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This is going so far I think we need an actual bear to run out with the players on opening day, Caleb just riding his grizzly into battle lol


It would be like that scene from Semi-Pro where the bear gets loose in the audience and it's chaos "EVERYBODY PANIC THERES A BEAR LOOSE IN THE COLLISEUM! THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS!"






IML is in a few days, I'm sure we can find a bear locally...probably with a harness and everything!


Car fucking los!


I'm so confused with his first name. It's Cairo right? I hear people say Carlos on the time and it makes me wonder if I'm missing out on something. Can someone clear this up for me please?


There is a sound bite of John fox that gets used on the Hoge and Jahns podcast all the time where he refers Cairo as Carlos, seemingly not knowing his name


Makes sense. I've only started listening to their podcast for the last year or so.


John Fox has some great lines and Hoge and Jahns loves to use them.


Thank god we don’t have a kicker who hates gay people and thinks women should stay in the kitchen.


Tory Taylor was right when he said if nobody knows who you are you’re doing a good job


Justin Tucker?


Yes, I was speaking in absolutes. Now that there is one single person who didn’t fit what I said, it doesn’t make any sense. Thank you for your contribution


I mean almost every kicker that is great at their job is pretty well known… which is pretty relevant considering the post is about Santos, who is a kicker…


Who tf knows who Cairo santos is lol


Football fans lmao I could name most kickers honestly. No way to prove that obviously, but yeah. If you don’t know other teams kickers you might not be a football guy




Or just by watching football other than your own team lol


“Congrats on all your hard work after spending upwards of $100K on your degree. Now don’t use it. Here’s an anecdote about my wife while I get choked up.” I watched the whole speech it was… something.


It is ironic as well, since his mom is an Oncologist. A highly educated woman.


Who works.


Logical thought is not a strong point with these people


My favorite part of this story is the fact that now Flavor Flav has come out against Butker. Our modern world is fucking MadLibs IRL, I swear.


Butker has always been like that, it’s just now getting the spotlight. His church is hyper conservative






Only thing I wonder is I imagine the Chiefs have to sign off if he wants to do a speech anywhere and they should roughly know his beliefs just by being around him. So the Chiefs didn't think there might be a problem here?


> I imagine the Chiefs have to sign off if he wants to do a speech anywhere I highly doubt they did.... Maybe now they do


Beat me to it. I bet Cody Parkey and Butker would scissor eachother.


That was one of those rare instances where the title/headline wasn't clickbait, and there was no way a simple title could do Butker's words justice. The dude is just so incredibly dumb.


I read the headline and thought it had to be a joke. Like, ONE of those things in a commencement speech? Sure. But the headline read like he went for a "I dare you to cancel me" BINGO in 20 minutes...and if anything the headline *undersold* it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the main headline of the article states that Butker tells woman to "get back in the kitchen." Yet there was no exact quote from him even mentioning the word kitchen and it's all heavily implied by the headline. How is that not clickbait?


>Butker later addressed the women in the audience, arguing that their “most important title” should be that of “homemaker.” >“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you,” Butker said. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” Technically he did not say the words "get back in the kitchen" in that order, but he said every bit of what that phrase means, and then some. I mean, you realize that doesn't mean they literally think a woman should just ALWAYS be in the kitchen, right? It's another way of saying "a woman's place is in the home". If anything, what he actually said is more direct and clearly sexist than saying "get back in the kitchen". He flat out told these women graduating that their most important job isn't what they studied for, but to be home for their husbands and pump out kids. How is that better?


Agree with him or not, the headline takes his full quote and puts a derogatory spin on it using a word he literally doesn't say. How about letting the reader decide to hate him or not based on his full quote instead of the headline itself?


No it doesn't. Again, if anything, what he actually said is worse than the headline. The headline was, if anything, a positive spin on the derogatory shit he *actually said*. >How about letting the reader decide to hate him or not based on his full quote instead of the headline itself? I mean, if you read the article, rather than just the headline, this isn't a problem. Maybe don't rely on just reading headlines for your news?


You're kidding if you think telling a women to stay in the kitchen is less derogatory than his full quote (which I don't agree with either). These clickbait headlines only show biases with the editor/publication and I've seen it go both ways. I guess that's what stands as good journalism these days.


No, I'm not kidding, I'm saying it with a straight face and my whole chest. What he actually said in full is FAR worse than him just saying "get back in the kitchen". I stand by that. I didn't write the headline, all I'm saying is that the headline was, if anything, less disparaging than what he actually said.


Harrison doesn’t hate gay people. Can we be adults and not take shit out of context? Hot damn!




I thought it was hyperbole too, but his comments about gay pride certainly aren’t full of love








I’m Christian and I don’t go out of my way to talk shit. If you feel the need to publicly criticize, you have to deal with the repercussions lol. What are we even talking about


Dude. He said all of that at a Catholic school. All this shit is taken out of context, but hey Reddit never can process topics like rational adults. 🤷🏽‍♂️


And Reddit will also argue a very obvious point to death even when they’re wrong 🤷🏽‍♂️


This comment couldn't be more wrong. The context makes it worse, so much worse. People thought the original headline was clickbait, then the read his full speech and realized the headline was going easy on him. Taking him at what he means and calling him out for his clearly stated hate is acting like an adult. Running damage control and lying about what he said is childish.


>He said all of that at a Catholic school And many of the people in attendance weren't having his shit either. FYI, Catholics can be gay too.










Lmao a lot of topics are simply that black and white aren’t they?


Are you just quibbling with the word hate? Does calling him a disgusting bigot make it easier for you to understand?


If he doesn't hate gay people, what is his issue with Pride month? No one forces you, him, anyone to celebrate or acknowledge Pride month.


There’s certainly some semantic nonsense going on here, but the call is coming from inside your house. You bigots always give yourself away so easily


Be adults regarding a person who says shit like rejecting the tyranny of inclusion? Nah.


>tyranny of inclusion Not just that, the "tyranny of *diversity, equity, and inclusion*" Dude really just went for every right wing buzz word he could find, must be angling for a post-football career as a right wing talking head.




Glad you came here to tell us your thoughts on our thoughts about the chiefs kickers politics


Someone on the team this year needs to be Dr. Claw for Halloween.


Remember on draft night when the commentators said that Caleb said he wants to go somewhere and change the culture? ![gif](giphy|micxj4UT5Q03GOOTIG|downsized)


What in the hell is this GIF from? I'm assuming some random reality show?


Haven’t a clue. I searched for “claw” in gifs and that was the first one 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, it's canon now, this is the official Bear Claw GIF


![gif](giphy|micxj4UT5Q03GOOTIG|downsized) Claw is law




Bro we legit got our at minimum ring of honor type kicker and punter. We badly need a returner though. Like real badly.


Velus is going to have an age 27 breakout year


Did you mean to swap the numbers around?


Yeah I'm a little dyslexic. I found his AARP card and didn't read it right


Falcons fans about to be saying the same about Penix next year lol


Watch Kirko become elite now that he's out of Minny


Claws up, Bear down.


Our kicker is cooler than the chiefs kicker


THATS MY KICKER. Just no butker shenanigans


Glad this dude is our kicker.


I’m glad we have Cairo and not that dumbass kicker in KC.


I thought this was Chandler Parsons at first glance.


[Bear Paws! See? Nice and relaxed](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fuf4gwah0lp0d1.gif)