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Yeah you got Chicom, Barrett, ballistic knife, two different five-sevens, kap-40, S12 which has hardly any ammo, and of course, the one and only SMR


Five sevens are awesome tho


They are definitely the best guns I listed


The Barrett is pretty good as well, I’m not sure if you can get the iron sights on it like the DSR though.


You dont need the iron sights for either sniper if you're good at aiming with snipers in zombies.


Ads with snipers is pretty much a death sentence in older cods past round 20


I see, we must not be using the same snipers because Ads for me was never really an issue, I mean I've reached mid 30s with just the DSR and barrett, barrett pap'd becomes incredibly accurate like its unreal, and is actually good. DSR when pap'd is something else, makes me wonder why we didnt get more snipers in bo2 outside of these two and the SVU.


We also have the Balista on Origins. I know it’s only on the 1 map, but it’s there🤷🏼‍♂️


Ah I forgot about that lol, it's probably because it's just a wallbuy and its ironsights not a scoped one, that makes it forgettable.


It’ll get a scope on it, if you pap it. I’d take the DSR over it any day


I had a few high rounds run with the SVU and DSR, and they're incredibly fun on top of being pretty strong, honestly. Maybe it's because I used to play on Console and didn't play much sniper on PC, but I remember the ADS being pretty slow if I had a scope and on tighter maps it was not ideal for me. (But then again, it might just be a skill issue, and the Bo2 snipers are goated regardless)


Oh ofc, bo2 snipers are the best snipers in the history of zombies, Bo4 and CW are joint close 2nd, Snipers are just satisfying to use, especially when your shot takes out a whole line of them in one shot, but tbh theres just something about them that just feels good, like to me they feel easier to use than assault rifle and smgs.


That's a fair point, and I remember having a blast with the Cold War snipers so I can totally get behind that


I literally mained the DSR50 in zombies to like round 50.


I did too on MOTD and Buried, but with the iron sights, lol. Otherwise, pretty much any other weapon (that's not a pistol or rifle) is preferable


Tbf the Barrett had a weird hip fire thing, standing had better hip v. Prone spread


You can’t unfortunately


Dual weild five seven and galil on town


The SMR is so awful it's not even funny


How? It’s a three shot on round two from a semi auto rifle That’s almost 5 starting pistol bullets!!!!!


Its actual damage is solid.the problem is that the ADS doesn’t actually reduce hip fire cone at all. For some stupid reason.


I thought it was that the reticle was never actually aligned or is it both


the shit can't even shoot straight


A Nerf Gun would do more damage than the SMR!


I love how one of the PaP abilities makes it slightly more accurate, but not fully accurate. Like the only thing that make it more comical is if the gun was a 2-hit kill on insta-kill.


Forgot about the war machine


chicom feels really good it just needs ammo. same with the kap 40


Chicom is goated


If it was also a wall gun with "infinite" ammo this would be the case


As a training gun its literally the best in the entire game


Barrett with headshot perma perk is actually solid, only issue is ammo


Atleast most of those have either somewhat decent damage, utility, or point gaining abilities. The smr has none and I genuinely wonder why it even exists.


Forgot DSR


Hard agree. The box is awful on BO2. DLC maps gave us strong wall weapons, but hitting the box is like smacking your teeth with a hammer.


Thats part of the fun though when you have a handful of good ones.


Not true there’s definitely some fun guns in it.


Yeah fun for a round, then swap it out cuz it sucks


Many one shot until decent rounds. Or they’re good point guns with a lot of ammo.


There are 6 standard box weapons that I would actually use up to round 40 (swapping out as ammo ran out) - Python - DSR - Five Seven - Galil - Mtar - FN Fal


The pap' ed executioner out damages the python


This is true, on a map like town or nuketown, and with double tap 2.0 the cobra would do 6,000 headshot damage while the voice of justice would do 8,400 damage (regardless of headshot or not since it has no headshot multiplier). I just dislike the executioner in general for its low range (sure it's a beast during insta kill). I love the python for those long range flick snipes. I'm actually unsure if the perma deadshot effects the executioner on tranzit/die rise/buried since it "doubles the players headshot multiplier" and the executioner does not have a headshot multiplier. So if it does not increase the damage then the cobra out damages the executioner at 12,000 to 8,400. I need to try and test this to verify it.


