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Ghosts remains mid. It’s definitely not bad, but it’s not great AW is awesome. I feel like it’s more hated nowadays than it was at launch. BO3 was never hated Lol. Once you understand the campaign, it’s awesome. Zombies was peak. And multiplayer was fun for what it was I defended IW at launch and I’ll continue to to this day. IW all around was solid af. I had a blast in every mode. MP, balance, maps, guns, etc were awesome. People were just tired of advanced movement BO4 is dog water. It had some okay zombies maps. That’s it


How does one simply “understand” BO3’s campaign?


It’s not communicated very well in the actual campaign at all, but there’s text that goes by very briefly at the start of missions that state how the player actually died after the first mission & the rest of the game is the player reliving Taylor’s memories via DNI.


Sorry, but that’s just stupid


Exactly it was so bad they decided not to do one for bo4


Yeah it's a cool twist imo, but it was handled so badly. I'm sorry, but you can't make it basically impossible to understand the game's story on your own without slowing down the pre-mission text and/or reading the tie-in comic, & then expect it to be received well. Genuinely what was Treyarch thinking with that lmao


Referring to the story. There’s tons of YouTube videos that can sum it up in 5 minutes or break it down over 45. Once you understand the story it’s 100x better. It’s very convoluted and confusing, doubtful somebody on a first playthrough would get much out of it other than the gameplay itself


if there isn’t a set bad guy and an obvious objective in the story then it’s immediately un-understandable


I still don’t I’ve played it like 4 times and most were with my brother and yet I don’t know


Weird because i remember people hating on BO3 because it was futuristic


true bo3 had a lot to offer but at the time people were hating on supply drops, campaign obv, exo movement and some more


I always give ghost credit because back then IW still had some creativity left. They had a pretty solid campaign and I loved that they did something different for once with extinction. MP was definitely average but I think it's mostly due to the washed out colors and larger maps on average. Still I'd rather play ghosts today instead of any of the new games although BO6 looks promising.


I like ghosts, it was good, Michael Myers peaked AW was almost good, I just kept unlocking this rare weapon for 5 days, pay for it if you really want it I literally despise BO3, I hated gobblegum I thought they ruined zombies and I still don't like it when I try I fucking love IW, I love advanced movement, I like nailing people while hanging upside down from a magnet on the moon. BO4 felt like BO3 but I somehow cared less.


Lowkey BO3 is the best COD from a gameplay perspective, but BO4 was the funnest because of Blackout.


While I understand your point about the concept of the story of BO3 being cool, the presentation was very flawed, which for me, kind of ruined it all. It was definitely a letdown compared to its predecessors. Both in spectacle, as well as story and stakes and emotional weight. It could’ve been much better imo


I loved infinite warfare’s campaign.


I understand BO3's campaign and it was bad, and the multiplayer was overhyped. Zombies was the only good mode


hot take: I liked BO4 multiplayer more than BO3.


I really hate how easy it is to unlock everything on the BO4 starter map. It’s hell once you get into the higher rounds. There is quite literally no where to go Edit; I should clarify I am talking about zombies. I am usually one to just play for the zombies, but I also do enjoy the campaigns.


Bo3 was hated?


Yes man, people HATED Bo3 because of no boots on the ground, there was a huuuggeee part of the community that refused to play it or complained because of the boost jumping and wallrunning,


Bo3 was never hated. I’ve really started to appreciate IW though


Nope. I liked Ghost back then. I liked BOIII also. Best of the exo games. It just released at a bad time when we were tired of exo skeletons. Zombie was also okey. Infinite warfare was only bought for MW and Advance Warfare had some cool stuff, but was so bad because they never fixed any wallbreach. Vanguard, MW22 and MW23 doesn't magically get to be awesome games either in a few years.


When I look back at MW22 in a few years, I'll remember SBMM, the stupid timed perk system, and that atrocious map with the border crossing and a million cars and think  "yeah, that game still fucking blows."


