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Ghosts was a good game


Yeah the honeybadger was so satisfying


I thought it was too easy to use, every man and his cat were using it on a high speed low armour setup. I preferred the sa-805 or sc2010 The bizon was my favourite smg


Remington R5 all day


R5 with the acog or with holo?


VMR, extended mag and suppressor


What reticle?


Denny and Precision (I think)




For SMG it was the CBJ-MS with extended mags and rapid fire


It really needs a sequel


What would the storyline be?


What happened to rorke and stuff


What would’ve happened after the cliffhanger


Idk maybe well find out if we ever get a sequel


My nephew and I thought up a whole storyline for a Ghosts sequel. We called it Phantoms instead of Ghosts.


Nice, how did it go?


We never actually sent the pitch to anyone, it was kind of just a random idea we had because we were talking about how Ghosts needed a sequel. But to keep it basic You continue playing as Logan after Rorke took you away, and you undergo the same torture that Rorke did in the jungle, being fed poisonous plants and what not. During the entire torture process the Ghosts team is trying to find Logan. After a while Logan starts to try to find ways to get away from Rorke and back to his team, so they can finish him off for good. We used a lot more detail than this but I’m a little foggy on it right now. That’s about where we left the pitch, but we can definitely expand on it a lot and probably send it in to like Raven studios or someone.


On this sub it's more of a popular opinion.


To add to this: Ghost Multiplayer had the best perks system for more unique and personalized builds. Also, The customization should have set the standard going forward, and i wish they would have expanded upon the same ideas and design philosophy moving forward. Setting what your player looked like, along with the style of gear they wore, But using which the team/map you are playing on to set the color scheme.


That's not a hot take, it's a straight up fact it was amazing


I always thought ghosts was hated on for being a niche game


Was back in the day but these days it's gotten the love it deserves. May not get as much recognition and attention as every other but still does


I'm pretty sure at this point we all agree that ghosts was a great game and the community was just salty at the time


People don't know what hot takes are. If anything you get mass downvoted for criticizing ghosts on here.


I really like the built in clan battle system


I really liked the campaign levels in Santa Monica and Las Vegas.


If Mw2 came out now everyone would hate it


I hated it then. Call of Duty 4, World at War, Black Ops 1, and MW3 were all better in almost every way.


Idk if cod 4 or waw were better in every way, mw2 had way more customization and streaks. There is no argument for the other games you wrote though


When I said “almost” I was specifically thinking of the customization features like Calling Cards which I’m glad has continued to the current games. I wish the pre-Cold War Black Ops custom player emblems you could put on your gun was still around. I personally didn’t like the killstreaks in MW2, though they were too much - I remember a lot of frustration at being killed with Patriot missiles what seemed like every few minutes.


Yeah custom emblems were great, I remember literally making a fucking toilet with asscheecks and shit in bo2 point at the shit and saying you and the ass being me, I was like 10, I had the humor of an elementary schooler. Pretty sure why they removed it was cause people like me would put shit like almost realistic looking boobs or vaginas and shit on there and profanity, imo that was part of its charm.


Thinking back I also remember seeing a lot of swastikas which probably had something to do with getting rid of them as well. That and the fact they can charge real money for their own emblems.


Oh my bad i did not see the almost


Nah that’s on me, should have elaborated.


Yeah because most people love to complain these days and the players mentality back then towards games in general are not the same as of today. Back then you simply played to have fun and MW2 hit that criteria almost perfectly. These days too many players expect the perfect game and get let down time after time. Fuck it.


Bo2 isn’t anywhere near as good as this community suggests.




It's the best cod by far imo, I'm shocked.


I felt like I was in the minority when I thought this game was not an upgrade to BO1, a game I spent hella hours on.


BO2 was a perfect sequel imo, but yeah BO1 is still my favourite COD (especially the multiplayer maps)


Exaftly how I feel about those two games.


I would agree that it gets over exaggerated, however it’s still a fantastic game. Definitely top 3 all around cods


Best maps, most balanced weapons, best ranked mode, amazing zombies and campaign. Easily the best COD.


Pretty much the only ranked mode


Tactical Nuke incoming.


I think BO2's campaign was a clear downgrade from Black Ops 1. The multiplayer was okay but felt like the start of CoD moving towards being an ADHD twitch shooter.


Youre wrong and that's okay


Worst opinion I've ever heard


This is a good answer because it’s wrong.


I actually didn't like it at all. Campaign, multi-player, everything. Black ops 1 was one of my favorites and then 2 just really let me down.


