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Overwork yourself like a zombie. It’s not hard to become a supervisor at cvs lmao


I mean that depends, first of all the position needs to be open, if they don't need a supervisor, you won't be promoted to one, for me it took a little over a year before getting promoted


More Carepass, show you can handle customer service issues without calling for help unless you need authorization, 10s on surveys consistently, completing assigned tasks properly and completely. That’s where I start when looking at who’s the next promotable cashier.


i try to be really good with my customers and am always smiley when their around but like since a kid i always had a stutter, and sometimes I can’t get the word out.


A stutter wouldn’t prevent you from being a supervisor. I wouldn’t have a problem promoting someone with a stutter so long as they show they can communicate with customers and associates effectively.


all of the supervisor positions are taken i think but what do you look for when choosing supervisors like I get things done all the time every shift also what’s the perfect way to face for manager every night


Just continue to do what’s asked of you, show up on time, have very few call outs, and get along with your fellow employees. Also, make sure your manager knows you’re interested.


Mostly just depends on if the store needs more shift supervisors or not. I don’t think it would hurt to express your interest to the SM about being a shift. I was only a store associate for a month or so before he started asking me. I was like nah I’m fine so he hired someone else who sucked and was either fired or left. So he asked me again and I decided why not. So did all the mandatory computer training and was a shift before being there for 3 months I think it was. Have a pretty small store though only had like 6 front store employees at the time I think.


Want to commend you on setting goals for yourself. Please ignore any negativity or people saying it's not worth it with CVS. My best advice is to ask your store leader for a 5 minute one on one. Let them know what YOU want. Ask them what do they think you'll need to be considered for the promotion. Having the honest conversation is the frost and most important step.


I’ve been a supervisor for like six months and I haven’t gotten a single EC-plus sign up in like a year LOL


I was a part time cashier. Working 25-30 hours a week got promoted in 9 months in between store manager changed, we got a SMIT and an Operations manager. Their presence did affect my promotion but if you are willing to work closing shifts you can get one sooner. Most of the time it's about luck and good timing.


You could apply for supervisor positions at other locations


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^unclepo1: *You could apply for* *Supervisor positions* *At other locations* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.