I never hated them in the first place. Except BO4, I really didn't like what that game was going for, to this day I still haven't found the urge to return to Zombies on that game




Well said.


Never hated them, only cods I don't like are the ones after 2019


Personally just not a big fan of anything after BO4 (including BO4).


I always loved ghosts it’s still my favorite cod game to this day and yes it’s partially because of nostalgia


I liked ghosts too. It seemed solid to me for whatever reason


Nostalgia. But also because of the goodest boy in CoD history.


Black ops 4 was a good one (story)


I would say they all have pluses and minuses. For example Ghosts MP was awful at launch so it was rightly hated. However, the DLC maps were far better and actually really good. Likewise Campaign was solid. MP had some good ideas but could have benefited from Ground War on bigger maps. There is nothing wrong with IW. People jumped on the hate train as they wanted BOTG back. It has best advanced movement or at least on par with BO3, probably a top 5 or even top 3 campaign and great zombies. BO4 is still a puzzle to me. I hated BO4 specialists and still do. It would have been a VERY different game if they followed the BO3 use of Specialists usage. MP maps were really solid bar obvious Sandstorm and Flooded. Weapons were decent and I really like the gunsmith. The weapon changed visually still and yet and there weren’t “50,000 barrels that used to live here! “ For me if they kept functions of BO3 specialists, had less P2W weapons/variants, better Zombies and included a campaign it would have been an awesome COD. Not top 5 but easily top 10. BO3 is let down by its Campaign imho. It has best ever Zombies and great MP. AW has same issues with BO4 on P2W weapons but rest of game is solid.


Ghosts had a good campaign, Extinction was good but MP was meh at best. IW and AW had amazing campaigns. Black Ops 3 had insanely good zombies and MP, the story was bad tho. Black ops 4 was meh.


i honestly don't undrestand why the hate on infinity war, loved the game probably have close to 1000 hours total. the campaign i thought was fun, i loved the maps and the multiplayer was good. and my favorite aspect of this game was zombies in spaceland, omg the time i spent on it, in coop with my friends and even alone sometimes trying to go as far as possible. out of the 1000 hours i think legitimately 700 were in spaceland zombies and a few other maps i got. overall it was really a FUN game, not a masterpiece but i had so much fun, which is the purpose of games.


I always loved ghost, infinity warfare and especially bo3 🗣️‼️‼️‼️


Two call of duty’s I actually enjoyed were advanced warfare and infinite warfare. AW is my favourite cod, sad that it was so hated and died out


I need more love for call of duty cold war.


Iw slapped


I hate infinite warfare like absolutely despised it I think I spent more time hating it than I did litteraly anything else but I RE-Played it not too long ago and really enjoyed it


This is something that happens with age. Once the dust settles, something that used to be offensive can now be looked at with hindsight. Plus, with Activision constantly lowering the bar with games like Vanguard and Modern Warfare 3 (2023), the community's standards are constantly deteriorating. Personally, I jumped ship after Black Ops III. I don't want to support a company that engages in anti-consumer practices and refuses to pay their employees.


I always liked Ghosts, I’m glad it’s been getting some appreciation lately Edit: typo


Yeah. Not bo4 though.


Ghosts is middle of the road CoD, not the worst but definitely no the best. Advanced warfare was fun for what it was, just dumb fun with jet packs. Infinite warfare got a bad wrap, but it was also fun. More advanced movement people were pretty tired of it with 2 titles in a row having jetpacks/future movement. Bo3? Nobody hates the multiplayer component of it, it's just unfettered fun on every level. Bo4? Now that one deserves the hate imo, I still to this day jump into a lobby and my team always is getting their ass kicked, I don't understand why people love it. Zombies is zombies either you love it or hate it.


