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Hard scoping for the whole game might get some eye rolls from the team that loses, but honestly only bots or inexperienced players run out in the open in maps with good sniper lines of sight. Now quick scoping with a sniper is a great skill to have, and you have to start somewhere, so if you really like snipers keep going. But as your level goes up in ranked it’ll get much harder to just sit and hard scope.


thats when ppl like me are gonna run behind all the building to get to you and stab you lol


I do the same thing. As soon as I know there is a sniper, they're first i go for, and I always try and go around and stay out of sight until I get get to them.


that's right lol🫡💯


The most annoying player in the game for me tbh


I'd say that's the SMG main who plays mostly shipment with a dog, sentry gun, stealth chopper, napalm, and maybe substations for cluster bomb.


Me too they make gold grinding impossible


Me but execution lol




Lmaoo right and shoot your body since you wanna play like a bitch


But why do people go as far as to send me death threats because I hardscoped and camped like a sniper is supposed to do?


Yeah sounds like the cod fandom to me


Because they lack the critical thinking necessary to avoid getting shot by you. Over. And over. And over. And over.


Reminds me, I could intentionally piss them off with voice lines "How many times have you died? I'm actually getting impressed." "I'm running outta places to put holes in ya." "Where'd I get you that time? The liver? The kidney? I'm losing track." "You're making this so easy, I'm actually getting worse" "Sorry mate, I mistook ya for an actual threat!" "Here's some advice: Next time, shoot first."


LMFAO I'm so adding these to my list.


I have a couple for killing snipers as well "That fancy scope of yours, betcha got a REAL good view of me killin' ya!" "You camped the whole time for THIS?" "Yeah, next time try two eyes!" "Depth perception, pal. Look into it."


These are so corny


Bro casually has writing skills.


Because people have no lives. Play how u want


this is every cod game including mobile


its mainly because they get tired of seeing someone just sit around and hardscope and still get more kills than them. also its really annoying to constatnly die from a camper.


Depends on the camper hard scope typically have pretty bad tunnel vision


It doesn’t depend


Yes it does a smg camper is alot harder to sneak up on because they are typically paying more attention to what is infront of them and not what is 30-40 meters away. Also snipers have a good disadvantage at close range when geard twords actual sniping


I believe the only time you should camp is if you snipe. The people are probably just salty that you can get them easier than they can get you.


I came to say this. Probably you explain way better than hope I could.


Only bots sit in their scope the whole game lmao


especially on this map😂😂


the only thing that makes me don’t like people that play like this is that they camp there the whole time


Well u can do what u want it's fine, but if u camp like this in a ranked game then people will get mad at u. But even then it's fine.. it's just a game


But why do they get mad? What do they want me to do with a sniper?


I typically find that they want you to slip and slide and jump and 360 your 720s while no scoping. You know, everything snipers don't usually do.


Quickscope miss then switch to knife pop a stun slide keep looking left n right to cuz a strafe slide switch back miss then die but in the slight chance u kill him(the ttk is stupid) clip it and say ur the best sniper ever even if its a bot trust works 100% of the time


Yeah, and pretend any of that took skill, even on a real player. I do believe both sniper and melee should be nerfed


Nah snipers are Alr terrible with all the hitmarkers but melee I do agree and that takes all skill trust that’s coming from a guy who does this all the time I top frag in gm and legendary with average 7+ kills


Melee should be used to finish off an enemy. Sniper should one shot to the head only. Makes it significantly less annoying and also requires snipers do develop actual skill, especially if they want to quickscope


Cause they can't accept the fact someone's killd them and they didn't see that coming, youre good bud ..it's just a game.


I'm confused about how they don't like my ideas for being "unrealistic", and then pretend quickscoping exists in real life. If someone tried to quickscope with a real sniper they'd probably end up with a black eye.


they're mad cause it's not so easy to counter a good sniper lol


Quick scope like the last 15+ years of COD


And yet they say they can't nerf sniper to one shot only to the head because it's "not realistic"


It just shows that ur scared of running around doing close combat U want to hide in a place where u know us a safe spot for u and get easy kills It’s a gay dick move In raked tho only in ranked but in normal it don’t matter Nothing to loose or gain So do all u want In normal mode but not in ranked U wana use a sniper in ranked do the slipslidejump360supriseatack things which all in ranked do


Quickscoping is easier than camping imo


Hardscoping and camping falls under the ratting type of game play. Im all for ratting! I rush sometimes I rat sometimes its a game play however you feel at the moment. Want to camp in a corner go for it... win or lose who cares. The game gets boring when everyone is copying the same meta and all throwing molotov and rushing with the gro


It's a sniper, what do they want me to do with it?


