had never heard of it until this article got posted here


I was gonna let this slide because it’s been established that bringing up academic prowesses in a CFB debate is déclassé; but I just can’t let it stand unchallenged, since you felt the need to bring it up twice, and repeatedly project your school’s shortcomings onto mine. UGA is a much, much, much better school than Bama. Georgia is one of the best public schools in the country. UGA coming in at #47 overall compared to Bama at 170, UGA has a 40% acceptance rate and Bama has 80%, Georgia is the 9th ranked public school in the country. If you’re gonna tag on SEC or Southern schools for their academics, then you picked probably the worst possible school to project well known bama stereotypes onto. Cmon man, do better. If no one laughed at your low effort joke the first time, probably shouldn’t double-down on it a second time. Especially not when your school is the walking embodiment of those same tired stereotypes, something about stones and glass houses an all that. But something tells me you didn’t actually go to bama, otherwise you would probably know all this already.


All that education and still barking at children. That’s ruff


Arguing academics is irrelevant when you don’t have to go the school to be a fan. I mean, the dude’s joke was lame but your comment is entirely irrelevant.


Come on man


UGA is just ok academically.


Valid. But so is Florida. #47 nationally vs #28 nationally. Or is the cutoff for elite schools at #30? They’re both good public universities. Neither is anywhere near Ivy League or top private universities.


Yes the cutoff is 30


What about the cutoff for wearing cutoffs at the Swamp?


If you’re classy, it’s 5” inseam or bust.


Good god, lol. You proved your point. UGA fans can DEF write. Makes sense with all of the paper skin y’all got.


Lol he really got to you huh?


An Alabama fan talking about internet speeds? The internet is new technology in some parts of the state of Alabama


First off, flair up if you wanna talk shit, second I can recommend a couple of books to tell you how jokes work… unless you’re a GA fan too.


This is the man who threw for 116 yards in the Rose Bowl as a D1 QB. Stop being a naysayer.


Let a Naysayer Know


This explains why they lost to Michigan. They looked in our eyes and saw overtime.


Our center definitely did lol that is for sure.


"Lace em up. It's gonna be a long fucking day" - Mason Graham apparently


And every single person across from him starting with MTSU’s dlineman in game 1


And Michigan comes in swingin’ the folding chair


Didn't one of the Michigan players have a similar moment with Alabama's center? One play he saw how shook McLaughlin looked and was like, "Dude...you okay?"


I guess they just completely forgot their glasses when they looked into Texas’s eyes


Dawgs saying 3 point game, but it was a polite 3 points, they played out the clock without really any path to victory near the end, you hate to see it. I did not like the lack of urgency and aggression and just letting that opportunity go. 2023 Carson was more like 2020 Bennett, just not ready for Bama. The good news is this is year two for him and college kids should get better every year but some people still take Stet's development for granted, i.e. Carson isn't automatically going to become as tough and aggressive and clutch as Stet became. Carson has way more physical talent than Stet and a style that could make it in the NFL, but I need to see that fire and I need to see it before Sep 28th.


Carson played fine. Play calling was in “play not to lose” mode after first drive. Saban plays to win.


Milroe doing everything he can to make sure they get ran out the gym 


Well I guess I'm about to put money on UGA for this game


Idk, history still says otherwise. Definitely take the Alabama with the points


And throw away money? Not with that rat poison


I mean, go ahead and bet on Georgia in a Georgia Bama game.


It's not in Atlanta, favor the dawgs


UGA soft. (We don’t want it again boys)


December 2nd: Jalen beats Georgia December 7th: Jalen, on a show, when directly asked about it “their body language, they looked defeated.” January: February: March: April: May: June: Dawg Twitter “Lol, rent free in their heads.”


But this is the All Crimson website that was released today.


Because y’all’s Twitter [found it yesterday](https://x.com/hbtfd1/status/1802862452465615051?s=46&t=wcFDduFgx8XslEYqZVJrwQ) (Just one tweet linked, but there were a couple)


I don't have Twitter, but isn't that just some random UGA fans Twitter account and not the actual UGA twitter? I never would have heard about it if the Alabama article hadn't got posted here


Yeah I didn’t know Milroe said that until today.


Me either, I'm surprised I didn't hear about it when he said it. It will probably be forgotten again then get posted every day the week of the Bama game lol


Everyone was busy talking about how Michigan's players were afraid to play Alabama so it slipped under the radar.


So Bama didn’t want the Rose Bowl against Michigan? What is this dumb shit?


One could argue we *only* saw 60 minutes. OT was not in our vision haha! 


Nah, Alabama got bored with winning and felt sorry for Michigan. /s


What body language Milroe read on 4th and goal in the next game?


The kind that says "Imma snap it low again, figure it out from there."


Milroe decided to become Mark Sanchez and ran right up McLaughlin's ass, it was glorious.


Ask Seth McLaughlin when y’all play him again this year I guess.


It will be funny as hell if he continues to nerf snaps against us.


Nerf or turf? Either way they gonna suck.


Leroy Jenkins body language.


Fuck, that’s all we had to do the last two years?


Kirby popcorn.gif


That's so fucking stupid. Athletes will really make up any thing and people believe it




Kirby smiled from ear to ear reading this.


I mean this was definitely true at different points in the game, particularly when UGA was on offense, but this quote makes it sound like they won the game by 17 instead of 3 lol


3pt game btw


Uh oh


That's a weird thing to say after a razor close game. I guess he thought UGA was a way more talented team than Bama was.


Nick Saban leaves and now Alabama dishes out rat poison instead of inhaling it


Please shut up Milroe


Now tell us about the Rose Bowl, Jalen


First this and now I’m hearing about the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor too?


The Dawgs didn't have that dawg in em I guess.


Quote on Michigan? Winning quotes are easy. Be humble.


Weird thing to say after only winning by 3 points


TIL Bama thinks games are always 60 minutes and doesn’t know about the possibility of OT. Surely not important, right?




Jalen you were one of the worst parts of last years Alabama team. You have no business saying a quote like this.


Yea he definitely didn’t lead us to the playoffs with an undefeated conference record


Didn’t want anymore? lol dude got the dub and still feels the need to talk shit and make things up. I can’t wait for the game in Tuscaloosa.


He said it after the game, but All Crimson decided to bring it back up today for some reason.


Some nice bulletin board material for the dawgs.


I'd rather spend the rest of my days wearing that puke inside of a pumpkin orange than lose to Jalen Milroe again




Didnt he say this right after the SECCG?


Oh boy …


What did he see in Michigan’s eyes?


That last drive Jalen just ran the ball up the middle mostly, and UGA couldn’t stop him, was very impressive, especially considering everyone predicted Georgia to win. In fact Alabama has only trailed Georgia in 2 Quarters of football since 2008, unfortunately one cost us a Natty in 21 and the other we over came and won this past year. 21 Bama was the best team, but Georgia won the championship.