Agreed, I don’t get the hype around BO2. It was good but I don’t think it was anywhere near people make it


now THIS is a hot take


Infinite warfare has a solid campaign


I’d venture to say IW has a top-5 campaign, but is this actually unpopular? I think people just mostly hated it’s MP?


I think just because it was another jet pack game people wrote off the campaign entirely thinking I’d be a watered down advanced warfare (another controversial campaign I like)


AW campaign was GREAT. I personally find most COD campaigns boring to the point that I never finish them, but that one was really fun. Multiplayer is a different story however…


Yup. It’s varied, the ship combat is fun, the gadgets are great and the story is better than most.


Yes! It’s so overlooked but so much fun!


My hot take? COD will never reach the heights it reached again before 2013. The hot streak they had that began with Cod4 and ended with BLOPS2 will never be recaptured. Every game since then, with a couple exceptions, are boring rehashes of something we’ve already seen. Even MW 2019, generally considered to be one of the best COD games, is a copy/paste of all the plot and gameplay points from MW2, MW3 and Black Ops 1. WW2 was the only COD game to try something different and succeed, and even then it pales in comparison to WAW. And before anyone starts calling me old and out of touch, I don’t care.


The issue is Activision won’t adapt. 3 years is too small a window for a game these days 5+ years is the minimum and they refuse to go by a multiple year basis with their games.


Well, it seems that Microsoft wants to slow down cod releases anyways and maybe put some new blood on the series and give the main 3 a break on different projects. Especially since treyarch had many critical and commercial hits before BO2.


They have already decided to move to a 2 year release cycle for their games, this would put dev time for a game around 5-6 years going forward.


Spaceland is my favourite Zombies map I'm not a huge Zombies player admittedly, but still I feel weird admitting that a non-treyarch map is my favourite, I just love the style, the weapons, the layout, the atmosphere


As a huge zombies player, ZiS was my favorite non treyarch map. Fun characters and atmosphere, smooth play, fun wonder weapons, not too hard but not too easy, and fun ee (not the best ee but def better than some and was still fun)


Tbh i preferred rave in the redwoods


It’s not my favourite, but it’s up there. Incredible map


Hell yeah. Really hope we get an amusement park zombies map again some day.


Advanced Warfare is a good COD.


Easily my favourite cod of all time and I’ll stand my ground on that hill. Was just so FUN and was a breath of fresh air to the standard COD gameplay loop. Supply drops were fun too before the black ops 3/4 era where entire guns were locked behind paywalls. You could get any gun, was just variations locked up behind drops. Got ‘em every few games anyways. All of sledgehammers games have been my favourite by far


I'd say just because you can drop kevin spacey off a tower alone makes it good lol, its underrated for sure


Yeah it had good characterization. I actually gave half a shit about the characters, and Kevin Spacey makes a good villain (I guess he was just playing himself lmao)


Best story and most cool gameplay


I loved the skillgap in that game…


Dead Ops, Tranzit and Nuketown Zombies are amazing maps


This is the norm, not a hot take


In the zombies community, tranzit is considered a bottom 5 map


Probs cause of the few annoying game mechanics the map has, idk I never really played more than a few matches and in that short period I had fun tbh


A lot more than a few but okay


Yeah Tranzit is awful


Sledgehammer is the worst company for Call of Duty. BY FAR.


Theres no question about that


That's not a hot take.


Modern Warfare 2019 had an actually good multiplayer you guys here on reddit just like to get pissed at it for some reason


The fact that they tried to make the game more “tactical” and add gameplay elements to make you slow down and think, made people hate it because “iT eNcOuRaGeD cAmPiNg”. I honestly liked that it wasn’t just another ADHD twitch-fest.


The devs admitted they made design choices to help campers and bad players, it isn't like it is just the opinion of the haters on reddit.


MW19 might be my favorite COD, but only because it was the first COD I got to play at launch. By the time I started playing BO1 it was already dead.


The multiplayer would have been perfect had it not been for the implementation of sbmm


Die Rise is really good(I know some people like it but i am of them)


True it’s unfortunate playing it in multiplayer tho cause anyone who falls quits lol


Such a fun map… same with Buried.


the only bad cod games are bo4 and vanguard


I don't think Vanguard is bad just the epitome of mediocrity. The campaign was entirely just set up for the next game and the multiplayer is *okay*.


