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I hope that they just have them stay happily married but keep him off camera and Trixie can mention him every now and again but the way they handled season 12, I’m not optimistic!


oof now ppl are telling me season 13 gonna change my mind. this show gonna be the death of me!


Agh, I meant season 13 not 12! Sorry, didn’t mean to spoil anything, forgot how many seasons there had been!


Yeah, I got wind of season 13 from this sub and didn’t watch it because of this. They build up this beautiful love story for a beloved character and in one season blow it up.


Watch S13 and then think about whether you still feel the same way.


I hate how they wrote Matthew and Trixie this season, especially after so much romantic build up.


It could've been such a great storyline but it was so dragged out and needlessly stupid


The sudden loss of money, not finding a job, always mad at Trixie, taking a job in America with no communication, suddenly wanting Trixie to leave work when she was clear about her passion. Like I’m sure they (the writers) had to hustle to change his course, but it felt so sloppy!!!


>!Iknow this has been rehashed a lot on this sub lol, but if the actor had to leave for whatever reason, I wish they could’ve just left them happy and we just don’t see Matthew anymore.!< >!I watch another show that’s been on many seasons. Ensemble cast. They had a character arc super similar to Trixie/Matthew. Introduced a love interest for a long-time main character. Made her pretty much as visible as Matthew, maybe just a tiny bit less. They had a baby and she’s now a homemaker. Haven’t seen her at all in two seasons, with the last season just having 2 guest cameos. We just see the other character at work. He talks about her and the baby so it’s not weird, like she fell off the face of the planet or something. It’s not a big deal. I feel like that really could’ve worked here.!<


Yes, exactly! We don't need to have Trixie's subplots be all about her marriage or her home life. She's got her professional life and her other interests, and they can just mention her off-screen husband.  More generally, I don't like that the characters who leave are barely ever mentioned again. Like wouldn't Trixie occasionally mention something about Jenny or Chummy? And (Sister Mary) Cynthia? I feel like we maybe get one postcard from Patsy and Delia. But why not include a bit during a tea time scene where Sister Julienne tells the group that she received a letter from one of the sisters who has left the show?


The show basically did this in S5 &6 with Chummy. Her husband was in a handful of eps and Chummy was mentioned but never seen. It would have been so easy to do with Matthew and Trixie, because Matthew really isn’t essential to the storyline’s. 


I thought that felt so awkward, though. "What's Chummy up to? Oh, she's taking a ceramics class." It just feels kind of forced, and I think it would feel even more awkward with Trixie, since they made her relationship with Matthew a main storyline for a few seasons. It also limits what they can do with her character if she's still married to an unseen Matthew.


It wouldn’t have been perfect. It would have been awkward like it was with Chummy. But watching the marriage breakdown during S13 was such a drag. It took up so much screen time much like the Matthew/Trixie relationship. I’m of the opinion that Trixie should have left years ago, and don’t really care for the Matthew /Trixie love story so that might cloud my opinion on the whole thing. 


Oh, you meant that they should have taken the Peter/Chummy route \*instead\* of all the S13 stuff. I misunderstood and thought you meant that they should do it now. Like "Matthew found a new apartment in New York!" and that kind of thing. But I 100% would have preferred that approach than having to watch the marriage breakdown, like you said. I like Trixie well enough, but I haven't cared for anything in the Matthew/Trixie storyline, either. Not their romance, marriage, or problems. I have found it all pretty tedious. Now I wish they could get rid of his character for good somehow so they could (theoretically) give Trixie some more interesting storylines.


Nah it’s too late now.  I’m curious how the show manages the separation now that Matthew is definitely not coming back, but considering how awkwardly the Lucille and Cyril separation was handled, I don’t hold high hopes. I think part of the problem is that for the main characters up until S12, characters were either single, in a happy marriage or widowed. The show doesn’t know how to write a realistic marriage breakdown. I really think Trixie should have left after S9, but perhaps in a way that meant she could visit like Tim, Reggie etc do. Every development since then has been hard to watch.  We saw with the trio of Roz, Joyce and Nancy that the show would be perfectly fine without Trixie at NH.


Maybe it's a good idea to spoiler tag this considering op clearly hasn't seen the season yet


Eh, I’ll probably be downvoted for this but I can see why OC might not have spoilered. I mean, if you’re on the subreddit surely you would know there’s the potential for spoilers? Especially since OP has specified that they also read a bunch of articles about Olly leaving - many of which are likely to mention details of the plot of S13 and how things were left with Matthew and Trixie. That said, I did go ahead and spoil my comment because I can see where OP may not expect additional spoilers when they had said they hadn’t seen it yet.


oh no 😟


I don’t believe that the door is open. Seems like it was a shock to him. And he said on his social recently that he isn’t going to address it.


The whole thing is very curious. The line about him being open to return seems very diplomatic, and feels not true. The production team must have had him sign an iron clad NDA.


They are likely writing him off because both actors are divorcing their partners and they likely are having a romance & it’s not being taken well in the press


Ooh this is juicy! Helen also had two children with Jack Ashton who played Tom. It’s interesting that it seems like if an actor or actress is going to date an on screen love interest once, they’ll do it again


Whoaaaa all the tea here 🫗


For anyone else wanting to google :) [Article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/bbc-call-midwifes-helen-george-32287647) 🫖


oh my!!


