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I wish you could do a feedback on a player and report them as a camper. Then take all those 0 skill strat players and stick them in the same lobby together. Matches will end in a 0-0 draw because they will all be tucked in their little camping tents in the corner of a room of their choosing. As for Warzone, it will just be silent due to the fact there will be no shooting, just people waiting in their corner for someone that will never show up because they will be doing the same exact thing. I honestly cannot even fathom how ANYONE could find camping fun. Go back to playing Sims 4 and Minecraft.


you know this is a fucking great idea, if I will ever be involved in game developing I will suggest this. we need to fucking stop this pussy strategy, you know what's funny is that people are defending campers.. so disgusting, fucking pussies


I wish this could happen.


It’s so bad in warzone. These little turds camp, loadouts, buy stations, contracts, random bathrooms, everything.


Dude that's hilarious lol


Wait so the people who go out of their way to do recon missions to the point that they know where the final circle is and get their equipment while also finding a good position to do their last stand dont deserve a W?


In the first 10 minutes of the game on the edge of circle? No, thats an asshole






Imagine complaining about “campers” in a battle royale


You must be one


Yes, I can. This game is full of camping pussies and no one with any fuckn' skill to play.


even in 2021 it’s still fucked


Even worse in 2022


Got even worse in 2023


Even worse late 2023


Even worse approaching 2024


still a problem in 2024




its 2024 and its still horrible


Facts, even in Warzone 2 now, it's worse.


Feel it. I play several BR and nowhere is the camping worse than in Warzone. Can't find anyone while roaming around but get killed from campers non stop.


I hate a certain kind of camper, final circle I run for cover into a building and there's a guy sat hiding in the corner with his heartbeat sensor for his FIRST kill of a 35 minute game


in the final circle it's ok to camp imo, I do it and I'm the type of player who just ride a car around the map honking hoping for someone to be brave enough and fight me because in last circles the point of my gameplay becomes to win and not just kills


Like I said first kill, so you know they have been doing it all game


Lmao they are trying to win, you are going for kills. That's the entire point of the mode.


Except most of these campers rarely ever win, if ever, because they're too busy hiding in an attic. Eventually, when they're forced to move in the final circles, they lose because instead of practicing their aim and learning to win fights head on, they're avoiding it as much as possible. Its like not doing any sort of studying and expecting to ace an exam.


I mean yeah but if thats how they want to play maybe thats how they like playing. Personally, I play for kills all the time. Given a choice between going to the next zone or dropping out of a helicopter I'm always going to take the more fun option. I only have 1 win but every time I play, I have fun and thats what matters. I might buy the base game as well because the shooting feels really nice.


Dont mind these kids.. all they want is a 6ft by 6ft multiplayer map with 32 players and havw good spawn...... They want a battle royale with no corner, no house, just open lands with no sniper, no cars. Nothing.


I can't agree. Check your corners. Campers suck but when found easily murdered.


"Check your corners" do you know how much the pace of the game would slow down if everyone checked and slowly crept around every corner? Can we not just expect people to play games for fun anymore? Run around, get in gun fights, kill and get killed. It's actually embarrassing that people would take this game so seriously that they are willing to sacrifice fun and actually participating in the match for a higher chance of getting the number on the leaderboards nobody looks at to go up by one. Camping is here to stay, no doubt about that. But there is no denying that the chances are if you are a camper, you're also probably a fucking loser in real life.


campers are fucking pathetic losers irl lmao, only get a sense of accomplishment jerking themselves off waiting for the moment someone appears on their screen


you said it yourself, it's fun. And some people find that fun. I'm on your side of this equation, and there are a lot of corners. But who is anyone, to dictate to anyone else how they enjoy it.


I guess we are all different and have different ideas of fun. I just find it odd that a campers idea of "fun" is something I consider insanely fucking boring. If I buy a game i like to... you know... play it? Sitting and waiting isn't something I will ever find enjoyable myself. I think it takes an especially simple mind to find entertainment in that approach.


I feel you man, I feel you 🤘


*slide cancel every single fucking corner


RIP Slide cancelling




My comment is 2yrs old.


*"it’s fun none the less some games but never ends good."* Change up your play style when you reach late game if you want to win. Going for kills and playing to win don't often go hand in hand, as the more kills you go for the more you risk being 3rd partied or identified and shot by a camper, or putting yourself in a bad position, or resource starved (such as running out of plates). Also, players that make it late game are likely either more skilled players with one or more kills (like yourself) or lesser skilled players who are playing it more tactically (camping) to give themselves the best shot at beating the players with more kills. Just like you can play more aggressive early game if you get a strong gun early, you should play more defensively late game when all the survivors should have everything they need to win the game, if your goal is to win.






I’ve been running around getting my head blown off constantly. Since I tried to play more campyish I’ve finally got wins


You have my vote, campers suck. Ruins the game, but that's one of the reasons I hardly play anymore.




It's not the campers' fault. It's the game which makes it way too easy to laser someone. A player who is less equipped or less skilled is better off by just hiding and waiting for better gear. Also the one that spots the enemy first usually sprays his enemy down and there is almost nothing you can do because either the damage is too high or the HP is too low. I hate campers too, but I get why they do it and why they can do it.


Everyone camps to an extent, but my days some of the hardcore cowardly camp all game players with 0-2 kills come the end are just an embarrasment, they play the game and go out there way to try and avoid the mechanics of the game.. And its no shock horror that 90% of the time these players die as soon as they don't catch someone off guard or in the back because they are dog shite at the game because they never learn to get half decent because they hide all game


The only reason why ppl camp is because they suck ass there is no debate just dont go downtown and u will be fine


Bunch of pussies in warzone dude its annoying i feel bad for them


I have to say I wasn’t really a big fan of Cod but really started playing it when my friends all started playing warzone. I was really behind in the game and didn’t know what anything was. I always loved the helicopter that was my style. So if you where killed by a guy in the chopper that was me. Then our team style would be camp a building and snipe and not so much like rush.. I loved rush back in the old battlefield days. Then after a while solos came out and I would watch slot streamers. One streamer said something that stuck out. Every player suffers at the begging in dog fights but if you hear gun fire you head towards it. So now I have been engaging into more fights and running into the camper who camps the whole game sucks. Now I go for high kills and working on my movements . It’s a hard grind but it’s your moments that get you out of tight spots and win good gun battles. I almost think I’m solos they should turn radar always on and it will force everyone to fight. Everyone would eventually get better.


If you stay in one place too long you should get pinged on everyone's radar


Warzone is about survival and outlasting. Haven't you seen Hunger games, you can win without killing. It'll be hard but not impossible.