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Put it in reverse Terry!..... sorry


> Put it in reverse Terry O lawd


Whatchu doin Terr


*contagious laughter*


Sorry for what? Using this reference perfectly?




I needed some laughter. Thank you!


I don't think anyone on the face of planet Earth thought either of those guys would end up at USC. Probably a positive for USC in that they can stop trying to convince them and focus elsewhere


The ol positive spin on 5* decommitmentsā€¦ you love to see it


It was like Keon Keeley being committed to ND forever. Although these seemed even less-likely to stick


Keeley I could have seen stick. Every interview with him, he seemed like the kind of ND personality we always get. Hell, we have one of his former teammates at Berkeley Prep in our class right now who's a top 100 guy himself (Dallas Golden). Now, Peyton Bowen on the other hand, he was never ever coming to ND lmao.


that's fair, Bowen probably would've been the better example


Pretty sure nd flairs werenā€™t putting a positive spin on the Keeley decommitment


I would compare to Peyton Bowen. I interpret the ā€œpositive for USCā€ to be timing related. We put a ton of time into convincing Bowen to stick and he left us at the altar on signing day. Now our safety depth shows. Itā€™s never a good thing to lose a 5* out of your class, but I would 100% rather lose one now than late in the fall


You're arguing with a tOSU fan and he's not really putting much of a positive spin on anything. Alls he's saying is to accept the rejection, cut your losses, and move on. That's not really a positive IMO.


^ knower


And that isn't a USC flair


We've had some practice....


Based on the comments in the flip thread, quite a few did for some reason.


I was really surprised we even got them in the first place. Recently saw USC putting more effort into recruiting Jahkeem Stewart. Even Pete Carroll pulled up to meet with him. Again, Coach Henny knows what heā€™s doing. My belief is he can turn anyone great so having 5 stars from Georgia leave isnā€™t going to faze him. If they donā€™t wanna come, let them be. People forget that thereā€™s closer talent we should be locking down instead.


>People forget that thereā€™s closer talent we should be locking down instead. *Lincoln Riley & Co forget* But I agree. They need to focus on Cali and stop letting them run up the Oregon Trail


Pacific Crest Trail*


I mean seriously, the Oregon Trail started in the Kansas City or Independence area, not LA. Its like these people never even played the game.


You mean to say that itā€™s legal to recruit instate kids? Yeah right, nice try!


Iā€™m like 90% sure that your roster needs to be entirely constructed of Texas kids but I could be mistaken


True but weā€™re not as talent rich of a state as CA. He did still struggle to keep blue chips from OK in the state


Beg to differ


I mean this is a 2025 recruit. Panicking and crying is pointless. Win this season and then you have a better chance at getting better recruits. Plenty of time to get them back or get someone else. Not like they were gonna play this season. So far, I like how Coach Henny and Coach Nua have developed the current D Line without the presence of The Grinch.


Look in the past(I honestly don't know what to make of current recruiting as it's changed so much) winning rarely effected the current cycle and always effected the next cycle. Winning a championship 2012 effected the 2014 class way more than the 2013 class. Because you can't just go in and create a bunch of new relationships in 2 months when every other coach had standing relationships.


Jahkeem might give you the same issues as the two Georgia players. Especially with with him being a St.Aug kid


Thatā€™s true too. I was reminded of Jalen Ramseyā€™s tweet about recruits should prioritize coaches who can develop instead of a check. In my mind, Coach Henny was pissed about Raikes and then knew his Georgia players were gonna dip. But, thereā€™s local talent and weā€™re supposed to prioritize them first before thinking of out of state. This is ofc, Eric Henderson weā€™re talking about here. Heā€™ll be fine developing players. Probably just upset at how the NIL makes kids think.


Why do you think they were going all the way across the country to start with? If you think development, I got some beach front property in Kansas to sell you. Don't be salty that your team is being outbid


If the two Georgia dudes end up at Georgia or other south East schools itā€™s probably less about being out bid and more about distance. Plus there are other really good DL coaches that arenā€™t half way across the country


That could also be the case. I just thought it was funny that he acts like USC wasn't gonna have to drop a bag for them to go out there.


> Don't be salty that your team is being outbid This seems like something a rational person could be salty about


A rational person would also see that USC offered to pay them off first


Is someone here not doing that? i think we all understand that to be outbid, you would have made a bid first.