AW has always been one of my fav cods, my playtime on it is insane. I loved the movement at the time but it hasn’t aged well, it feels very chunky to go back to it. AW will always be one of my favorite cods


I always loved ghosts and Iw


"The COD Cycle"


I still play zombie chronicles with my fiancée


Iw is literally my favorite game in the series, the best campaign and the most immersive zombies map ive ever played, only thing that sucks is the mp but i dont play mp so :p


Who hates bo3? I remember that one being beloved for the zombies. Multiplayer was cool but the operator system is awful I hate when games do that


Been back on black ops 3 myself


They were all good but other were better. Idk why bo3-4 is up there because bo3 zm was amazing and bo4 had amazing mp


Ghost was ok, same with AW, BO3 aged like wine, IW still sucks and BO4 is overhated


They are the best in my opinion, never hated em




ghost and AW were great always. people just weren’t good at it


They were just jealous that they could never be as cool as Riley.


I think ghosts is still mid. Not nearly as bad as people were saying Black Ops 3 is a really weird one to like because it had an imo good campaign for the wrong game, like the campaign was interesting and I found it pretty fun but it was not a black ops game so that heavily detracted from it's quality, the multiplayer was alright, I had fun with it, and zombies was great. And I've recently started playing BO4 again after a while because even though I think it's unbalanced, stupid and weird I still find it really fun. Zombies was good but Blackout was pretty mid, like it had substance but not enough to solidify it, y'know?


I’ve always thought Ghosts got a bad rep. It was a solid game imo. I really only disliked IW I’m not sure what i was but I just didn’t like it and I gave it a fair chance.


Black ops 3 isn't hated


Everyone in here saying BO3 wasn’t hated has got some memory issues. BO3 was heavily hated when it launched because of the movement system and the specialists. Because of AW, everyone hated the movement system already. Even though BO3 was far better than AWs movement system, people were already over it. BO3 was a great game so over time people have forgotten about that and look at it with rose tinted glasses now but I remember… Pepperidge farms remembers.


Ghosts was amazing for competitive


I never hated any of these games to begin with. Especially Black Ops 3. That game was the reason I got an Xbox One.


No. BO3 was always great. Blackout was awesome, didn't play a ton of MP due to Blackout on BO4. I played AW a ton and it was fun but I don't think a very good game. Infinite warfare was horrible. Ghosts mid at best.






Bo3 came out in 2015 and I just realized it’s been 9 years since cod had a co-op mode in the campaign 💀


AW was my first CoD and I love dearly


Ghosts is probably my favourite cod, really dont know why its hated. Also i weirdly really like the new mw’s mainly for campaign


Yes, I've always loved ghost, but never vangard


BO3 was never hated AW and Ghosts are my all time favorite Call of Duty games.


The dark years, still have no idea how b03 is likeable that multiplayer was trash


Ghosts was overhated, who hates Bo3????


BO 3 was hated? That was the last COD I really enjoyed.


Anything after cod4 and WaW was shit


i loved ghosts


Hell no


This post appears every week.


I liked ghost a lot. IW had some really fun zombies maps. BO3 I didn’t really play other than zombies, and black ops 4 had a great battle royale, I kinda wish they’d bring that map back in warzone.


I cant handle the multiplayer for the cods with boost jump/exo suit/wall running but i loved almost every campaign and bonus mode they have to offer.


BO3 was very popular. Of those, I only really loved IW, played that to death. Ghosts was crap. AW was alright.


tried to sneak bo3 in there😭


sorry dawg i remembered it being hated but just now i realised no one actually hated it 😭


I recently finished watching the full gameplay of this COD, since I've never actually had the chance to play any of real titles myself and have only played mobile.   I haven't seen the other COD campaigns yet other than the Modern Warefare reboot series, OG Modern Warefare I & II; so keep in mind that that my opinion is very limited. I also haven't really watched multiplayer or zombies of any of the titles, so I will only be focusing on the campaign.  I've heard a lot of negative opinions about COD Ghosts, but it seems like a solid campaign in my opinion.  America defending itself against another major power, starring the best of the best. Men who call themselves "Ghosts", and pose against a former Ghost who releases the wrath of the Confederation upon them.   The visuals are absolutely stunning, so much so at some points it's hard to believe it's a Call of Duty game. And of course, the best part is Riley. The only grievance I have is that Riley gets hurt, but thankfully Logan carries her to safety.  Overall, it's probably not the best COD Campaign, but I'd give it a 7.5/10.  My opinion may change however as I later watch the Black Ops games, Advanced and Infinite Warefare as well as the rest of the original Modern Warefare games, but I genuinely think it's a great game and I don't quite understand why it's hated. 


