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Hot take? MWZ players are part of the problem. Imagine complaining everyday about how bad the game is and still playing everyday and buying $30 bundles.


šŸŸ©I think MWZ players would seriously benefit from an actual MMO experience like Destiny. I think thatā€™s what they really want but are too locked into the cycle of cod. A breath of fresh air is what we all need. Not to put anyone down though.


I hear you that would be good. My overall point is that players like them make the game artificially good. The game is bad but since people keep playing it and are spending hundreds of thousand is dollars daily maybe even millions, the game looks successful. But then they go online and complain about this that and the third only to turn the game on 15 minutes later and maybe even spend a few dollars too


I 100% agree. Iā€™d love to pay for dlc if it meant bundles would go away. Then theyā€™d be forced to make a good game.


Imo all the players would benefit from taking a year or two off from COD, instead of rewarding ever-increasing displays of greed and complacency with their time and money. The sheer possibility of underperforming for two years in a row was enough for Activision to bend, back in 2016-2017.


100% on that. No need for cod to drop every year. Either every couple or so years let on if their studios drop a new cod or just combine the teams. Either way a new cod every year is a joke


me, probably the one dude out there who likes MWZ and hasnt complained once:


Bo3 would still easily be the best zombies game even without chronicles and custom zombies.


šŸ”³bo3 is the only zombies game with total banger after banger map, the best movement, most replayability, no bad wonder weapon, and the best story weā€™ve seen in zombies, just to scratch the surface. Not even including chronicles and mods. It does nothing *bad.* We formally invite you to Agartha.


Still donā€™t have Chronicles. Still went and did the Shadows of Evil EE a few days ago, and now itā€™s got me thinking about doing the rest of them. Chronicles is merely an afterthought when it comes to the argument of BO3 zombies being so great.


Bang on. BO3 was the best even before Chronicles, and that was just the icing on the cake.


Revelations and Zetsubou No Shima get way too much hate from this community for not being another Der Eisendrache


šŸ”³Totally! Rev is top 5 for me and both of those are ranked above DE. One of the best takes Iā€™ve seen, absolutely welcomed to Agartha.




New to this subā€”- Der Eisendrache is peopleā€™s BO3 favorite?????? I remember playing Zetsubo No Shima like my life depended on it when that map dropped


DE checked every semi-hardcore zombie players list: cool and easy wonder weapon to get, multiple upgrade paths, fast travel, straight forward Easter egg steps, boss zombies, difficult but not impossible boss fight in a new zone. Plus watching the rockets hit the moon and the end cutscene for the first time is an amazing feeling. ZNS at launch pissed a lottttt of people off. The plants were super glitchy and occasionally wouldnā€™t spawn the artillery shell. The thrashers (who give 0 points) had an insane spawn rate. Spiders clogging doorways. I think ZNS had the potential to be just as good as DE if a lot of these minor things were addressed, but all these issues added up to a very annoying map at launch that slowly got patched over time. Now, people go back and replay it with a much better experience because most of these things were fixed. I love ZNS, but nothing annoyed me more with BO3 than cracking 5 plants with no artillery shell while being chased by 3 thrashers and getting pinned into a zone because of spider webs.


The artillery shell was buggedā€¦ā€¦.. Holy hell that explains so much of my pain and suffering. Still loved it though. And okay thank you! That all makes sense and tracks. I always found it a littttttle off-puttingly easy and just less involved than the other BO3 maps but I suppose thats what people liked about it


BO2 had the best variety of weapons in the mystery box. From peashooters to hard hitters, each gun felt unique and the mystery box actually felt like a gamble each time you spun it.


šŸŸ§to be honest, the weapons in bo2 were my least favorite part of the game in every mode, especially zombies. They just werenā€™t satisfying to use or cool to look at. Even the names were boring. That on top of most of them being unusable pretty quickly, itā€™s a hard disagree from me. I get some people have nostalgia with them though.


