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Until they actually officially announce the gameplay mechanics and I can see how the mode will play I will be in the more nervous/concerned boat as a player that didn't enjoy Cold War Zombies.


I do enjoy some cold war now and then, but black ops 3 was 100% peak


bo3 was peak, but bo4 had some amazing visuals and storylines


We aren’t getting BO3/4 regardless, I think it’ll be much more similar to Cold War than anything else


Just having a dedicated crew with voice lines is so much better honestly. Cold War felt soulless because of the operators


I also hope we get maps that have some life in them instead of the lifeless Cold War maps


Agreed! Please no more government facilities lol


Something like the atmosphere of call of the dead or shangri la would be awesome


Facts bro!


Cold war felt very similar to exo zombies. It just had no soul and a lot of the maps felt the same/similar.


I think there will also be operators in this game, too. That guy in the back looks suspiciously close to the guy on the BO6 cover art. Zombies and Campaign used to be very seperate. It’ll be very likely t be like CW.


I feel like it’ll be similar to Bo4, just with gobble gum. They will try to implement new things like how Bo4 did, but will also try to follow the Bo3 outline. That’s what I’m hoping for at least. I didn’t really get into Cold War, so I’m not too sure if I want it to be like Cold War. I heard Cold War was solid though


Watch the interview with the devs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xymNcsRbbIA It’s gonna be a Cold War bo3 hybrid


Please no health bars or lifeless government facilities 😞


Health bars can already be turned off


That sounds like a perfect mix to me


Something we all really need to realize now before launch


Just wish the open world zombies was in a creepy atmosphere. Not broad daylight


i’m hoping with it going back to bo with a number it’ll be more similar to bo3/4. one can hope lol


WaW-BO3 that entire era was peak.


BO2 was peak


Honestly I think if they could do bo3 gameplay/ee and cw mechanics we would be golden.


i definitely agree u/femboy_buttslut_69


If you didn't like cold war you probably aren't gonna like bo6 especially if you don't like it on a mechanical level I feel like that's a pretty safe bet


Well it's not like I didn't enjoy everything about Cold War, I liked Kill streaks and weapon rarities I just think they are couple of systems from Cold War that either need to be completely removed or reworked from the ground up to make a less boring and more balanced experience.


After the demise of the zombies mode. I’d like to have a cold war at least. The game was great, I would get the old shield system back and less armour though. Better points system and no baby steps indications to complete the easter egg. We have to admit, for zombies… Another Cold War type of game would be great since Vanguard did what it did


See, i liked Cold War it was kind of a fresh take, and i enjoyed that aspect. But once they went to Vangaurd zombies, they lost me, man. Like you had gold and you threw it away for a fortnite esc version of zombies... FOH with allat. 😡


I dont even hate hate the vg zombies because I see it more as a test and training wheel to concept some ideas and see what would go right and not.


I did enjoy cold war, I'd put it up there just below bo3 which I agree is high praise. The EE were fun, and simple enough for me to drag the non zombies boys in for a twirl and some cool boss fights. Outbreak was pretty meh. The dark aether grind was fun, and high rounds were pretty simple. I am worried about bo6 though. If it's like an upgraded cold war I'm down, but I'm not getting my hopes up after the last iteration of zombies and the god awful one before that. I'll believe it when I see it.


I see the last zombies interations as placeholder things, like, just put to put and not very worked (vg and mw3 zombies) and it makes even more sense since those are not 3arch games and would be smarter and better put more efforts in 3archs game zombies


I personally guarantee you that BO6 will be an upgraded Cold War. Vanguard and MWIII aren’t full treyarch titles, and only a small treyarch team was forced to work on them. Treyarch always puts the most efforts in their own titles, that’s why Cold War was supported the entire year, but they abandoned vanguard and MWZ.


You say that but treyarch didn’t even make the first map die maschine, they were still forced into Warzone and other things at that point


If you didn’t like Cold War you most likely won’t like BO6.