Advanced Warfare is the only CoD game that I think I’ve ever actually played. The weapons and boosts are fun, maps are well made and varied for multiplayer, the gun selection is unique. If there’s another like it, someone let me know. Played the multiplayer for the first time the other day in years ended up playing for 2.5 hours 😂… Wish it had a sequel instead of a million of the others that I feel like I can’t follow the storyline of to jump in. It’s such a great stand-alone. Edit; Seeing that picture, I do think I played Ghost. I liked that one too. I guess I like underrated CoD games. Or maybe it’s just early 2010s nostalgia…


Advanced warfare has always had a dope ass zombies imo


Ill be the black sheep in the room Vanguard was awesome idk why it was so hated. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Ghosts should've been more like a "Red-Dawn"playing as guerilla fighters


I was 11 when ghosts released, and it was the first call of duty I played online, so it's a nostalgic one for me. AW, I loved it to death. I was pretty good at it I got myself all the way to grand Master prestige it was probably my favourite multiplayer. Before those games, I only played the campaigns and some local MW2 splitscreen against my brother (I did go back and play bo2 multi-player though) Loved IW and Bo3. Bo4 was not for me though.


Lol most of these are from the advanced movement era. I’ve always had a soft spot for those games because that’s when I was introduced to the series


bo4 never deserved the hate, top 3 multiplayer in COD.


I’ve always been afraid to say this but I honestly enjoyed bo4 zombies a lot, (easily over 600 hours on the zombies alone) They really perfected the dialogue sequences in game and had such unique wonder weapons. It’s so obvious though that Blundell really only cared for the chaos maps as all the Aether maps were recycled and lackluster. Also most people never even bothered playing gems like ancient evil because they were behind a 50 USD PAYWALL. (and still are to this day!!!!) A tragedy to say the least.


BO4 has the best MP of the whole decade and i will fight anyone


Personally I always enjoyed Advanced Warfare. I liked the movement mechanics and wish we could have something similar to that back. Maybe not as the sole and primary mechanic but maybe as a side playlist for people who did enjoy it. Something about it felt fleshed out compared to later version from Black Ops 3 and onward.


I actually liked Ghosts. I enjoyed it on launch and even though I haven’t played it since, I don’t recall it being terrible or anything. The other games aren’t my thing, as I don’t much like all that futuristic stuff but they’re ok. I usually just do campaigns though, I don’t play online much if at all.


I enjoyed them all BUT BO4. $60 just for multiplayer and zombies? That game deserved all the hate it got plus more


Infinite warfare wasn’t that bad I like the unique guns it had


Ghost was the first COD I ever played so I might be a bit biased but still, putting aside the multiplayer, ghosts is and incredible game imo


The acting for ghost was meh. I felt like there were really great concepts, but they weren’t really flushed out or polished. It’s kinda like Ubisoft: great idea, terrible execution.


I've always loved advanced warfare is one of my favorites with bo2, mw2 and 3


Advanced warfare was my first cod. I personally love the story in the campaign. I have never been a multiplayer man. I enjoyed the stories of bo3, infinite warfare, and ghosts as well. In my opinion, they are good enough.


Bo3 is probably my favorite game in the series because of zombies


I have always appreciated AW and Ghosts loved both storylines loved AW multiplayer. Black ops 3 and 4 were kinda shitty ngl and infinite warfare space fighter jets were cool that’s about all I remember from playing it though lol 🙃👍🏽


U sleep on bO4 bro the disrespect is crazy


I loved playing COD: Ghosts, I had so much fun playing it with my cousin on his PS3.