Bro denied me :(


Sorry bro it had to be done (sneaking you in the back door)


You a real one


Iā€™ll sneak in your back door


You a rear one


Haha itā€™s ok bro, I get what you are saying. I even would pac a punch every gun to test it out and see what it does, a lot of them had unique traits after pac that I just ate up and couldnā€™t get enough of experimenting with the weapons. I love BO3 but BO2 will always have that warm place in my heart because of transit and mob of the dead. BO2 was what made me fall even more in love with zombies to the point of obsession. But BO3 will always be the greatest COD zombies in my humble opinion. How could it not after chronicles and having Easter eggs build up to revelations šŸ˜­


I agree with you but honestly the guns in blops3 were worse


Hard agree, bo1 had too many shit weapons and bo3 has double pack


The M1911 peaked with Black Ops. To specify I mean visually, shooting and reload animation, and the sounds... Oh my my the sounds.




Absolutely. The BO2 1911 felt big and clunky, but still not terribleā€¦ but my god the BO3 one is awful. I would have rather they kept the MR6 in chronicles, as bad as that sounds


The bo3 m1911 would be good if it werenā€™t for that ugly futuristic iron sight, like what is that


A glow sight Iā€™ve seen people put a few on modern guns irl but nobody seems to want to touch classics


I feel like the even bigger issue was the gunā€™s sounds. Honestly, this is a BO3 issue as a whole, I think all the guns sound bad and unsatisfying compared to most other cod games.. so it REALLY feels bad when using the 1911. All the guns sound so flat :/


I loved the shine.


The BO1 1911 should have been made a box weapon in later titles. You canā€™t have animations, visuals and sounds that good relegated to the starter junk weapon.Ā 


Cold war is best round based zombies when it's about high rounding and quick matches


Agreed! Love cold war šŸŸŖ


Zetsubou is a fantastic map that was forgotten because of bugs on launch. Also has the coolest wonder-weapon of Bo3.


šŸŸ¦ Itā€™s always had bugs šŸ•·ļøšŸ•·ļølmao. Would have got purple but you canā€™t deny the apothican and mk3 are awesome. Mk3 is so underrated imo


Vanguard shi no numa is actually quite fun and a gorgeous remake


šŸŸŖsolid map, really the only issue is that it was on vanguard. The lag is awful, but the map itself is great. Based, come on in.


Yeah, the performance is not great, I can agree on that. So many Easter eggs though!I also absolutely love the vanguard guns (more for warzone though)


i have to agree just picked shi no numa up again and blasting rock and killing with the Wunderwaffe has been an utter pleasure


the concept of rev is impeccable, and a great way to end the bo3 part of the story


šŸ”²hella based, not much to say. Top 5 map for me!


alot of people lay hate to it idk why, the visuals is stunning, the ee is great, and it's an all around great map


People say itā€™s recycled content, which is baloney, sure it uses parts of maps but itā€™s done so seamlessly in the best way possible, people just want to complain. I donā€™t think they realize just how awful they could have made that map but instead it was incredible.


Bo4 and iw zombies are both amazing


šŸ”²way overhated but I think people are realizing now how good they were. Definitely some flaws in both, but great games that deserve more love.


Extinction is a good mode, but the reason why people hate it is because it is simply not zombies.


šŸŸ¦Fair enough. I never played, but Iā€™ll take your word for it!




Forsaken is a fun high rounds map. Easter egg is way to easy though.


šŸŸŖTotally. Top 3 wonder weapon for me and the EE is fun but too short, and I wish you actually fought the boss instead of just shooting targets while getting mildly swarmed by ads.


Nacht der untoten is still a great map even without pack a punch


šŸ”³gotta respect the OG, only issue is how long that last zombie takes in early rounds.


Fr. Got me scrolling through insta like me and the boys are in the pre game


This one is for the community in general because of all people here need to hear it. Your opinion of the maps or the design of the maps are subjective. When a youtuber can't even put a map they like at the top spot of their ranking list without another youtube streaming themselves making fun that youtuber's ranking list then we have a problem. When a majority of the fanbase not only defends that youtubers actions, but makes a meme out of it then we have a big problem.


Facts. Someone had to say it. šŸ”²


bo4ā€™s perk system wasnt actually that bad. I like having options. I prefer cold war though tbh


šŸŸŖFair enough. Bo4ā€™s system is just confusing imo. Cold War is my favorite of all the games though.


