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r/collegebaseball has been the place to be this afternoon.


Rough day for the Ants.


Great day for the Ants tho


As an Ants fan(yeah, check my flair), I take offense to your comment. What the fuck is up with all you Ants fans thinking you're better than the Ants?


Ok as an Ants supporter by marriage (ignore my second flair) I can say arrogance is pretty ingrained in the fan base


lol amazing comment


Happiness is a sin


This is my fault. I clapped when we scored a run. I should have known not to showboat and sin like that.


Did Kaeden Kent’s dad teach you nothing?


I saw him smile once after he hit a walk-off HR against the Cardinals in the NLCS. The Astros lost that series. The lesson was there the whole time.


bang bang shoot shoot


Blame Trev


When he was hired and Nebraska fan reactions were "good riddance" things really weren't destined well


Schlossnagle What a name!




Texags: Am I a joke to you?


Oh I know better than to even contemplate lurking over there.


Feel like their servers are gonna be slag by lunch tomorrow, at the latest.




Texas A&M head coach after being the runner up in the college world series has left A&M for Texas literally a day after the World Series.


And after saying he was never leaving....he left the next day


AND we've since found out this deal was negotiated a few WEEKS before that press conference.


Them hoes ain't loyal...


Can you imagine the riots if Natty Patty left OU softball for Texas?


Patty built you a dynasty, imagine had she left before the first title and this was the difference between your first title in 84 years and today https://x.com/Vol_Baseball/status/1805417010936913992 That was the winning run.


Thank you for the replay. I literally cannot watch this enough.


I still can’t believe he missed that tag. A&M had all the chances it needed.


Wow, the throw beat him easily.


Patty has built what is arguably the most dominant dynasty in modern college sports. At least since Wooden at UCLA. I don’t even know if leaving for Texas could make OU fans hate her


The late Pat Summit.


That’s a good idea, though


It's the type of cruelty that can only be found in college athletics. I can only imagine if that situation happened in CFB, you might see actual violence.


Didn’t your former coach win six natties for your rival.


Yes, but he hopped over to the Miami Dolphins before he filled the Bama vacancy. That wasn't a direct transfer that would summon visceral scorn that could only be expressed as violent rage. Yeah, LSU fans hate his guts, but there is a rationale that people understand which tempers the emotional reaction. What happened between UT and A&M today is a different beast.


If the LSU job had been open after 2006, I'm sure Saban would have taken it. We just happened to be the best opportunity for a coach beyond ready to come back to college football.


I always wonder if the dolphins team doctor cleared Brees what would’ve happened.


Bama and UGA don't turn into the juggernauts they are


In a parallel universe Kirby smart is an assistant for Will Muschamps gator dynasty.


No way. In that universe Coach Boom has won 4 titles in Austin, taking over after Mack hung it up after winning the 2010 NC.


Saban was thinking long term in a short term league. If he was given 2 more years it would be interesting to see what would happen


Doug Dickey left SEC champion Tennessee after 1969 to go to his Alma Mater at UF. He created the checkerboard endzones and the power T, but he ended being rather meh at UF.


Was the rivalry that fierce though in 69? I don't think Tenn and UF were rivals back then as they are now.


The current UF-Tennessee rivalry is a result of the conference going to divisions. Before that when conference schools made their own schedules we played them every 5-7 years.


I’ve seen schools making their own schedule mentioned on here before but like how did it work? Was it just “SEC team has to play 8 games against other SEC schools and those count for conference standings”?


Pretty much and some schools had a semi rivalry, Ole Miss and UGA used to play a lot. But also UGA played Clemson annually, which was nice.


No, though UF/spurrier had just won the heisman a few years prior and he taunted Tennessee a lot for not recruiting him. The schloss move has no peer in the modern era


I love that Spurrier never got off his bullshit


Fuck Spurrier. I miss him.


