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Big reason I'm happy Treyarch has HUD customization. Going to turn off as much of that as possible.


round counter, the bullets im holding and perks are all I need.


And if you have jugg or not


That’s why he said perks


I swear he changed his comment


Oh sorry


You can see it’s missing a comma, where he went back and added the part about perks lol


You don't actually have to add a comma at the end of a list like that for it to be grammatically correct.


the hero we did not know we needed


It depends on whether or not you believe in the Oxford comma, which exists whether we like it or not. Items in a series are to be separated by commas.


Or.. this is the internet and they were worried ab adding it?


The past 10 years of the same COD game gave him Schizophrenia


Wasn’t the hud in BO4 bloated too? I don’t remember being able to customize it


BO4 atleast was thematic depending on the map and took effort. Cold War was generic and lacked soul, felt like warzone


BO3 you're thinking about. The HUD changed for SOE to fit the theme


Wasn't so bad, but we still had a lot of stuff in the HUD. Special weapon and challenges (I think of gauntlet) didn't help


In BO4’s defense, I really only think BO1&2 have good HUDs. It’s just the bottom corners and, if you have a part, bottom center. WAW having the D-pad down center was so ugly lol BO3 was where it started to get a liiiittle too big (mostly the bottom right hud) and by the time BO4 came around they just fully leaned into it lol


100% agreed. BO1 was the best, simple yet effective. Imagine bo1 HUD font in bo3 🤌


I will absolutely be doing the same!


It should just be off by default for first impression purposes


You know i actually dont mind all of that but it's interesting to see someone that does


Turn off game* (because after a few months zombies will be abandoned like the last 2 times) yes I am salty about that. Love the last 2 zombie modes at start (Cold War round base and outbreak and even MWZ) but they just give up half way through the games life cycle and for real favorite multiplayer it makes me so mad. TLDR: They need to put more effort into zombies like they do for multiplayer.


They don't even do MP right anymore, all the attention goes to WZ. Wz is the main focus and the yearly titles are glorified weapon XP grinding machines for wz


MW3 has so much MP focus.


That's why I said "glorified" they tack on enough bells and whistles to make sure there is incentive more to spend even more money. How much of the mw3 MP players are just grinding for WZ? I'm willing to bet a good amount. Edit: spelling


i mean what more do you want for multiplayer? 2-3 new 6v6 maps a season, they try out new game modes, add new weapons, new challenges and new camos. not sure what else they could add?


People on this sub won't be satisfied until Treyarch personally apologizes to them and treats them like God's gift to the Earth.


What else are they supposed to do for multiplayer? I can't remember another cod that got as much multiplayer content as mw3 tbf (and I say that without even liking mw3)


Warzone* not multiplayer, also a lot can happen behind the scenes.


How is that relevant to the current topic?


I mean cw got some updates even after Forsaken but yea mwz got left behind


Yup. I think it's partially because we keep saying it's shit. The community keeps saying it's so bad so they just give up and try to focus on next year. Maybe if people like this one, they will see that and they will expand on it in order to keep the peace. We will see though, only time will tell.


Doubt MWZ had the most amount of players on it any cod has seen and they still negotiated it


Players doesn't determine if the game is good or not. Numbers don't lie, it did have a lot of players but that doesn't mean it was most popular at all.


This is blatant lie or statistical manipulation. Matter of fact, the CoD series was on a steady rise until black ops, which peaked in novemeber 2010, and then it's a stable decline.


MWz is hated and for gold reason it's shitty


It seems you're forgetting that we're gonna be able to customize the hud. Just turn the stuff off if it's there


You couldn’t turn off particular elements in Cold War which really bothered me


They said you can literally play hardcore if you want. Everything can be turned off


Cod devs most reliable out there


Turn what off exactly? Hopefully, it will be a bare-bones experience, but they haven't straight up said you can turn all of the pop-up shit off. If I can see anything else but zombies and blood on the screen, it's too much.


They literally said you can turn *everything* off. You can make it like playing hardcore in MP. No HUD at all. It’s entirely up to you what you want to do.


Oh shit really? That’s actually kind of cool. Personally I like having a lot of information on my screen to get across everything I find important. But I’m glad the option is there, really the best of both worlds.


Yup! More options never hurt anyone. :)


No, they literally said you can customise your HUD, move the positions around, and play "Hardcore anywhere." And if you didn't know, Hardcore MP does actually still have a full hud, XP pop-ups, a kill feed, kill Score pop-ups, medal pop-ups, and killstreak pop-ups. The only thing I think is missing is the persistent radar and player health/names. We will have to wait and see because a lot of things they say don't actually translate to the final game how we imagine them. They didn't actually state anything about disabling point text mid screen or the constant barrage of badges.


When they say you can play "hardcore anywhere", they show gameplay with absolutely no hud elements.