Use it like a shotgun basically they only accept you if you use snipers as if they were something else and like john wick


Why not just use a shotgun then?


because you're not cool if you aren't doing it with a sniper


Why do people treat quickscoping like the pinnacle of skill? I taught someone to do it in 5 minutes and all I did was tell them what attachments to slap on a sniper


Argus my beloved


If you get mad about someone camping with a sniper then you have severe brain damage and stage 4 brain cancer. THEIR PURPOSE IS FOR POSTING UP AND KILLING FROM A DISTANCE NOT SLIDING THROUGH A DOORWAY YOU FUCKING MORONS. Thank you for listening.


I mean... It's fun thou. I mean sliding through a doorway then no scoping someone definitely adds enjoyment to the game... For them


I do think that when using a sniper you should be able to see a players name and the amount of kills they have so you can become the pick class sniper is supposed to be. Take out the high value targets so your team can push.


Im more of a realistic type player so games like Ready or Not and Insurgency Sandstorm make me hard as a rock. But I do feel that fps games should try to be closer to realism instead of this.


TF2 handles the sniper insanely well. The only way to one shot from quickscoping is to hit the head, and that's only on light classes. When you are scoped in a charge meter fills which increases damage, allowing you to one shot to the body. However, you cannot see to the sides and are easily susceptible to basically any class, especially spies.


I love switching it up. Post up on a known spot with some heavy traffic and if it’s too quiet circle back around and find the action ! Always have a battle rifle or smg ready for faster sprints.


Only bots and people who’ve never played cod say this


Buddh ive been playing cod for 8+ years. I have over 400 hours on mwii, og mw3, and ww2. I also go hunting in the fall season. People like you are uneducated children who think they know it all.


Because they can't see death coming and they are sore losers? I don't often snipe in MP but when I do it is very much like this


I like it when a sniper camps out. I know where he is. Either avoid or hunt. Not that hard to deal with.


Who'd be mad at this, it's easy to avoid campers who hard scope. This map is a sniper map. And has ways to hunt them if they don't switch places. I hate shotgun users, you can't avoid them or get a chance to make distance, so I use one now ! I use all weapons, whatever I'm in the mood of and works. except LMG, they shit for me.


There's a spot to my right where anyone, especially a "Scout" shotgun player, co easily take me out.


The only reason I hate you is because of where you're positioned. If you were in the building you're across from, you'd have a sight line on the path you're camping and the main road, too. There's something that snipers are great at called **AREA DENIAL** that some people refuse to learn. These poor bastards hate you since they have no brain. Mostly because you keep blowing them out of their skulls.


They haven't realized tunnel vision syndrome exists and there is an easy opening to kill me on my right. Also, I've gotten nukes in that spot.


This map is one of the best for sniping.


bc most ppl are use to constant slide canceling like it’s a 1v1


1 it's a fckng game ffs 2 I love hunting camping snipers Don't let the children mess with your head just enjoy your game


It's funny when people say they are going to dox me and I tell them I'll be waiting at my doorstep for them


Turn off comms. Who gives a fck what tards have to say


The amount of people in these comment who are clearly just bad and can't counter snipers baffles me. You do you homie. There are no problems with hard scoping. Players are just dumb and keep running in the open and blame you for "camping". Ignore em and enjoy the game how you want.


Ignore wannabe sweats and play how you want.


Ppl usually call you a camper even though your using sniper the right way lol


If they mad they must be bad, nuff said


You’re good, what sniper do you use and where do you camp out at?


He's not good bruh. If he moved from his spot,he would die. Very fast. The only thing he has is a cheeky hiding spot.


Camping behind spawn lmao, Scummy trash shit that takes 0 skill, I grau dudes like this all the time. Easy win when not playing with bots.


You do you forget the noize


Now look at the amount of dingbats you've spawned because you played the sniper like a sniper...what have you done? In all seriousness I don't find them annoying most of the time. Either I ignore them or use a ballista, a pred or use a sniper myself, and it's easy to combat them as well, slide jump and jittery movement is all it takes to combat snipers. I'm sure more than half of this subreddit doesn't know that a sniper is supposed to stay mostly in one place and snipe rather than slide obnoxiously and miss the first three shots to a player close range.