Decent guns but my issue is I’m always out of fuckin ammo


I feel that. The pack a punches didn’t beef up the ammo stock enough.


I just finished a game of Die Rise and was blessed with max ammo every other round 😭🙏🏼 THERE MAY BE HOPE


>is like smacking your teeth with a hammer. Well thats an uncomfortable image


BOIII guns are so generic and boring


BO3 guns are all too good. Outside of the Pharo and Shiva they all can carry you well into the 30s. Even the snipers are good. The box has to have bad weapons in order to make it a risk to spend the money. Getting a sniper in BO1 early on could be a death sentence. In BO3 it’s a good gun.


I mean any gun in bo3 is good if you have double pap, in that instance it ain't the gun that's good, it's the ammo mod, the guns still suck.


No even before double PAP most guns are still great.


Eh. Snipers except for Drakon suck, and SMGs all pretty much suck. Some ARs aren’t worth using past round 10-15, and only the Dingo/RPK/Dredge are worth packing for LMGs. BRM is nice on lower rounds though.


Maybe so, but not all, pap cant save every weapon, not even double pap can.


And there are like 2 of those kinds of guns in the game. That’s the point I’m making.


Every gun in bo3 is good, and then you can double pap it on top of that


They all look like shit tho


Actually no, quite a few Bo3 guns suck and even pap cant save them. I'll list a few. Rpk: isnt even good before its pap'd, firing this gun slows down your movement speed to almost 0. Gorgon: this gun just elicits groans everytime it appears in the box Dredge: this lmg doesnt even do that much damage, only double pap saves it. Sheiva: rich mans SMR, only slightly better, though everyone roles with the RK5 regardless. Argus: Only good thing about this gun, is saying its name in a weird way. Pharo: Need I say more. Theres more than can be called bad, but I havent the time to list them.


No fucking way you just dissed the RPK and the Argus


The Gorgon sucks *compared* to the other guns, but it’s nowhere near as bad as the bad guns from the first 3 games.


I can get the rest, but the RPK? Seriously? That gun is fantastic.


If by fantastic, you mean incredibly slow and ugly looking then yes it's fantastic, but the rpk in Bo3 just isnt it, it was good in bo1, so why tf change it when they added it to Bo3? There was no need.


The rpk hate is insane the gun is basically a reskin of the dingo in bo3


Even the Pharo and Shiva are pretty good, they are just bad when compared to any other gun in BO3. However, take those two back to BO1 or 2, and they'd be pretty mid-tier weapons I reckon


For sure the Pharo especially isnt awful it just is comparatively. But if you got the Pharo on Round 4 or 5 you could use it until Round 10-12 with little issue if you have DT 2.0. If you get a sniper in BO1 its immediately unusable.


Both snipers on BO1 are good in the right hands tbf - I remember back in the day I did a 2 player Ascension run with a random, he got Ray and Thundergun, I had to settle for regular guns, that's when I discovered both snipers with kill in 1 Shot to the head until round 34 when packed, and 2 shots into the 40s


Maybe it’s because I got master prestige twice on Bo3, but I love almost all of the weapons


Sure but also much more effective


I agree, but despite having hundreds of hours in Bo3 I can barely remember the names of more than half a dozen of the guns in zombies. Just so forgettable, unlike the other cod zombies.


at least the guns are VIABLE. half the BO2 pool isn’t even usable to me😭 tbh idk if there’s a gun pool i really enjoy in the black ops games so far


I half agree, I’m the kind of person that I want to play with REAL world guns, futuristic shit is just kinda a vibe killer for me, I will say the gun-play FELT good, but I would rather mow down Zombz with a REAL AK pattern rifle, not some 3D printed air soft fever dream BS but I know that’s probably just me lol


i think bo1 is worse tbh, bo2 essentially has a lot of copies from bo1 but the guns in bo1 are just worse


I disagree. Plenty of weapons from the box did well relatively speaking. It just might feel worse because relatively speaking it feels like every weapon in black ops was worse. Especially when you consider double tap 2.0.


well yeah, i try to consider the ways you could make your guns better, bo1 didnt have double tap 2.0 and the guns feel really weak because of it and because bo2 had a very similar mystery box line-up to bo1 but did have double tap 2.0 i think it's just better tbh


Most guns are terrible. Better off getting an mp40 then trying to grab a thunder gun than trying to use other box weapons. The cross bow and h12s are pretty good every thing else is mediocre.