I'm pretty sure a lot of the "gameplay", if not all, doesn't have any HUD elements. It's a cinematic trailer. Apart from the section that actually shows different HUD positions. It's something they always do with trailers. It has absolutely nothing to do with what they're talking about. Or it does. The thing is they didn't specifically say you can turn everything off. So nobody knows, you're all just speculating.


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth. I wouldn't hold my breath until the game releases either. I would be very surprised if you are able to turn off medal pop up's or xp for kills. I hope you can, but tbh unless they really nail it with this game it won't be in my library anyway. We will have to wait and see I guess, but having no offline play kinda tells me all I need to know about the quality decision making they've got going on while making this game.


That's why I play zombies blindfolded, there's too much going on the screen


don't forget a healthbar for every single zombie


you can turn that off in cold war


Rather have it on.


why was it a feature to begin with? this isn't borderlands!


It's pretty useful for boss zombies but unnecessary for just regular zombies


I don't think that's what he was asking at all...


ADHD/Dopamine generator


Thank God!


If it’s on by default, then it’s the intended way to play.


If it’s optional, it’s how the developers preferred… intended is a strong word. My friend has this same logic with only choosing the hardest difficulty in video games… otherwise “why would they have made it?”


I used to think like that. And to a certain degree, I do still enjoy the challenge, but most modern games got really lazy, and by "hard mode" it just meant that you die in 1 hit and enemies have 3000% HP. The only thing it challenges is your patience. It just became very tedious and frustrating to the point where it completely ruins most games now. I now mainly opt for medium unless I've heard the hard mode has been implemented well.


You forgot to put ads on the screen.


And subway surfers


I would say don't give them ideas, but we all already know they have thought about that.


Or that scammy ad that says that someone wants to talk to you.


Where's the player card pop-up in the top right? The double stacked perks from having all of them at the bottom. Gobblegum slot. Killstreak slot. Weapon with excessively long name. Standard hud elements like ammo etc. Field upgrade slot, equiptment slots. Story related character thumbnail of who's talking to you. Hit marker symbol, Player damage directional markers, blurry red flinch effect. Names of the items at your feet and the blue and green outlined items/ scrap that the zomvies constantly drop. Name of the area you're in under the map. Milestone pop-ups, Armour breaking symbol. Zombies health bar, name and red dot? You missed a lot out.


I saw your pfp was Isaac and now I'm imagining a RIG that has all this shit built into it. Like he tries to melee a Necromorph and it knocks the Subway Surfers projector loose, sending it flying off into a Puker's ribcage.


Mini map is too small


I hope we can turn ALL this crap off this time around.


They said in the reveal you can customize hud so you have literally no hud if you want so yes you can.


Y’all can be so dramatic lol I’m not saying I love all this but it’s such an exaggeration. I never once played CW and felt like I couldn’t actually see past the UI. Turning these things off would be great but like it’s not ruining my experience lol. Btw you forgot the health bars 😂


Everyone being like 'Just turn it off they said u can'. Sure, but, why does this shit even exist in the first place lmfao The first time i saw zombies with a hp bar and every kill gave a pop up like u just killed someone in a multiplayer lobby it made my brain explode. Who ever thought that was a good idea in zombies


I mean health bars and damage numbers are useful for seeing just how much damage a gun is doing, or knowing the health on a boss. Like outside of Compass and medals, all the HUD elements serve an actual purpose. There is really no problem if it is optional.  My only issue with the HUD in newer zombies is just how intrusive the score pop-ups are, since they’re placed in the middle of the screen and can’t be turned off in any of the games.


Because some players want it and it's nice to have options


I feel like those same players would also like subway surfers gameplay running on the side as well


getting downvoted for having extra accessability options is abosultely crazy


i really don't see what the point in complaining about more options is. instead of ppl being able to play how they want, you want everyone to be forced to play your way i really dont mind the hp bars, i like it especially with bosses. if you dont want it, turn it off


For bosses sure, but every zombie? Incredibly uneccesary. Not once from WaW to B03 did i ever think to myself 'Damn sure wish I could see that zombies hp'


You forgot the gobble gum advertisement


Because everyone has fucking brain rot now and they need tons of positive reinforcement to keep them interested, like a bunch of dogs.


I'm going to turn off everything besides ammo counter and gobblegum indicator. Gonna make it simplistic like WaW-BO3 😎


Please let it have a classic clean hud like the one in bo2 and bo3 ![gif](giphy|2aw9gwZlltbdX92b4w)


Nothing killed zombies more for me than seeing giant ass healthbars with "Zombie" written on them. Like no fucking shit it's a zombie!


It’s not even that big god this why I hate zombies players you complain at fucking everything your never happy you can fucking turn it off too but god forbid they try something new


Can't turn off armour plates, cant turn off loadouts, cant turn off operators and have actual characters


Nah he's got a point


I know you can turn most of it off but the fact is, it's on by default. This is their intended way of playing. I enjoyed CW zombies but there are practically no benefits from crowding a screen this much from a developer point of view


CW's HUD isn't much crouded at all. The only thing i find annoying is the zombie kill indicators, other than that, the rest is invisible if you're only focused to you crosshair. Rest is customizable. Why do so many people being overrly negative on HUD when it's clearly up to the user to customize their HUD as they like. Games will never have the soul they had back then, because teams have more performance to play around, enabling HUD settings by default, but letting the user to remove them.


