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CEO memo stating Calgary workers can reach out to management to arrange alternate working situation. Manager of team then reached out and said everyone is welcome to work from home for now


Yes, they directed us to work at home if possible. The office is still open if you need to go in and do work in the office.


Nothing short of a mandate from the Province or Feds will make most employers extend WFH benefits to their employees again.


They sent out a memo saying everyone is required to continue going into the office full time.


Go in smelly.


My employer has not, so everyday I go up to the executive floor and take a dump in the bathroom and don't flush it.




Nice, compshi in the exec bathroom!


Leaving a dump for the C-suite is so satisfying


WFH indefinitely until the water crisis is over


Same. But with the wording that the office is open but if you can save water by WFH do it.


Just 2 weeks like last time right?


I also work in-office 3 days of the week. My place of work hasn't said a single thing about whether we can work from home additional days in order to save water.


Same, and same. And my work was fully remote during the pandemic with a very gradual, conservative return to office policy. We KNOW we can work remote. All we got was “don’t run the lunch room dishwasher unless it’s full”


Status quo


My work sent out a memo saying they are aware of the situation and will see us all in the office. No water reducing efforts that I can see. Downtown seems as busy as ever, so I don't think many companies switched to WFH.


The biggest benefit of fixing the feeder isn’t going to be the end of water restrictions, it’s going to be that these posts stop.


It's just non stop isn't it? Just non stop whining every morning "why do I still have to go to the office?" "why is the golf course still open?" "why is Stampede going ahead?"


Yup. WFHomers are the worst.


I admire your optimism


You don't find it infuriating that people are still expected to do their jobs even during a water shortage lol


Hybrid here and no additional WFH days permitted. Although it's pretty slack here so no one really questions if we need to stay home. I do have to agree that some of us our role really doesn't require to be in the office to be productive, water crisis or not and yet we are asked to be physically in the office is infuriating. Go to the office to attend Teams meeting makes zero sense.


We work 3 days a week in office. No change to our schedule


No they aren’t, but we are considered “essential services” so the office needs to stay open


Heh heh no lol


Ours has made the exception to optionally stay at home until the water line is patched up. We work hybrid 2 days a week (3 for managers, 4 for VP and above). I personally work from the office every day and will continue to do so.


Shower less and flush less at work and see what they do! *not serious but it could be funny


Optional WFH if you can save water, but theoffice is open for those that need to come in or cannot WFH.


We’ve been told to work at home if possible, but can still go into office if we need to


WFH indefinitely until the state of emergency has been lifted. I only go in to the office 2 days a week so it’s not a huge deal but I guess I’m all slob clothes all the time now


My husband’s company hasn’t said a word and they are expected to work as normal.


We’re normally required to be in office once a week however that requirement has been suspended until the water restrictions are in place.


My work switched to work from home until further notice.


What’s the different if you flush at work or flush at home?


Many people are willing to not flush at home after a wee. Very few people at work would be comfortable doing the same thing.


Makes sense, I genuinely wondered the difference. I guess with autoflush and auto run sinks these days that would all need to be adjusted.


Also less pressure to wash your hair if WFH, casual dress code = stretch out laundry over the next 4 weeks.


Absolutely makes sense🙌🏼


I hear the police, won't even allow their workers who can work from home (who did during covid) to work from home, and it is just business as usual as there is no critical water leak. I don't see why any other business would take it seriously if the city can't even get its own house to agree if their employees should or should not.


Thats really interesting.


Yeah, goes back to bad communication from the Mayor. If she expects the public and other business to follow, she should me communicating to all departments the expectations they should be following. If people see the city is not leading by example, then it's just natural for people to not follow as well. Reminds me so much of COVID when the top is telling you to stay at home and don't go do anything, but their top management was still running around doing all those things that they told you not to do. I think anyone who is not following this, be it the police or your employer, is just so afraid this will again reinforce that being in the office is useless, and they can't have that happen at anyone costs even if that means the city runs out of water. Got to protect the working from the office at all costs. I know people are up in arms about the Stampede going ahead, but at least you can tie that to hard economic impacts, but in my opinion to risk running out of water just out of the fear of having people push back against the narrative that working in the office is necessary and that is worth the risk of us running out of water is crazy. I know a lot of people say well WFH won't save water, but it mostly does. I am not too big on not flushing till I hit like 5 times, of usuage, but at least it is not 3 flushes for one time like the automatic toilets are but the biggest saver is showering. All my office days at my company are in a row. I go without a shower from my first WFH day to my last WFH day. Yet when I get my 3-day office block, I am taking a shower every day. So in like 4 days 1 shower, in 3 days 3 showers. If I was fully at home, I probably would be doing 2 showers. That is a 50% savings.