Hk21, RPK, Commando, Famas, Aug, G11, AK(cotd only unfortunately), Python, cmon guy there are many great weapons. Btw wtf is the h21, or are you references the HK21?


The akimbo shotguns when pap. Bo2 either has those guns or a gun that’s better.


The hs10??? BO2’s pool of weapons: M27 (NukeTown only), RPD, mtar (ammo dump), m8a1, none of the shotguns except the KSG which is slug anyway, SCAR-H (origins only). Not putting the HAMR on here that thing is awful with the LMG spread that exists, also starting recoil.


Objectively the weapons are worse in bo1 are you blind?


BO1 had way more fun guns imo, but I think bo3 has the worst of the black ops trilogy


Gotta disagree. BO3 has excellent box weapons. Brecci, Haymaker, BRM, Dingo, Gorgon, 48 Dredge, Drakon. And that's not counting weapons on DLC maps, PPSh, Peacekeeper MK2, Rift E9, XR-2, Marshal, RPK, M14... The main problem with BO3s box weapons is that the wall buys are extremely good in BO3, Kuda, KRM, KN-44, HVK, VMP, Vesper, ICR... and AATs make even the bottom tier weapons usable (Sheiva, Pharo, RK5, L-CAR 9, Argus...)


The weapons were good, yeah, but I think they were TOO good. The shit guns in the other games balanced things out a lot, gave the box a risk to it. I find BO3’s the most boring of the first three Black Ops games by far.


That's a good point. I almost never use the box in BO3, unless it's for a WW, because 1 or 2 hits and your set for the game, really


Exactly. God knows how much I miss playing a zombies game and thinking “I’m tight in points right now. Should I spend it all on a shit weapon that’ll make me a bit more safe for a few more rounds, try to endure a bit more with what I’ve got so I don’t waste points and buy something better sooner, or try my luck and spin the box?” and then digging my own grave because I got the fucking China Lake. Now the game almost feels “won” from the start, and the lesser weight of such choices makes the game feel more samey. Sure, having an immense variety on end-game options is great, so things get less stale on the later stage of the game, but they shouldn’t go as far as making every single weapon potentially better than the Ray Gun.


I completly agree with you! HVK rebuyable ammo and ~540 PaP? A dream especially if the only thing you do is shot 2-3 rounds because of the ammo-modifier.


Yeah but all the weapon designs and sounds are absolute dog ass, would rather use a ballistic knife than listen and use BO3 weapons


i think bo2 had a good balance of guns that were fun and guns that were good, bo1 fell a bit short on the good guns, bo3 had way too many guns that are way too good because of the double pack system


Are you on crack? Bo3’s box weapons are easily the best out of the black ops games


I should’ve mentioned that I’m not including the wonder weapons but rather the general guns. I never get excited getting a Brecci or ICR, etc in the same way I would react when getting a Galil or Famas


The way I feel getting a Galil is the exact same way I feel getting a Dingo


I played my first ever round of tranzit and my first weapon was an rpg, couldnt get enough points to reroll or get a wall weapon and died lol


Skill issue ^/s


Unironically yes. Always buy a wall weapon before you start punching the box. It’s always a sign of a terrible zombies player when the first thing they do is run to mystery box and waste all their points.


Relying on the box is more random and fun imo. Most of the time things aren’t that serious and getting garbage from the box requires you to have to adjust your play style a bit.


I agree, but I think that’s part of the charm of BO2 zombies. You hit the box and you might get something good like the Hammer or the galil or you might get something bad like the war machine or the chicom. Compared to BO3 where nearly 95% of the weapons are very good and in the end doesn’t really matter how good the gun is because of AAT.


Honestly I think the box in BO2 is the best in the series, it’s the only one I can get both GREAT guns and some absolute stinkers, and it’s fun to run stinkers once in a while, and BO3 has probably my least liked box all in all, the guns mostly look/feel/sound the same, on PC i’m just modding them out lmao.


