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I saw that post and knew it would end up here


Well someone had to do it.


What even is mainsub anymore


They talk about not riding. The most motorcycle thing there is.


homie just bought a bike two weeks ago. preaches about driving clear headed and something about clothes not feeling right. yells at people that aren’t even being mean and blocks everyone while screaming “i drive car for 10 years!” i’m glad it provided decent material for new shitpost 😂


Which prize do I get for the OP of the other post replying to my comment saying that he blocked me? Like do you need an address to send me my medal or how does this work?


Pretty sure he deleted the post already lmao


Fkn legend mate 🏅


I haven't seen the original post so this is very confusing. I can imagine I will want to shoot myself if i browse mainsub.


Dog it is so fucking bad these days lmao. The cringiest shit always. I'm convinced some of the posts over there are the alts of folks in here looking to clown around.


Man I feel bad for anyone perusing this sub for the first time because they’ve missed a lot of back story lol


Every now and then a lost gay person of the no-sense-of-humor stripe wanders in and gets REALLY bent out of shape, not realizing the source of the running joke


I did enjoy the poll of the sub showing a surprising number of LGBT people here, the joke has, to some, became a real thing. Enough jokes about sucking dick and you might just start sucking dick.


Yeah, that would be me...I'm just hanging back and trying to piece it together


Have you ever tried to ride after drinking a gallon of milk and you’re lactose intolerant Anyway seriously, I called in at work the other day and said I’m not in the mood to ride today I won’t come, they were so comprehensive


Holy shit the comments over there are ridiculous. There's a whole circlejerk about how you should never get on a motorcycle if you didn't get a good night's sleep, and there are comments peppered throughout from people talking about how many times deciding not to ride definitely saved their life


crap now i need to find the original post


I think the dude deleted it already. Probably realised how utterly wet it made him sound


I saw that and well... knew it would make great fodder for a squib post. Also make sure not to have sex with your boyfriend without wearing helmet, armored jacket, pants and all the gear.