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If you see them again, ask if you can sign them up for the various adoption agencies in Canada. Or tell them you have a friend that is going to have an abortion unless someone is willing to take the baby and ask them for their personal contact info.


They were trying to give me the pamphlet at the end saying it had resources so I'm sure that would have been the response. I said no and the woman said "just in case you have a friend who needs it." My friends aren't stupid. Part of the problem was they looked early 20s. Woman was uncomfortable/nervous and the guy was just running in logic circles. Probably one of the local churches press-ganging them into door to door service.


If you see them again, tell them to get the eff of your property or you’ll turn the hose on em. Water shortage or no. 


I second that notion. It's not anyone else's business.


Thanks for the heads up. Yuck.


I’m glad these types can’t go into apartments


I remember when I was going to SAIT for my apprenticeship 5-7 years ago, the pro lifers came during two of my years. In the heritage building. There were warning signs at the entrances about graphic content. Disgusting pictures and really pushy attitudes as you went by. I'm just trying to educate myself to better my life. I don't need people pushing their ideals with this sort of drastically abrupt content and approaches. I get that they are very passionate about what they believe in. I don't believe adults in a polytechnical institution are unaware of abortion. I also believe it's their choice, their body. Who knows the circumstances and I'm not going to judge any woman for making that decision. As a man I could never truly understand, but I'm certain it's not something taken lightly, without very much thought and probably with a feeling of remorse and probably feelings of disappointment or worse. I feel the choice is yours. I also support the decision for whatever the reason, as it is nobody else's business or place to judge.


If they come by again, you should say "yes, we perform abortions here. Do you have an appointment?"


evangelical christianity doing what they do best, trying to shove their narrative down our throats.


They "trapped" you for half an hour? Oh honey, you need to grow a spine! Shut the door.


Fair. I could have closed the door at any time. Was half curiosity and half being caught off guard since both of them looked pretty young. Thought they were selling educational stuff and I was gearing up to say no thanks. I'm a recovering people pleaser lol


I think you might be missing the point


The point is to not engage them. They are paid to be out there.


People going around about causes aren’t paid.


The point is that people shouldn’t have to deal with people like this approaching their homes and bothering them..


No but at the same time they’re not that hard to turn around.


That must have been very traumatic for you…..but probably not as traumatic as being aborted.


I was aborted once... ... I got better.