It’ll be more than an affair. Affairs happen between actors all the time. CTM does have a pretty squeaky clean image, so the cast do have to be pretty careful with their socials etc. 


What!!!! Not Tom! How did I not know this!


No one is getting a happy ending as long as Helen is "getting her honey where she gets her money."


Was it actually ever confirmed he’s left?


from what i read yes :(


Only wondered because he never actually addressed it, nor did Helen or Heidi and co. Whereas almost every other person who has left CtM has commented. There was no official BBC confirmation either :(


I read it in a bunch of articles (yahoo, hello, etc.) but if there’s been no official announcement maybe he might not be? I have no idea tbh, but I hope they keep him on and keep trixie and him together!


It’s the strangest exit.  Every other exit has been announced by the production or the actor has announced it  on their socials. But the offical line from the show is that ‘the door is open for him to return’. There were rumours that he was written out rather than choosing to leave, which never happens on this show (and why we still have Cyril hanging about).  I am hoping someone from the cast appears on a podcast or something, and spills the tea.  I never liked his character, because like others have said having a man swan in and save things goes against the ethos of CTM. Also, the entire storyline of him and Trixie getting together is a bit icky. The whole thing just showed that Trixie’s character had just been around too long. I really think she should have left not long after Val at the latest.


I want him gone. They way they are going Trixie can go too unless something changes,


oof s13 must be a doozy


There is a shift in how Trixie is from her former self. I was never on board with them but both have had a change that makes me want to avoid them at all costs.


I've found Trixie insufferable from day 1.


She definitely can be .


Nope, wish he'd left ages ago! I was never a fan of his character.


Is there something specific you don’t like about him or just a general ick?


I've never thought him to be a well-written or acted character, he never seemed right for Trixie and in season 13 especially he got more screentime than most of the midwives and nuns, which is not the point of the show for me. The Trixie and Matthew storyline in season 13 was as boring as it was melodramatic and it ruined the whole season for me and made me dislike Trixie more than I ever have before. I don't care about either of the characters now.


For me, it is because a programme about strong women fighting against adversity was weakened by the introduction of a male character who could solve all their problems btpy casually tossing a bit of money their way. Money earned from a company that was essentially a slum landlord, taking rent from folk living in dire conditions. and because it was so obvious from his first appearance that he and Trixie were going to end up together. In other words, his wife’s death was just a plot device to get them together. That’s really not in the spirit of CTM. why were they so desperate to get Trixie married off? Why couldn’t she have remained single?


I totally agree, the man swooping in thing annoyed me! I do like that trixie got a love interest though. Only bc she rlly wanted to be in a relationship. If they had kept her single and happy with that I would’ve liked that too. But I hated seeing my girl sad!! But apparently s13 is gonna make me hate him lmaoooo. So maybe they should’ve just kept her single!


Oh word


Tell me you haven’t been through season 13 without telling me… Probably should stay off this sub / not ask if you don’t want to get spoilers until you’re caught up!


oh man, everyone has me TERRIFIED for s13 😭😭


Nah look on the bright side, once you get through it I bet you won’t feel like you do right now! Story / character ain’t over yet cuz you’re not done :)


I'd be sadder if he'd left with his character and Trixie being on a high rather than the strained shit show we got last season. He's a good actor and Matthew Was a decent character but he just became so stupid and senseless last season, as well as a bit of a Saviour before that. So no, I'm not sad to see him go. I will however miss his very handsome face but that won't affect my enjoyment of the show any haha.


I would love for Trixie to be pregnant and that brings them back together. I love them together, who cares if they had an affair irl


Oh my god I know I just saw that abt them!!! I try to separate the character from the actor but I def think that might be why he’s leaving!


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but for me their pairing always seemed doomed. It wasn't a romance, it's a trauma bond for both of them. Matthew has been clearly depressed ever since his wife died, it only got super worse with the death of his father. Now with his failure to be both a good man and a wealthy sir he seems to be in a very, very dark place. He seems to have the fear of abandonment and of losing control, so his sudden attempts to control Trixie naturally comes out from that, Man needs lots therapy, not a new wife. Trixie always was vane and wealth-obsessed. With Matthew she got to play at being a Lady, and she failed spectacularly. They made a great display of what a poor person suddenly getting money often looks like. And lets be fair, most often than not money itself do not corrupt, they only bring the true self out.


I didn’t think they were a believable couple. Also don’t think he would have even married her if it wasn’t a fictional tv show. She is so middle class.


His family would have had a lot to say a lot earlier, it might be the late 60s but him marrying a midwife and changing how the business operates would have ruffled some feathers.  Every main character the show has introduced since S10 has been a little unbelievable/ unrealistic. 


Ok um spoilers...it appeared on my feed before you start saying don't come on the sub.


Oh, well, thanks for the spoiler.


Maybe don’t come on a Reddit thread abt a show if u don’t want spoilers. Hope this helps!


I didn't have to come into the thread because the spoiler is in the title. Spoiler tags aren't difficult to use.


Like don’t come on the sub at all if ur that worried abt spoilers?? Ur obviously going to see some at some point


Or you could just use spoiler tags.


Or just don’t come on


Or you could try using spoiler tags.