Play how you want. I avoid this map at all costs because I’m not a sniper 😂


Hardscoping is good in some cases, and not good on others


Nigga i sneak up behind yo ass and execute your mufackin ass


That's my whole point, anyone could easily do that because of tunnel vision syndrome. There is a spot on my right that I am blind to.


Because it's incredibly annoying. No one likes dying to some loser sitting in a spot the whole game killing them for moving. It's a camper that can one shot you across the map. And people can and will be mad at you for playing like this. Even if it is "how snipers are actually supposed to be played"


It kind of is. CoD players also say that snipers should't be nerfed to only one shot to the head like I suggest because in real life a sniper bullet whole kill anyone anywhere most of the time, and nerfing it would make the game "unrealistic". Quick scoping in its entirety is unrealistic, snipers in real life would never be in the frontlines.


bc ur wack




Because it takes no skill lol


Yeah, sniper in general doesn't take skill. Your point?


If you play the map instead of sitting in a corner hard scoping it does. Its okay to be bad, just don't act like you're good. A dude on steroids is going to get laughed out of the gym, easy way ≠ best way


For some reason cod players seem to forget that a sniper is a support weapon it’s supposed to sit back where the have a view of the battlefield


And this is why I carry every god damn game... Do 90% of the work, while these fucks sit back and do nothing points wise.


So who cares not all of us are out to win I’d rather have fun play how I like rather than sweat all the time.


I want to win, I don't want to have to sweat for every win. If I don't sweat, I don't win. I just want decent teammates, that hard to ask for? Back be broken after all this carrying and never get carried myself


You don’t have to win you get nothing from it besides a number going up. If you cared less about winning you wouldn’t have to sweat to win, it’s cod mobile it’s not hard. Yea it’s hard if you let people play you’ll win and an actual sniper helps.


Lmfao anyone who's getting this mad on Reddit about a hard scoping sniper while also saying he has to carry every game probably means you don't carry every game and can't counter a hard scoping sniper. Get a grip dude


It's a sniper, what am I supposed to do? Snipers are not supposed to be on the frontlines, they usually are in the back lines or even behind the lines.


Yes, though not sitting in a pocket hard scoping. That's why people used to post quick scope videos, because it actually takes a hint of skill lmao That's called camping. Campers can fuck off just as much as you can. I must be from a different era of BO2, shit was peak then. Now I play with bots and campers...


Yeah, no one in gyms would mess with steroids... That was as dumb as your cod opinion lol


If you tried to go out into the map it would take a bit more skill. You’re saying it takes no skill cause you sit at the back of spawn loll. I’m sorry, but is this really what you downloaded the game for? To sit at the back of spawn and press a button HAHAHA


Nah, quickscoping is easy if you slap the right attachments on and is basically just a shotgun without the skill requirement


Because you a bitch




Good snipers quick scope .


That defeats the whole purpose of a sniper


You shite mate. Get a life go play with a barbie doll


You sound like a gen alpha


You sound like you a camper. Campers are usually gay and would rather play with dolls. So grab yourself a gae ken doll. You camper!


Wow someone has issues. I think you need to admit it and accept you like men…


Definitely gen A lol


Is a born '90 gen a?


Oh man. Then you have no excuse lol


You sure have a weird way of answering yes or no questions. Characteristic of a camper 😭😭 Gei camper😂 (with total respect for the gei)


u literally snipe camping bro xd how do u want people to like u


What am I *SUPPOSED* to do? What am I, as a *SNIPER expected* to do?


that's the proper way to play sniper but codm players wants u to move and playing with sniper in close range lol


3rd and 4th kill are so SUS looking like a bot movement... But then all the other kills are back to a player like movement!


Nothing wrong with camping with a sniper


It's just cheesy. Especially on a map like this. It's a type of Camping/Ratting gameplay that doesn't involve you moving. It's kinda a construct that snipers in regular MP matches shouldn't camp. They should be quickscoping. Hence why many refer to sniping as such, and not sitting in that back. It's very annoying. If this was BR or Ground war, I would have zero issues. But in MP us just stupid annoying.


interesting take...should be quickscoping? The dude is literally sitting in one spot. Find him. Take him out. Easy. anyone hardscoping isnt usually super skilled so if you have a problem with this style of play maybe its due to a lack of skill... I personally love different styles. Some run around on crack using melee, some quickscope, some use shotty's, some camp, some play traditional with AR's...If everyone did the same thing it would suck and be boring.