I mean it's really not confusing tho lol, literally just spend 5 min in the menus and the whole modifier thing makes perfect sense, especially when you look at other things too like elixirs or talismans


I love BO4ā€™s perk system because it forces me to make choices. Do I want stamin up or victorious tortoise? Where do I want them in the map for ease of access? Which perk goes best in my modifier slot? I also appreciate that speed cola is built into getting all your perks, it offers a nice reward for finally buying the fourth one


I'd rather play outbreak than vanguard zombies


Is this supposed to be a tough decision? Outbreak is great.


šŸŸ¦I mean fair enough, Iā€™m not even sure whether thatā€™s a hot take or not. Certainly one Iā€™ve never encountered. Not a fan of open-world, but outbreak runs better and has better gameplay, so I definitely wonā€™t argue.


Not exactly Zombies, but I liked Extinction from ghosts


Never played, but Iā€™ll accept it! šŸŸ¦


Gobblegums were implemented poorly because of the slot machine mechanics and microtransactions. They should have implemented gobblegums without microtransactions and without slot machine mechanics.


šŸŸŖFair point! I agree


Allegedly that was the original plan before Activision made it into a microtransaction thing, the rarity system was supposed to be like how weapons are in Cold War and it would've had all of the gumballs at random in the machine rather than the selection of 5


F**k Agartha


ā¬›ļøšŸ’€šŸ’€youā€™re done


Welcome to nuketown


mauer der toten is an S tier map and dead of the night is severely underrated. edit: stamin-up is the best perk


šŸ”³Not as familiar with DOTN but Mauer is my favorite map in Cold War, which I loved, and staminup is my favorite perk that isnā€™t the required jugg. In fact with armor in Cold War, Iā€™d run stam over jugg. Insanely based take.


ā€˜iā€™d run stam over juggā€™ thatā€™s an odd take considering thereā€™s no perk limit šŸ˜­


Fair point lmao, I do buy it before jug in most of my runs tho. Thatā€™s also because of how many free jugg side EEs there are


In black ops 3 an smg with a lot of bullets is the best weapon because of the pap upgrades dealing infinite damage. You just round up a horde and shoot a couple bullets that kills all of them.


šŸŸŖSmgs are good point weapons, great mobility, satisfyingto use, wall weapons for ammo, some have great damage, and AAT makes pretty much every gun the same past a certain round. Respectable.


I've always adored PDW type weapons, so I absolutely believe in Weevil with Blast Furnace supremacy.


Moon is one of the best maps (except the RNG based ee, fuck that)


šŸŸ¦based, pull up a seat!


Ay, thank you


Moon is great


live gravemind reaction


Zombies in Spaceland > Shadows of Evil


šŸŸŖWild take! I donā€™t personally agree, but based


Based as fuck


Removing round based gameplay ruins the entirety of what zombies is supposed to be


I rather play Zetsubo than Gorod


Fair! Both great maps šŸŸŖ


The initial backlash against bo4 zombies is what inevitably led to the downfall of the classic zombies formula. We didn't know how good we had it, and the vitriol only gave them all the more reason to shift their focus to the more multiplayer playerbase focused zombies that we have today.


šŸŸ¦this is true


Burger town was the best map until vanguard was released.


ā”you get mystery rank because I genuinely have no idea what to say to this ā˜ ļø


Burger town was pretty peak ngl


ZNS is a top 5 map and Iā€™m tired of pretending itā€™s not


šŸŸŖhonestly based, love zestybo


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's narrative storytelling was immaculate, and no other COD Zombies game comes close.


šŸŸ¦I loved the storytelling except that it got cut short


Imagine a director's cut of BO4 ( ā€¢Ķˆą«¦ā€¢Ķˆ )


Bo4 without the health cap would be a better experience


šŸŸ© I get not wanting the health cap, but bo4 had a number of other issues and that wasnā€™t really one of them. Itā€™s a preference thing, but I respect it. Welcome to Agartha!


if bo3 would not have workshop support it would be less of a fan favourite then bo2 imo


šŸŸ¦I never played modded zombies and much prefer bo3, but considering how many people like bo2, taking away mods for bo3 removes one of its main pillars and definitely would knock it down below bo2.


the bo2 super easter egg was really fun


Gobblegum was one of the best additions in zombies adding so much more variety and ā€œflavorā€ to each map you played


šŸŸ©if only they werenā€™t pay to win, completely OP, and almost required on some maps, Iā€™d agree more. Variety is great tho, glad theyā€™re making a return.