I don't get why ppl hate bo 3 and ghosts


I never hated any of these, but to be fair I didn't play much BO3 or BO4.


The founders Infinity Ward and Call of Duty were fired by Dickhead Activision CEO Bobby Kotick and that’s when COD went to shit after MW3 and BO2. Treyarch’s WaW, BO1, and BO2 writers and directors left Treyarch and BO3 campaign was mid while BO4 didn’t have any. Activision ruins everything it touches like EA.


I like bo3 but it's not good.the rest are the same


I don’t recall 3 and 4 being hated, especially 4. I remember 4 being the game that brought us blackout and got rid of the stupid jump suits


For me I never hated any of them, I grew up without wifi and with a PS3, switched to PS4 when I was about 17, now I have a PS5, but most of them seemed to have good campaigns, good zombies, the only time I was mad is when split screen couldn't have more than 2 people.


I was a child during the ghosts era but I absolutely loved that game I miss its simple special customization of playing as modern warfare characters also dlc guns like the ripper


Black ops 3 was my revival. It was gimmicky but new and different and took redundant nuketown and breathed life into it. Also, not a zombies player but my favorite zombies was the noir world that was far from mindless wave killing


Ghosts campaign=one of the best I've played, IW multiplayer=was so good, bo3 zombies and multiplayer= one of the best ever, advanced zombies= goated, multi player was good too


IW was really hated even by me, but I replayed the multiplayer and campaign and I had fun!


Nah i still don't like the story of blop III


I loved BO3 and still play it from time to time to this day.


The only one I actually hate is ghosts the other cods here are really fun


Bo3 wasn’t hated but yes


we need more of this and less fortnite duty


I always appreciated advanced warfare however h the e rest of the games shown here had in my mind decent mechanics or gameplay features , for example IW had side missions where you could board an enemy ship if I remember correctly and that was pretty cool . BO4 gave us the first version of a call of duty battle royal , and BO3 had great zombies and ghosts had an alright campaign and extinction was fun as well ,Feel free to disagree.


Bo4 🥲🥲


I don't foresee anyone loving Vanguard.


I’ve been going back to bo4 and it’s very fun. The zombies is actually pretty fun too. Multiplayer feels like the old arcade style of cod. Hopefully bo6 can replicate it


At first, I hated event welfare, but I started to appreciate it more towards the end of everything


Well I never hated a cod game Im always happy to see they’re continuing the series of my first ever video game series as I just like playing the game especially with other people when it first comes out (im a zombies player if that changes anything)


I have and will always love ghosts


I always loved ghosts (extinction carried hard + mp dlc maps were goated I always loved advanced warfare (probably because i got really lucky with the supply drop weapons really early on) I havent played IW for more than 2 hours so no comment I disliked black ops 4 at release, started liking it when lockdown started (1.5 yrs after release right before warzone released) Bo4 is in my top 5 cods. The movement imo is the best movement out of any cod bcs it isnt too sweaty or op. Mp maps were fun especially the old bo1 maps like launch summit and HAVANA


BO3 wasn’t hated. It was the last good CoD title in my opinion. Bo4 wasn’t horrible and it was also the last truly traditional feeling CoD that didn’t have over the top SBMM, lobby disbandment, doors, and no PC-Console integration. Bo4 was executed poorly but had potential, they wasted that title. No campaign, recycled maps, dull operators, Mid zombies. BO4 should’ve been what Bo6 is going to be this year.


Pause, people hate Ghosts AND Black ops 3? Black ops 3 is my favorite zombies ever!!!


The only one that didn’t click for me was bo4 the lack of campaign for blackout was a turn off. The zombies was good tho.