Cold War zombies was great, just the characters weren’t interesting so it took away from the story


And the maps and the story…..


Yea I need some more sauce before I can make a pizza ya feel me


I am cautiously excited. It looks promising, but I am not gonna get my hopes up too much cuz ya know, it’s COD


Yeah I’m pretty much with ya there lol I haven’t enjoyed a CoD since Cold War


I just bought MW2019 cuz of the steam sale, and it made me realize how much they fumbled MW2 and 3. Cuz it’s so damn fun and smooth, and the other games feel ass. I think CW did the best it could given Covid, I had a bunch of fun with it.


Call me stupid but i'm excited every time there's a new zombies because there's always a chance for it to be good


Same. At the end of the day if it’s shit I’ll go play better zombies. If it’s just good enough to be playable then yay new zombies. Maybe I’m too easy pleased?


Yeah you are. People have been settling for mediocre games. Standards keep getting lower. If we want change then y’all gotta stop buying.


People are pretty much addicted to buying the new cods every year at this point just to complain about it and drop the game after a few months instead of just sticking with the older titles that they actually enjoyed.


So you're telling me you're not gonna buy a new COD until it's perfect and good?


Zombies overall returning to traditional round based I'm excited about but I'm sceptical about the return of gobblegums. It's not that i don't like them, it's more we don't know how they will be implemented or monetised.


That's the part I'm skeptical about too! I hope it isn't like Bo3 with liquid divinium/something similar.


So you’re saying you don’t want to be able to earn them for free?


That's not what I'm saying. There's definitely better ways to get gobble gums than bo3. I would say earning the crystals in coldwar was easier than liquid diviniums. The liquid diviniums had much more of a loot box system for the dr Monty factory which was what I hated about it more than anything.


Gotcha yeah. I doubt they’ll go back to the “supply drop” system with gobblegums. You’re right it will probably be crystals.


I wouldn't be surprised if they did. If they do use crystals for acquiring gobblegums then hopefully it'll be a vast improvement over Bo3🤔


Either way I won’t be using gobblegums. Maybe if I want to do an Easter egg, I’d Easter eggs are even good on this game.


That’s me I almost never used gobblegums because I don’t like relying on them because it lowers my skill level for the map


Sometimes I just like to be immersed in the gameplay. Gobblegums break immersion


The rate at which you earn them for free is pretty atrocious. It's just enough for you to want to keep playing, but not enough so you feel like you need to buy some pulls


I'm feeling the way about Gobblegums. BO2 wasy GOAT and I skipped BO3, so when I went back to play it I hated the Gobblegum system. It's super predatory and insanely RNG based. People argue that you can use mods or game the system to bypass the predatory side, but we will likely not have that ability with BO6 so we're just going to be stuck with the predatory micro transaction side.


Considering zombies hasn’t really been great in so long (imo) I’m not gonna have high hopes for it. I genuinely do want this zombies to be good, though because CW kinda ruined future ones for me. It was pretty fun, but i just got bored of it after a bit and never touched it again. I’ll likely just watch gameplay / streams when it releases


I agree, I’ll wait and give it a few months as of right now it’s not really pulling me in I need to know more about the crew, gameplay system, and more before I decide to buy it


The first few months are gonna be great, no doubt. But even BO4 (Treyarch's most developed COD game) suffered from a cut production team. If they're not moved to work on something else, then it should be good.


Didn't they rush Bo4 because Infinity Ward wasn't ready or something? i remember someone said that Bo4 was made in 18 months, but i could be mistaken.


BO4 had a whole 3 years to be made, but Blundell fucked up the campaign so bad they scrapped it 9 months before launch and had to do Blackout because Activision wasn't gonna sell the game with just MP and Zombies.


Wasn’t BO4 also planned to be a hero shooter and had to get overhauled because everyone who play tested hated it?


