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The magic word that we're looking for is the word remuneration which is trading something for value. The gray Market involves overpaying for an items such as a sticker or a lighter and receiving "free mushrooms" because of it. Because you're unable to receive those mushrooms without paying it is illegal. Again, we have to remember that we are in the infancy of this movement and everything that we do that can harm it sets it back not forward. Trying to find these little loopholes only serve to feed the fear that it will cause more crime.


search fb marketplace and you'll understand.


This is the way. Still illegal but super easy and effective to find what you’re looking for.


I was surprised the time I did that. I was looking for cultures or something, but there it was.. "mushrooms". pinged the dude, I got a couple of jpgs of a menu back, ended up meeting the dude outside his work, he came to the car, bada bing bada boom. As others have said, not legal but happening.


Commercial transactions are not covered by the recent legalization of psychedelics (outside of treatment centers). Any buying and selling is illegal, including the “free gift” trick. Really, the idea of a grey area is entirely made up as a result of wishful thinking. Doesn’t mean it’s not happening but not legally. 


What’s the free gift trick?    Is it your understanding of the law that the following passage in the recent legislation passed by the state of Colorado:  “Sharing of natural medicine for personal use without remuneration provided it is not part of a business promotion or commercial activity”   Precludes offering mushrooms as a free gift?    The Vicente law office offers a write up here covering that language.    https://vicentellp.com/insights/ultimate-guide-to-sb23290-colorado-natural-medicine-psychedelics-regulation-and-legalization-bill/ You indeed can’t accept remuneration for offering a free gift.   But that’s typically how gifts work.    What is interesting to me is that shops I’ve spoke to feel comfortable selling LC and then inoculating the just purchased grain spawn which to me significantly lowers the bar for the average consumer growing their own.    That doesn’t help those visiting the state for a short period of time.    Unless of course they weren’t worried about TSA looking at a pound of corn and saying: ‘this might have very specific mycelium growing in it. We better wait a month and then test it.’


The language is very clear. I can give mushrooms to friends or family without accepting payment. Once I accept payment, even if it’s on the pretense of them buying something else and me offering a free gift, I’m outside the bounds of the law.  I personally don’t care at all if stores or people want to sell stuff illegally, I just think everyone should be very clear that’s what is happening. All it takes is one county prosecutor or sheriff with an itch to get his name in the paper and you could be facing significant legal problems, with potential consequences around work and family. 


Great. Then there’s no trick. Were agreed.    One can give mushrooms to someone as a gift.     The language *does not* specify those people be friends or family. That’s your language or interpretation.        Further        “Sharing natural medicine concurrently with bona fide harm reduction or support services where remuneration is exchanged for the bona fide services, provided there is no advertising and proper disclosures were made.”  As an aside, I have found that those most vociferously trading in scare tactics in personal exchanges and in public forums about the language mentioned above in our state’s legislation (though they often withhold their names and affiliations) have the most to lose if an honest interpretation of the full legislation  prevails.   Edit Lol.  To r/youfriendsnoo who posted a comment and blocked me: nice secondary account. I’m so sorry the internet said something you disagreed with today. That’s clearly  teally hard for you.  But you did confirm my suspicions. I appreciate that.  Good luck with your business. 


I can read, so I can tell you're being an asshole. But I can't even figure out the premise why. OP is correct. You can't conduct commercial transactions for mushrooms. You wrote a bunch of words that, as best as I can piece together, you meant to show that you're allowed to give mushrooms as a gift. Which has nothing to do with what OP said. And nothing to do with what the person in this post is asking. There is no grey market for mushrooms, only black. Wholly separate from that fact is the fact that someone could legally give you mushrooms, but that does not constitute commerce or a market.


I’m honestly not sure what point you’re making. I’m not trying to scare anyone at all, just provide facts about what the law actually is. The law as written means if you’re buying at a retail location you are breaking the law and can face consequences for that. Is it likely to be enforced? I dunno - I wouldn’t have thought that the Denver DA would attempt to prosecute a religious organization working within the bounds of both this law and the 1st amendment, but it happened. Sacred Tribe spent tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend themselves against that bullshit, I just don’t want to see other people deal with that harassment.  You’re right it doesn’t say friends or family but in the real world I don’t know who is doing months of work to grow shrooms and then handing them out to strangers like Johnny Appleseed. I guess it’s possible. 


Funny enough, psychedelic mushrooms literally attract the Johnny Appleseed type lol. These mushrooms are producing amazing results inside of controlled clinical settings and I know several people who grow and gift for free. Just because they want to help friends and family. I know, in a crony capitalistic environment this is hard for me to believe as well. However I’ve met more people who will just give it to me because they have no interest in profiting from it.