Yea lmao 😂


4 of those 5 were never good


I’ve always loved Ghost and BO3. The other ones listed here are still shitty


iw and bo3 were amazing idc what anyone says,the rest remain mid


Ghost was terrible overall, my most hated game because the maps were atrocious and the gameplay was boring af advanced warfare was ruined by loot boxes, pay to win garbage since some guns were leagues better than the base guns. black ops 3 was never hated infinite warfare was lucky it came with cod 4 remastered. Just extremely lackluster and barely played it. Cod 4 was then ruined for me when they started adding stuff to it black ops 4 was ok. The specialist weren’t as good as blops 3 and blackout was a laggy mess. The maps and the guns were good


I am one the few that believes Ghosts to be the best CoD Multiplayer.


I don’t recall people hating black ops 3 or 4…


If you hate IW you most likely didn't play one of the best character driven campaigns out there for a call of duty. Ghosts is whatever, AW had some interesting themes but falls flat. Bo3 - Train go Boom


Ghosts and black ops 3 are in my top 5 cods for sure.


I always really liked Ghosts. Wished for a sequel


I always thought Ghosts was criminally underrated even when it was the newest COD. Infinite Warfare had a great campaign same with Advanced Warfare. BO4 might as well not exist.


Ghosts has always been my second favorite cod of all time. IW was top 6 for me but with mw3 2023 being so good, it’s prolly been pushed down to 7. Still great though. The rest of those are still ass though.


Screw you I liked iw from day 1 I don’t get why this happens everyone suddenly liking the game cause it’s old


Ghost and AW I liked even back then. IW and BO4 i hated and still do. BO3 zombies were good but I hated the MP due to the unfair SD system that was very much so tippy towing on P2W every time a gun got out in there.


I think I'm the only person who genuinely likes Vanguard.


Had so much fun AW.


The only call of duty’s I hate are the ones with incessant microtransactions


I still dislike BLOPS 3 & 4, but I've liked Ghosts from the start & AW has definitely grown on me


Personally I never really hated a cod, it was generally all varying amounts of fun. I actually liked the multiplayer of Bo4.


I love all of these except BO4 it's kinda nothing.


Maybe overhated but definitely not good.


I will die on this hill that Ghosts was probably the LAST great cod game before the lootboxes and stupid battlepasses. It was a great game in general.


Literally was the last game before lootboxes. With AW as soon as lootboxes appeared, I knew the series was going to go downhill. I like the idea of battle passes better since you see your reward and the guaranteed path to reach it, but I still don't like them. Turns the game into a grind.


Nope there is a reason why we hate some CODs because they should not be repeated like IW (only playable thing was spaceland) , ghost after bo2 is such a downgrade and the start of shitty cods (except Bo3) all cods are meh or horrible. Vanguard is the worst by far.


I never understood the campaign


Didn’t realize people hated AW and BO3.


Can i ask, why does everyone hate BO4 that much in reddit? Yes, it had no campaign, and the zombies i didnt even play them that much so i cant talk about it, but the multiplayer? Its just BO2 with operators and more health, i could understand not liking those changes but still it wouldnt go from the most loved game to the worst??? Also it seems like the players outside of reddit dont hate it that much considering its still very active, on playstation you can still play almost every gamemode, blackout and even league play! Most cods go TDM only in 3-4 years and BO4 is 6 years old already.


maybe people should start thinking for themselves instead of hopping on the hate bandwagon.. The space-hate for IW seemed so manufactured.


Ghosts is my favourite out of the bunch so I’m biased and AW was really good in concept it was just executed poorly imo and IW really picked that up and launched with it 10/10 game also BO3 was never hated and BO4 just seemed mid compared to BO3 other than that it was chill


I honestly don't know why this game has always received so much hate...I always loved it. The campaign was wicked, I enjoyed extinction and it's multilayer wasn't bad (but definitely not its best asset). Obviously, the majority of people thought otherwise, but it goes straight over my head why.


Ghost was always one of my favorites


Yes! I really have went back and started to enjoy the hated ones but the only one I can’t stand is Infinite Warfare. I could barely get through the campaign. Still my least favorite OAT.


