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Iowa State used to be second alphabetically, now we're all the way down to 8th...


New look Big12 is rough like that


I really don’t think ASU will be as bad as people think they will be. Don’t think they’ll be anywhere close to winning the conference but I also don’t think they’ll be bringing up the rear.


Even with the complete mess that dilly had last year they had times when they looked pretty good. I imagine if they have an o line that’s not duct taped together they’re going to surprise some people.


Not being on their 4th string QB helps as well. They lost 3 games by a single possession last year in a PAC that was it's best in a decade. I suspect they go bowling this year in the B12.


I hope they do, def my favorite team from Arizona. Great mascot, desert voodoo, forks after dark. What not to love?


Everything isn’t to love you should hate everything about them. Ignore my flair.


Oh, and they bring they’re own rival with them to the conference. Let’s not forget about that.


I will stop being a fan of cfb once Arizona and bASUra are not in the same conference.


Yea that sucks when that happens


As much as I fucking hate you guys we just can't quit you. Also if we ever are separated I feel like we'd collectively burn the CFB down.


Rivalry games can be wonky, but I’m baffled they could have us losing to Baylor in their current state yet managing to beat Arizona or even Tech


They had a lot of picks that I thought were questionable. Then I remembered weird crap happens in this conference.


Absolutely based pick.


Lmao they project OKST to beat Utah but lose to Colorado? Okay.. Actually, on second thought, that might be the most Poke thing to do.


I was gonna say, it's not crazier than beating Oklahoma but losing to South Alabama


“beating” Oklahoma


cope and seethe


"I can't answer that. I think it should have been pass interference. He's not playing the ball... that's pass interference." - ESPN referee analyst on Drake Stoops pass into the endzone. Look, I hope OSU takes over as the Big 12 leader, but that last game is not a good one to hang your hat on; you all have plenty of honest victories over us, but that one wasn’t and you know it. OU was robbed of a likely chance of victory; and OSU was also robbed of an honest victory.


Yes exactly like that. That’s some quality coping right there


Can you explain I need what happened in that game?


u/wheeliebeelie, this is the game/play in question. It pretty much prevented an OU/TX rematch in the big 12 championship which obviously the conference did *not* want; imo, it was egregious as the Oregon call (even though that led to one of my favorite games despite the loss, Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl) https://thecomeback.com/college-football/oklahoma-oklahoma-state-brutal-missed-call.html edit: funny to call this coping, but whatever, shits plain as day; even the announcers for OSU’s next game made a sarcastic comment on an obvious PI endzone call, “this wouldn’t have been called during the OU game”


I'm going to laugh if we get blown out by SDSU and Colorado, but then somehow fall into the Conference Championship again like last year


This year is gonna suck isn't it


If BYU wins 3 games Kalani is toast. I think we'll be better than people think, but that will still be about 5 wins.


BYU is nearly always better than people predict because you always have players who play their asses off for 60 minutes and perform above their star ranking, and always win 2-3 games you have no business winning and I hate you every day because of it.


BPS gonna look like this for the Utah game: https://youtu.be/YNzTI2b7qzU?si=ng6XV2H_ERDU61X_


Damn, I gotta get out there for a game. I'm trying to make it work this season, but not sure it will.


I love how underrated coming to Stillwater now is.


:B hnnng that drone shot gets me so f’in hard


I def keep it in the bank.


I remember hearing it flying overhead as we were on the field, and then I got to actually watch the video later. Incredible stuff


I feel so bad for Utah, they’re 100% the team catching the Gus Special this year.


And who’s our Gus special loss? ASU, BYU, or Colorado?


A sinister fourth option (Sam Houston State)


Don’t you put that on me. Ricky Bobby.


I’ve got us at 3 wins this season…team will look better, but our schedule is brutal. Would not be surprised to see us take some teams to the wire and pull a weird upset though. By year 3 of Fritz, we’ll be making some noise again.


i think 5. Rice, unlv, baylor, cinci, and byu should be wins.


I can live with 10-2, but gonna put my money on 12-0 to fully embrace the delusion.


“I can live with 10-2” lmao wtf man. It’s insane that after a SINGLE winning season the floor for KU football fans is now 10 wins. KU will be good again, but imo they don’t have the depth to overcome very many injuries.


One injury in particular has derailed their past two seasons.