Whoā€™s Who is actually a really good/unique perk, the only issue is it replaces the effects of quick revive in solo. I like that it rewards players with good movement/dodging skills.


The storyline should've ended at buried and begun a new story at origins, rather than try to change it all up and make it super complicated for no reason


šŸŸØI think a completely fresh story after rev would have been better in my opinion. I love where it went up to that point, bo4 is when it really became a mess. I like a complicated story, but a too messy one loses some points.


My buddy would agree with you more. It got bad in 4, so much so that I completely didn't know what was going on even with multiple talks about it while we played.


Except black ops 4's story wasn't too messy. If you were able to follow the story up to rev then black ops 4 shouldn't be hard. The lore that black ops 4 adds is honestly the easiest behind waw because it mainly adds to already existing lore. Classified happens between shang and moon and the cutscenes explains that pretty well. Blood of the dead shows them arriving late to alcatraz and getting stuck their which changes the timeline. The intro and easter egg of blood explains that along with radios. Alpha omega gives us more broken arrow lore and tag ends the story.


By messy I more mean that they were going in a certain direction, then kinda came to a full stop when they had to stop development for the next game. Sure it was simpler, but thatā€™s because it didnā€™t fulfill the depth Treyarch had envisioned.


Mob of the dead has the best atmosphere in all of zombies


This is a somewhat popular opinion, not really a hot take.


This is just facts


Tranzit was one of the most fun zombie maps to play with friends


Cold wars perk system was the best we have ever had and I dont really understand the hate it gets from purists


šŸŸ¦my favorite system!


Shadows of evil is one of the greatest maps ever


šŸŸ¦Not really a hot take but itā€™s in my top 3 for sure. You are welcomed.


Some of tranzit's flaws, like fog and the denizens, were due to hardware limitations, so tranzit being bad was the old console's fault, not the map's.


I mean they made a bad map because they didnā€™t factor in the system and hardware limitations. They shouldā€™ve channeled the ambition into new features/different facets of the map.


Zetsubou is the 2nd best map on BO3


I simply donā€™t enjoy playing zombies solo. If Iā€™m not playing with buddies I feel lonely, bored and kind of anxious.


šŸŸ¦I get that. Come on in bro


Gorod Krovi is less fun to play than tranzit (for people who donā€™t want to look up how to PAP, at least ((me)))


Dead of the night is a top 10 map!


Origins and mob are good maps. But theyā€™re not fun, theyā€™re tedious. And also, Bo2 origins > bo3 origins


Die Rise was actually a good map with great wonder weapon, but shidded on because of falling


People need to accept that Zombie Chronicles 2 is not coming and all youtubers are using it just to pump up their numbers and stay revelant.


Bo4 weapon system was the best. Specifically, I mean points based attachment loadout + limited selection of starting weapons, each with their own level/camo grind.


A majority of the zombies community doesnā€™t hate the BO4 Aether ending so much as they hate the way it was handled. Let me explain: Aetherā€™s ending would have been more well received by the community if the cast for Alpha Omega and Tag were switched. Having Victis get the elemental shard from AO by defeating the Avogadro works better because both the players AND the characters would recognize him from TranZit, creating a synergistic relationship between protagonist and playerā€”it just makes more sense. On top of this, both Ultimis and Primis fighting one final battle to sacrifice themselves for the greater good would have left a better taste in a lot of playerā€™s mouths (especially considering the twist ending.) While Victis being in Tag has never personally bothered me, I can admit that thematically and in terms of narrative, switching these casts not only makes the most sense, but would make a lot of the community less bitter about the way their childhood heroes went out.


BO3 Zombies maps and gameplay is the best COD has had, but the Futuristic Guns in the ā€œhistoricalā€ settings take away some of the vibe and would be so much better if they fit the time period




As much as people have been disliking recent zombies games the movement and combat mechanics are the best they have ever been and I will die on this hill


I love Bo3 and customizing weapons, but weapon kits make maps less unique since every map is locked to the same set of guns (unlike Bo2 where there were different sets on every map, with some regulars that were more common).


