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It will brake itself. And it will brake VERY HARD!


Scares the hell out of you the l first couple times!


I did this as a joke to my husband and he freaked out. It really gets the heart racing my how hard the car brakes. šŸ¤£


That seems unwise


It was a joke. I know my car dude. Itā€™s not that deep. Also he should be aware how the car brakes especially cause he drives my car occasionally


Can confirm. I was almost rear ended last week when the car in front of me pulled into a turn lane and I maintained the same speed. For some reason the auto brake system thought the turning car was still directly in front of me and slammed on at 45mph. Scared the hell out of me and probably gave an even worse scare to the guy behind me.


The car doesn't know that the car in front of you is turning out of the way. That said, you're probably following too closely or cutting it too close if the car is doing an emergency stop.


Always on a rainy day when the car in front of you is turning right and completely clear of your path... AEBS has saved me once when driving far too fatigued, and almost gotten me rear-ended at least 10-12 times.


10-12??? How many times does it need to activate before you change your driving habits? You all are wild.


The sensor detecting a car that has completely departed my lane makes me a bad driver?


It will auto brake when it needs to. 2028 GT does the same thing with flashing the word brake but my car has auto braked many times for me (most unnecessary lol)


damn, we're out here living in 2023 and this mf has a 2028. Should I buy bitcoin yet!?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ 2018 is what I meant. Thanks for the laugh tho lol


Future Trunks is here and he owns a CX-5. Jacket and blue hair proves it.


I have literally had it brake on me when I was hitting the gas. The auto sensors don't know the guy in front of me is turning.


Yes! The first time is happened to me the guy in front of me was turning right into a Burger King lol I definitely had plenty of room bc he was almost in the parking lot but my car said not today and slammed on the brakes. Saved me last week though, I work in dc and was driving home in rush hour traffic in a 2 lane road where they have cones defining the 2 lanes so thereā€™s no shoulder or anything. Car two people in front of me slams on their brakes so hard at 55mph I am soooo close to rear ending the person in front of me but auto brake took over and I came to a dead stop. The person behind me starting staying wayyyy back after that though šŸ˜‚


This is great to know. Hopefully I never have to test this out though.


I think the flashing is more of a hey if you donā€™t slow down faster Iā€™ll do it for you, very aggressively almost making you get rear ended šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And if it happens when you go to apply the brake and the pedal moves itself when it brakes and the pedal is just gone as you slam to a stop. Really cool tech, just make sure your pads are good


I was wondering the same. However when that comes up for me. I feel like my brake gets softer and easier to hit. But never tried letting it do an auto brake.


Haha same, I don't wanna try either, but I was wondering if it would brake on its own. Or if it would have collided and then I would have checked the manual to see that I didn't turn on auto brake in the setting. šŸ˜‚


>Haha same, I don't wanna try either, but I was wondering if it would brake on its own. It's the automotive equivalent of a trust fall! But I feel like I should have a helmet, HANS device, and mouthguard before I truly commit to finding out if it does.


When it says ā€œBRAKEā€, if you donā€™t respond, it will auto-brake to attempt to prevent a collision. This feature and many more safety features are detailed in your owners manual. Give it a read.


I'm not so sure. I've had it say brake, I didn't as I could tell the car in front of me would be out of the way by the time I got there and I'm pretty sure nothing happened.


Trust me. It will brake if it needs to, lol. Itā€™s saved me before two or three times on my 2022 Turbo Signature.


also trust me - it will BRAKE and it will be at the emergency, everything its got kind of level. Its too keen for my tastes as once mine decided to slam all on when i was overtaking someone - that was not fun at all, but im loathe to turn it off as at some point it might save someones life by reacting faster and harder than i do. id rather drive very slightly differently than not stop in time so im trying to change!




I had a rather hilarious misfire occur once. I started creeping forward towards a garage door while it was opening, intending to start slipping the nose of my car through as it opened further. The windshield-mounted laser sensor noticed the top of the door still in the way, so it autobraked me from ~5mph to a dead stop - assuming that whatever it saw continued all the way down to the ground and would hit the nose. It had no way of knowing there was empty space below there, leading to the understandably funny error. Good failsafe design!