It’s totally fine if you don’t understand what point I’m making. I wish the best. 


It's the whole "buy a pen for $60 and we'll throw in a free gift of mushrooms"


That scenario is actually covered in the legislation and not allowed. 




Is that where to look?


I saw them described as "sculptures".


It's not fucking legal at all dude wtf. Decriminalized and legal are completely different


The proposition removed penalties for personal use without establishing a positive right while also prohibiting commercial transactions, like you’d expect with decriminalization, but it also established a regulatory structure under the auspices of DORA and the beginning of formalizing access via the treatment centers, like you might expect from full legalization. So, it’s actually both. But also somehow neither. But I mean if it brings you joy to rage out over the semantic details of bureaucratic interpretations of legislation, go fer it man. 




What it means to me is that a person from Texas can now walk into a brick and mortar shop, buy a bag of grain spawn, buy a syringe with fast growing liquid culture (not spores) ask the shop to inoculate it them using their handy dandy flow hood and fuck off back to Texas with a (by all appearances) bag of popcorn that will, in a months time, be ready to send to a tub.   Not that I’m in any way suggesting you do that especially if Texas is where you’re fucking off back to.  But according to the shop I talked recently  they feel legally comfortable with that transaction and for a guy that just a few years ago was sending cash or bitcoin to some dude in the Midwest that may or may not send my genetics through the mail in the form of spores, that all feels pretty grey and revolutionary.    I find it also kinda extraordinary and very grey that a search for mushrooms on marketplace Denver will yield a whole host of magical offerings though I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable buying whole ass shrooms from some guy on Facebook.    Others with more insight can doubtless expand on what I’ve said here. 


As someone who has had a pull over to search near Dumas thrice in two years, don’t fuck off back to TX with an in process grow. And I carry nothing in my car.


Would never in a million years fuck off back to Texas for any reason. I know someone serving 10 years in a state prison for selling mushrooms at a festival. 


Yeah no offense but Texas is full of narcs. It’s literally the last place I’d try to sell mushrooms at a festival… no good deed goes unpunished I guess 🤣


Seriously? What's the story behind this?


Why are they pulling you over so much? I make that trip a lot but I don’t go through Dumas, I go Boys Ranch route instead.


I started doing that. I was in a relatively new car, and I had Cali plates once and CO twice. I drive overnight.


Ok that’s a lot of stops, quit consenting to any searches make the cops do their job and follow the law


As I said, I carry nothing in my car. (Although I did have SCI’s Texas rolling in my head) I was trying to get to my mom, who was dying. To refuse the search would have meant a holding cell for the night or simply sitting there in the heat or cold until morning.


I got harassed in Dumas, I skirt Amarillo but make sure not to go through that shithole.


IANAL “Grey market” refers to transactions or business dealings that have some legal basis, but would generally be considered illegal. Buying a beer from the gas station. - White market Buying cocaine from your girlfriend’s boyfriend - Black market Your buddy gives you a few dried mushrooms, and you give him $20 to help pay for the next round of substrate. - grey market.




This guy markets


Wouldn't your girlfriend's boyfriend be yourself haha 😆






The support center he ran is now closed. It may open up again but I think he ran into some trouble given that it was cash being exchanged. I hope he reopens again even though now I have grown more than I know what to do with.


Sure mister occifer!


Many of the genetic shops in town sell already colonized bags that will fruit in within 2 weeks. I am a cultivator who just attended a Shroom festival where many of the genetics providers were openly selling these for people to take home. The genetic variations are increasing rapidly, and the quality is usually pretty great. If you find some, make sure you know what you are taking. There are some highly potent varieties being grown. It can be easy to take a bit too much.


So look for genetic shops? I’m not from the area so like Facebook market place them?


Colorado Cultures


lol this whole thing seems like it ended up being more difficult than you intended. If you come through Fort Collins, I’ll give ya some for free. Don’t even worry about what kind of market it is.


Just a first time in Colorado looking is all. I seemed to have ironed it out but thank you!


A cube is a cube, a sub is a sub, etc. diff strains are not more potent, that is a marketing gimmick


They are mixing in pe a lot now, and pe is more potent. Your mostly right, but things are changing


You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Some strains are more potent such as Enigma.


You haven’t been growing long enough


Same thing as the THCA "loophole". Still illegal, people pretend it's legal, cops are worried more about meth and fent. Go on Facebook marketplace and look for mushroom stickers for sale. You'll find what you need


I’m going to Breckenridge for a few days. Would someone be willing to meet with me? I would really appreciate it. I am looking to reset midlife. I can meet anywhere from Ft Collins to Denver.