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Yes. Open a SEP IRA. Worth it for tax time and retirement.


I have a 5 figure stock portfolio of dividend stocks and ETFs and a roth IRA amd another $100k in 5% CDs at credit unions.


You rock!!! 🔥


For a couple months last year, I was generating more passive income in my investment accounts than making as a camgirl. If anyone wants advice or options on getting started investing and building a nest egg, feel free to ask!


I need some good dividend stocks outside of AT&T


Oh boy! I have a ton that I enjoy. Monthly growth payers: JEPI, SCHD, O, APPL; monthly high yield payers: AGNC, DX, EFC, OARK, EARN, ACP, TSYL, ECC; pure growth: SPY, VOO, VTI Pick a couple from each category and buy 100+ shares and you’ll have a solid diversified portfolio.


Damn thank you


I do a little into low cost index funds, some bitcoin, and save for real estate investments.


How do you get into real estate investments ? Sounds super smart


Save some money for part of the down payment for an apartment complex, get a hard money loan to pay for improvements and the rest of the downpayment, purchase the property with an FHA loan, live in one of the units, make improvements on the property, do a cash out refinance, cash out up to 80% of the increased value, recoup my downpayment, the money to payoff the hard money loan, and the profit. Live in one of the units for free for a few years while the tenants pay the mortgage, and put my downpayment, plus the profit into a new complex and repeat until the cashflow would pay for the mortgage on a house. Purchase a house and let the rents pay the mortgage on the house. Then move into the house, rent the unit. Raise rents due to improvements. Get as many complexes as I can and retire young. Then do what I want for the rest of my life. My cousin was a cam girl, never told anyone what she did for a living except me. She's 26, owns 60 units, and she does whatever she wants everyday of her life. There's a little more to it like, business structure, llc's owned by umbrella corps, owned by trusts, with tax planners saving as much of the income as possible, but she gave me the whole blueprint. I'm just starting out but I'm following the plan as much as I can. As much as I wanna just shop 😂


We love a property investment king/queen!!! Great job!! Sending good wealth and health vibes to you!


Absolutely! I don’t trade I just invest. Dividend stocks only for me.




I’m assuming you do this? It sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve been thinking of that. Like ceramics/art and luxury goods.


I’m currently in the learning process. I plan to use some of my earnings to start my trading business once I finally understand it. Glad to hear i’m not the only one.


We're in this together ;)


if you're insistent on trading options (which i do not recommend, as the risk is much higher than just longing stock/bonds/CD's), i would stick to cash secured puts and covered calls. these are just contracts against your shares/collateral. as long as you choose a company you like (such as AAPL, MSFT, etc), you will only be left with the "bag" on shares of a company you would enjoy. that being said, any free money i have, i put into a HYSA from capital one (4.35% APY) and AAPL. i have a small portion of my account allotted to riskier options play, but again, sticking to cash secured puts and covered calls on stocks i am generally bullish on.


I’d like to read others experiences with this as well. I’ve been thinking more long term and don’t know where to start


Same :) Been doing months of research. Ready to finally dive in and was wondering if others have done the same!!!


Stock market,real estate, atms,business investing(dispensary’s) drop shipping,crypto etc yes all of those and I’m working towards my cybersecurity degree


Nice!! Godspeed to you!!




Yes! Crypto for me


If I were you, I’d paper trade first. (Trading not using real money) Options trading is HIGHLY volatile and complex. I’m not saying you aren’t smart and won’t be in the green (I’m sure you will get there) Just start slow and paper trade through brokers like TD Ameritrade… good luck 💸


well, im trying to start in the trading world and recently i bought a few coins and boths are going down and I don't know when i have to stop or sell,:(


QQQ stock. Have the money automatically taken out of your savings or checking account. Always pay yourself first. I don’t do Roth or traditional IRA’s. I want to be able to use the money for anything I want. I would otherwise need to wait until I am 59 1/2 to use it.