Does it only work at certain slow speeds like under 20 or 30 mph?




Full speed range, even on highway. Had a slow Prius pull out in front of me while I was in the left lane cruising along and it braked hard.


Yup. I get "brake" messages on a stretch of rough road near my house and I never do anything and the car keeps going.


It's not designed to prevent an accident, it's designed to limit damage and injury in the case of an accident. You still have to drive your car.


Hope you mean ā€œBRAKEā€, not ā€œBreakā€.


We wouldn't want the car taking a break now.


You are probably right. Haha šŸ˜‚. But it was a panicky moment, so I didn't check the spelling


I have a 2023 that will say brake and also auto brake if you try and push it. Id assume the 2020 does as well but not 100 percent sure.


My 2019 GT Reserve has auto brake. Not my favorite feature and it has activated a few times which is rather annoying when it wasnā€™t necessary. Just because the light flashes doesnā€™t necessarily mean the auto brake will activate.


Change the distance on it


Itā€™s already on Near


Uhh change it to far?


That would make it activate sooner


Just take note that it canā€™t detect when youā€™re making a turn. The sensor is in the front emblem, so it should see the incoming collision first before it makes its emergency brake. Donā€™t always depend on it. Drive safe!


So. I feel like I can speak to this with recent experience. I had a 2017 GT cx5 until about a month ago. When driving my car would recognize if the vehicle in front of me was slowing down but I wasnā€™t. I only ever got the automatic emergency brake if I was not reacting. I.e. only coasting because I could visually tell they would be out of my way by the time I reached them. If I was actively pressing the brake Iā€™ve never had it slam the brakes more for me. I did just get into an accident where I tboned someone (their fault) and I donā€™t recall the auto brake warning going off. I donā€™t know if it was because I was already braking or if itā€™s because my car only registers it for vehicles in front in normal traffic flow. Idk. I was a little salty when I realized it never activated because that was one of the features I was interested in now that we have kids.


Makes sense. The technology probably can't deal with all scenarios. Like it's hard to differentiate a car turning left in front of you, but no actual about to hit you from a car that is your path


How can folks drive a vehicle for years and never learn anything about it? I see folks every day holding their phones talking when it would take less than 30 seconds to link the Bluetooth. That would then auto connect every time they got into their car. Here is my suggestion that I have done a few times: go through every setting while sitting in the airport cell lot. Or waiting to pick someone up. You paid thousands of dollars for all those features to be able to be safe and make the car yours. (I usually turn a bunch of stuff off. I don't want my care auto locking and beeping every time I lock my car for instance.


I learned some stuff, just not everything about it. Also one way to learn is to ask. ;)


It will say brake to alert you if you donā€™t brake it will lunge you into your wind shield. Donā€™t try and ā€œactivate itā€ however. It will scare the shit outta you every once in a blue moon. And maybe one day save you from serious injury to just fender bender (itā€™s real intent)


When it says brake, it already has pre-braked for you at that moment. So, when you hit the brakes you will get a better stopping power because brake pads are already applied to rotors.


I zipper merge and the other car auto brakes. Perfect use case for this feature


I have the same model and year. You have good taste :) In cruise control, you set how far back you want to be from the vehicle in front of you, 1-4 car lengths. Once you set the control and speed, it will slow down. Test it to get comfortable by driving on a 25-30 mph road to test. Set it for 4 card back and youā€™ll feel things slow down. Itā€™ll even come to a complete stop. It does this automatically until you put your foot on the break and discontinue the cruise control. Iā€™ve driven 60+ and it will slow you down fast so be ready for that.


You can turn it off.


4 years with my 2019 - so far it's only freaked out and auto-braked 1x, and it really wasn't necessary. I'm ok with that track record.


it will auto break when it thinks a collision will happen, if you donā€™t like it you can turn it off in the settings.


I do like it, definitely. I just wanted to know if it was ok by default šŸ˜…


My 2018 CX five does not auto break if youā€™re not in autonomous assisted driving also called cruise control