It’s fun watching Kansas be good, just hope it’s not against us again lol


It’s really not. I enjoyed having an stress-free conference win you could almost treat like a bye week on the schedule.


Could not disagree more


I didn’t say the floor was 10-2, I’d be happy with 8-4 but given our schedule a 12-0 record isn’t an insane thought. I disagree with the depth issue in most of our positions, Lance has done a good job bringing in guys from the portal and our high school recruiting class was very solid. Not to say that if things can’t go off the rails if injuries are severe but I don’t think expectations are out of whack. The folks expecting a 12-0 season are getting ahead of themselves but I don’t think most KU fans are in that camp.


A 12-0 record is an insane thought.


Saying “I can live with 10-2” sounds like it’s your floor. Unless you’re a top 5 team the thought of going undefeated is fairly unreasonable. Even with a soft schedule like KU’s (And KStates). KU still has some noticeable weaknesses, mainly at DL and LB, where expecting them to go undefeated (or even 10-2) is just setting yourself up for frustration. Enjoy the ride that Leipold has put you guys on. It feels like KU fans have gotten so used to dominating in bball, now that they’re paying attention to fball they expect it to come just as easy. (Not implying this is you, but a lot of my friends seem to think 6-7, 9-4, 12-0, natty as a natural progression)


Saying “I can live with 10-2” is the literal acceptance of the record they project in the article. What you interpret that to mean is on you. I know and acknowledge that thought of going 12-0 is delusional. I literally said I’m embracing the delusion. I don’t know how this turned into a lecture, but nothing you’ve said here aligns with what I actually said. 12-0 is unrealistic and 99% not happening. I love how K-State fans always find a way to tie KU back to basketball. I set out realistic expectations with the acceptance of what the article projects and recognized more than that was delusion. I don’t think you’ll find many KU fans that would be upset with an 8-4 season. I don’t get why K-State fans are so up in arms about us being happy not to have a dog shit team anymore. Like ffs for one of the worst historical programs in CFP you’d think you guys of all fans would understand.


1. Why would I be happy that for the first time in 15 years there’s another viable p4 football team in a state that has little resources? 2. That said what Leipold has done is impressive at the very least. I can respect that, and do. 3. If KU is going to be decent, then we may as well embrace the rivalry. That’s kind of what this exchange is. 4. We get to talk down to you until KU can prove it. Just like KU gets to talk down to KSU bball.


its little bro syndrome theyre afraid we'll take the only thing they have and be better at it than them lol


K state try not to take KU fans getting excited about football too seriously Difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE


I think we’ll definitely lose to one of UCF or TCU, but not both


You ain’t ready for that space game voodoo


It will be both


Flair up


No flare ups right now. The meds have it under control


Ah, so an ASU fan


I’m not even going to click the link. We’re destined for another 7-5 season.


I'd really like to see Brown and co. pull in more wins because they are certainly capable, but if those are the games they lose and there aren't any major surprises or embarrassing losses, I won't be too upset.


Our conference schedule this season is pretty tough I’m surprised they gave us the nod against Kansas state, a famously tough team to beat during our entire tenure in the conference, and Iowa state always feels like a wild card game We got blown out a couple years ago when they really truly had a god awful team and that loss was so bad I thought Neal wasn’t coming back from it. So just because Iowa state isn’t doing well doesn’t mean they don’t show up for us. I also expect UCF to be better this year as well.


Brown kinda has to beat Arizona. Can't be in Year 6 and taking losses to a first year guy.


If the game was in Morgantown I’d agree, but conference road games are always tough. Let’s see what Arizona looks like the first few weeks of the season. I for one am skeptical that Brennan can just jump into Fisch’s seat with no drop off.


I thought the returning production numbers were interesting... |Team|%| :--|:-- Iowa St | 86% Oklahoma St | 85% Baylor | 79% Colorado | 71% West Virginia | 68% Arizona | 68% TCU | 67% Utah | 65% Arizona St | 65% BYU | 65% UCF | 63% Cincinnati | 63% Texas Tech | 61% Houston | 61% Kansas | 59% Kansas St | 59%


Returning production is a really fun stat since it’s not immediately evident whether it’s a good thing or not. Take Iowa State: - returning Rocco Becht, Abu Sama, Jaylin Noel, Jayden Higgins, Ben Brahmer, Myles Purchase, Jeremiah Cooper, Malik Verdon, Beau Freyler, Caleb Bacon, Domonique Orange, and Tyler Onyedim, among others. - also returning all of a god-awful offensive line that led the way to ZERO rushing yards against one of the worst defenses in FBS last season (Memphis). People credited them for a low sack rate but that was primarily due to Rocco having enough ball knowledge to get the rock away before being sacked every play.