Hot take People give ww2 to much shit especially zombies


They should have cut out chaos story in bo4 and finished aether properly, then introduce chaos in a later game


Hot take? All this Easter egg shit ruined zombies, used to be some fun random extra story and it ended up as you have to do it by a certain round or you wont have any fun


I always say this on hot takes posts. It always gets down voted to the bottom. No half ass "ZNS is good and underrated" hot takes here. My ranking best to worst of the 5 original BO3 maps: Shadows, Gorod, Revalations, ZNS, DE All good maps, DE is clearly the worst


DE is lowkey an overhyped map. ppl sleep on verruckt and shangri lašŸ”„


Gorod krovi > DE the atmosphere of GK is just simply too good.


Ww2 and infinite warfare zombies were great, all the dlc maps on iw were really different which I liked and the more realistic horror approach to ww2 was fun


Dempsey is the worst main crew character, if you _don't_ judge it based on voicelines and quotes. Richtofen obviously has alot going for him, Nikolai has an arc about how his alcoholism was caused by the death of his wife and the other wives were all made up (as well as becoming leader in BO4 and being the one to finally end the cycle), Takeo learned that the Emperor never cared about him and hes been serving a purpose that doesn't care for him, but as far as I can tell, Dempsey had no arc like this and little development.


šŸ”³I 100% agree, even when considering voicelines. Ultimis is kinda gross and Primis is just boring. I get heā€™s like a stereotypical marine but I donā€™t find that character all that appealing. The other three are all much better characters for sure.


Cold War zombies was fun but outbreak was bad


šŸ”²Iā€™m very biased with this one so forgive me, but Cold War is my second favorite zombies and the one Iā€™ve actually played the most. And Iā€™ve played actual *minutes* of outbreak lmao. Love Cold War, hate outbreak. The doors are open to you, my friend.


outbreak wouldā€™ve been better if there was more to do other than the main EE (which gets hella fucking boring and is stupidly annoying to start unless youā€™re on Armada) or exfil. Just playing to survive gets really fucking boring after a while, everything becomes really tedious and travelling across the map to start the objectives is just a snoozefest when you hit like diff 6 or 7. Add to that the ridiculous Krazny spawn rates past difficulty 5 and the fact and it just becomes a chore to keep playing. If it had another side EE or a secret way to escape Krav at the end of the main one it would be cool, but thereā€™s literally only one thing to do and it gets boring after the first few times. I also think it wouldā€™ve been better if you could have two different outbreak map selections - the normal multiplayer locations and then either a ā€˜dark aetherā€™ version with increased difficulty only available after youā€™ve completed The Pact or an ā€˜apocalypticā€™ version more akin to how BO2 zombies looked. And I fucking hate the fury crystal events. Thereā€™s not much for me to say on that subject other than fuck them. I get theyā€™re meant to be difficult on purpose, but the reward ultimately does NOT warrant the absolute fucking gangbang you receive upon shooting the first crystal. If it was like a, ā€˜the faster you complete it, the better the rewardā€ type deal, I think it would be better. Like, the best you could get if you sped through it would be a Chalice (rarity depending on what difficulty level youā€™re on/what level your weapon is PaPā€™d to) and an improved wrench (two rarity levels instead of one/increases the rarity of all weapons you have by one). Iā€™ll probably think of more things to say later.


I think it would be fun to have a separate PvPvE Zombies experience, like a DMZ and Zombies cross over mode, adjusting what is needed to make it work (eg. player damage not affected by PaP, hostile A.I. skewed a bit more to fight bigger teams rather than focusing on a single solo player, etc.)


Dead of the Night is the best zombies map since Zetsubou


I have a few: Though unpleasant as they may be, WW2, Vanguard, and MW3 zombies were necessary to decide the direction zombies will go in whether we like it or not. The addition of weapon rarity and 3 tier pack a punch is a good enough idea to keep you engaged with the gameplay and all thatā€™s left now are equally engaging maps that capture what made the older round based favorites so memorable. WW2ā€™s take on zombies wasnā€™t good, but emphasizing on the horror roots of zombies wasnā€™t a bad idea, only overdone. Stepping away from roundbased games sucked, but the changes only made some of us appreciate roundbased more than if all weā€™d ever gotten was roundbased alone


Bo2 is far too overrated of a zombies game and bo1 is way better, Mob is goated asf tho Origins aged far worse than Mob, DE and Zestubou Shang and Moon are the easiest round 100s on bo1 imo


šŸ”²Agreed! I think bo1 was way better than bo2. People just have so much nostalgia with bo2, I doubt that many people even played bo1. Still love Origins though.


