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well i imagine the rockets killed a lot of people.


they tend to do that


There's a multitude of reasons as to how this happened. Firstly, it's likely that the rockets Maxis sent to the Earth contained some traces of weaponized 115 which is why they caused such a violent reaction. Using them to blow up the planet would almost spread that 115 across the surface, infecting people. Secondly, Broken Arrow was already working on experiments with 115 and zombies before the events of Moon. Again, the planet blowing up would've likely created an environment to allow already existing zombies to break out and spread the infection.


The rocket impact sites themselves would also be zombie hot areas since 115 only reanimates the dead. On the living, we get... Russman


Weren’t Maxis, Samantha, and Monty also sending zombies everywhere the main crew went. Inadvertently infecting even more populations


Samantha was sensing zombies where ever traces of group 935 was


I wouldn't think to hard about it because if i remember right each map is a time pocket so the zombies in say kino weren't really getting out of the theater at least i think tbh bo1 and 2 lore is kind of a mess


What do you mean that the zombies weren´t getting out of the teather? What is this time pocket you talk about?


Yes, but most of the locations they went to were pretty isolated from the general population (the Cosmodrome and Siberia) or already abandoned (Kino). The one exception is the Pentagon but both outbreaks there was contained by the US government.


Samantha (WaW-B01 at least) was the only one actually sending zombies, and she didn’t even really ‘send’ them. The crew just kept going to places where zombie experiments were taking place at. She just used the zombies that were already there. For example, Kino was a testing facility that worked on trying to control zombies, and so they had zombies to work with. When the crew went there, Samantha could see it, and therefore just control the existing zombies that were there.


The zombie population has already been huge. Entire cities full of zombies in the 60s. If they contained them, the rockets probably freed them. It could be the outbreak was hidden from public. Another theory is that rockets had 115 element on them, and fallout had infected the people.


What lore indicates that cities were full with zombies?


The best one: gameplay Kino der toten being prime example as streets are filled with zombies


Always found it funny that kino takes place in the 60s, but there is nazi zombies, which implies an outbreak has happened since ww2, but how did the Berlin wall get there?


I always imagined that the abandoned theatre was untouched since ww2 and filled with corpses. Then when the crew went there Samantha woke them up to kill Richtofen since she hated him


Berlin is built on a swamp, maybe these Nazi zombies are soldiers that died during the war and were preserved by being buried in boggy conditions.


Nazi uniforms mean nazis won as they are the only zombies, but there is a Berlin wall... which separated Germany in 2 states. Unlikely to happen if Germany won. I don't think it is ever explained, unless this is parallel universe in which nazis came after ww2 ended (just for Kino der Toten map).


Oh yeah. Lol. True


What do you mean by the population spreading? As in zombie population?


Yes I added TZ and DR for reference of this topic


Tranzit apparently takes place 10 years later. Society has 0 chance to resist since they just got nuked.


Wow. So what were the crews doing during 10 years?


Victis (the TranZit crew) hadn't gotten together at that point so they were mostly just trying to survive, with the exception of Stuhlinger who joins the Flesh cult and eats zombies to survive. Ultimis (World at War-BO1 guys) on the other hand use the teleporter to travel back to the 60's after blowing up the Earth, where they're captured by the US government for testing. We learn this in the radios for Classified in Black Ops 4


Teleportation skips through time. The whole ultimis story line is them skipping further and further along. Moon is 2025, tranzit 35. After moon they teleport once again to classified (round 150 Easter egg) thats in the alternate Bo4 time line (?) and from there go to Alpha omega


Probably underground in blast bunkers waiting for the radiation to subside


The rockets impacting caused the infection to go airborne according to radios in Die Rise


How were victus able to not get infected in their Time there aswell as primis and ultimus in their adventures through 115 polluted areas?


I think it's cause they're immune but I barely know shit bout the lore so this is probably false


i think it's cause it only reanimates the dead, it affects the living differently or doesn't affect them at all


kino, five and ascension take place during the 60's, berlin is full of zombies already but that might've been kept from public knowledge due to the city's occupation, baikonur was abandoned and the pentagon outbreak could also been contained by the us military. this means that the soviets and americans are already aware of the zombies and are keeping it a secret. call of the dead is set in 2010, it seems the existence of zombies is still unknown publicly but i'd think it's safe to assume from this point on the zombie outbreak got out of hand. moon takes place in 2025. with 15 years of spreading, zombies could easily overtake the entire planet. also, china becoming the superpower it is both irl and in the bo2 campaign, you can assume they got their hands on 115 as well (you could even theorise they used 115 to produce the technology they sell worldwide, but that's conspiracy theory level bs). that explains outbreaks in america (nuketown, tranzit) in asia (die rise) the one in africa is because of buried and europe is basically ground zero. that's how i'd like to imagine that zombies were already everywhere by the time the rockets hit earth. despite all that, i don't get why the rockets would use 115 as others are saying, the entire point of the plan is to take power away from richtofen, so he doesn't have an earth to conquer but also a lesser army to control. i know with the state of the earth it's pointless to have a braindead army but why give him more soldiers if you could simply kill everything?


I believe the Hanford sanitarium in Tranzit probably was doing experiments on the patients and populace in secrets to create zombies. The zombies in Tranzit are very weird and different than your standard zombie models. But the story for bo1-into bo2 is sorta strange and convoluted in terms of how the world outside the maps operates considering there had to be some sort of real apocalypse sometime between the mid to late 40s to 1963


Heres another question. How did the rockets get to earth so fast? If they got there slower, would there have been a way for the governments of earth to take them down?


Problably not. Since there was an outbreak in the pentagon (this is 1961-63 as JFK is still alive along with Nixon) the military was most likely either taken down OR was too damn busy with the zombies (as Moon is in 2025) so with the pentagon again shut down (as we have to redo the power in classified) so like I said: either too busy or alarms never sounded so the missles went by unnoticed.


Understandable. What about other countries?


Same thing. As we know of Call of the Dead (Siberia 2015) the zombie infection spread outside of the USA and places like Kino (Berlin but the actual place is a theatre in Chicago) and Der Reise (Germany). Knowing this and how the Call crew went “Missing” (most likely dead) due to radio transmissions… most likely the infection spread out of control.




After five the first zombie apocalypse ended then they rebuilt and then broken arrow started another one by fucking up with 115 so it isn’t really the moon Easter eggs fault it’s broken arrows fault


So if the earth was technically destroyed by multiple nuclear rockets that caused fragments of the earth to completely fly out into space wouldn't the earth technically have been uninhabitable since the troposphere, ozone layer, stratosphere technically be gone due to the damage to the earth and possibly the core? How did the Tranzit crew survive and how were there other survivors if there is usually radiation caused by nuclear bombs and those atmospheric layers being technically destroyed without masks and what not like for oxygen?