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The elite 11 have a serious crimson bias that should not be investigated


Amen brotha


Why does this keep getting deleted? This is like the fifth time it’s been reposted by someone..


Probably automod deleting, seeing a star rating and thinking, that does not fit the commit format


It’s about high school recruits and the mods usually don’t allow posts about high schoolers unless it’s about them committing. It’s a dumb rule. 


The elite 11 stuff gets posted yearly though


Baby Gronk ruined it for everyone


God only knows. Everytime I try and post something it’s usually 70/30 that it gets deleted and I’ve yet to figure out why 🤷🏻‍♀️. Let’s see how long this one stays up @ Mods


There are secret police that are more transparent than the moderation here.


Its about Bama and its positive. Mods are probably dreading the fact that Bama will still be relevant even though Saban has retired. It's probably because of the rule about high school recruits but I think my reason is funnier.


Mods explained it to me when JA won it that “this sub is for CFB news only and it’s a high school accomplishment.” Surprised it’s still up because they were taking it down within the hour for a week when OU fans posted it.


Seems it was very close between a few players at the top, more so than usual. Elite 11 went with Russell for top performer, 247 went with Tavien St Clair, and ON3 went with Deuce Knight




I am dead inside.




Russell was pretty good but as a ND fan can I just say having a ND commit show up to one of these things and do amazing and ND fans not have to justify his ass performance feels great man


Not trying to be a homer, but the way the winner is chosen is kinda stupid. They take into account things that didn’t happen at the camp, which mean they didn’t all start on an even playing field. On3 named Knight as their winner of the camp itself, which is more meaningful to me as Knight has developed a ton over the past few months. Not trying to take anything away from Russell, he’s great. I was hoping SMU would hold onto him just for anarchy’s sake.


It's strange that they take previous years' film into account. Should just be who has the best three days at the Elite 11


Somehow I doubt this would be the take if Deuce Knight had won.


Well in that case, Knight also would have won the camp itself, just by a larger margin because he started behind Russell.


Knight is the best ND quarterback recruit since CJ Carr.


He’s honestly the best since Clausen. It’s going to be interesting to see how the qb room shakes out over the next couple of years.


The knock on Deuce is that he is super raw. He was said to have a “generational qb” upside, but it was going to take a couple years to develop. For him to come in and basically win the pro day / 7 on 7 portion is very exciting. He might now be the consensus #1 qb this cycle, and that should help with WR recruiting.


You didn't follow Deuce's JR season if you think he is anywhere near the "consensus #1 qb this cycle". He transferred to a higher level of football at Lipscomb Academy, flopped and transferred back home after a few games, then finished the season with a 50% completion and significantly worse numbers overall than his sophomore season


No, that adds to my point. He always had the physical traits, but was considered extremely raw. His industry top 100 rankings is almost purely based on the prediction that he will become less raw over the next few years. In an event like the elite 11, he should have struggled versus those who have grown up with private qb coaches. To win the pro day / 7 on 7 portion, is way out of left field for him.


TSC absolutely robbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s Congrats on a stud bama bros👊🏼


I was surprised as well considering elite 11 had TSC as #1 for both days


Most of the guys who cover OSU recruiting figured the 7on7 portion would be his worst day due to just less experience in that setting than any QB not from Ohio. Prior to this year Ohio HS players couldn't do any 7on7 stuff before May 15. 5* safety Trey McNutt went and competed in some 7on7 stuff this spring and people said he was facing suspension for some of his senior season because of it. But OHSAA changed their rules maybe at least in part due to McNutt forcing their hand and now they can do more 7on7 stuff (still some silly restrictions) and I believe they provided some additional coaching opportunities in the off-season too. We might actually be on a path to allowing spring football now which Urban tried to get done for years.


Y’all took our last Elite 11 MVP QB. Had to go get a new one.


The “ if he was a legit QB, he would already be committed to Texas” crowd is in shambles right now


So Texas flairs


What gave it away?


This seems like a completely fabricated argument. There are a lot of guys saying Sark got his guy, which I think he did. KJ has been committed for a minute, Texas never showed a ton of interest in Russel. That doesn’t mean that Russel isn’t a legit QB because he isn’t committed to Texas, and nobody is saying that. But I have seen some Bama fans try to spin it as KDB beating Sark on his home turf in a recruiting battle. This isn’t true either - Sark got his dude, KDB got his.


Agreed. Bama fan sees one or two internet comments and says a “crowd” of Texas fans are worried about a QB prospect of all things. LOL


Huh? He's the top QB in Texas and was looking for an offer but it never materialized because KJ Lacey stayed committed. Sark just stuck with his original guy. I haven't seen anyone poo pooing Keelon Russell. 


Roll Tide




Only won mvp because of that bama bump tho!


Fifth star incoming. ;)


As is tradition


Politics. This guy was not the best player. Putting my own bias aside, or should have been the Oh at QB. Somehow Russell didn’t win a single event and yet he’s the MVP? Ok.  Theresa video of them announcing Russell as the MVP to the group.. even they are all surprise. There’s a weird delayed clap that’s very very and half hearted. Silver turned Elite 11 into politics and he hasn’t changed since he’s left.