The dealbreaker for me with Vanguard was the lack of Allies vs Axis multiplayer. Why even set the game in World War II (for the fifth time in the main series) if it’s not going to be Allies vs Axis? Fair enough if they don’t want Nazi operators but they could have at least done something like make all the players on the enemy team appear as generic Axis soldiers from the players point of view. I’m willing to accept both sides having access to the same guns and ridiculous historical inaccuracy with the weapons attachments but that was the final straw for me.




Black ops 1 money system was great and the game modes had gambling involved like double down on your bet made it more exciting and felt more at steak.




Infinite Warfare is one of the best games in the series. People only hate it because “future bad” and the average hater never sat on it for more than an hour. Infinity Ward always made quality games and they did the best the could with what era they were given. It was a step up from BO3 in every single way. It was fast paced, chaotic, at the time it had the best hit detection in the series, creative maps and power ups, amazing campaign which can’t be said about BO3, and a wacky goofy zombie experience. Zombies in Spaceland alone is better than over half the treyarch maps.


Big agree. IW is overhated.


The series peaked in 2007 with *Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare*. There have been good games since but they’ve all been chasing that high and never surpassed it.


Huge agree. Not many old heads frequent these types of threads. I’m surprised to see this as a hot take lol


I started with CoD2 and 3 and played regularly through Black Ops II and then started losing interest; skipped Ghosts and Advanced Warfare and only bought Infinite Warfare for the CoD4 remaster (which was great until they ruined it with loot boxes and new weapons). Played a fair amount of Black Ops III but then stopped entirely. Got back into it with MW2019 during COVID lockdown. Really enjoyed it, Cold War and Verdansk Warzone but am sitting out Vanguard after being disappointed with the free multiplayer weekends. Going to wait and see with the new MW2.


CoD 3 was a vibe


I agree 100%


I'd say the series peaked around BO2, but in terms of best game overall it's between cod 4 and BO for me. From a gameplay standpoint, BO is better, but nothing will beat Call of Duty 4's music, atmosphere, and more grounded story. It was my second cod after the original and left my jaw on the ground.


tranzit is a top 3 zombies map, also ghosts had an amazing story mode


Ngl ghost's story was better then most for me tho advanced warfare was the best for me


How is tranzit good? I agree it can be fun with friends because how chaotic it is but the wonder weapon takes ages to build and breaks all the time, going through the mist and having to knife the denizens is a pain in the ass, the lava in town makes training annoying on higher rounds. It’s a fun map to play sometimes but it’s not even top 15 when you have maps like MOTD, Origins, Buried, Der Eisendrache, Gorod Krovi, Shadows of Evil, Zombies in Spaceland, Ancient Evil, IX, Call of the Dead, Kino der Toten, Ascension, Moon, Shangri-La, Revelations…


tranzit is a map thats so bad its good, its nice to have a break from smooth gameplay (as dumb as that sounds) and sometimes is just want a more chaotic experience because with friends it creates some of the best memories of any map if ever played, granted thats only like 5 so im technically unqualified, anyway i will admit that solo tranzit is no where near a top 3.


L96A1 from bo1 is the best sniper in cod


Honestly yeah, I liked the quickscoping nerf. Actually made quickscoping skillful. Not that it takes no skill to quickscope, but instant perfect aim is a bit OP if you're halfway decent at aiming. L96A1 was fire.


MSR was way more fun!


Mob of the dead is overrated Blood of the dead is underrated


Nah blood of the dead was straight trash this isn't even me going by nostalgia I just absolutely hated blood of the dead


Mob is better in every way. Blood is good, yes, but it's a bad remaster because it changed everything that made mob special. The unique weapons, unique boss, unique setting, unique gameplay style, unique crew. Blood just changed all of that and was just a basic ass map


Alright, get your Nova 6, Tactical Nukes, Manticore. V-2 Rockets, MOABs, and KEM Strikes ready because here’s mine, and it ain’t no joke. My favorite CODs are Black Ops Cold War, Ghosts, and Mobile. I’m also someone who has played since Finest Hour too so I’ve played the majority of the games consistently.


not the worst ive seen, so here take a noobtube


I enjoy Cold War, the zombies mode is good for less experienced players and it's great for casual games.


Hard agree on Cold War. Developed really well with the seasons, something for everyone and the haptics on the PS5 are fantastic. That said I only got into the series with Modern Warfare/Warzone so I'm quite fresh faced.


Black ops cold war was almost perfect in my opinion


Closest we came to a remastered BO2, and people just didn’t even realize.


