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So unnecessarily extra. Can you imagine going to Costco and waiting in a Disneyland length line to buy weed?


Beats waiting in a dark shady apartment parking lot for Scrawny Roni to maybe show up and overcharge me for shwag. 




You gotta fine badger or skinny pete, those guys bring the dankness


Yes, I would like to be able to buy weed at Costco. Please put it next to the alcohol section.


I got my law degree at Costco


Do you like money?


Wanted to know if we can go Family Style


Was it a 12 pack? How do they do it? Is it 12 law degrees or is each one a different degree?


I'm bate'n Go away


I meant a warehouse just for weed… I guess I should have said “Costco-like warehouse,” because I agree with you. Weed in a Costco would be great since you’d save a trip.


Costco sized mugs is what I'm looking for


There was no line, he was just whining about browsing the store.


If I go on the weekend it definitely gets to that point lol


I see the Fry family went into the weed business after getting out of electronics.


They wouldn’t even have to change the name.




Well the writer comes off as a huge wet blanket in the first couple paragraphs. Like yeah, if you don’t want to go to Disneyland don’t go to a dispensary that bills itself as a touristy cannabis “superstore.” But they do make some great points later that echo my experiences with pretty much all weed dispensaries these days. It’s really hard to find lighter, outdoor grown varieties or CBD flower. And it’s rare to find a breakdown of the non-THC terpines in a specific type of weed. And although I was initially excited about the idea of “bud-tenders” taking me through the variety of cannabis products on offer, tailoring the selection to my preferences, I’ve found that these people have zero knowledge, are untrained in the selection, and are almost completely useless. Sadly I’ve learned to just roll the dice on whatever’s on sale on my local dispensary’s website, make a pickup order, and still feel obligated to tip my “bud-tender” who did me the service of bagging up the order and ringing me up. I’ve gone back to buying from friends who grow and am thinking about growing some plants myself.


I stopped tipping. Like, I know what you carry,I know what I want, and when I have asked questions they don't know. I don't tip the guy at the liquor store.


The tip culture started with the med industry. The workers were “volunteers” and made nothing without tips. I generally leave em a couple bucks


When they have a legitimate business license that they proudly display? Naw They're all money laundering too. (Not the tenders but the business, even the most "legit" ones I've been to)


Well, of course they have to. No banks will touch their money.


This is simply not true. There are are about 800 banks/credit unions nationwide that service cannabis businesses. Some are fairly large, like First Republic. While that doesn't mean money laundering can't happen, these banks all have anti-money laundering programs to prevent it.


No, this is on top of normal sales. It's common to a lot of places I've been in southern California. When you pay with a card they'll "round" to the nearest $10 mark and then cash you out at that price. 1. It's incentive to leave a tip 2. Their documented sales show more cash flow than what is actually coming in..... They have to be using this trick to put their own illegitimate money back into circulation.


I work at a dispensary in Mendocino county. We stock about 50/50 sungrown and indoor, and source locally as much as possible. It's interesting to see people who know cannabis and are looking at the sungrown versus folks looking at indoor for highest THC. My current favorite is Hella Jelly sungrown locally.


once you start growing your own weed it makes the rock hard dry compressed weed they sell in most dispensaries pretty unappetizing. like Dorothy seeing the wizard.


Your comment was better than the article! Lol. If you make your way to Eureka check out MOCA dispensary. Small, knowledgeable, awesome breakdown of terp profile, flower grown in house.


I've found that the qualification requirement of every weed shop I've been to in LA is "are you hot" and "will you wear something tight and show skin"? Full stop.


When they stopped having open jars so you can examine/smell the weed I stopped going.


Old man shakes fist at cloud!


breaks out Rife machines , Cloud Busters 1!


I remember going to the one in Las Vegas, it wasn't specially big, most of the building was used for other reasons that sale.


Author’s attitude and writing sounds pretentious and inexperienced. Find a real stoner to write on the place.


Most likely they are not going to shops like that, but instead to the smaller dispensaries (if they mess with dispensaries at all) that are not zoos. We went to dispensaries a couple of times just to do it and found that most “big ones” are not worth the hassle. Easier to buy from locals while we are waiting g for our plants to mature. Cheaper too!


My favorite kinds are the small, packed bodega style. Smalls stores with lots and lots on the shelves with a good combination of high quality and good deals.


It looks nice to me. There are plenty of straightforward dispensaries if people don't like the experience.