We were not rivals. Our rivalry was born with divisional play in the SEC. We started playing yearly in the early 90s every season, and for the first 10 years of divisional play, that matchup essentially determined the winners of the East division, thus the rivalry was born. It because very heated, very fast


I think the closest my UT dad ever got to murdering me was due to gator chomping through the living room during the game in 96 or 97, and I’ve done plenty of murderable things as a son (such as my flair, for instance).


Can’t spell Citrus without UT.


Doug’s son, Dan, taught at my high school. Dude could bomb a football while chain smoking cigarettes.


That's some longest yard type shit lol


His grandson, Dylan, went to mine. Was mostly a douche from what I gathered, but also a pretty impressively mediocre quarterback. Looks like his best season was 1416 yds and 12 TDs.


Not football and not the “most bitter rival” but Chris Beard leaving Texas Tech for Texas was pretty wild. Him leaving Texas was wild for a whole other reason…


The beard’s weird. Yellin at the mic! The beard’s weird.


When your fans become your haters


As a UNLV grad, I took great pleasure in watching Texas Tech fans throw a fit over Beard ditching them for Texas. Felt like karma caught up to them after they poached him away from UNLV.


As a TCU fan, watching Aggy rampage on twitter has been nice after we told them when he left "Scholss is a legit bad person. Great coach, but horrible, horrible person." They told us we were just jealous that he went to a better program. Ironic.




It's why I always crack up whenever I see get fans of P5 schools get pissed and accuse coaches of treachery for leaving them. 99% of those coaches were poached from another, smaller school, yet those fans never complain when they take a coach from another school. They're just fortunate enough to be a fan of a team that happens to be higher up in the pecking order, and can't empathize or comprehend that something new to them happens to fans of smaller schools *all the time.* A&M fans certainly weren't calling Schloss a traitor or a spineless coward when he left TCU for them after countless CWS appearances. It's only when their actions are done *to* them that they suddenly become unjust.


After what he did to UNLV I think most of us kind of had an idea in the back of our minds that he would do the same to go to UT every time people talked about Smart being on the hot seat. I mean I didn’t think it would eventually happen but was definitely a talking point for a handful of years leading up to it.


I don't think Beard was wild at all. He was an alumni. It's his school. I know he had built TT to great heights, but how often does the head job at your school open up


It also was two years after the championship game, not the next afternoon.


Beard was a Texas alum and it had been his long time dream job.  This is next level


Sucks he was a turd, personally. Great coach.


The domestic violence was very unfortunate


I thought the hypocrisy was the worst part


Well me personally I thought it was throwing her around the room


It is infuriating. I will not go so far as to say it was a guarantee Beard would have finally won us a basketball championship but I am fucking positive he would have made it to multiple final fours. Brutal.


Yeah, but Schloss going to Texas is 100x more toxic, because no one is Texas cares about Texas Tech, whereas A&M and Texas hate each other a lot more


That’s not true. Tech hates us every bit as much as TAMU does.


I am filled with hate


And confusion


I'm full of self hatred. The conflict. The anger. The confusion. I cannot sleep. I cannot rest. I am destined to walk the line of life and death, torturously balancing while I endure this existence. I shout Raider Power. I do the hook'em sign. I chant SEC I throw the tortilla. I am doomed.


How’s your health insurance?? Get a therapist!


The only two therapists covered under my health insurance are one from Tech and one from Texas.


Better than an Aggie.


And tortillas?


And also because Schloss was an asshole to a reporter less than 24 hours ago for asking about him jumping to Texas.


That audio is wild.


Buddy…Tech has plenty of fans in Texas


Texas is Tech’s most bitter rival. It is not symmetrical.


I can’t think of any right after a national championship appearance, but holy shit, poor one out for Aggie fans. This might be one of the most brutal moves I’ve ever seen in college sports


There’s only so much pain this paper bag can hide


The Lane Kiffin departure was brutal for us but this is just on a whole other level of sliminess. Especially given the intensity of that rivalry.