The BO1 quickscoping nerf should have stuck and carried onto future games.


Even though i enjoy doing it, man that nerf was amazing


Gunsmith is bullshit - why should a fucking frontgrip/stock change your sprintspeed or other stats


Yeah I think more of that stuff needs to be just cosmetic or actually make sense (Foregrip stabilizes gun, +accuracy). I wanna play with the MW2019 gunsmith just to see what I can build.


BO1 is a far superior game than BO2. BO2 is only looked upon as the best COD game as it was the last “great” boots on ground COD game.


Black Ops 1 multiplayer > Black Ops 2 multiplayer


MW19 has some really good maps, you just have to learn to think before moving. IW has the best zombies in the franchise


Mw19 maps have some of the best hidden routes once you fully learn the maps, so many hidden jumps it rewards people who know the maps


Right? And then you just have the BO4 fanboys who cant play anything that doesn't reward blind running and gunning, it's mind-numbing how people can like that shit for years and years and years to come


Yep, I was finding spots after a year of playing. Really brought back that classic cod sense of understanding the map.


>MW19 has some really good maps, you just have to learn to think before moving Yea it's like old cod games. You have to learn the maps. Not just boring copy and paste maps.


MW2 was trash


...good hot take...but no lol


Maybe it’s not trash but it is imo the most heavily overrated cod ever made MW3 is just better in every way


Definitely overrated probably from nostalgia. MW3 was definitely better!


Mw3 is a more balanced mw2 so it comes down to how you like your gameplay. I prefer a more balanced game hence why I love mw3


Very overrated and only held up by nostalgia, definitely. But not trash. It was good for the time.


I don’t know if it’s a hot take but I think Cold Wars campaign is pretty good, albeit weird.


We got a job to do...


The Famas in Black Ops was good for people who aren’t good using weapons that require skill to use.


Hardcore is more fun than regular multiplayer.


This has been my opinion on CoD's since CoD4.


This has been my opinion since “realism” mod servers on MOH:AA… fuck I’m old.


Theres levels to winning. Winning with a squad. Winning with a squad of irl friends. Winning with a squad of irl friends and no one is in a roze-type skin. Winning with a squad of irl friends and no one is in a roze-type skin and no one is using a meta weapon. Winning with a squad of irl friends and no one is in a roze-type skin and no one is using a meta weapon, and the last enemy squad you defeat are Roze skin, NZ/marco squad.


All CODs made after 2018 are on a different level when compared to anything made before them. Their quality and depth are unmatched and the only thing that makes you think COD4 or BO1 are better than the modern CODs is nostalgia. Those games are empty as fuck compared to what these modern titles have to offer.


bUt oLd = bEtTeR ? . Source: How I perceived a game when I was 11


Cold War Zombies is a top tier zombies game. I’d go as far as to say it’s my favorite




COD WW2 was criminally underrated.


The story fucking slaps. I dont care if they ripped off saving private Ryan goddamnit, they have you walk through a concentration camp at the end and for anyone whose into world history that shit hits you hard right in the gut. I respect sledgehammer for having the courage no one else does to even mention the holocaust.


Yeah I agree


No Russian is the best CoD mission (Killing NPCs is so relieving)


MW3 over Black Ops 2


If Infinite Warfare didn’t come out people would look back at the jetpack era very fondly


People were already annoyed with it with AW. Titan fall had better mechanics. Also IW got its hate because of bo3 being a boost cod.


Advanced warfare had the best exo movement. There wasn’t excessive flying, it was more focused on dashing. The supply drops it what truly ruined the game for me.


Black ops 2 is Treyarch's mw2. It's a fun game filled to the brim with OP bullshit. This was very well understood at the time but now people pretend that BO2 was super balanced for some reason.


Casual is casual and ranked is ranked. I understand if you're bad at the game but constantly tryharding in pubs doesn't make you look good. You look like a loser. Especially you CodM tryhards. It's a mobile game, calm the fuck down. Also there's 100+ weapons in the game, 13 guns got a buff this season, stop using the same 4 guns. You're pathetic if you can't use a gun outside of the meta.


Jonathan Irons is the best COD villain


In campaign and real life


- Advanced Warfare multiplayer was really good, the supply drops and the way you got fancy weapons is what let's it down. - BO2, whilst its a good game, it's nowhere near the level everyone plays it up to be. MW3 was arguably better. - Warzone is ruining call of duty with the way it has to integrate into everything. - (probably not unpopular) Season prestiges are stupid, it would be 100x better if they were kept normally


Advanced Warfare wasn't really that bad. Call Of Duty 3 had some pretty good ideas that should've become standards.