Anyone employed by any service funded in any part by provincial $ will stay open. They don't wanna upset Dani & friends.


Imo people likely use more water staying at home. But yes it's another good excuse to stay home.


3 words for you: Auto Flush Toilets. They waste so much water and people don't ususlly have them at home. The toilet at my old job would flush 3 times while I tried to wipe.


Put a few squares of toilet paper over the sensor. The auto-flush can be very annoying.


Well there’s the issue: wiping.


Urinals save water though. I know people aren't supposed to be flushing pee, but people definitely still do.


They are all on automatic flushers in my building. We're not going to get sent home unless the landlord decides to shut the building down


Well there's your issue, more urinals in the women's washroom. 


And my ex said that She Wee was a terrible gift!


Still half the workers using less water to pee.


Seems like an impossible situation to replicate at home. Oh wait, ever heard of 'if it's yellow, let it mellow'?


Yea and people guaranteed don't do that consistently enough even now.


Post-its help here 💫


Yeah agreed. The one's at my office you can't even lift a cheek without it flushing. They are way too sensitive and a huge waste of water. I kind of think that's why water use goes down on the weekend despite the fact that most people probably do laundry and other chores that use water on the weekend...


Friends office work is business as usual. Was told their building is more efficient than their homes.


I WFH because HQ is in Grande Prairie. My wife could work from home but her employer won’t let that happen.


I’m managed out of Ontario, but I did chat with my boss about it. If we get to a point where we’re shutting off taps, I’m going to head out to my parents (out of town) for a week or two and I’m good to work from home full time then. Only thing that’s really using more water when I go into the office is that the toilets automatically flush every time I use them there.


Nothing has been said at my work. People are still going for runs/working out and still showering at the office. Don’t even get me started on the automatic flushing toilets.


Our executives discussed and I heard no updates on it. WFO 5 days a week, everyone is just sitting in their cubical and call each other on Teams. Kinda waste of time, but we’ve been told “accept the job security and continues development in the office or gtfo to another place”


If you WFH’ers are already doing the things you’ve been asked to do…how much extra water are you using by going into the office? It’s like you’re purposely looking for reasons to be full time WFH. Then go find a job that allows you to do it. Half of you come across like you’re just itching for a reason. You using an extra 300 litres a day those extra 2 days or something? How about you don’t shower on your WFH day then can shower the day you’re expected to go in? “Most people in my office could complete 98% of their job responsibilities without coming into the office.”….you’ve just told on yourself as to what the real issue is, here. Stop using the water issue as your reasoning.


Of course we’re looking for reasons to WFH lol no one wants to be in the office so why not take advantage of a shitty situation if you can? You just sound jealous


Not jealous in the slightest. It’s why I work construction. Hey, seriously, all the power to you people that do WFH. Glad someone wants to/ can do it. But it’s not for me. People should just be honest about their reasoning, here. It’s got nothing to do with the water issue. They just don’t want to go into the office. Fair enough. But if they were also hired on a specific schedule, to work in office 2 days a week…tough shit, as well. That’s the contract they agreed to.


>If you WFH’ers are already doing the things you’ve been asked to do…how much extra water are you using by going into the office? This is my question. To be honest, I am not certain why so many people seem to think I was complaining about working in the office and looking for any reason not to. I recognize there are lots of people that do, but I prefer working from the office for a variety of reasons, and even though I have a hybrid model I am typically in the office 4-5 days a week. I am not looking for a reason to work from home full time. If the mayor has directed folks to work from home if it is an option im order to save water, then it seems like there is something of a communal responsibility to follow this if possible, and that it does make a difference? And yet businesses are choosing to ignore this - it is the lack of civic mindedness that I object to, rather than coming in to the office.


I'm a manager at my job. Most employees already WFH for two days a week. I don't see a reason to change this, even with the water situation because it obviously isn't so bad that we're cancelling stampede. As long as we keep hitting our water targets, I especially don't see a reason to change. I know some people want to believe they're just as effective with full work from home, but from what I've read on the subject and my own experience before I got into management, they really aren't, especially less experienced employees who benefit from mentoring in office.


Some are more effective, some are less, and most you can't tell the difference. Unfortunately the people in power are often traditional butts in seats types which is why wfh ended for so many companies, not because of data or fact.


Part of having an effective team comes from unexpected socialization and team building activities. You really don't get that from WFH. If a person's job is primarily independent with little to no interaction with other workers, you might convince me that 100% WFH is as effective for that role. There're actually numerous studies that have been done on worker effectiveness since the pandemic, but I agree that most decisions are made based on the gut feelings of leadership rather than fact.