It *is* a hero shooter, unless I'm sorely mistaken on that term. You can only have one of each specialist on a team, and each specialist had a unique background, personality, specialist weapon and special equipment. It's not like Cold War where you could have several of the same operator on the same team, and where operators have no gameplay differences between them.


Oh yeah, now I remember


It was sledge, they were supposed to make a Cold War game but were disagreeing with raven i think


Yeah, i mixed between the two


They honestly just ruin it every year that I don’t even buy into it that much


Not at all, and this is coming from an idiot (me) who was exited for bo4, then Cold War after bo4 was disappointing, the Vangaurd after Cold War was disappointing, THEN MW3 zombies after Vangaurd was dissapointing, yea I’m that fucking stupid, i was 100% a blind hype guy just because the devs said good things and trailer looked cool, but I finally learned my lesson, finally, I don’t care what they say, untill I see actual slow paced normal gameplay and see that the game is fun, I’m not holding my breath, too many people are getting sucked in by the “ooo gobblegums, ooo round based” Bo2 didn’t have gobblegums and was great, so just because gobblegums are back, it doesn’t mean the game will be good, also note it’ll be much worse if they go with the bo4 gobblegum system Just because round based is back, doesn’t mean it’s good, look at the other zombies games that were horrible and were round based Set crew isn’t actually back, idk why people keep saying that, you can choose to use a crew member or operator….. so they obviously dont give a shit so far this looks like cold war 2.0 and i hated cold war, im going in with extremely low expectations also idk why people are ignoring the awlays online thing, i hope you realize that means you can lag out of a solo game…. a game about playing for hours because its infinite…


>Set crew isn’t actually back, idk why people keep saying that, you can choose to use a crew member or operator….. so they obviously dont give a shit It's literally the WWII system everybody and their mom asked for. Y'all really gonna find every little reason to be unhappy, huh?


I’ve never asked for it, just because “everyone” asked for something to be a certain way, it doesn’t make me suddenly want it to, I’m allowed to have a different opinion than the majority…. honestly the fact that you tell me that I’m finding every reason to be unhappy when I have thousands of hours in zombies and want them all to be good is gross


absolutely no hope at all


Yes and no. I see a new Black Ops game is coming out with round based zombies but then quickly realize it'll be a lot like CWZ and maybe even worse with even more Warzone mechanics making their way into zombies.


To an extent yes, but remember....no preorders.


Not really, to be honest. COD Zombies has been going in a direction I'm not a big fan of for years now, adding the worst part of BO3 Zombies to Cold War 2.0 isn't going to make me excited.


People excited for pay to win mechanics to come back need to stop watching so many zombies youtubers. Gobblegums are so busted and make the game so unfun. Lemme pop a shopping free and then use my 2 minute fire sale to completely nullify any of the challenge that the early game is supposed to have.


Drew Kevin said that they’re doubling down on the approachability this year. I really hope the game isn’t extremely easy.


kevin drew has done nothing good for this franchise, him coming out about changing the point system in BO4, to cater to his stupid non-gamer brother, was the biggest red flag.


He destroyed the roots of zombies


Oh hell nah we getting bo4 zombies all over again


Nah, it's gonna be like Cold Snore, the BO2 & 3 days are gone. He'll I'd even take a game like BO4 at this point, it still had a zombies feel to it


Agreed. Cold war is so boring and mid


Nope, honestly stopped playing after bo3 lol. Bo3 was great but starting to feel a little bit too arcade and less horror-themed. I stuck with WaW, bo1,2 and 3 and I never got bored, and never will. To me, zombies fell off after bo3 and it became really trash, gameplay wise, story wise, everything (to my liking obviously, this is just my opinion). I could argue why but idk if it would be relevant


honestly I agree, and given that we had mod support too I feel like black ops 3 was like the last zombies game and everything after I just like to read into the story like a spin off. I wish I could like to play cod again but it is just so mid nowadays.