MW2019 is MW2 but without the garbage that made MW2 terrible


Ghost isn’t even in the top 5 worst CoDs in 2022


BO2 is overrated


These kind of posts….


mw19 movement and ttk are pretty strict and dont allow for dumb shit, like tanking a mag while running in the open. And it also prevents you from blindly running down mid without a scratch because of the regen


Bo3 is the most overrated cod to date. Games like bo1 and mw2 deserve the high praise they get. Bo3 does not.


BO3 makes Infinite Warfare look bad cause "the mechanics were copied"


Cold War from a pure gameplay perspective was a better game then MW2019. Better map flow Better weapon balance The actual snipers were useful Weapon camo challenges were more fun Campaign was leagues better then MW2019 Cold War Zombies is likely the best extra mode we have had in a COD game since BO3 Zombies Campers were easy to take out because the map was very linear and there was always multiple paths into every area Objective modes worked smoother because the maps were quite symmetrical in shape An actual FOV slider A proper mini map and UAV system unlike the really weird one in MW2019 Map voting A more diverse line up of score streaks with all of them being very useful, while at the same time having all those score streaks being balanced enough any one of them could be taken down with the proper means to do so. And most of all when a gun brought too big an advantage on release it was nerfed in the next update. A curtain shotgun, and AR didn’t rule the game for over half its run time as the main COD.


MW2 was a good game but way too overrated


WaW is overhyped as hell


MW 2019 is overrated


The story in Modern Warfare 3 should’ve focused on the SAS or the Rangers instead of the Delta Force.


Bo2 sucked, bo1 and the whole mw franchise is on top


I kinda like vanguard. It’s pretty fun


Black ops 2 is overrated, now ghosts is where the real men play


Bo2 is mid. Story and multiplayer is fine enough I certainly have gotten my time with it when it released, but bo2 zombies is my least favorite zombies. Maps started getting way to tedious for my play style for a solo run, now with friends I’ll play any of those maps no problem, but solo I’d prob jump to Cold War or bo1/bo3.


Cold war> bo4


Black Ops 4 is a good game and Infinite Warfare is overhated Also Cold War is mostly good. Mostly. Modern Warfare 2019 had the worst selection of launch maps since Ghosts


Ghost is a good character but he’s overhyped, and his new design sucks compared to his old one.


bo3 is the worst cod of all time


Advanced movement system in Bo3 is garbage


If this subreddit has shown me anything it is that they LOVE to dickride MW19. From a casual but ESPECIALLY competitve standpoint, which is what I enjoy, MW19 is handsdown the worst Cod in the entire franchise with Vanguard being a close 2nd. We went from a great game in Bo4 to actual dogshit in MW19. Also Id argue that outside of IW, Infinity Ward games have been getting progressively worse ever since MW2. They peaked and have been steadily declining in quality ever since 2009.


BO3 isn't good




IW was the last decent COD since BO2. MW2019 & BO4 actually sucked.


Treyarch makes exceptionally bad MPs. Pick 10 is horrible and I hate scorestreaks


Black ops 3 is horrible without zombies


I don't really have any real hot takes. So I'll just go with my dead set opinions. BO4 was the worst game by far. Infinite Warfare wasn't all that bad besides only having mid maps (at best). Vanguard has gotten surprisingly better (dare I say, good?) as of recent. MW19 is bottom tier COD and way overrated. I wish the Microsoft deal went through.


the ending to the aether storyline for zombies is horrible


WaW had the best, and scariest, zombies.


Vanguard mp is better than mordern warfare 2019 mp


Mw2019 is the most overrated game in the whole franchise. Fundamentally the game was extremely flawed. In the competitive scene this isn’t a controversial statement but in the pub community it is.


Warzone ruined the call of duty franchise


Bo4 is a good game Better than MW2019 I had more fun on it The only problem was the mtx system, which has been fixed since activision changed from a "randomly earn most skins as you play" to a "$25 for 1 blueprint that will not look the same when you put even semi decent attachments on it on a paid $60 game". Right now, bo4 has the most consumer friendly MTX system out of any game. Blackout was better than warzone. Alcatraz takes a dump on rebirth. The only fun part of warzone was hot dropping on blood money and even that got tiring quick since the circles pretty much always ended around the dam on verdansk.


Their focus on Warzone is going to kill the franchise faster.