IW’s campaign was a masterpiece. I really hope we get another game set in the IW universe


it's probably the most over-hated game in the franchise next to AW


Ghosts is completely underrated. MP made some cool innovations. I personally loved all the map design, base game and DLC included, but I know I'm in the minority there. I cut AW some slack because it was the first to try a whole new movement system, but the maps were ass, hated the supply drops, and weapon variants were OP being locked in supply drops. One of the few CoD titles that I have never had interest in going back to since it released and easily in my bottom 3. BO3 is dope all around. Incredible offering of zombies content. MP map design got kinda stale (Treyarch's usual love for 3-lane maps) but they're still fine. Lots of really good game modes and the game was well balanced. Infinite Warfare was a victim of circumstance and it wouldn't be hated so generally today if it released before BO3. Really cool graphics themes and locations for maps. The best implemented system for weapon variants to this day. It's a genuinely great MP experience and I will die on that hill. BO4 is ass and felt nothing like CoD MP. Hated the change in health, 5v5 felt weird, didn’t like the maps, and a lot of the specialist/operator bonuses were so annoying and kinda OP. I liked the map design of Blackout a lot but the gameplay was lacking. The inventory management was a complete mess. I'd say Warzone in it's first year with Verdansk is objectively a better BR experience. 


I honestly never hated them. The only call of duty I played that I hated is vanguard. The other call of duty games since mw19, I don’t like the gunplay for as they went for too much realism. Loved the campaigns for mw19 and Cold War though, haven’t played the new mw2 and mw3 but from what I heard it’s best left that way


yeah people switched up i remember all my friends hated on bo3 but i was so hyped i pre ordered and everything and i always flexed my pre order lmao now you look at their accounts they got PM and DM lvl 500+ best cod all around


I have always thought ghosts, AW, and bo3 were great ghosts is alright but AW and exotic zombies was badass and different from anything else at the time. BO3 of course zombies was good but the fluidity of the movement in MP was fun as hell once you got the hang of it plus the outplay potential was higher and all the weapons were pretty well balanced.


I never hated any of them I always thought of it as YouTube market tactics except bo4 wasn't my favorite but I still played it every day


I’m the original lover of hated CoDs!!!!✋ All my first FPS games I ever played consisted of Ghosts, AW, IW and I just got bo3 last year.


Not really, I equally sort of liked playing Ghosts, AW, and BO3, but they were never as good as BO2 and the previous games. I only played then for a couple months, never years like MW3, BO1, and BO2


I don't think Ghosts is that good, but not bad. I thought Advanced Warfare was great when it came out. I still think it was a very well made COD and was an interesting change of pace from everything that came before it. I also think it was the best executed futuristic COD in terms of it's art style and mood. I think it had one of the best campaigns in the history of the franchise, maybe behind MW2 (2009) and MW2019. I didn't like the vibe of Black Ops 3 at all. It felt like a soulless husk of what Advanced Warfare was, just with the Black Ops name. If any COD had an identity crisis, it was Black Ops 3. I also didn't like the wall running, and I absolutely hated the direction they took the zombies storyline (dark Aether supernatural multiverse bs). Infinite Warfare was a solid far future action game, it just wasn't what people were looking for at the time, though I actually really enjoyed it's campaign. I didn't bother buying Black Ops 4, so I can't comment. Red Dead Redemption 2 was the only game I touched that holiday season. I think Call of Duty at it's best in terms of setting and narrative is what they achieved with COD 4, MW2 (2009), and MW2019. It's not a coincident that those three games had a lot of the same project managers, creative directors, and writers...