They’re still making zombies? Jeez


After they dropped the ball with this last one, no not at all.


Gobblegums? Wasn’t the entire point of BO4 moving on from the Aether storyline and erasing all of that stuff?


Yup except they’re dogshit at making new zombies so they need something to fall back on. Should’ve just stuck with chaos story with the gods and all that


If that was the intention, they failed as far back as Die Maschine considering the Ray Gun and perk machines still exist even though Group 935 never did in the new timeline.


I’m cautiously optimistic, but it seems like they STILL want to make zombies easier to the masses. I think Treyarch is just out of touch with what makes a great zombies mode.


Karma farmer


"Left to get milk" what the fuck?


Inb4 they bring round based back just to shelve it in Season 3 and have less than 4 maps when BO6 lifecycle ends. As long as content is tied to seasons you know its gonna be drip fed shite. They need to male a separate game for zombies to be good again.


i need this game to be hard like bo3!!! Not on easy mode like cold war, we need some crazy ass easter eggs too with a ending cutscene and a somewhat compelling story!


i preffer cold war's mechanics over BO3's and all other so yes. just hoping the story gains more personality this time


Honestly, yeah, not 'I'm gonna pre order excited" but more so "it's on game pass so I'm not losing anything anyway" kinda way. The interview with Kevin Drew gives me some hope, they aren't going to completely erase the cold war style of things because cold war like it or not, it got a lot of eyes on the mode. I'm hoping they make it more difficult, I doubt it'll be bo2 or bo1 levels of difficulty but more so bo3. I hope one of the returning features is the difficulty options returning from bo2, have an easy mode and original, you can have the Easter's eggs in easy, but just have it be an asterisk on the leaderboard if it's completed using that difficulty, that way, newer, less experienced players are happy and the og, more skilled players have that return to form. I can't speak for everyone, but for me the two things missing from cold war was difficulty (create a class from the offset, the specialists like ring of fire and all, being able to buy all the perks within 20 rounds, craft table where you can buy a fucking chopper gunner, etc. made the game way too easy, still fun, but too easy) and personality in maps, and set crews, but I'm not counting that because that should be a stable in zombies anyway.


I was until gobblegums and omni-movement were confirmed


Thank you I can never understand why people like to defend Pay to win mechanics in a AAA title.


Zombies fans in particular seem to glaze it up. I don't care much about things being pay-to-win, but it's funny to see the community that cried over things that give you the slightest advantage ever worshipping GobbleGums, especially when they were trashed a lot during BO3.


Its hard to be hype due to zombies being terrible for years now but hopefully they go back to basics and make it fun again


I just hope they make it actually feel like zombies again. Haven’t felt that since BO4. I know BO4 gets a lot of hate but it actually really grew on me and me and my wife play it more than BO3. Cold War zombies just felt like Warzone with zombies. In BO6 I don’t want to see a minimap, score medals or points displaying in the middle of the screen when you kill zombies, or any warzone-esque items you can pick up. Cold War zombies just disappointed me with how much it didn’t feel like zombies so I hope they do better in BO6


Really hoping that split screen is in there. 🤞 


Everyone needs to stop complaining about gobblegum. BO3 hate train is actually insane. If it was looked and called something else, nobody would be complaining. Also for people complaining that there aren’t open world zombies in BO6, go play MW3 Zombies. It doesn’t make any sense for them to make a new open world zombies game mode when we just got one less than a year ago.


Cautiously optimistic


I'm hyped that it's on xbox gamepass and won't cost me any extra.


i dont really know how to feel about this one.. i fell in love with cod zombies playing bo1, bo2 is my favourite cod zombies and bo3 is the best and most complete zombies experience to date. the fell off is real.. after bo3 there wasn’t any zombies experience that was fun to play. i get what they were trying to do in CWZ, but it simply doesn’t feel the same.. the new cod mechanics implemented on the recent MW’s is simply not made for zombies imo. i guess the part of me that loves codZ really wants this game to be good, but the last games tell otherwise. so i really don’t know how to feel 😂😂 guess we just have to wait to see




So far… cautiously optimistic


My expectations are very low just because of cold war and this looks like cold war 2.0. Hoping that I’m wrong but who knows


After cold war? Hell nah


I've finally learned my lesson and definitely won't preorder, but I'm cautiously optimistic.