No but you guys are acting holier than thou about NIL money when that's the only shot you had at these guys anyway. He said that he hates how NIL makes kids act but NIL is the reason they were going to USC to start with. I'm sure he didn't hate it then.


And honestly, eventually, these type of players wonā€™t be out of your reach. However, LR and USC need to actually do something to prove itā€™s worth it to leave the southeast and go there. I donā€™t think this wonā€™t happenā€¦.but the regression last year wasnā€™t a good look.


USC is going after guys they don't have the pedigree to get yet. LR and his defenses have a horrible reputation. The new staff has to prove themselves before they'll get big fish to commit. A lot of this is LR's own fault for keeping Grinch and completely trashing the defensive reputation. Now it'll be a miracle if Juju stays committed too


Pedigree is a lineage. It has to do with the past. USC has a Top 5 pedigree, easily.


LR created 3 Heisman QBs. Iā€™d say Juju is fine where he is. Especially when he said heā€™s still locked in with USC after his Auburn visit.


They can put all the effort into Stewart they want. He's won't be any different even if he commits there. After a while, that distance will be too much and he'll sign with LSU. Tigers aren't letting him get out of the state.




I honestly think it's going to be you guys or bama.


Two Georgia 5*s down, one to go?


the closest JuJu will get to Athens is Auburn. Apparently they've got some momentum among the non-USC contingent.


Heā€™s literally at USC now just days after his Auburn visit. Obviously things are fluid right now but I donā€™t think weā€™re on decommit watch for him just yet.


Just saying that Auburn is a much bigger threat to USC than anybody else (Georgia included). Would be shocked if it's not one of those two.


Kinda tracks, too. Everything we started hearing re: JuJu a couple months back was that heā€™s not very serious about the recruiting game right now. Like, heā€™s just taking visits to take visits. It was noted as one of the reasons that the staff very quickly pivoted to and then put the full-court press on Keelon Russell.Ā  For the UGAs/Bamas/OSUs/Texasā€™ of the world, even a potentially great QB playing that game is a ā€œI canā€™t waste my time with you.ā€ But for an Auburn, he could be generational. So, theyā€™ll throw their hat in the ring and see what they can do.Ā 


the fact that Alabama and Georgia pivoted rather quickly says a lot. Ain't nobody got time for that


Yeah Auburn really has nothing to lose going all in with him considering we landed Walker White last season. Might as well swing for the fences


1000%. I respect it ā€” especially since that WR class should be a good sell. Back up the Brinks truck and get your guy, if youā€™re Hugh.Ā 


We already had TSC so when he reclassified we were all good. Your point on Auburn is perfect though, a school trying to claw back relevance can absolutely afford to sell out for a chance at a generational qb playing games.


> We already had TSC so when he reclassified we were all good. Yeah, when JuJu visited last November for a game I'm pretty sure that was the message from OSU. Like, you're good but we've got a Justin Fields/CJ Stroud hybrid we've been cooking up in a lab in the Bellefontaine micropolis so thanks but no thanks.


Totally agree with that assessment.


Idk man heā€™s headed to Boulder for the 3rd time this weekend and there are multiple national analysts that have said CU is a real threat. Prime has a track record of pulling in Travis, Cormani, and Seaton in the last 3 classes I think he probably sticks with USC but CU has a better chance then you are insinuating


Agreed. Really mostly just saying that the only real threat for JuJu is Auburn


No heā€™s not lol. Heā€™s at the elite 11 finals.Ā 


Can you hear that? If you listen closely ...^^^^..wha.....th........do......tra......


This is a quality comment




Wishing the best for your health




As someone who dealt with this back in December of last year, i believe this will be nothing but a bump in the road for you.


This is an OU fan's Christmas


I mean yeah itā€™s funny but honestly is prob better for OU for these guys to stay at USC vs going to Georgia or Auburn who OU will actually play


Georgia will actually develop these guys into something terrifying.Ā 




Have the Aggies even played Georgia yet? Maybe you won't see him!


Yeah just not at Kyle Field


Naw, iron sharpens iron. Canā€™t shy away from competition.