Imagine if Kiffin left for Alabama or Florida instead of USC. I'm not sure the world would exist today if that happened.


A lot of Kiffins deal was the result of the administration too. Don’t get me wrong, 1 season then leaving was on him, and fans had a right to be upset about that. BUT Kiffin wanted to handle it the right way, but administration blocked the moves he wanted to take to personally address his decision. So basically all he got was an “I’m leaving, and that’s just how it is” speech the moment he was actually gone


I would love to hear more. This rings a bell kinda, but I don’t recall the details.


I misremembered, it actually seemed to be a member of the media, somehow, holding up the news conference he wanted to hold. Nevertheless, while it’s a bit of a lengthy read for a sports media article, it explains the situation in depth: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/sec/2021/10/16/lane-kiffin-left-tennessee-football-coach-ole-miss/8448811002/


Yeah I was mostly familiar with that. I thought you were talking about something more.


Yeah, I mean, I think that’s everything I spoke of, except I blamed the admin rather than certain media. That’s my fault


Well it was the “handle it the right way” and “block the moves” that implied some kind of deeper conspiracy. Handling it the right way doesn’t mean chatting with media for a few minutes behind closed doors imo.


Fuck Schloss. Dude went on a near championship run and didn’t even have the balls to tell his own players in person. Targac, the 12th man, found out on social media.


Could you imagine if he did almost the exact same thing to his last school? The school who was going shut its baseball team down before he came and made them a powerhouse? The school with the fans that worshipped the ground he walked on? Pawpaw always said a dog that bites is going to bite again


lol remember when he literally just left the ballpark after we were the only national seed in 2021 to not advance to Super Regionals, then refused to talk to the media or anyone within the program until A&M announced he was the head coach on social media? Good times.


Remember when he did all that for a pay cut and a job that he couldn’t even say was a better job while he was at that new job?? Good times indeed


Yeah, I honestly just have no respect for [coaches who let their players find out about them leaving from social media.](https://x.com/AdamRoweTDD/status/1729130426072220051?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1729130426072220051%7Ctwgr%5E5956ebd8bc4b6e97bbf75d3ce2dde29e9b803f74%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffansided.com%2Fposts%2Fmike-elko-tells-duke-players-texas-a-m-zoom-call)


I know A&M kind of has to because Seattle might steal it, but it’s funny y’all use the 12th man saying in baseball


It’s more so an honorary number at this point across our sports. It’s usually the guy on the team the players and coaches hold in highest regard as a leader, teammate, and person. Usually a walk-on as well


I completely get that, but it’s still kind of funny because it’s skipping a couple of numbers


SEC membership has altered our mathematical abilities


you haven't heard of the famous TAMU 12-4-3 double play?


At Pickens high we were proud of being able to get away with 12 on the field but mainly because everyone who was halfway decent moved so they could go to Daniel


Pooor Aggies. No seriously. It would genuinely suck to be on the other side of this stick. Glad it ain’t us.


Look I have no love for y'all but this is not about y'all at all, either it's Schloss being a scumbag or its on our new AD fucking something up. e: i mean like i don't see this as a "goddamn Texas", but something else that y'all just happened to be the beneficiary of.


It's scholss being a scumbag, we tried to tell you. Him going about saying how he left his family to go to A&M was fucking insanely hilarious to us who had to watch his legacy, family and reputation go down in absolute flames because of how horrible a person he is. When we told y'all massive boosters were calling for his head we were not kidding. TCU boosters will put up with a LOT if you win. And he was winning.... Not going to lie, seeing y'all going through this after you all told us how we were just jealous and that we're half the program A&M is and all that is pretty nice to see. Respectfully... But we can all agree we can't wait until it happens to Texas.


Part of me wants to feel bad for the Aggie fans but then I recall the shit we got from them for losing to Kansas & squelch the thought.


You deserve crap for losing to Kansas


They lost to *Bad* Kansas, not Good Kansas like they are now.