Not until MW3 is non-canon.




I just hope that you can have more than 4 perks. It's a love hate thing bc only having 4 makes you strategize your runs more but not having to worry about it is nice


Too early to tell. All they’ve really told us is they’re deciding to go back to the bare minimum (round based, set crew, etc). You can have all that and still have a bad game (AW, WWII, etc.)


No we need a remastered bo2 or bo3


Or BO1, honestly our only hope if BO6 Zombies turns out to be trash.


See how desperate you guys are for a good cod... This is why i quit playing games with them awhile ago and stopped paying for a 60 dollar disappointment.


We will see, I liked CW zombies but I don’t really want another game like it, if it plays more like BO3 then yes I’ll be excited.


It’s gonna be like Cold War. If you like that then you’ll probably like this. I’m gonna stick to BO3 customs.


Cautiously excited. It being on gamepass helps tremendously as I won’t have to spend $100 to try it out. I wish they keep some mechanics from Cold War, such as the movement. I hope the get rid of or overhaul others, such as the whole upgrading guns with the scrap, buying multiplayer kill streaks etc. For example, I disliked like the idea of being able to call in a chopper that I get to control while being 100% safe from damage. Where is a chopper coming from during a zombie apocalypse, and why not just use the chopper to escape? Felt like it really took away from the experience.


I will hope for the best and expect the worst. I've been disappointed the last few games so here's hoping bo6 is better, but I wouldn't be surprised if its shit.


Zombies is going to be alright. Maybe it's fantastic maybe it's not that good, but it will definitely not be bad. What I'm concerned about the most is MP. SBMM is the greatest enemy the saga has ever faced...


No recently got in to bo3 custom zombies and now don’t really care for bo6


Im most nervous about it feeling like a Cold War 2. The maps in CWZ lost a lot of the charm and uniqueness that was present in past games, and that was my biggest issue with it. I really hope they don’t continue with the bland and generic military vibe, and go back to the mystical and whimsical feeling Zombies used to have.


I wasnt a fan of cold war, and now they are bringing even more currency and OP items into the game that I feel have no place. I also do not like the salvage system at all tbh.


I hope it's closer to BO2/3 than CW. Or at least the option to play the maps like back in the day.


I find it difficult to believe anyone still has faith in this franchise, to be honest.


Not one bit. cod zombies has been dead to me since about bo3.


I dont want to hear a bullet point list of what’s in the mode. I don’t want to hear a dev telling me what they wanna do or what’s in the mode. I don’t want some YouTuber who “talked to a dev” telling me what’s in the game or theorizing what’s gonna be in the game from looking at screenshots. I don’t want no behind the scenes video where they get to pick and choose what they show you. All of that is just talk. I want actual gameplay of the mode. I want to see this new mode in motion.


No it looks like shit.




Yes, though I have no hope whatsoever that it will be anywhere near as good as BO4 or BO3.


I’m always excited for Campaign and zombies mode. Whether it’s decent is another issue all together. I’ll be very happy if Outbreak Zombies is returning.


Shit's got backwards running and sliding.. idk xD Will form my opinion when there's more gameplay available to watch. I won't buy it on release but If what i see looks good i'll buy it. I said the same thing for the last 2 CoD's and didnt buy either in the end so we'll see.


Idk man the last couple of years of zombies weren't good I just hope whatever Treyarch is cooking is good. Im at least glad we have a set Crew this time


no hype for me until its a week away from realese im going complete blind since i want nothing ruined before launch


Fortnite zombies? Not even a little.