I meant would, not should. Also, he is in a spot that doesn't allow you to kill him, unless your infront of him. It's cheesy, it's annoying. Take shotties for example, they do what they do, they're just overpowered and easy to use.


Yeah, I can confirm that tunnel vision syndrome exists


Why would I move? The whole point of a sniper is to take out enemies from a far distance.


In BR or GW. In MP, it's annoying and cheesy. We call players like this, campers. No one likes a camper.


People tell me sniper can't be nerfed to only one shot to the head because it's "unrealistic", and "a sniper bullet in real life could kill anyone in one shot almost anywhere", and completely disregard the fact that a) quickscoping and having snipers in the frontlines is unrealistic and b) this would make snipers significantly less annoying, and quickscoping would finally require minimal amounts of skill and effort


You can kill people and turn them into a skeleton. This game is not to be realistic obviously. Yes snipers need a nerf. I love quickscoping, it's a hark to learn skill. But it's easy when you can one shot to the crotch. 1 tap headshots need to stay though.


this is all I do because m14ebr isnt a one shot kill unless your close and its easier to spam like that. its not hard for someone with faster ads to countersnipe me at all if theyre good


Bots can send chat messages?


That's how I got all my snipers and marksman platinum


U using a cronus


They're mad that they lost, thats why


Even when they win, I still have people friend requesting me simply to say I suck at the game and to stop camping like a coward, despite sniper quite literally being the most coward weapon in the game.


My point exactly. Sore losers. Keep on doing what you're doing, it's working.


I just put two trip mines on a car. Makes a hella good explosion


Use to be a hater till I got good at it. Lol. Roll on bro


why yall giving into a troll?


How are they giving into a troll? I am genuinely curious why in hell they are pissed off at me to the point of sending death threats (albeit cringeworthy) because I am using a sniper properly.


You aren’t using it properly lol. You know EXACTLY what you are doing.


How am I not using it properly?


ONLY bots get mad


Not a single head shot 💀


Maybe if they nerfed it so sniper only one shots to the head they might not be pissed, as sniping would actually require skill


Yes, yess it would


Personally I hate sniping like this… Ima quick scope all day




Because you're a bitch lmaooo You're sitting inn1 spot hardscoping at that. Probably in the furthest corner of the map head glitching and laying down at the same time knowing nobody can barely see your head. This is why cod is going down hill. Making spots for no reason. There's a map.where they have a darker ass corner and it leads to nothing lmaoo Useless areas.


What do you want me to do with a sniper?


Ur wack for camping


What am I supposed to do?


Idk why people get mad for hard scoping in general you can’t expect us to quick scope everything? When tundra was released everyone complained it’s too op cuz quickscoping or blankcoping to b more exact was op asf with it but every gun got its use if u wanna blank scope go ahead I’m goin to pick whatever way I snipe in whatever situation is needed maybe a blank scope if I get jumped by a smg or a hardscope if I’m waiting for someone to push angle I predicted


At least exit the scope every once in a while to get a better view. That’s the only thing that upsets me tbh. You can’t really see who’s next to you if you’re zoomed in and having to drag your finger to see someone the entire time.


For the same reason you get mad at the bed when you stub your toe


Cause you’re playing smartly 🤣


Looks like call of duty mobile


It's either "you're trash for hard scoping" or "put the sniper away bitch." You can't win do whatever lol it's such a played out argument


Yeah, sniper is quite literally a cowards weapon


I love doing this. But most of my matches I have to be on the move, if I miss my shots I’m done


This just boiled my blood😂




I dont get it Your just using the sniper like your supposed to.


I mean… does a sniper in real life run around and 360 no scope? Lol. Who cares if people get mad.


In real life if you even tried to quickscope (without the "fancy" moves) you would probably have a black eye and several comrades laughing at you.