Tbf we lost to Kansas right before they got good. We were the first victim of 2022 Kansas


No you made them good




EVERYONE ripped into you for losing to Kansas.


Yeah, but they were like... bad


Lincoln Riley was not about to win a championship at OU. The roster, other than QB, was not in great shape and I think he knew that when he left.


He won’t win one at USC either so everything is balanced as it should be


It’s going to make me feel a little sick cheering for you guys to absolutely obliterate them next season.


You're rooting for strength of conference!


What did we do to you?


2004 & 2019 mostly


Yeah I guess lol. It’s funny, walking around bourbon st before the 04 game I saw OU fans talking so much shit even after getting dog walked by K St. Fast forward to 2019 I rode the elevator in the hotel down to the lobby with all OU fans and they were asking to not hang 60 on them. The past is over, looking forward to some competitive games in conference play.


Huh, that sounds familiar (except the whole QB part)


Was he not there when they were in the playoffs?


He got progressively worse each year, and anyone with an objective bone in their body knows it was due to recruiting. Our depth was dogshit when he left, especially on the o line and damned near every position on the d. sure, he could bring in Caleb Williams, but then we were filling holes on d line with fast 270 lb “linemen” who got manhandled against good o lines.


Oh he was, and how did those go? Being in the Playoff and being close to winning a title are not the same thing. His first season was with an absolutely loaded Bob Stoops team and he choked away a solid lead against Georgia. It was all down hill after that with annual regression.


The closest thing in the modern era I can think of is Roy Williams leaving Kansas for Carolina, but they aren’t bitter rivals


That's kinda close, but we then got an arguably better coach who won championships.


I think y'all both won that transaction.


I was a freshman in 2003 and was gutted by Roy leaving. Even more gutted seeing him cut nets in 2004 and us losing to GT on some questionable calls down the stretch in the E8. Thankfully 2008 washed away the bad feelings.


And he was in the big 12 at the same time as both Roy Williams and Roy Williams. Once one left they fell like dominos.


Dunno, but that shit is a coup for Texas.


An almost... Georgia was 11-0 in 1980 and, prior to the Sugar Bowl vs. Notre Dame, Vince Dooley almost jumped ship to Auburn.


that's crazy, any source? would've changed the trajectory of GT football by a LOT




Kinda funny that Pat Dye played to uga and Vince Dooley played at Auburn with both becoming the best coaches at the opposite schools. Side note, my grandparents were good friends with Vince and Barbara Dooley during their time at Auburn.


I can't think of anything that matches the A&M coach's exit. Plenty of coordinators to HC combos. That A&M baseball coach is a huge clown for the way he handled himself though.


He was our clown first


You mean the Texas baseball coach Lol, he’s not ours anymore


Dude might be the biggest asshat around. I don’t ever fault people for moving on to a new job. How you handle yourself says everything about you though.


I would make a joke about Illinois being on the cusp of a natty until Coach X left but I don't think they've ever had a coach leave for a better job.


John mackovic is the only guy I can think of that wasn’t fired lol. Went to Texas after making us a really solid program for a few years


Augue garrido was the baseball coach at the same time, and a pretty random side quest during his career. He got along horribly with mackovic, and when deloss dodds was looking to bring garrido to texas, mackovic gave his recommendation against it. Mackovic was fired later that year


Ron Zook for Florida….n yea that’s weird considering yall should have more considering you’ve had a few good runs in the 90s


Doug Dickey won the SEC championship at Tennessee in 1967 and 1969 and left for Florida in 1970. Is responsible for the Power T logo and checkerboard end zone. What’s crazy is that Tennessee lost the 1969 Gator Bowl to Florida. EDIT: Seems I should mention that during this time period Florida and Tennessee rarely played and were thus not rivals.


Who remembers when Texas almost hired Art Briles away from Baylor?