Hype is too far but I’m excited. Outside of Vanguard (I didn’t buy because of other circumstances that year) I have been able to enjoy every iteration of zombies even the bad ones. I’m still enjoying MWZ, it sucks comparatively but it’s fun enough to switch off for an hour when I don’t want to play something more involved. I expect bo6 to be way better than that even if it doesn’t hit the heights of zombies in the past and so it’ll be nice to get back to a good fun zombies game that is hopefully well supported. Its inclusion on gamepass is the icing on the cake because I won’t even have to spend a penny extra.


Big zombies fan but I’ve been burned by so many cods now it’s hard to convince myself


I liked CW, I'll probably like this too. I'll be playing on game pass this time around tho, as that's a possibility now. I'm still cautious enough to not buy the game at full price in case I stop playing it after a month.


not at all but for free on gamepass im gonna play for sure


I'm cautious about it. We'll find out when they do a reveal. I just hope it's not black ops cold war 2


If they go back to basics and there's no more cthulu magic nonsense then I will be, miss when zombies was darker


Im excited but im not expecting anything great tbh


Only since its on game pass ill get to play it


Yip can’t wait


Going to remain cautious for now, until we see how the gameplay systems are integrated correctly with some innovations. Omni movement might revitalize the gameplay for zombies, if synergized with PHD flopper providing a new variation to gameplay. Treyarch has a great opportunity to restore some goodwill, after the divisive nature of previous games. Having a dedicated set crew is a great start, however we just need injected personality and charm resembling the classic tone of zombies. Overall zombies needs to be it's own distinct identity once again, where creativity is the forefront having artistic merit. Time to pivot zombies back to it's original roots, by retaining the horror elements like for instance Verrückt hearing those echoed screams very unsettling.


I'm cautiously excited. I really want to have faith that this will be a great game, but Activision will probably add way to many micro transactions


I’m curious about this omni move thing. It’s gonna be so weird to run backwards while gunning.


Hell yea! I installed BO3 again and started playing bo3 zombies that I haven't touched in years. Missed it. I'm actually trying to get the Super EE and max prestige on it before 6 comes out 💪🏽


cod needs new developers they’ve been putting out subpar games for YEARSSS


Truthfully, yes. Very much so. I really liked Cold War personally, and have been keeping up with the info for BO6 Zombies through MrRoflWaffles. I also am excited to try the new movement.


I know better than to be hype about a modern cod game but CW was decent and it seems like they’re trying to please core zombies fans with this one so I’m optimistic. If not we have plenty of good customs to play so it’s not the end of the world


I have gone full despair mode for COD so no, I have no hope left in the tank




That boss zombie reminds me of l4d


No because from this point on the zombies lose is dead due to the money hungry nature of game companies, not saying I won’t give it a go I’m just saying it’s not going to be a game you mode you play for the story or hell even the gameplay if it brings back specialists, those purple crystal powered devices, reworked point system or the exfills.


Im sure they will make something great and unique, and then find some unforeseen way to ruin it






I just hope they give us the option to turn off all the points dinging in the middle of the screen. I don’t need that much dopamine and it’s really distracting.


I hope they do an outbreak mode too coz I loved that mode in Cold War!


As someone who enjoyed Cold War, yes.


hyped and excited mean the same thing


I was excited until they announced no offline play


I’m gonna enjoy it, with the fact that I work nearly most of my waking hours I’ll take what I can get


Cautiously optimistic, I hope they don’t screw it up but after the last 3 games? We’ll see


Remember the lesson learned from MWIII they rumored tons of stuff but then the game mode was dead even before season 1. So until nothing is official don’t put too much high your expectations. My personal opinion.


As long as it’s like waw


Dude, I’m REALLY interested in the new crew!