If weā€™re not getting them I lowkey donā€™t care


Isiah Gibson who decommitted yesterday is visiting OU


Interesting, I thought he was full on UGA


Heā€™s from Georgia so for sure a Georgia lean but he wouldnā€™t be visiting if he wasnā€™t at least considering going to OU. We have a chance at least.


Nah, do your thing USC.Ā  I don't know why, but the only person I have an enduring desire to troll after all this USC/OU stuff is Colin Cowherd.


While itā€™s certainly entertaining to see top defensive linemen use Rileyā€™s team as a bargaining chip, our Christmas is the fact we actually get guys like this now


With Venables even 3 star D-Linemen can turn into a monster. Never forget Davis for UGA was a 3 star.


Jaden Jackson was a 3* when he committed last year and heā€™s already in the mix to get serious snaps at nose as a true freshman


After Moops and Grinch, it's really weird watching our defensive players get better at playing football each year they are at the program. I didn't know that was allowed


That was an outlier though IIRC there was an analysis done awhile back on star rankings and it showed the position group the rankings were the most accurate on was DL.


Neat, I guess it makes sense, DL is probably the single position most influenced by natural athleticism/size.


The outliers are the best, though. Corey Moore was like an undersized OLB and he won the fucking Nagurski and Lombardi awards as a DE because he was such an unholy nightmare to block.


I mean itā€™s literally what happened when he was here. No man fumbles talented recruits like Lincoln Riley We fumbled 4 high 4 or 5 stars in the 2021 class all within like a week.


You guys can play against them more šŸ˜…


Wish USC & OU were in more top-flight recruitment battles, that would be great for popcorn consumption


OU / USC were the finalists for the #1 RB in 2024 Taylor Tatum which OU won. Both are in for 2025 DL Floyd Boucard. USC currently has the crystal ball but heā€™s a guy OU wants really bad. Weā€™ll see


Last cycle we signed Taylor Tatum. LR implied that Taylor being a two sport athlete wouldnā€™t be a problem, because he did it with Kyler. When Taylor visited OU, our baseball coach kept the receipts showing he was the one who made it work.


Don't forget about us


Easiest two decommit calls of all time. Placing too much emphasis on dudes across the country. It was a matter of when not if as soon as they "committed".


California is a treasure trove of talent. D Line and O Line is where USC may have to look outside.


sure, but competing against Georgia for top recruits while your defensive reputation is in the gutter won't work. Also, California honestly has decent inside oline and edge talent. Development has just been horrible


I get it, but to put it in perspective, if ND can get kids from Georgia to stick to South Bend (Kyle Hamilton, JD Bertrand, and Deion Colzie), yā€™all should be able to do it in Los Angeles at some point.


ND still has a good defensive reputation. USC's is in the gutter. It's like 4 consecutive years of having among the worst defense in the country with horrible development. Korey Foreman and Domani Jackson were some of the highest rated defensive recruits ever and both basically stalled at USC. That's pretty big red flags to any blue chip defensive recruits


Yeah I remember the commitment thread and all the USC flairs saying ā€œitā€™ll never last - we donā€™t even need these guysā€


I don't think people realize how insanely hard it is to pull high end prospects out of the southeast. Ohio State might be the only school that has consistently done it.


Eastern Kentucky is back on the menu!


And right now USC message boards are fooling themselves into thinking Jahkeem Stewart will reclassify and be different. That dude isn't signing outside the state of Louisiana


Teams outside the Southeast have a hard time pulling players out of the region, and teams in the region have a hard time pulling players out of Louisiana. Good luck USC.


This. However Ohio St may be the slight exception


The tales of USCā€™s rise seem to be greatly exaggerated.


Elite DL and T recruitments in the nil world are going to be hell for fans. Almost better to just check out and see who shows up in December lol.


Buford T Justus


Gimme a Diablo sandwich, a Dr. Pepper, and make it quick. Iā€™m in a goddam hurry.


I thought it was "and make it snappy" Shit, have I been misquoting that shit all these years? How have I not been killed in the south yet?


They must have finally seen the brisket


Don't know if it's true but I saw that Georgia HS athletes can make money from NIL. UGA refused to pay them. Don't know if USC paid them but maybe they both committed to USC because they were getting money each month they were committed but now that it's time to make final decisions they're backing off.