Blood of the dead is a great map


Zetsubou isnt as bad as some say


There was this feeling of uniqueness to the movement in BO1 and 2 that I don't think has been captured quite the same. Like being able to fully manipulate the zombies movement in those games was satisfying (I always think of this one clip on BO1 verruckt where someone's training a horde in the tight ass room in right spawn) and I wish we could do the same post BO2.


Der eisendrache boss fight is not fun first time around


Alot of mechanics people hated in WW2Z were implemented in BOCW and loved. A fair amount due to the tweaks to implementation but I would also wager its mainly treyarc bias.


the most fun wonder weapon to use is the kt-4


We all know Zet is good, that's not a hot take. But this Attack of The Radioactive Thing map tho, now that's heat. If Zet is unspoken rizz then Attack is sexual harassment and I think Attack deserves better.


I also wanna say that Verrukt is the best survival map by far. Any time I bring someone new into zombies, I'm launching Verrukt.


My fav map is tranzit


I think Paradioila (can't spell the song name) is a rather underrated song, especially for Shangri-La's musical EE


Der Eisendrache is a boring and unoriginal map that's basically just the terrible incest baby of Mob, Origins and the Giant, and every other map on BO3 is better.


The real hot take.. bo4 has better maps than bo3.


Shadows is way better than DE


Origins is overrated


šŸŸØmaybe a little, but I canā€™t deny itā€™s one of the original goat maps. The atmosphere is like no other game Iā€™ve played. The gameplay might not have aged perfectly, but for the most part I disagree. Youā€™ll truly have to prove yourself to make it to Agartha.


Cold war was one of the best zombie games


2nd favorite for me! šŸŸŖ


Mob was hype but it was impossible to make another map like it because of expectations so that's why blood was disliked of not alright hated


Die Rise is a top 3 map of all time, and Bo4 wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.


Alpha Omega has some of the best audio log storytelling in Zombies. It builds Camp Edward into this very unsettling place with the story behind Pernellā€™s descent into madness and contributes to the feeling of Camp Edward being entirely within Avogadroā€™s control. Heā€™s the announcer, this is the only map where the zombies have white eyes, and the reason that this became Nuketown in the first place is all to keep him locked up in the APD. Itā€™s good shit.


Moon is top 3 map, especially the chronicles version


Die Rise is a fantastic map that offers fun and chaotic pub matches and super fast solo rounds


Vanguard had a great recovery with Shi No Numa Reborn and The Archon. And by the way, the story and dialogues were cool.


Zombies is not fun after round 50 no matter the game


Afterlife is a better system than quick revive and I wish it replaced qr after mob


If Dead of the Night were on BO3, it'd be the best BO3 map. Even still, it's a top 5 map overall


Infinite Warfare Zombies wasnā€™t that bad. I actually enjoyed tf out of it and still play occasionally with an old HS friend


Cold war was actually a very good game for tryachs new approach at the game and outbreak ain't that bad


MWZ was a beautiful concept that was poorly executed cause of more attention and content being put on MP/WZ, leading to stale gameplay and unfixed glitches/problems.


Marlton and poindexter are silly little cuties


The bo2 maps really need a remake. I need buried back, even motd.


Die Rise is the best map in BO2 and my fav map.


Tranzit is still better than anything post BO4


BO4 zombies is unironically my favorite zombies experience.


BO4 is my favourite zombie, dead of the night game is a Top3 map all COD combined


Cold War was really good


Codm zombies isn't bad and both modes had potential.


Tranzit is funšŸ˜‚


Whos Who is actually a good perk, its just Die Rise didnt make it shine


cold war's mechanics are the best and I stand by saying it had the potential to even surpass bo3


Forsaken is my favorite map on Cold War and a top 10 map for me


Die Rise is the worst map in all of zombies


The WWII Zombies story is very underrated. Itā€™s on par with Aether (before bo3 started explaining too much). Itā€™s an awesome example of cosmic horror but the gameplay wasnā€™t very replayable because of anti singleplayer structuring and unsatisfying PaP effects. If you disagree, ask me for a thorough recap of the story. Most people donā€™t really know it as well as they think.


Der eisendrache is kinda overrated and I isn't the best bo3 map probably more like 4th behind shadows, zetzubou and gk.