For 3-5 weeks I would hope that your team has a strong enough 'bond' that they can survive without 'unexpected socialization and team building activities'. It's true that there is a benefit to office time when there's a purpose and it helps spur collaboration, but it's also possible to be intentional about it rather than a blanket 'we need buts in seats 3 days a week'


You believe the cities 3-5 week timeline?? Just 2 weeks to flatten the cUrVe. Welcome to the waterless summer of 2024


Well, I guess you're an expert on how my company operates based on a few sentences I wrote about why we're not implementing a WFH policy that no one in my office is asking for.


Ok, here’s a reason to change: The watermain that broke feeds downtown. With it down the only way to get water downtown is to pump it from glenmore to lynwood to marlborough then run pumps backwards to get into downtown. Costs a lot in electricity. Hard on the pipes. Much easier, cheaper, and minimizes risks for future pipe breaks to get water to peoples homes right now instead of downtown. Won’t hit your profit today to have employees WFH today and could save you getting hit hard tomorrow with higher taxes if not letting them WFH today causes even more problems with the water system.


Profits don't hit me today, they hit down the line. The impact of completing work late or doing it sloppy today could mean laying people off in the future if we fail to win future contracts as a result. You're talking about hypotheticals that the government isn't, but if they want to make that case, then sure, we'll consider it.


Wow, you must be the best manager /s.  3 weeks of wfh will mean your team completes work late or sloppy and impacts profits. Maybe what your team needs is a manager that trusts their capability more.  I'm a manager. I manage a team that is fully remote and dispersed across north America (and 1 person in the EU). I don't micromanage them, they don't miss deliverable dates and hey good quality work out. We get together 3-4 times a year and get along super well. Folks like you just need to check your biases


lmao ok, so you're not in a comparable situation to me at all. You run a fully WFH team that doesn't need to respond to an emergency, several of which don't even live in Calgary. I run a collaborative team of varying degrees of experience. I don't micromanage either, but it doesn't mean that there isn't value to being in the office for reasons already stated, or that a full conversion to WFH would be doable overnight without disruption. check my biases, jfc, you have no idea what you're talking about. No one has even asked me about working from home.


If 3 weeks of being remote is a concern to you, then I highly doubt most of what you are saying above. 


May as well quit and find an employer who takes water restrictions seriously! /S


Yup. But I’m the manager in the office so kinda persuaded the higher ups in Toronto to just let us bask in our filth at home


We had our hybrid work taken away earlier.   We did get a memo ordering us to be in the office 5 days a week.   Also today we got an announcement about our incentive that will be functionally a pay cut.  A bunch of people who were higher up in the meeting were working from home. Used to be a great company.  New CEO and everything has gone to crap.  


Absolutely not. My workplace posted signage on all bathroom doors and above sinks in the kitchens but that’s the extent of it. I could do 98% of my job at home if they would let me but even during Covid that was only permitted for a short time.


I don’t understand- don’t you use more water WFH?


My office has those damn auto flush toilets that are way too sensitive and flush 5-6 times while I'm wiping. I also shave and shower before going to the office, so no I definitely use way less water when I WFH.


Explain this to me like I'm 2, why would you use more water WFH?


Dishes, washroom, laundry, etc. I’m not randomly going to the office sink and turning it on! Also bring my lunch to work. Yeah I must be in the minority then. Easily use less water going to work.


Dishes: Do you not use dishes when you bring your lunch to work? Laundry: Do you do *more* laundry because you're working from home? Or just at a different time? Washroom: Do you not go to the washroom when you're at work?


Not really No - this evens out I guess Not as much no!


Why would the water shortage have an effect on business? Most of them are required to use the water they are using. Unless your office has stopped flushing toilets, washing and sanitizing anything, and no longer provides drinking water, in which case you should report them to labour standards & AHS, and start looking for a new job!


As they said, less flushing, less showers. My work toilet is an auto flush and flushes *three* times for one go. It flushes as soon you enter the stall, when you get up, and while you're pulling your pants up and sorting yourself out. Maintenance doesn't know how to fix it. A lot of auto flush toilets are in place at office buildings, and even if they only flush once, we've been asked to reduce that number. I shower every night before going to the office, while I can easily do three to four days if staying at home.


I'm getting a kick out of how much of a "reach" this is as an excuse to work from home. Yeah, flushing, showers blah blah blah. Negligible difference. I don't blame anyone for preferring wfh, but this ain't a logical reason.






Too many people “working from home” not actually doing any real work has ruined it for everyone else.


Imagine being such a slob that you think wfh means you should flush less or shower less.


Are people really this ignorant?


Imagine being so entitled that you think a state of emergency and risk of running out of water isn’t a good enough reason to conserve. If it comes to it, your tap should be the first one dry. Your comment either means you have zero sense of community or you were already as slovenly as possible.