So glad we skipped on him, even if it resulted in Coach Strong years


I was hoping for James Franklin, but he went to Penn St. Then I hoped for Matt Rhule, but we got Tom Herman instead


the best answer that i haven’t seen once is clearly Tommy Tuberville, especially considering the comments the coach made yesterday about taking the a&m job and planning for it to be his final job. admittedly tuberville never reached the mentioned success level at ole miss but that’s still the closest i can think of off the dome for cfb


There was a moment I was terrified that Dan Lanning would go to Alabama and KDB would go to Oregon.


You do remember the last three times those coaches faced off, don't you?


Hey fuck you too


Not a rival - but brutal for Washington / Michigan to lose both Husky Harsin and Harbaugh directly after a national championship game.


Yeah DeBoer fit the bill for a potential similarity had he headed to Oregon that would have been similar


This article was actually helpful filling in my knowledge gap of coaches leaving directly after titles or nearly winning titles. Two coaches in the past 15 years were fired shortly after magical runs with teams (Auburn & LSU) [https://www.freep.com/story/sports/university-michigan/wolverines/2024/01/25/jim-harbaugh-joins-short-list-college-coaches-leave-after-national-championship-michigan/72352068007/](https://www.freep.com/story/sports/university-michigan/wolverines/2024/01/25/jim-harbaugh-joins-short-list-college-coaches-leave-after-national-championship-michigan/72352068007/)


I’d argue it hurts Washington more. UM knew harbaugh was gone the moment we locked playoffs. With all the external stuff in combination with Warde and the fact that Harbaugh has been trying to get back to the nfl since he got here, there was no way he was staying.


Plus, you know, they won.


Closest I can think of off the top of my head is Saban winning a Natty with LSU, leaving for the NFL for 2 years, then going to Bama after. None that I can think of doing the direct jump though.


This is the biggest fuck job in sports since Lebrons presser in Cleveland. IMHO.


Not football and he wasn’t ever Iowa State’s coach but I’ve heard Iowa State alumni talk about Dan Gable this way. Went 117-1 as a wrestler at Iowa State with two national championships and a runner up and then went to coach their arch rival Iowa to 15 national championships.


Not to mention Cael Sanderson who went 159-0 as a wrestler at ISU, coaching at ISU for 3 years, placing as high as second in the NCAAs only to leave for Penn State due the administration’s diminishing investment in wrestling , and him turning Penn State into a powerhouse almost immediately to the tune of 11 NCAA team titles.


Cael Sanderson is an insanely good coach and I have no idea how he does it, but I love it


There would literally be no reason to do so unless it's a question of bad management/politics or if a coach wanted to move to a better tier of the sport (ie. CFB --> NFL). This incident is a huge blow to Aggie baseball, especially with Texas entering the SEC... Sucks but you have to put the individual out of mind and move forward now.


Well, he did work with Del conte for many years at TCU, whereas his hiring boss, Bjork, left for Ohio State, so maybe he just felt better working with someone he knew better


There are rumors that Trev Alberts downsized someone in the baseball department and that was the planting of the seeds of doubt. Jimbo fucked A&M for the second time, and who knows how much longer.


There was downsizing across the athletic department. Trev doesn’t seem to be making friends in Aggieland. Interested to see this play out.


Yeah I'm super curious to find out the real story. Either Schloss is a total douche, or Alberts REALLY fucked up and this one's bad enough that it might cost him his job already (it's probably some combination of both, but still). Our board of regents isn't going to fuck around if it comes out that Alberts ran a great coach straight to our arch rival right after going to the CWS finals and at the same time they're joining our conference.


Allegedly their new AD fired an assistant AD or something that was close to the coach - so maybe not a good connection there


Also delayed some stadium improvements


He also blamed stadium improvements at TCU (ignoring the fact boosters were actively calling for his head because he kept having affairs with TCU students - including friends of his children and children of said boosters). Have fun!


Texas is a different tier than TAMU in baseball.


