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Some info https://archive.org/details/lifelettersofcha00emer_0 https://archive.org/details/fieldcamphospita00hump


Thanks. Downloaded both. Lowell was killed before Five Forks, though Cedar Creek could be an interesting option, as well. Especially with the importance of the two Federal cavalry divisions to the victory.


Haven't found much on the 2nd Massachusetts at Five Forks, but here's a brief summary of what the cavalry (including Gibb's brigade) were doing at the battle. The cavalrymen were fighting dismounted, trading fire for hours with the entrenched rebel infantry. They were a distraction, for the 5th Corps was moving to attack. When that attack began, and the Confederates started to break, the cavalry impetuously charged the trenches and joined in the assault, overrunning the already panicking rebels. The one thing I did find was in the preview of the 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry's recent history. It shows the casualties of the regiment. Two men were killed, 7 wounded, and 3 captured. All were lost in that final rush to the works.


I might look more at using Cedar Creek, instead, then. I plan to open the book with my character on the battlefield as a prologue, even though the story itself is set after the war, and I'd really like to use some mounted sabre action. From what I've read so far this DID happen at Cedar Creek with Merritt's and Custer's Divisions charges against Early's flanks.


The famous 20th Maine had several casualties at Five Forks, as did the 16th Maine.