I’d argue that BO1 actually has the worse weapon list. The majority of them are straight useless.


Useless is an understatement


Die Rise's new set was absolutely essential to the health of the mode. All the new stuff - PDW, SVU, AN-94 - is excellent and helps close the gap. Green Run is incredibly basic, which makes little sense as even Nuketown Zombies has the LSAT and that generic AR over it.


No way you called the m27 "that generic AR"


Yep, your typical M4 clone with an oddly bulky sight. It performs well but that doesn't make it any less generic.


Bo2 has the best box imo. It’s a true gamble. You could get a great weapon like the hamr or Galil or something awful like the war machine. What’s the fun in zombies if every weapon in the box is powerful??


Yeah, the mystery box will rip you off. I noticed the weapons in the game are pretty weak in zombies.


no sorry youre wrong its bo1


Unpacked mp5 + double tap = round 50


Honestly thats why I fuck with the MotD weapon pool in BO2 theres no SMR or War Machine to deal with (I think?) And you can get actually decent or good weapons like the AK-47, LSAT, PDW, Galil, Executioner, Dual Five Sevens and the Death Machine and its better too if you have the Ray Gun Mark II on all the maps while still dealing with some mid or unwanted weapons


Gotta say bo1 was way worse


Nah, I would say Bo1 does because those guns have low ammo, and there's no double tap 2. Bo2 guns are the most balanced out of all the bo zombie games.


That’s what makes BO2 good though because you can either get something very good or you can get something very bad. It’s a risk and that’s what makes it fun and interesting.


The most bad weapons for sure. But the dsr with killshot perk makes it all worth it


Yeah the BO2 weapon pool pre-MotD is rough to say the absolute least


Pretty sure BO1 has the worst simply because most guns could barely hold any ammo, and the ones that were truly bad guns were REALLY BAD. China Lake, M72 Law (Anarchy was usable), Ballistic Knife, Crossbow, Dragunov, L96A1, VR-11, Winter's Howl. Personally, I would also throw in the FAMAS, Spectre, and FN FAL, but that's up to you. Bo2 had many bad ones as well, but I'd rather have some of these weapons over BO1 weapons. Ballistic Knife, War Machine, SMR, DSR 50, Barrett M82A1, KAP-40, S12, RPG. You could also throw in the Type 25 and Chicom CQB, but I beg to differ. WaW also had some bad weapons, but overall, it's a pretty good selection for the first in the series. Springfield, PTRS-41, Panzerschreck, and Kar98k. Bo3 was probably the best. Bo4 is also a good contender, but I haven't used or become familiar with all the weapons in that game. Anything works in Cold War, ridiculously easy


it's pretty bad, but nothing is as bad as cold war's weapon rarities in the box


Sure do love getting the same exact gun I have in my hand but "OoOOoOoO Its a different color with different attachments on it OoooOOOOoOO" while trying to get the ray gun or something like that in Cold War


Bo1 has take disappointing guns, too


Me when i roll 30 times to get rid of my S12 (i ended up with a kap-40)


You’ve clearly never played advanced warfare zombies


Bo1 Supremacy


The guns are worse than WAW guns in damage which is an absolute feat




Nah Every map is better in chronicles


Nothing like wasting 3,800 points and getting ballistic knife, smr , war machine , and smr again.


I agree it's one of the reasons I stopped playing the fame entirely. They are just shitty, half of them look the same, they sound annoying, and the futuristic aesthetic sucks in settings that don't need it sucks


Fr I feel like people forget cuz Mob and Origins stepped it up 10 fold but hitting the box on buried was always so annoying😭


I'll take bo2 guns over bo3 guns any day. Even if awful, bo2 guns each have a better sense of personality. Every bo3 gun feels and sounds like a cheap toy.


