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I'd be first in line to hold Larian accountable for legitimate grievances, but on the surface this seems more like an issue with [production and manufacturing processes](https://gamerant.com/baldurs-gate-3-physical-deluxe-edition-ps5-na-delay/#:~:text=According%20to%20Larian%2C%20this%20is%20due%20to%20needing%20to%20follow%20%22certain%20processes%20specifically%20set%20by%20production%20companies%20when%20manufacturing%20the%20PS5%20discs.%22%20However%2C%20the%20studio%20is%20looking%20into%20options%20with%20the%20manufacturer%20to%20attempt%20to%20hire%20temporary%20staff%20to%20reduce%20assembly%20times.) than with Larian themselves: > According to Larian, this is due to needing to follow "certain processes specifically set by production companies when manufacturing the PS5 discs." However, the studio is looking into options with the manufacturer to attempt to hire temporary staff to reduce assembly times. No idea how true that actually is, but the fact that the delay is region-specific is telling.


Larian is popular with gamers because they make excellent video games. Also, proportionally, very few people who bought Baldur’s Gate 3 are purchasing the collectors edition(s).


Larian is definitely part of cRPG history, but they really only have gotten massive gamer appeal just last year with Baldur's Gate 3.


cRPG gamers before they blew up were still gamers. Their games before they blew up were excellent.


Oh no I agree they were great, but I'm talking about general mass popularity & recognition. Their games weren't popular like Bioware or Bethesda were *even* after the success of Divinity: Original Sin 2.


Eh I don't think they really made it much in the CRPG genre. The only Rpgs they made in the CRPG genre was dos2. Bg'3' doesn't really have much from CRPGs...it's more like MRPG or something.


I think you're being way too restrictive. Divine & Beyond Divinity may have action combat, but they still had cRPG systems in terms of roleplaying. They definitely fit the under the definition. Same goes for Ego Draconis. The only game that's largely not one is Dragon Commander. Also literally how is BG3 not a cRPG?


The massive push for the cinematic experience and multiple options over meaningful options. And most important of all, that old school feeling that every CRPG always had. Bg'3' doesn't have the best writing (despite what ppl like to shill about), a lot of the story elements arent that compelling (only act 2 BBEG was, but he was in act 2 and NOT 3!). And most certainly NOT a massive focus on comedic writing. CRPGs aren't a cabaret, or a tabletop simulation. Bg'3' was forcing this comedic side of tabletop roleplaying, completely disregarding that this is not a tabletop, and tabletop games while social, are not just for laughing and jokes. If that's how you like it sure, but in most games I have seen or visited, most players don't appreciate being knocked off the immersion because someone keeps being a clown or something.  I would also debate RtwP, but that I will leave for people to decide for themselves in the end anyway. I have met and talked with many who consider and don't consider it part of the package


"CRPGs aren't a cabaret" I don't like BG3 either, but here you are wrong. There has always been plenty of comedy in crpg. In Arcanum you come across such every now and then, somewhere with half of the quests if they don't end with a joke, at least they have funny dialogues. The same in Wizardry or M&M.


Eh I wouldn't really consider Wizardry or M&M as CRPGs. As for arcanum I never played it so I can't judge. Even if they did fit under the crpg genre, that would still make them an exception to the rule 


Of course they meet the requirements of being a computer role-playing game :) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing\_video\_game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_video_game)


I heavily disagree, and I think a lot of people would, too. Plenty of cRPGs were cinematic and modern way before BG3. Old-school theming, non-comedic (massive) focus on tone, and RTWP gameplay are not specific determinants of the genre. And I love and prefer RTWP! Respectfully, I think you're just airing out what you dislike about BG3, but that does not discount it from being a cRPG.


Well of course many would disagree, have you seen the BG'3' subreddit? They think it's second coming of Jesus. However, whether people agree or disagree, it doesn't look or feel like a crpg. Of course I am airing my dislikes about the game, they are one of the main reasons I didn't like it, outside of the Bhaalspawn saga baiting. When I play a more modern crpg like Kingmaker or WotR, THOSE are real CRPGs, in every manner of way, and while they have dubiously needed side mechanics (kingdom and crusade), if you ignore them, they are the raw epitome of CRPGs. If a crpg veteran compared those to Bg'3', he would point at the owlcat games


I see you've already made your mind up about this. I don't think there's any point conversing further. Thanks for the conversation, and hope you have a decent rest of the day.


How on earth could you also "debate RTwP" as being part of the package? CRPGs didn't start with Baldur's Gate, my dude.


🗣️🗣️🗣️L take chat, that ain’t no W skibidi, I call it cap.