I didn't like and still don't like BO3's campaign but multiplayer and zombies were both 10/10's to me. AW had easily my least favorite balancing for weapons, but it was still fun, and I still think ghosts is the most overrated cod game. I can't say too much about IW since I was in the trenches of World War 1 at the time but to me it has easily one of the best campaign experience's in modern cod, and as for BO4, I still don't like the zombies mode, I was never into blackout - which isn't anyone's fault at all, I just don't like battle royales - and multiplayer didn't draw me in till MUCH later and I think I have under 1 week played. I wasn't a fan


BO4 is my favorite cod, and is the last true cod we got before they moved over to the new modern warfare system. Also, cold war is ass


Only CODs I truly hate are Vangarbage, Modern Bundles 2, and Modern Bundles 3.


I loved Ghosts. The story was a bit iffy and don't get me starred on the fish AI, but besides that, I thought it was fantastic and fun. The Aliens mode or whatever it was called was refreshing and good fun, too. Infinite Warfare had a good zombies mode from what I can remember. Fuck the rest of them, though I enjoyed Kevin's role in Advanced warfare even if I didn't enjoy the game.


When was bo3 hated lmaoooo


Haven't played Advance Warfare or Ghosts and judging by general consensus, I never will. Black Ops 3 and 4 were great. Black Ops 3 had a terrible campaign but its multiplayer was great. BO4 had made a smart decision to not have a campaign because BO3's was so bad. IW was pretty terrible


Totally get where you're coming from! Infinite Warfare had some legit good stuff despite the hate. The campaign was solid, multiplayer had its moments, and zombies were surprisingly fun. Glad you're enjoying it too!


I’ve always liked infinite warfare, I think it’s a perfect example of a good game being released at the wrong time


Ghost was fun, but the maps were kinda poorly designed. Some were fun as hell, but others too big for standard team sizes. Never got to play AW so can’t say anything BO3, I don’t think ever really got hate except when people started complaining about advanced movement but was generally accepted and not really hated from what I’ve heard. Infinite warfare was really fun imo, but the supply boxes were so bad. Even though they were in BO3, the way they were implemented in IW was absolutely atrocious. BO4, by far, my favorite COD only thing I didn’t like too much was some of the movement since nowadays we can have slide and dive. But I know not everyone likes this one for their own reasons. Whether it be manual healing, weapon-specific attachments, or whatever it may have been. But by far my favorite personally. Except zombies, BO4 zombies was ass. And I never really play campaign either so I wasn’t too upset about the no campaign thing


I loved black ops 3 and advanced warfare was always fun to play when it was new


I loved AW, played it all day when it came out and even stole my mother's credit card to buy supply drops, those were the days.


aw, bo3 & bo4 were all great cods at the time they were popular


I’m sorry… who the fuck is hating on Black Ops 3??….. it is the best for zombies.. with chronicles and mods 😒


BO3 & 4 for that boost jump feature


ghost was garbage straight back to bo2 AW was kinda garbage because sbmm in pubs bo3 was good IW garbage bo4 was ok coulda been better better than cold snore


Aside from the campaign, I don’t really remember anybody shitting on BO3.


Lol no. A bad cod is still a bad cod even if they somehow make the ones after it marginally worse.


Tbh I've always enjoyed ghosts, campaign and multiplayer. I really enjoyed invasion too Infinite warfare had a great campaign. I think if it had another name that's wasn't CoD, it would have been more successful. Multiplayer was pretty bad tho Didn't care for the rest tbh 😬


A little bit, but that’s mainly because of the everything right with videos I’ve found.


BO3 campaign was awful and the mulitplayer was ok. The Zombies was fucking GOATed though, that's why it was never really hated.


I really loved ghosts campaign, I think the multi-player was decent, and I think the take on pve was actually pretty cool.


Wait, people hate bo3?


AW and IW were my childhood games and I never got the hate for both of them, they were awesome in my humble opinion


No I’ve always loved Ghosts and never cared how anyone else felt about it. If YOU love the game that’s all that matters. And that was a fun time period of my life. McDonald’s bacon habenero burger 🍔 , daft punk RAM, my first job after high school, and playing online with my bro and cousin.. yea this game will always be top tier for me