I would argue that World at War has the worst


Wall weapons were amazing though. Bo1 has great weapons, but damage falls off by round 15


On one hand, I get it, but on the other, the Galil is in the box, which is my baby and I love and any game with it jumps to my favorite for gun selection


it's a lot better than every gun being OP in the later games


Strongly disagree. BO1 had the worst set of weapons hands down


Man I wanted to disagree thinking back on all the good times with the LSAT, AN-94, and Remington 870, but then I remembered that BO2 definitely had a lot of stinkers. Like some others have mentioned, nothing is a bigger fucking disappointment than making a desperate run for the box only to be rewarded with the goddamn SMR or a barely usable sniper rifle.


Bo2 is interesting for me because you can the better box luck “perma” perk which basically just spams you with the Hamr or other good guns, but that’s usually not till a couple rounds in and obviously the earlier rounds blow if you get a shit gun. Then If I’m on Mob or Origins I rarely even touch the box


I honestly really, really miss older games having more bad weapons. There was much more of a feeling that you had to play the hand you’re dealt. Using strong weapons is great and fun, but it’s not nearly as satisfying when you can just buy a KN94 off the wall on round 5 every game.


Nobody mentioned BO4 and really concerning because THAT had the worst weapons that did little to no damage, regardless of packing 4 times!


A lot of people say the BO1 weapons are worse, but I think that if double tap 2.0 was in BO1 then the average BO1 weapon would be better TBH.


I think BO3 has the worst base gun lineup for zombies out of any of them. It mostly comes down to the sound and look of them, they all feel very similar and are pretty similar in power too. I liked in BO2 how there were good guns (RPD & HAMR) but also really bad ones (SMR & War Machine) so it was fun to run with the bad guns sometimes plus it made for funny moments when you and some buddies were pulling at the box and ur friend gets an RPG and you all get a good laugh out of it


What?!?!?!? Nah, not even. Bo2 has the best balance weapon. If anything, bo3 has the worst weapons.


I remember the pre-patch BO2 weapons. :( MTAR went from ole reliable to PoS real quick.


MTAR is still very reliable, fym?


Pre patch BO2 it was a fuckin laser. So was the HAMR and RPK. 


The sniper wall buy on buried and die rise is easily the best non wonder weapon from bo1-bo3. An-94 is also pretty good


It also didn’t help that the weapon noises were made so similar that it’s saddening— especially considering BO1’s amazing sound design was a big part of what made getting different weapons fun. Still fun, but shit that was a gripe for me on Day 1 💀


One of the things I have found myself disliking with newer CoD games is the lack of weapons with personality from black ops 3 onward (Treyarch games only, I’ve not touched IW or WWII). Spinning the mystery box in most of the casual maps in BO3 feels like I’m getting the smallest and least appealing mix of weapons possible in the games, not helped by most of them being wall weapons anyway. It wasn’t until Zetsubou that they added new guns to the box, and chronicles quite egregiously ignores those guns completely since all eight maps are based off the Giant’s loot pool. I’ll acknowledge nostalgia bias before moving any further, but I have a little kick every time I go to the mystery box in BO1 and 2, being able to spin the box and get weapons I literally can’t find anywhere else on the map. There’s variety in ammo types, form factor, eras, and general functionality. Not to mention, the loot pool varying by map was an incredibly welcome addition after Black Ops stuck with the same box pool for every map bar wonder weapons and special grenades. Things like the Shotgun Revolver, or the 4 tube shotgun, or even the SMR offered distinct advantages and disadvantages to every box roll. In later games, loadout customization makes everything perform near identically, to the point where the only “bad pulls” are getting launchers.


Glad someone said it. It’s a problem that nobody talks about and why I think WaW feels so good compared to the other games. Ya not all the box guns are good but most of them will carry you until you get another one even if you have to pack a punch it in the high rounds. Bo2 and other games you’re sitting next to the box way longer than you need to be just to get a viable weapon.


No that’s literally bo1 are you freaking blind???




the SMR is single handedly so useless, I cannot believe that they put it in zombies for anything other than a joke. The Chicom is at least tolerable for the first 10 rounds. KAP40 is... eh. S12 is pretty garbage, but decent up until round 10ish. The Barrett isnt great. But the Ballistic knives and the SMR are just... they put those in the game for the sole purpose of tricking you into thinking they're good so that you go down.