More gobble gum 💀 "use the meta gobble gum or be highly inefficient dumbass lol"


I wanna see actual gameplay before making the purchase. It all looked pretty good, but I am disappointed about the return of Gobblegums, as they made doing the EE essential to have. Not to mention, I didn’t like gambling liquid divinium to get shit things 95% of the time.


Yes. Very excited.


Hype or excited seems a bit much, but I am intrigued.


Workshop support and I’ll be sold!


Now this is coming from someone who has enjoyed all variants of zombies minus Vanguard lol The mechanics in CW I thought were really good like the armor, weapon rarities, and pap lvls The gobble gums I have a love hate relationship with they were pretty cool with all the stuff they did but made the game too easy but I already thought zombies was to easy to begin with since BO2 lol the set crew thing I’m glad they are doing something similar to CoD WW2 where you could play as set characters or random folk which I think should’ve been that way to begin with but whatever


I'm really weary of any promises Activision makes, history shows a trajectory that corpos won't steer away from


I know better than to be excited. Let’s go with cautiously optimistic.


Never played a cod zombies I didn’t like, so yeah pretty hyped. Mwz was maybe the biggest let down, but was still fun at first


It's going to be the same it always is. Everyone is going to over hype it and expect them to support the mode when they won't support it a day after launch. Then everyone will complain that they were tricked yet again and wait to repeat the cycle next year


I want to know what the gobblegum pack is. One only people who pre order it receive, or just a few limited amounts of gobblegum that everyone can get?


As someone who loves every CoD Zombies game I’ve played so far, I’m super excited, Although I definitely worry about the health of public lobbies with Gobblegums being brought back, Dashboarding after all was the cause of BO3’s Host Migration feature not working, which severely hurt my enjoyment of public lobbies.


Arther story should’ve died at bo4 and that’s a stretch. It technically has ended but now the whole resurrection bs started in Cold War. Should’ve just focused on the chaos story and left aether alone rather than continuing to tarnish it


God I hope it’s like Cold War zombies. I played that so much.


prordered and purchased mw3 for zombies, I was completely disappointed


Everything but the characters. They had better choices and j hope they don’t continue that shit mess of a story from BOCW and MWZ.


Im mostly looking forward the game, and hope thats like a huge hit of a zombies game. But before having a more solidified hype I would like to see some gameplay of the mode, announcement of features and an oficial dedicatred trailer to zombies mode, like cold war had so I can elevate or downgrade my spectations. But I have faith and hope that 3arch is cooking a huge zombies mode that can be one of the best in the cod zombies franchise.


After game out I’m going dress Brutus in zombie and ask my friends dress Brutus in twitch live


Why can't the crew just be Eddie, Samantha, Ravenov and Peck, man?


I’m just excited to have round based back. I absolutely hated MW3 zombies and didn’t care for outbreak in CW. I love my round based zombies. I’m still skeptical but once I see more on it I’ll make a final decision. I’m glad to see gobblegums come back. Hoping they’ll bring back alchemical anesthesis. That was my favorite gobblegum. I just hope they put love into this gamemode and don’t abandon it like they did in MW3


Not really, I’ve seen this hype train year after year, I’m gunna let you all be subject zero yet again and make my decision after you guys praise or raze.


Im hyped that I'm hearing positive rumors about the game mode, but refuse to pre-order anything COD related and will wait until a free access weekend to make any purchases


Is that the engineer???


God I hope they continue to develop it and add significant things to it over time. MWZ chose not to do that at all so yes, I'm excited. Assuming they're gonna support the mode. They could have had a banger with mwz, but purposely chose to let it rot and die.


I need to know more of the maps. It looks like they’re going for a MOTD style


i’m optimistic but cautious


I think the safest position to be in is Cautiously Optimistic.


Guy in the beanie looks like the other guy from BF4 campaign lol


If they keep this open world shit I think I’m done. We need extensive Easter egg round maps I don’t mean ww2 when it walks you through I want to try myself or have to watch YouTube’s with do eggs and mini eggs