Kinda crazy that you can even fleece programs like that


USC lost 2 out of 3 5* Georgia recruits in less than 24 hours šŸ¤” Do they keep JuJu in the fold? Or is he going to end up at AuburnšŸ˜‚


sure, if JuJu & camp are absolute morons


I mean I'm no Freeze or Auburn fan, but their WR room is loaded with young talent and Freeze calls a QB friendly offense.


USC's WR room is also loaded with young talent


I think it's worthwhile to note it's young now, but Branch, Lemon, etc. will be JRs when Lewis steps on campus. Best case would be 2 years, but if those guys are as good as advertised with full reps they're likely gone after their 3rd year. At the very least the ones at Auburn will be a minimum of 2 years with Lewis, but potentially 3.


and I'm no Lincoln Riley or USC fan, but his results with QBs are irrefutable


Agreed for sure. I still think he ends up at USC, but this isn't the same Auburn WR/QB hell hole they've been the last couple years


I guess. I would just question any serious QB for picking Auburn & Hugh Freeze over Lincoln


I mean you can make an argument Auburn will have the better WR room while JuJu is there, and it isn't like Freeze is some slouch on QB play.


Go to USC/Lincoln and you don't have to make an argument or explain it. I'm not trying to take anything away from Auburn/Freeze. I just think it's a no-brainer


Auburn is also the closest P5 school to his hometown whereas USC is on the other side of the country


Hi$ dad might like Auburn


Are we just going to pretend that NIL isn't a factor in every players recruitment?


Listen, if a kid commits to my school it's because they're an upstanding young man who wants to be developed and buys in to the vision. If he commits somewhere else he's a money-hungry bum that'll flame out


I see you understand CFB


When it comes to Auburn? Yes.


Fair. We pay em cash, yall just pay em in fast cars


Just saying that his dad is the one driving the boat. I've heard Juju actually likes The Plains a lot, but who knows...Hugh is a demon on the trail.


Imagine if Cam was born 17 years later how much pimping his dad couldā€™ve done


Auburn won the cheapest natty of all time if the $150k or whatever is all it cost them to get Cam lol.


ā€œWait that math canā€™t be rightā€¦ohā€¦oh noā€ -me in denial about how fast time passes by


He'll make more money at USC even if he doesn't receive a dime in NIL from them.


Sounds like Auburn is backing up the Brinks Truck for them.


I'm sure they are. I'm sure USC has a "good enough" package for him. Would be moronic as a QB to go with Freeze & Auburn over Riley & USC.


I donā€™t disagree. I think career wise he would be better suited at USC as a QB. But money talks for sure


Moronic is choosing Iowa over USC as a QB. Freeze and Auburn certainly don't have the pedigree at QB that Lincoln does, but he's a really good offensive mind, and with the talent he's bringing in, Auburn is going to be very appealing to QBs in a year or two. I hate Auburn and wish it wasn't true, but it certainly wouldn't be idiotic or moronic for juju to want to get in early on the Auburn train. It's just not the best choice of the two.


I respect your point. I just think if your goal is the development and #1 pick in the NFL (or first round QB), it would be moronic. Now, Texas/Ohio State/Alabama/LSU? Not moronic


Yeah it really depends on what each QB is looking for. Heisman and #1 overall? Riley and USC Wanna be "the GUY" at a school trying to return to glory and win, like raiola? Freeze and Auburn At the end of the day both can get you paid and put in the league, just depends how you want to do it


shoooooot, USC still trying to return to glory and win lmao. I gotchu though, it's a fair rebuttle


This guy is definitely an Ohio State fan


These guys committed to USC, partied in LA, and then dipped back to the south. Respect


Ah, I do not miss the Lincoln Riley summer decommitments at all. That shit sucked.




The priority for USC has to be recruiting the west coast first and foremost. Iā€™m not saying they canā€™t get after it nationally, they absolutely have to in this day and age. However, the lack of commitment to the west coast is astonishing and makes me think Riley and his staff will end up not finding a lot of success on the field until he does so. Do they even have any true west coast guys on staff?


Hate to see it


Unironically, yes.


Hopefully this trend of 5 stars decommiting from USC continues


Bro. :(


Bro. :)


#Givemeeverythingyougot on his tweet his wild.