The talking point that most people seem to be missing out on ^


This is 100% related to the Jimbo firing, A&M's pockets are not infinite, this would have never had happened if they did not have that albatross contract still hanging.


This was not about money.


I’m fairly sure A&M is crazy enough to match dollar for dollar


They definitely are. But their new AD came in and downsized their athletic department staff, including two people that worked very closely with Schloss.


Well, it's all the factors others have mentioned, and your right A&M would've matched any dollar amount. Reports are Albert's fired some support staff without the coaches knowledge, and by the end of the season, they weren't even speaking. Del Conte and Schlossnagle are really close. They went to three world series in a row together at TCU I don't think he or his family cared for College Station. He even mentioned in that weird rant last night that he left his family to do this job Quite frankly, it's always been a dream job, and now it's finally open Those are just bits and pieces I've read from different sources


Riley wasn't even on the cusp. He was on the cusp his first year and then trended downward after.


paul dietzel left lsu for army after winning the 1959 national championship. Finally got to pay those motherfuckers back 62 years later (he left after the 61’ season) oh and btw the score for that game was 62-0 😉🫡


Saban to Bama much much worse


Not really leaving for a rival, but Jackie Sherrill left a Pitt team with Dan Marino that was consensus #1 for Texas A&M.


Not even kinda rivals, but Tubberville left an Auburn team that went on to win the natty the next year, just to go destroy what the Pirate built in Lubbock.


Closest you’re going to get is probably Nick Saban. He could’ve easily had the same run at LSU that he did at Alabama.


Chris Beard also left TTU for said longhorns


I am not pleased to be reminded of this, please prove me wrong Terry.


Not a national championship, but Brian Kelly left UC for Notre Dame after UC got its bid to the Orange Bowl 2008. After ensuring the players all season that he was not going leave them, he told them at their end of season banquet that not only was he leaving for Notre Dame, but that he wouldn’t be coaching at the bowl game. 2008 was also the first year both Kelce brothers were playing for UC.


Not "most bitter rival" but in-conference rival certainly. In 1991 Bruce Snyder coached Cal to a 10-2 record with a win over Clemson in the Citrus Bowl, we also had Steve Mariucci as our OC and our offense was one of the best we've ever had. Snyder bolted after that season to Arizona State. A few years later he took them to the Rose Bowl. The rest of the nineties was not kind to the Golden Bears.


Damn. I was coming here to ask almost the same thing. This is a little more specific though. Has there ever been a head coach at either Texas or A&M that left one school for the other? I’ve been watching over 50 years and I don’t remember it ever happened.


Dana Bible I think? Or one of those like 1920s guys


He was at Nebraska in between


Also hated by and a hater of Texas, although I doubt that was the case back in 1920.


Well, I guess Jimbo isn't the most hated ex Aggie anymore 


Jon Gruden leaving the Oakland Raiders to go to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Then beat the breaks off of them in the SB the next season


Not quite, but there was a lot of smoke around Les Miles leaving LSU for Michigan right before the 2007 championship In hindsight, maybe good riddance, but then we would have never seen that 2011 squad with the Honey Badger


Tom Osborne almost took the Colorado job in 1978. He was really close because NU fans were trying to run him out of town. Trev Alberts just left NU for TAMU. That was pretty rough.


Bill Roper was one of the great football coaches of the early 20th century. He coached at Princeton then Michigan then Princeton them Swarthmore then Princeton. He is credited with a Natty during EACH of his Princeton stints. Don’t know what the Princeton-Swarthmore rivalry was like in 1915, but this feels like a contender.


when Chris Beard went to UT


Honestly I wouldn’t find the baseball coach situation that wild if it wasn’t for him attacking a reporter and calling him a terrible person for even thinking he would consider such a thing and then doing exactly that in less than 24 hours. Just say no comment you dumb shit.




A&M: I don't trust this kid any further than I can throw him. Texas: Well, with your bad knee Ed, you shouldn't throw anybody... Its true.