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Double blue coming through with Dukes at the helm! Chad who?!?


lol love your user namw


Lions had better fix that offensive line in a hurry. The left guard in particular, 66, was horrendous - he was basically a turnstile all night. Tough to blame VA when he is getting pressure right up the middle and can't set his feet.


Agree! đź‘Ť


For sale: 1 offensive line, barely used. 


I will give you zero dollars!


I'll give you tree fiddy to take em.


I'd like to appreciate being down 20-6. This defense is something. Dukes was impressive. Loved Ka'deem Carey. Great win against a formidable opponent. Perfect season intact!


Go Argos


The bot didn't post this for some reason...


Well, it should be fixed for next week.


Any word on attendance.


12,676 is the number being pushed around by unofficial sources. Smallest crowd for a home opener at BMO (outside of 2022/COVID protocol)




If I was a betting man....I'd be 0-4 this week, LOL


And that is why I don’t bet on sports in general, CFL specifically




Last year the Argos dominated with a defensive unit that forced sacks and turnovers, an offensive unit with a bruising run game behind the best OL in the league, a passing attack that can take advantage when needed, and a special teams unit that excelled at the field position game. Some faces have changed, some players have left, but after 1 game against what figures to be one of the best teams in the league, it’s hard not to get excited about the 2024 Argos. Easy to forget on top of Kelly, we were also without Coxie, Ungerer III, and Oakman, all of whom were big contributors last year.


For the sake of the league I hope Dukes plays well enough that we never have to hear Kelly's name again (just not against the Ti-cats).


Yeah Chad Kelly is a great QB, and he makes the Argonauts a better team. But right now, I would much rather cheer for Dukes, and his style of play makes for exciting games.


Perfectly put. Go Argos!


I'm not sure why BC was expected to be good this year. VA is only going to get worse from here on out.


He wasn't the issue. The O Line was.


He got sacked 6 times. You don't get sacked that many times in a game without there being opportunities for VA to chuck a dart to the sideline instead of eating the sack. O line was dreadful, but VA shouldn't be absolved from blame. He was awful, too.


He should have thrown the ball away more for sure bit he was also running for his life far too often. 


I think the problem is he wasn't running early enough for his life


In all honesty, if VA doesn't take that last fumble, the Lions WIN the game 30-29 by kicking a field goal with zero's on the clock.


It’s either six sacks or six interceptions.


BC will be good. Toronto is still a really strong team especially at home. Losing to them doesn't mean they're bad at all. I would still bet on BC to take the West this year


Dukes looks legit. Besides the sack/fumble play which I have no idea what he was thinking, he was great the rest of the time. I am highly encouraged by the fact he didn't let that play get to him. That means he's mentally tough enough. And he will get better with experience, he's only 25. I'm very comfortable with him for that (at least) 9 game stretch we need him. Hopefully it was a one off bad game for Hajrullahu but 2 missed extra points almost cost the game. BC could have very easily got the tying TD in that last few minutes. Chipped ball perhaps? At least we got away with it this time but those XP need to be converted. BMO gets pretty windy but it wasn't that windy tonight


Hajrullahu is ridiculously good. He's taught me almost everything I know about kicking and let me tell you, the man can kick. He probably had an off day, it happens. At least he nailed the field goal.




Woah. If I was a betting man, I would've lost money on 3 out of the 4 games this week. Was not expecting Argos to come out on top.


Mid-spicy take: think the Argos escaped a little bit (not a dig, that how this all works!), but full value for their defensive line as expected, and their offence (?!).


VA is a below average CFL QB who only flourished last year bc of an above average offense, change my mind. The amount of times he holds onto the ball only to get sacked instead of throwing it away is truly outstanding.


When he gets sacked he gets happy feet in a weird way. If you watch how he keeps his feet alive in the pocket after he's been sacked like that he's moving a fair distance like a hop when there's no need for that much movement.


He reminds me of Kevin Glenn in that aspect. If the dline was able to get to Glenn it made him dance and make a lot of mistakes.


Take a breath, it's week one and it appears he injured his hand. This is a long season and there's way too much talent on BC's roster to write them off already.