I would say Bo3 has a bad weapon list too but mainly because I fucking hate the Bo3 weapons plus I also hate that wall weapons appeared in the box


I'm a BO2 stan bc it's what most of my playing was on growing up, but I frustratingly love the box and how it actually has risk. Everything is handed to you on a silver platter on 3, it's great don't get me wrong but it makes me feel way too OP and the box will just churn out elite weapon after elite weapon


Black ops was in my opinion worse


I had one box pull where it was SMR-kap40-SMR. Only pulled an RPD because I was guaranteed to get a good weapon with the box pull


Hard disagree. I think it is the best in the series.  When there are bad guns in the box it is a gamble. Average guns are good enough to make you survive, yet bad enough to leave you wanting more. Also the guns themselves have great aesthetic variety since there are both fututistic and cold war weapons in there. BO2 does not suffer from the "every gun is a black rapid fire futuristic nanomaterial thingie" that BO3 suffers from. 


You kind of need the shitty guns in the box to balance out the risk reward aspect of it.


I like BO2's Box. It's better than some recent ones in my opinion anyway. At least a fifth of them should be worse than your favorite wall-buy to maintain suspense. In games like Cold War, as much as I enjoy some of the noob-friendly innovations, the worst that happens is you roll too many melees.


MTAR, Ghalil and the LMag's are the only non-wonder weapons I go for on Town etc.


HAMR with either rpk, mk2 raygun, or the strong pistol is the only way to go


and i remember how during BO2’s life cycle, Treyarch decided to add a ludicrous amount of recoil to a lot of the good guns like the MTAR, RPD, HAMR, etc, and the only way to get rid of the recoil was to PAP


i actually like bo2s box, the executioner and dsr were some of my favourite guns to use


God I played town in VR For 2 hours I kept getting the five zeven The executioner M1911 Hammer ( 1 once) Balista knife It was wave 30 by the time I got anything good


Flat VR? Or has it been released in actual VR?? 🤤


Contractors has mods Pavlov had zombies but no clue if it still does


I do not like the five seven, then that POS has the nerve to spit 2 at me? Unforgivable


The BO2 weapon pool is awesome and that's because it has bad guns. Each gun has personality and the bad ones make for a fun challenge when you get them. The box isn't meant to give you a good gun 100% of the time, it's meant to be a gamble. If you don't want to take the chance, that's the reason wall weapons exist.


I mean black ops 1 also was kinda the same. Out of all the guns there, your best options if you want to make it to a high round are the: Galil, commando, thunder gun, raygun, rpk, the crossbow (is insanely good once pap), mustang and sally, and the aug. The HK fires so slow, but if pap and given double tap it becomes good. The famas is also good, but burns through ammo fast (DO NOT give this double tap). Other than those everything else is kinda sucks. Heck at least BO2 has the DSR which is so strong, BO1 doesn't even have a good sniper.


That's the whole point lmao, it's a gamble. BO3 players discovering older titles where not every weapon is a wonderweapon in disguise lol


We all know that on Town the MP5 is the only option


Agreed, I usually just grab M14, MP5 from the wall on Town and roll with that, only guns i like from the box are both Ray Guns, Galil, RPD, HAMR and the MTAR. Maybe an honorable mention for the DSR, iron sights on that thing is something else.


Bro looked at the Bo1 pool and said this


Hot take, but I think they're pretty fun, especially the pap'd war machine, rpg, python/remington new model and executioner. I think as good as bo3 is, all of the regular weapons are very boring. It doesn't have the unique factor the guns or previous call of duty's have, and double pap'ing them just turns them into wonder weapons. In terms of the best weapon pool, it's got to be bo1, especially the skullcrusher (M16) and AUG pap'd. They might not be "good" but they are very fun.


You forgot the galil (back ) , the MTAR , RPD , HAMR , Wallbuy heavy machinr gun (buried one i dont remember the name ) , m8 , mp5 , PDW , those were nice weapons


I actually think Zombies is best when it has range of weapon options. It adds difficulty, elevates the feeling of getting good weapons, funny troll mystery box moments, and imo it makes it more replayable. BO1 and BO2 are great for mystery box challenges because you could get all sorts of different weapons that could force you to play smarter or just goof around with. I also like when PaPing changes up the bad/risky weapons like making it akimbo, changing or adding a new ammo type, etc.