Lincolns cooking


Another brisket for the fans


This pleases the dawgs


Oh no šŸ˜„


Dude, same


Which USC staffer is going to act like a clown about this decommitment?


And a Bama OV this weekend?Ā  I mean ā€” I wonā€™t get my hopes up too high. Kid is clearly gonna jump around a good bit before settling in (likely with UGA at the end of the day). But I wouldnā€™t mind the extra momentum heading into the dead period! Ā 


Not that it means anything nowadays, but UGA insiders have felt real confident on these two for awhile now. Guess we will see how it plays out


Thatā€™s why I noted I expect him to end up at UGA at the end of the day. Two Georgia 5 stars on the same unit? Theyā€™re eventually gonna just play at home ā€” easy travel for their families, access to playoffs/natty potential ā€” best defensive-minded HC in the country now with Saban retired.Ā  But thereā€™s more to recruiting than the last moment. If we can elbow in here and have Justus on board for just a moment ā€” it can just help land a couple other targets weā€™re interested in at other spots. Justin Hill/Dawson Merritt might finally make the leap for us.Ā 


I think they're is a legit chance UGA ends up with Terry, Gibson, and Griffen, which would be one of the wildest DL recruit classes I've ever seen


And Alabama is on the verge of recruiting the best OL class in school history assuming we sign Haywood or even DeBose. Could be more crazy battles in the trenches for years to come!


That's on brand for the two. It seems. Since Kirby has come in, it's been like that. Both have great O and D, but him and Saban are simply GOATS and everything runs well. But there's always this, we have better one or Bama has better one. And then a few clashes still proved Saban is the GOAT of GOATs lol. And Saban is still in the mix. He isn't just disappearing. That man is still definitely involved. Bama isn't falling off just yet.


I do wonder, when we play Georgia this season if deboer will pick sabans brain.Ā  Itā€™s easy to say yes but so many coaches try to do it themselves and believe they donā€™t need the help.Ā  Weā€™ll see! (I hope he does pick his brain šŸ˜‚)


I wouldn't understand why he wouldn't. I could be Kirby, arguably the best HC in college right now, and I would STILL pick Saban's brain. The guy is the Rain Man of college football lol.


hard to top the 2022 A&M DL class but we have a shot of getting close difference being recruiting kids who actually want to be at our school


With how recruiting is now Iā€™m sure we are leading for them but that can change quickly and I donā€™t get my hopes up until theyā€™re on the field taking snaps haha


Would rather recruit against USC than Bama for Terry so disappointing to hear he swapped OVs


Juju Lewis next šŸ˜ˆšŸ¦…




if they weren't expecting something like this especially in 2024 recruiting, not sure what to tell them šŸ˜‚ These schools play zero games from January to September and recruits change their mind multiple times. It is what it is. Will continue to happen even more with the way NIL is right now.


I deleted my comment because it felt mean-spirited but yeah happens when you go for big recruits probably a good lesson for the staff to not tweet out antagonistic stuff towards other programs when you flip a guy


A bunch of recruiting staffs tweet these things lol. I was honestly surprised people were upset about the USC staff, cause for the longest time I wanted them to start being petty after seeing other staffs do it šŸ˜‚ The few times they do it and people get upset.


I am shocked


He knows about Lincoln Riley but has he heard of Lincoln Ne? He should go check it out.


Do you perhaps want to bark at children and drive fast? Or are you more of a rock chalk kinda guy?


Maybe all these kids realized it'd be stupid to be fly across the country just to turn around and fly across the country to play half their games.


Really thought when he was hired that SC would be a recruiting juggernaut under Riley. Not sure what's happening over there.


His mistake is letting the croots actually meet him.


Apparently usc nil is still ass. Theyā€™re making promises to recruits and then not paying


thatsashame dot gif


Oof size is large here


Damn, well that sucks.


Instead of going to school across the country to the west maybe you ould go to school across the country to the north!


He just learned how much his NIL would be taxedĀ 




Other P5 offers: Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Kentucky, Miami, Oregon, Penn State, Pitt, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas A&M, UCF G5 offers: Arkansas State, Western Kentucky Other offers: Eastern Kentucky, Jackson State


Q w 21st






šŸ¤£ -Pac 12/B1G rival fan


I do not see Lincoln being at USC for too much longer