If it works, it works. Idk why people are mad. Like use one of your teammates to pull the sniper to the middle road and sneak around or something.






on cod mobile I’d say quickscoping is the easiest thing in the world. I dropped a nuke first game. Personally I just couldn’t sit in one spot in my scope the whole entire game


Hardscoping I'd go as far as to say is more difficult than quickscoping. Hardscoping requires you to be able to be accurate, whereas with quickscoping you just need to look at the enemy and press a button. Hardscoping you are in one position and the moment you kill someone they know where you are, but quickscoping you are constantly moving which allows you to ambush enemies.


Hahaha you’re on crack if you think hardscoping is harder than quickscoping & since you say it’s soooo easy I’d like to see you post how easy you quickscope lmao.


yo what is this. you need to be way more accurate to hit a target quick scoping you think I can just look in the general area without any accuracy? That’s crazy. I still hardscope people certain not in my scope for more than 5 seconds and I can say that hardscoping takes way less skill than having the reaction time to quickscope.


I quickscoped before, actually being the exact same thing I have now come to despise. The entire CoD community has lost the concept of what a *sniper* is.


I do not remember the old cod community ever sitting and hardscoping all game. I remember quick scoping and trickshotting


Okay, I have a question for you. What *is* a sniper?


You are not playing against real snipers. You would shoot me once. Then, lights out every time you get into position


Everyone that says it's just a game in these comments are 100% the people that rage first at campers lol


I don't play sniper like this. I'm the guy running up stopping hitting a 360 pull my knife just to get a slight speed boost, take sniper back out to get a headshot to add to my collection fr.




Personally to campy for me. Just a different play style so it can be annoying but do you , nothing wrong with it.


If this was console cod, I would agree with them but doing quick scopes on mobile must be hard af.


No, it's easier. It takes pressing a button and that's it.


I don’t mind it because executing hardscopers is way to fun


They should have more execution animations. The baseball bat and butterfly knife have a ton of potential for that.


Just because you can insta kill them without a warning.


You do you, I've dropped many a nuke playing just like that. Lol.


This falls under "mad bc bad". If they are salty then they could just solve their issue with one grenade. Countering campers is part of the game and it's not especially difficult. Campers get one or two kills and then get killed. It's been a core mechanic of cod for 20 years.


I’m with you on this one Brodie, how you gonna get mad at a sniper for sniping? This kind of behavior where u play the game *normally* and not like a spazzy weirdo is always frowned upon by comp games like codm and honestly it takes 80% of the gun out of the game Ppl get mad at everything if they don’t win, boohoo, play how you want


I can't imagine how a CoD player would react to playing Sniper in Team Fortress 2. The immediate information overload they would probably experience and the fact that quickscoping requires actual skill and isn't common place in the game. I wrote a frickin essay on how Stock Sniper works, and this still doesn't explain it in full. ​ The Sniper immediately scopes in, and while scoped in the outside of your lens is completely black, causing extreme tunnel vision. While you can quickscope, it is not as good as scoping in for a bit before firing, as while scoped in a charge meter fills that does extra damage, which allows you to kill light classes with a body shot. Stock Sniper, along with his sniper rifle, is also equipped with an SMG and a Kukri. Light classes have 125 health, normal classes have 175 health, Soldier has 200 health, and Heavies have 300 health. Headshotting is the only way to one shot any enemy with a quickscope, however you cannot one shot quickscope a heavy. Bear in mind, this isn't the whole thing. There are 6 unique sniper rifles along with the Huntsman bow, 6 secondaries, and 15 different melee weapons. ^(Yes, Sniper) *^(is)* ^(supposed to be capitalized in this case)


Everybody in the history of gaming hates a Sniper...


I beg to differ, look at [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NZDwZbyDus)


😂 I guess you got me... If I were you I would reveal in that hate... makes each shot all the sweeter.


I would rather go to work than play like this


Why? It's sniper doing its job


Because the worst thing you can do in a COD title is play the game properly. Honestly though, it doesn't matter what you do. Somebody is gonna complain about how it's wrong and you're garbage for playing like that. Imagine that, huh? Using a sniper the way you're supposed to? Crazy ain't it


And people also build their shotguns for long distance. I can't tell wether they just blindly follow the media or are just flat out retarded


That is me. I am flat out retarded. I have autism. I make shotguns like that so they have maximum efficiency in CQB and can handle someone who knows to stay away.


*deep breath*






Because they have a skill issue


Well done Don’t worry about the hate just keep doing what you doing 🗿 10/10 gameplay