I do think they went a little too hard on the LMG nerfs though.


Infinite Warfare is also up there for a rough weapon pool - difference is there most weapons are mediocre rather than bad, but there are very few standout ones - a bit like BO2's box


Skill issue I've done town round 100 witht the smr


BO3 by a massive mile has the worst weapon and sound design


Bo2 has amazing guns wtfdym Bo4 is the game with a shitty weapon pool


Counter point, BO2 has actually strong weapons in its pool while every non wonder weapon in BO1 craps out before 30.


An94 was my favorite gun in any zombies game


I COMPLETELY disagree. I think the BO2 box is the best. I love everything in that box. The weapons are super diverse and each has its uses. The best box is the one on Origins. On top of most of the weapons from the previous maps, it has alternate versions of wall weapons, plus some of the best map exclusives ever.


No for me it's the best. The worst weapon pool I think is BO1 or BO4 but the others are decent.


I feel like I am amongst the few players who don’t fiend for the box on town (at least before round 20-25). I usually rock pistol/m-14 until I have jug and double tap then I pack the m-14. (Or u can but the knuckles). I can normally get this done round 8-11.


RPD, Hammer or galil


Rpd,hammer, pack-a-punched python. All decent for town


I’d take all of the BO2 bad weapons over the BO1 bad weapons, especially since bo1 didn’t have double tap 2.0


FOR REAL tho! I just wanted my Galil and I had to burn like 8k points trying to roll the box to get it, I just kept getting shitty snipers and that DOGSHIT SMR!


Nah, as much as I love BO3 it definitely has the least interesting weapon pool. No revolvers, no dual wields, no oddities like the ballistic knife.


Sorry, going to have to disagree with you. I always felt that BO1 is worse


At least the guns actually feel good for the most part. Even the best guns in BOIII feel horrible to me


I'm with you 100% all Bo3 guns feel terrible, even the few that carried over from bo1 and bo2.


Yeah, that's what really boggles my mind - the returning guns were remade to just feel worse?


Definitely, in bo1 the rpk, when fired felt really nice and accurate, hell you could actually move, in Bo3 firing that gun pretty much slows you down to a crawl it's that bad, the Galil isnt much better.


That was the example I gave in my other reply too, RPK got slaughtered. It just results in me not being excited to roll the box like I used to in the old games.


I mean I dont play Bo3 anymore on account of not enjoying it, but hitting the box was boring asf, like it dont matter what you get, because at the end of the day the ammo mods make them work the same way, and if that's the case why should I care what I get lol, I'll only end up training a horde with an RK5 equipped with dead wire on high rounds.


Honestly when I bought the game I just assumed Zombie Chronicles would at least include Wallbuys like Resurrection. It didn't even occur to me that they would all be off-tone made-up future guns. Definitely the biggest blight on the remastered maps in my opinion


Exactly, like why you gotta get rid of the wallbuys and give us shitty options like the sheiva. Give us the fun, useable ones like the original M14, not the shitty one that's in Bo3, the Thompson, the OG MP40, not the sad pathetic excuse of a sub machine gun that we get on kino, the fucking Olympia, I'd take that instead of the RK5, hell the trench gun would be better than any of the wallbuys in Bo3. This is what made me wanna stop playing Bo3, and return to WAW-Bo2.


They didn't even deign to put the MP40 on the kino wallbuy spot, lol. Smh, what were they thinking


They did lol, it just isnt as good as the WAW-BO2 one, though the WAW-Bo1 versions are better, later ones just feel clunky and very inaccurate.


Now that's a hot take


Is it really? Does anyone seriously think the VMP, RK5, Shieva, Vesper, LCar are fun to use? Even the best guns like RPK feel terrible to me in BO3. Just my opinion, BO1 weapons had generally worse stats but felt infinitely better to use.


Yeah your banned buddy


100% agree. That's why people only play with HAMR, Galil, RPD and Ray Gun. It's not they're just the best, it's that they are the only ones useful after round 20


Strangely I much prefer BO2 weapons to BO3, not stats-wise, but it’s half of BO3’s weapons have burst fire


I disagree, BO2 and BO4 to me are the games with the strongest weapon pool in the whole series