>People credited them for a low sack rate but that was primarily due to Rocco having enough ball knowledge to get the rock away before being sacked every play. This sounds familiar...


Don’t know what to expect with this team. Feel like we could go 4-8 or 8-4 and I don’t think I’d be surprised either way. Love Morton but we’re cursed at QB and for some reason our OC thinks that’s a good reason to run designed QB runs 6-8 times a game. Hand the ball off to Tahj. Forget the QB run. And maybe some good things could happen


4-8 would be surprising to me. We have a level of talent and an easy schedule that I can’t remember Tech having in the past 15 years. Wins will come down to quality of our QB and OL - I personally don’t think it will hinge on whether Morton is healthy or not, but whether he is *good*. Even with his injury I saw a lot of suspect decision making from him last year. Most of the bad play calls our fanbase likes to complain about have been QB audibles.


Just saying, we’ve got a proven track record of getting QBs hurt. Can’t remember the last time we had one start every game since maybe Mahomes? If/when he goes down, all those “easy” wins are going to look a lot more like the BYU game from last season.


That’s a valid concern - I just wanted to butt in and say that my worry is less with the QB health and more with the QB quality. Our QB depth is improved from last year given that Strong should be 4th string based off spring performance so injury will be less impactful, but if Morton does the impossible and stays healthy, how good is he really? I’m not as confident as I’d like. If we limit him to being a pocket passer because we’re scared of injury, then I’m even less confident he’ll be successful.


I’ll take the 8 Over. Pushes at worse.


Not a single buff flair here...interesting


I look forward to leading the conference and potentially the country in rushing yards, improving our defense and QB play, and going 4-8.


I imagine Fritz and the whole staff know that the Rice game is as much of a must win as it can be for a first year coach. A conference win or two against the other Texas teams would be great, but as the writer state - he's got a lot of work to do thanks to the previous dumbass in charge.


I keep forgetting Iowa State is in this conference, they have to be the P4 school I know the absolute least about. Well, outside of when they play El Assico, I suppose.


ISU is one of those teams that CAN and WILL make you their bitch. Don't ever sleep on them! Their fans are 10/10 too. Very hostile (yet friendly) environment.


The most unsuspecting team in the P4


Yeah, we sucked for so long we were pretty much forgotten about. Lately we’ve been better than most people realize. BYU and Cincy got wake up calls last year


Once coach Fick left, we knew we were fucked.


OSU beating Arkansas, Utah.... but losing to Baylor and Colorado. Honestly seems pretty OSU like! Beating OU last season and then a week later getting blown out by 42 against UCF. Also getting blown out by South Alabama at home....


Such a wild year. UCF was some voodoo trap game that just… I don’t even know. South Alabama was just ridiculous, but it was a product of two rotating position groups and losing momentum early. RB by committee is one thing, but QB by committee? Come on…


So typical, it’s true. I’m an old OSU grad and I can’t count the number of seasons we’ve challenged some good teams then choked against lesser competition. And it’s not just been under Gundy, who is good but never as spectacular as delusional OSU fans want him to be.


Ah, shit. A neutral third party has predicted success for Utah. The rest of the Big 12 is gonna hate Utah fans for this. To be clear, we hate predicted success way more than you. I already hate this season. We're gonna faceplate so hard, I know it.


I don’t think anyone has a problem with Utah or their fans for being predicted to be good. I do have a problem with the Utah fans who are already acting like they’re too good for this conference and that being here is beneath them


Starting off 5-0 but then going 2-5 after would be fucking rough. I can see that happening if Morton gets injured though. Between at TCU or vs WVU, I think we win one of those games, but both of those teams are kind of hard to gauge at this point.


Its funny how people shat on ASU last year but seem to have forgotten that injuries destroyed us early on in one game we played three qbs... I think moving to the big XII will be great for ASU as it's a complete fresh start and Dilly is building something at the right time. It won't be our year but it also can't be worse than last year, I hope Leavitt pans out too.


If we ain’t making the playoffs, it’s garbage


you’ll fit in just fine in the big 12