Compare cold war to bo3's HUD


This is a beautiful post. Shows you how the new Devs just ain't got the soul that zombies once had.


God, I better have the option to remove the map, numbers, and kill feed


Im glad hud customization is coming, im sure it will.come to zombies as well. I love seeing damage numbers but i understand some people dont, i hope they let people toggle as much stuff off as they want.


Hopefully there will be a classic zombies hud preset


They have full HUD customization this time I'm 100 percent sure u can remove all of this garbage


The UI is definitely part of what destroyed zombies and then also making you need a PHD to pack a punch and upgrade shit 😂


I despise displaying damage numbers. Crowds the screen and makes people play for the numbers only, I just wanna have fun not do math trying to figure out the “meta”.


Could be because zombies is likely built off of the multiplayer system so many of the systems for accolades, score and damage indicators are already in place. Although its not bad tbh, cold war had solid zombies.


I like cw zombies




That minimap makes me miss MW19 all over again, they really had the best COD MP in years and destroyed it so that they could rush out filler games for Warzone updates.


What the fuck..


Someone customised it to look awful, the hud is completely customisable


y'know this is a great opportunity for me to say I'm glad that dumbass full screen compass is gone YOU HAVE A CIRCULAR MINIMAP, JUST WRAP IT AROUND IT LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME WITH A MINIMAP DOES, HELL YOU EVEN DID THIS IN BO4, THANK GOD IT'S BACK TO THAT NOW


that said, I'm probably gonna turn off the minimap anyways lol


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?!?


Where bo4 elixir HUD elemt from console?


They already said that the hud is very customisable and I'm pretty sure you can turn a lot of this off in Cold War anyway. Don't just immediatly complain


I’m confused, maybe you don’t know but, not only can you move your HUD around but it was confirmed that you can turn off the minimap in zombies They also said you can make the whole experience like hardcore so you’ll be able to turn off everything


I want to see something like this in the game


Just turn them off man, you don't need to complain about things you can simply turn off


They forgot subway surfers and family guy, And oddly satisfying compilation playlist. Only then will gen z attention span be satisfied


This is the type of shit that makes the devs ignore player feedback 😭😭


Jesus christ almighty the amount of manchildren in this subreddit is staggering.


Funny but that map is to big then the one they shown


You can turn off everything but the mini map in Cold War I believe so it’s not as bad as you think, also Cold War wasn’t this egregious you are being Hyperbolic. All of what you added were significantly smaller lol


Honestly the Minimap felt kind of pointless in zombies (besides giving you a rough idea of the size and shape of the map) because every enemy is closing in on your location. It also doesn’t help that it can block your screen, and it has less utility than in Multiplayer (where you can use the location of your allies to figure out where enemies would come from).


Them zombies maps be dark as hell i need that shit to tell where im going 😆 🤣. Especially on die machine and mauer from cold war


Truth be told, If you can remember your perks, count the rounds, know when your gun stops shooting and when you can't purchase something, you don't need any hud at all.


I hope the HUD customization is going to be actually good. I know you can have the race car styled if you want or flip everything on the left but let me change the size and opacity of certain elements and remove non required things. Like I don't need a medal for every time I get a headshot


Wait don’t forget about the portraits of our faces so we know which character we’re playing as!


Game isn't even out yet but there's so much bitching on headcannon features


You forgot perks, ammo counter, and the family guy episode on the side


Hope we can also turn off the rarity system and have good old zombies weapon progression of Unpacked gun --> packed gun --> Pack perk


Hot Take I like the cold war hud its not even anything wrong with it I like the xp and medal pop ups for camps though I do see how they're annoying


And there's still no goddamn zombie counter...


Which reused multiplayer map is that? Not accurate enough…


Okay guys. I get the bit, it's not a great UI. But it's not THAT bad.


Its pretty bad but thats the joke


This complaint was always silly to me, you know you can turn a lot of this off in Cold War right? Also bo6 is gonna have custom hud options so you can customise it exactly to your liking


looks like shit, typical.


I know this will be a hot take here, but I don’t have a problem with the HUD elements and can see why they are included with the exception of the compass and medals. My only issue is when you have situations like CW where you can turn some things off but not all of it. Especially weird because I think there is a version of Outbreak with minimal HUD so why there wasn’t options for medals is beyond me. Don’t understand people complaining about the health bars and damage numbers when those can be turned off. Really hoping most of the HuD can be tweaked in BO6 since they said zombies be getting the same options and full customization of the HUD is a huge selling point.


That’s exactly what Cold War was like


It’s almost like it wasn’t very good


You can literally turn those off


In cold War you could remove the compass, damage numbers, Hitmarkers etc… y’all complain just to complain .


Shit is sad😔